ABEL, J. J., Arthur Robertson Cushny and Pharmacology, 507 Academy of, Science, Tennessee, R. NUNN, 24; Indiana, H. F. DIETZ, 170; West Virginia, 214; Ohio, W. H. ALEXANDER, 601; North Carolina, B. CUNNINGHAM, 602; Sciences, National, Annual Meeting, 482, 505, 528, Forestry Research, 563; Utah, C. A. SMITH, 602 Acoustic Phenomena, H. M. SMITH, 586
ADAMS, E. Q., Subscript and Superscript Exponents, 621 AD INFINITUM, Characters for the Typewriter, 477 Adsorption Mechanisms, M. L. HUGGINS and J. FIELD, 2ND, 454
Agriculture, U. S. Dept., Appropriations for, 159
Airy or "Roots of Mountains' Theory, W. Bowie, 371 Albatross II, H. B. BIGELOW, 500
ALEXANDER, W. H., Ohio Acad. of Science, 601 Algebraic Numbers and Division, J. C. FIELDS, 553 Allen, H. S., Photoelectricity, H. E. IVES, 95 ALLEN, W. E., Marine Plankton Diatoms, 96 American, Association for the Advancement of Science, A-123, 553; B-53, 123, 579; C-125; D—125; E— 126; F-127, 171, 195; G-130; H—75, 135; I-136; K-137; L-137, 193; M-25, 138; N-139; 0—139, 341; Q-141; Address of the retiring president, 1, 29; Pacific Div., 1926 Meeting, 13, 470; Officers, 40, 119, 143, for Kansas City Meeting, 108; Permanent Secre- tary's Report, 99; Science Exhibition, 104, at Philadel- phia, B. E. LIVINGSTON, 561; Third Association Prize, 105; Council Roll, 109; Executive Committee Roll, 111, Spring Meeting, B. E. LIVINGSTON, 551; Legislative and Executive Proceedings, 112; Resolutions, 114, 552; Financial Reports, 115; Progress Report of Committee on Philological Sciences, 118; Progress Report of Com- mittee on Place of the Sciences in Education, 118; The President Elect, 120; Kansas City Sessions of Sections and Societies, 122; Organization and Work, 143; Future Annual Meetings, 145; Special Notes, B. E. LIVINGSTON, 146; Smithsonian Institution, A. H. CLARK, 147; Southwestern Division, 159, 367, 204; Committee of One Hundred, Papers, 317, 321, 324; Museum of Natural History, Asiatic Expedition of, 274; Expedi- tions, 329; to Greenland, 538; Astronomic Hall, G. C. FISHER, 347
Amoeba Proteus, The Contractile Vacuole Granules in, M. M. METCALF, 523
Anthropological Assoc., Amer., 214 Archeological Soc., Wis., Awards, 518
Arithmetic, American, Earliest Known, L. C. KARPINSKI,
Armour Inst. of Tech. and Northwestern Univ., ARNDT, C. H., The Askenasy Experiment, 527 ARTHUR, J. C., and F. D. KERN, Conversations with Euro- pean Mycologists, 558
Arylthioureas, Formation of Arylguanidines and Aryl- isothiocyanates from, T. B. JOHNSON, 366 Askenasy Experiment, C. H. ARNDT, 527 Astronomic Education, Popular, G. C. FISHER, 81 Astronomical Soc., Address of Retiring President, 263 Atmometer Spheres, B. E. LIVINGSTON and J. D. WILSON, 362
Atmospheric Pollution, A. McADIE, 310
Bacteria, in Oil Field Waters, E. S. BASTIN, F. E. GREER, C. A. MERRITT and G. MOULTON, 21; in Iron, A. C. SWINNERTON, 74
Bacterial Leafspot on Squash, M. K. BRYAN, 165 Bacteriophage, does it respire?, J. BRONFENBRENNER, 51 BAITSELL, G. A., Tissue Culture, T. S. P. Strangeways, 618
BALDWIN, H. I., The Automobile and Woodpecker, 358 BARKER, F. D., Evolution and the Univ. of Nebraska, 371 BARNES, W. C., William E. Safford, 418
Barton, Samuel Marx, J. K. ROBERTS, 249 BASTIN, E. S., F. E. GREER, C. A. MERRITT and G. MOUL- TON, Bacteria in Oil Field Waters, 21 Bateson, William, T. H. MORGAN, 531 BAXTER, D. V., Filibert Roth, 348
BEDELL, F., and H. J. REICH, A Cathode Ray for Oscillo- graph, 619
BEEBE, W., The Humboldt Current, 91; Tropical Research of N. Y. Zool. Soc., 515
Beets, Sugar, Curly-top of, E. CARSNER, 213
BEHRE, C. J., JR., Sand Flotation in Nature, 405 BENNDORF, H., and V. F. HESS, Publications, Atmospheric Electricity, 571
BERGQUIST, S. G., Roger Webb Gannett, 297 Berland, L., Faune de France, L. O. HOWARD, 166 BERRY, E. W., Antaeus, or the Future of Geology, 475 Bethel, Ellsworth, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 201 Bibliographies, J. STROHL, 218
BIGELOW, H. B., The Albatross II, 500 Biological, Sciences, National Research Fellowships in, 395, F. R. LILLIE, 590; Laboratory, at Cold Spring Harbor, 419; Station Barro Colorado Island, V. KEL- LOGG, 491
Biologists, Program for, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 635 Biology, Experimental, Federation of Amer. Societies for, W. J. MEEK, 98; The Duty of, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 367 "Bios," M. B. MACDONALD, 187
Blood Studies in Anesthesia, H. J. STANDER and A. H. RADELET, 642
BOLTWOOD, B. B., Chemistry and Pure Science, 345 BOND, D., The de Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, 636 Bonne, C., and J. Bonne-Wepster, Mosquitoes of Surinam, L. O. HOWARD and H. G. DYAR, 457
BORING, E. G., Citations of Scientific Literature, 456 Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, 516
Botanical Publications, J. M. COULTER, 71
Bottle, New Spiral Gas-washing, L. H. MILLIGAN, 363 BOWEN, R. H., Structure of Plant Protoplasm, 620 BOWIE, W., The Airy or "Roots of Mountains" Theory,
Bragg, W. H., and W. L., X-Rays and Crystal Structure, W. P. DAVEY, 259
BREWSTER, E. T., The Fundamentalists, 383 BRIGGS, C. H., Bleached Flour and Neutralized Cream, 255 BRISTOL, C. L., Oceanographic Station at Salammbo, 448 British, Science News Service, C. W. H., 335; Assoc. for the Adv. of Science, Oxford Meeting, 396 BRONFENBRENNER, J., Does Bacteriophage respire?, 51 BROWN, B., Luminous Spider, 383
BROWN, E. D., Soc. for Pharmacol. and Exper. Thera- peutics, 192
BROWNE, C. A., Sir John Burchmore Harrison, 587 Brown's Park Formation, O. A. PETERSON, 231 BRYAN, M. K., Bacterial Leafspot on Squash, 165 Buller, A. H. R., Researches on Fungi, G. P. C., 571 BURR, F. F., Woodpeckers and the Automobile, 524
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