BYERLY, P., A Seismological Note, 307 BYERLY, T. C., Living Chick Embryo, 458 C., G. P., Researches on Fungi, A. H. R. Buller, 571 Campbell, C. A. R., Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars, T. I. CAMPBELL, F. L., Insect Toxicology, 45 CAMPBELL, W. W., Do we live in a Spiral Nebula?, 263 Cancer, Control of, in Mass. and N. Y., 631 Capillarity Effect, F. M. DENTON, 339 Carboniferous Rocks, in Mexico, G. H. GIRTY, 286 CARSNER, D., Curly-top of Sugar Beets, 213 Case School of Applied Science, Gifts to, 470 Cats for Dissection, A. M. REESE, 501 CATTELL, J. McK., Psychological Experiments, 1, 29; Scientific Research in the U. S., 188; American Men Cavallini's "Asexual Cycle in Arcella," B. D. REYNOLDS, Cell Structure and Cell Movements, P. L. DU NOUY, 284 Cells in Masses, Shape of, F. T. LEWIS, 607 Ceramic Pigments of Indians, F. E. E. GERMANN, 480 Chemical, Soc., Amer., Regional Meeting at Madison, 250; Tulsa Meeting, 273, C. L. PARSONS, 432; Golden Jubi- lee of, 591; Warfare Service, Consultants, 539 Chemistry, at Chicago Univ., 64; and Pure Science, B. B. BOLTWOOD, 345; at N. Y. Univ., 376; Lectureship at Chestnut Trees, Blighted, A. H. GRAVES, 164; Conserva- Chick, Living, Embryo, T. C. BYERLY, 458; Embryonic Chromium, Displaced Series in the Spectrum of, C. C. Citations, Literature, Simplified, M. C. MERRILL, 68; C. F. GOLDTHWAIT, 68; H. L. KNIGHT, 69; P. H. FURFEY, 231; E. G. BORING, 456; E. W. GIFFORD, 457; F. A. MCDERMOTT, 596; A. REHDER, 596 CLARK, A. H., The Smithsonian Institution, 147 CLEVELAND, L. R., Oxygenation, 168 COBB, J. N., University of Washington and Fisheries Re- COCKERELL, T. D. A., Ellsworth Bethel, 201; The Duty of Biology, 367; Program for Biologists, 635 Coffin, Charles A., Foundation, 469 COLBY, C. C., Assoc. of Amer. Geographers, 287 COLE, K., New Type of Electron Spectrograph, 575 COLLINS, J. L., Inheritance of Anthocyanin in Crepis, 52 COMPTON, K. T., Dielectric Constant and Molecular Struc- Constant-level Regulating Device, R. L. STEHLE, 404 COOKSEY, C. D., and D. COOKSEY, Focal Spot of an X-ray Copperheads, Venom of, A. M. REESE, 357 COULTER, J. M., Botanical Publications, 71; History of CRAIG, W., Twilight Song of the Wood Pewee, 525 CREIGHTON, W. S., Luminescence of Fireflies, 600 Crepis, Inheritance of Anthocyanin in, J. L. COLLINS, 52 CRIST, J. W., Graduate Work in Horticulture, 357 CROSBY, I. B., Earthquakes in New England, 186 Crosby, William Otis, D. JOHNSON, 609 CUMMINGS, B., Problems of a Scientific Investigator, 321 Cushny, Arthur Robertson, J. J. ABEL, 507 CUTLER, E. C., The Medical Profession, 603 DALL, W. H., Edward Sylvester Morse, 157 DAVIS, W. M., Outrageous Geological Hypotheses, 463 DEAN, P. M., Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, 501 DENTON, F. M., Capillarity Effect, 339 Dewbows by Moonlight, M. EWING, 527 Dielectric Constant and Molecular Structure, K. T. COMP- DIETZ, H. F., Indiana Academy of Science, 170 DRESDEN, A., Amer. Mathematical Society, 316 DUNCAN, D. C., CO Bands, 382 Earthquake, Study, N. Y. City as a Field for, C. A. Earthquakes, in New England, I. B. CROSBY, 186; Vol- ECKLES, C. H., Neutralized Cream, 257 Education Board, International, 375 Educational Work in Mississippi, 251 EHRENFELD, F., Clearness of the Ohio River, 19 Eldridge, S., Organization of Life, W. E. RITTER, 167 Electricity, Atmospheric, H. BENNDORF and V. F. HESS, Electrochemical, Commission, International, 327; Soc., Electrolysis and Railway Companies, I. D. VAN GIESEN, Electron Spectrograph, K. COLE, 575 Electrons, Gyromagnetic, L. V. KING, 504 Ellipsoid of Reference, New International, and the Fig- EMERSON, H., Morbidity of the American Indians, 229 Engineering, and Science, A. E. KENNELLY, 25; Founda- Engineers, Electrical, Amer. Inst. of, 204 ENGLISH, H. B., Mathematics for College Freshmen, 46 EPSTEIN, P. S., Undulatory Theory of Light, 387 Ether-Drift Experiments of 1925, D. C. MILLER, 433 Eugenics, Annals of, S. J. HOLMES, 232 Eugenothenics, W. M. GOLDSMITH, 403 Evolution, and the Univ. of Nebraska, F. D. BARKER, 71, H. F. OSBORN, 209; Lectures on, at Calif. Inst., 181; Legislation in Kentucky, 203; of Man, 350; History FAIRCHILD, H. L., Pleistocene Features of Southern New Fake, Life History of, C. W. HARGITT, 334 Fever, Oroya, Cultivation of the Microbe of, H. NOGUCHI and T. S. BATTISTINI, 212 FIELD, G. W., Polluting Water Courses, 443 FIELD, R. M., Maps for the International Geological Con- Field Museum, James Simpson-Roosevelt Expedition, 86; Fireflies, The Luminescence of, W. S. CREIGHTON, 600 Fisheries Research and Univ. of Washington, J. N. Flames, Sensitive, A. T. JONES, 355 Flather, J. J., O. M. LELAND, 629 FLEXNER, S., Dr. Welch and the Johns Hopkins Uni- FLINN, A. D., Platform of the Engineering Foundation, FLINT, W. P., The Automobile and Wild Life, 426 Flow, produced by the Gills of Oyster and Other Mol- FORBES, E. B., Net Energy Determination, 311 Franklin Institute Medals, 495 FRANKLIN, W. S., Operative vs. Abstract Philosophy in Fundamentalists, E. T. BREWSTER, 383 FUNK, C., Isolation of Insulin, 401; Who discovered FURFEY, P. H., Literature Citations, 231 GAEHR, P. F., Ultra-Violet Lines, 18 GALTSOFF, P. S., Rate of Flow produced by the Gills of Galvanometry, The Microscope and, P. KIRKPATRICK, 283 Gannett, Roger Webb, S. G. BERGQUIST, 297 GARDNER, W. A., Decomposition of Toxins, 545 Gauge, McLeod, An Improved, B. NOYES, JR., 404 Geographers, Amer. Assoc. of, C. C. COLBY, 287 Geographical Soc. Amer., Award of Gold Medals, 12 Geological, Soc. of Amer., 170; Congress, International, 202; Madrid Meeting, 421; Maps for, R. M. FIELD, Geology, at Princeton Univ., 249; Antaeus, or the Fu- ture of, E. W. BERRY, 475; Field Trips in, W. C. Geometry, World and Experimental Science, A. C. LUNN, GERMANN, F. E. E., Cooperation in Research, 324; GESELL, R., Chemical Regulation of Respiration, 58 GIFFORD, E. W., Citations of Scientific Literature, 457 GIRTY, G. H., Carboniferous Rocks in Mexico, 286 GOLDSMITH, W. M., Eugenothenics, 403 GOLDTHWAIT, C. F., Simplified Literature Citations, 68 GORTNER, R. A., A Meteor Fall, 166 GOWEN, J. W., J. M. MURRAY, M. E. GOOCH and F. B. AMES, Rickets, Ultra-Violet Light and Milk, 97 GRAVES, A. H., Blighted Chestnut Trees, 164 Grey, Z., Fishing in Virgin Seas, D. S. JORDAN, 572 GRIER, N. M., The Master's Degree and Scientific Re- GRINNELL, J., Taxidermy and Museum Exhibition, J. Grouse, Ruffed, J. C. PHILLIPS, 92 GRUBB, A. C., Transfer of Excited Energy from Ozone to Grunion, Habits of the, D. S. JORDAN, 454 GUERARD, A., Eric Knight Jordan, 327 Guggenheim, Fund for Aeronautics, 159; Memorial Fel- H., C. W., British Science News Service, 335 H., W. J., Douglas Stewart, 493 Haldane, J. B. S., and the University of Cambridge, 298 HALL, V. E., F. DE EDS and P. J. HANZLIK, Oil Water HAMPTON, H. C., The Hydration of Colloids, 49 Harrison, Sir John Burchmore, C. A. BROWNE, 587 Harvard Univ., Awards from the Milton Fund, 349; Ex- HECK, N. H., Researches of the Department of Terres- HEGNER, R. W., Asexual Reproduction in Malarial Or- Helmholtz's Physiological Optics, L. T. TROLAND, 597 Honor, The Price of, 402 Hookworm Disease, Expedition to Cent. Amer. to study, 395 HOOTON, E. A., Racial Analysis, 75 Horticulture, Graduate Work in, J. W. CRIST, 357 237 HOWARD, L. O., Faune de France, L. Berland, 166; In- Howe, H. E., Chemistry in Industry, H. W. WILEY, 637 HUGHES-SCHRADER, S., Spermatogenesis in Icerya pur- HULSE, E. P., Characters for the Typewriter, 335 Humboldt Current and the Sargasso Sea, W. BEEBE, 91 HUMPHREYS, W. J., Traité de Geographie Physique, E. de Martonne, 189; The Temperature of the Air, 567 Hutton, A. E., Crystals, W. P. DAVEY, 259 Hypogaeous Fungi, W. A. SETCHELL and M. G. WATSON, 313 IBARA, Y., Culture Medium for Ciliate Lacrymaria, 212 Illinium, J. A. HARRIS, L. F. YNTEMA and B. S. HOPKINS, Income Tax and Scientists, R. H. TRUE, 279 Indiana Academy of Science, H. F. DIETZ, 170 Indians, American, Morbidity of, H. EMERSON, 229; White, of Darien, M. M. METCALF, 597 Inge, Dean, Science and Religion, N. E. STEVENS, 281 Insulin, The Isolation of, C. FUNK, 401 Iodine in Thyroid Deficiency, E. D. SIMPSON, 165; G. D. Ions of Inert Gases as Catalysts, S. C. LIND and D. C. Iowa, Univ. of, Research in Cerebral Physiology, 299 KARPINSKI, L. C., Earliest known American Arithmetic, KEEN, W. W., Human Tails, 359, 595 KELLEY, A. P., Conservation of Our Native Chestnut, 476 KENNELLY, A. E., Engineering and Science, 25; The KIESS, C. C., and O. LAPORTE, Spectrum of Chromium, KING, L. V., Gyromagnetic Electrons, 504 KING, W. E., Study for Medical Technicians, 36 KNIGHT, H. L., Simplified Literature Citations, 69 KRUMBHAAR, E. B., Amer. Soc. for Exper. Pathology, 339 KURRELMEYER, B., Photo-electric Photometry, 640 Lacrymaria, Ciliate, Culture Medium for, Y. IBARA, 212 LAMBERT, W. D., The Figure of the Earth and the New International Ellipsoid of Reference, 242 LEFFMAN, H., Scientific References, 231 LEIGHTON, M. M., Support of U. S. Geol. Survey, 208 Lemmings on St. Paul Island, Alaska, H. O'MALLEY, 596 LEWIS, F. T., Shape of Cells in Masses, 607 Light, Localization in Ctenophores, Y. K. OKADA, 262; Undulatory Theory of, P. S. EPSTEIN, 387 LILLIE, F. R., Fellowships in the Biological Sciences, 590 LIVINGSTON, B. E., Permanent Secretary's Report of Kan- sas City Meeting of Amer. Assoc., 99; The President Elect, 120; Special Notes, 145; Spring Meeting Execu- tive Committee, 551; Science Exhibition at Philadel- phia, 561; and J. D. Wilson, Atmometer Spheres, 362 LLOYD, F. E., Vampyrella Lateritia, 364; and G. W. MCADIE, A., Atmospheric Pollution, 310 MCCLENDON, J. F., The Enamel of the Teeth and the MCDERMOTT, F. A., Citations of Scientific Literature, 596 MACDONALD, M. B., The Term "Bios,'' 187 MACDONALD, W., The Intellectual Worker, 317 MACKIE, R. A., The Value of Sociology, 93 MCWHORTER, F. P., Differential Counts of Small Spores, MADSEN, T., S. T. Darling Memorial Prize, 335 Magnetism, Terrestrial, Researches in, N. H. HECK, 477 Mapping and Modern Civilization, E. L. JONES, 535 Mathematical Soc., Amer., R. G. D. RICHARDSON, 315; Mathematics for College Freshmen, H. B. ENGLISH, 46 MAYER, L. S., Radio Information, 618 Medal, Daniel Giraud Elliot, 329 Medical, Technicians, W. É. KING, 36; Education at Univ. of Cincinnati, Exhibition, 203; Profession, E. C. Medicine, Yale School of, 13 MEEK, W. J., Federation of Amer. Societies for Exper. MENGES, C. L. R. E., Relativity, 427 MENZIES, A. W. C., and C. A. SLOAT, Millikan Rays, 44 Meteor Fall, R. A. GORTNER, 166 Metric System, Britten Bill, 224 METZ, C. W., Monocentric Mitosis in Sciara, 190 MILLER, D. C., Ether-drift Experiments of 1925, 433 MILLER, R. C., and L. C. BOYNTON, Digestion of Wood by MILLIGAN, L. H., New Spiral Gas-washing Bottle, 363 Millikan Rays, A. W. C. MENZIES and C. A. Sloat, 44 Mineralogical Soc. of Amer., 170 MINNICH, D. E., Amer. Soc. of Zoologists, 214 Mitosis, Monocentric, in Sciara, C. W. METZ, 190 MOHLER, F. L., The Spectra Argon II and Neon II, 405 мook, C. C., Osteology of Reptiles, S. W. Williston, 20 Morse, Edward Sylvester, W. H. DALL, 157; H. W. MORSE, W. C., Field Trips in Geology, 617 Mycologists, European, Conversations with, J. C. ARTHUR NAKAHARA, W., Chicken Sarcoma, 549 National, Research, Endowment, 10, 158; Council, Work NEWTON, A. J., Royal Photographic Society, 524 NOGUCHI, H., Herpetomonads and Leishmanias, 503; and NOUY, P. L. DU, Cell Structure and Cell Movements, 284 NOYES, B., JR., An Improved McLeod Gauge, 404 NUNN, R., Tennessee Academy of Science, 24 NUTTING, C. C., Work on Sphenodon, 210 Oceanographic, Investigations, T. W. VAUGHAN, 8, 297; Ohio, River, Clearness of the, F. EHRENFELD, 19; Acad. Oil, and Gas Power National Conference, 396; Water PALMER, R. H., Upper Pleistocene along the Oaxaca Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Third, 351 Parson, B. S., Left-handedness, S. SMITH, 383 PARSONS, C. L., Tulsa Meeting of Amer. Chem. Soc., 432 PEARSON, J. F. W., Tropical Research Station of N. Y. Pewee, Wood, Twilight Song of the, W. Craig, 525 PERKINS, H. F., Gonionemus, 93 PETERSON, O. A., Brown's Park Formation, 231 Pharmacology and Exp. Therapeutics, Soc. for, E. D. PHILLIPS, J. C., The Ruffed Grouse, 92 Physical, Soc., Amer., Address of President, 433; Lab- Physics, Philosophy in, W. S. FRANKLIN, 623 Physiological Soc., Amer., W. J. MEEK, 191 Photometry, Photo-electric, B. KURRELMEYER, 640 Piper, Charles Vancouver, A. J. PIETERS, 248 Pittsburgh, Univ. of, Mellon Lectures, 419 Plankton Diatoms, Marine, W. E. ALLEN, 96 Plant Sciences, International Congress of, 180 Plants, Disease Resisting, L. R. JONES, 341 Pleistocene, Features of Southern New England, H. L. FAIRCHILD, 260; Upper, in Mexico, B. H. PALMER, 476 Plotz, Ella Sachs, Foundation, 299 Poggendorff, J. C., Biographisch-literarisches Handwör- PORTER, H. F. J., National Museum of Engineering and Potatoes, Wart Disease of, W. A. ROACH and W. B. Poultry Congress, World's, 275 PRICE, G. MCC., Letter to the Editor of SCIENCE, 259 Protoplasm, Plant, Structure of, R. H. BOWEN, 620 REHDER, A., Citations of Scientific Literature, 596 Relativity, C. L. R. E. MENGES, 427 Reprints, A. W. MEYER, 187 vii Reproduction, Asexual, in Malarial Organisms, R. W. Research, National Endowment, 10, 158; V. KELLOGG, RICHARDSON, R. G. D., Amer. Math. Soc., 315 ROARK, R. C., Fluorides vs. Fluosilicates as Insecticides, ROBERTS, J. K., Samuel Marx Barton, 249 Ross, F. E., The Photographic Image, P. G. NUTTING, 48 Rowley, J., Taxidermy and Museum Exhibition, J. GRIN- Royal, Society, Medals, Professor Einstein, 11, Professor Perkin, Professor Seward, Sir James Irvine, Professor Whitehead, F. E. Smith, 38; New Foreign Members, 611; Edinburgh, Elections, 375; College of Surgeons, Award of Prizes, 494; Photographic Soc., A. J. NEW- RUARK, A. E., and F. G. BRICK WEDDE, Effect of an Elec- Rumford Fund, A. E. KENNELLY, 223 RUSSELL, H. N., Outdoor Optical Experiment, 616 Saccardo, P. A., "Sylloge Fungorum," W. TRELEASE, 361 Safford, William E., W. C. BARNES, 418 Sand Flotation in Nature, C. H. BEHRE, JR., 405; E. H. Sarcoma, Chicken, W. NAKAHARA, 549 SCHAFFNER, J. H., Sexuality and Chromosome Constitu- SCHREINER, R., and L. M. SNOW, Unusual Strain of Ser- SCHUCHERT, C., Surface History of the Earth, J. Joly, 502 Schuchert, Charles, Tribute to, 450 Science, Pure, The Torch of, 188; not in it, E. E. SLOS- SON, 258; and Industry, Commonwealth Inst. of, 630 Scientific, Events, 11, 38, 62, 85, 158, 180, 202, 223, 249, 273, 298, 327, 349, 375, 395, 419, 448, 469, 494, 517, 538, 561, 589, 610, 630; Notes and News, 14, 41, 64, 87, 160, 182, 205, 225, 251, 276, 300, 330, 351, 377, 397, 422, 450, 471, 496, 519, 540, 564, 591, 613, 632; Books, 29, 47, 71, 95, 166, 189, 211, 232, 259, 282, 309, 336, 360, 383, 428, 457, 477, 502, 525, 546, 571, 597, 618, 637; Apparatus and Laboratory Methods, 49, 211, 233, 283, 362, 404, 458, 526, 572, 599, 619, 640; Method and Authority, E. LINTON, 171, 195, 569; Research in the U. S., J. McK. CATTELL, 188; References, Quotation of, H. LEFFMANN, 231; Investigator, Problems of, B. CUMMINGS, 321; Workers, Railroad Passes for, H. W. Scientist, Amateur, N. W. RAKESTRAW, 280 SEIBERT, F. B., Isolation of Crystalline Protein with Seismological, Note, P. BYERLY, 307; Soc. of Amer., Serratia marcescens bizio, Unusual Strain of, R. SERVICE, J. H., Seismic Wave Velocity, 616 SETCHELL, W. A., and M. G. WATSON, The Hypogaeous Sexuality and Chromosome Constitution, J. H. SCHAFF- SHEAR, C. L., and F. E. CLEMENTS, Systematic Mycology, SHENSTONE, A. G., Copper Spectrum, 641 Shipworm, Digestion of Wood by, R. C. MILLER and L. SHULL, A. F., Amer. Soc. of Naturalists, 315 Sigma Xi, at Univ. of Cincinnati, 495 SIMPSON, E. D., Iodine in Thyroid Deficiency, 165 SIMPSON, G. G., Are Dromatherium and Microconodon SLOSSON, E. E., Science not in it, 258 Slosson, E. E., Sermons of a Chemist, D. S. JORDAN, 478 SMITH, C. A., Utah Academy of Sciences, 602 SMITH, E. F., Black Chaff of Wheat in Russia, 305 SMITH, H. M., Acoustic Phenomena, 586 SMITH, S., Left-handedness, B. S. Parson, 383 Smith, Thomas Allison, W. C. LUSK, 179 Smithsonian, Institution, A. H. CLARK, 147; -Chrysler 273 Societies and Academies, 170, 191, 214, 315, 339, 432, 578 Sociology, The Value of, R. A. MACKIE, 93 Soil Science, Fifth International Conference, 494 Solar Observatory, in Southwest Africa, 470 Sollas, W. J., Ancient Hunters, G. G. MACCURDY, 211 Special Articles, 21, 51, 73, 96, 168, 190, 212, 234, 260, 284, 310, 338, 364, 384, 405, 430, 459, 479, 503, 527, Spectra Argon II and Neon II, F'. L. MOHLER, 405 Spermatogenesis in Icerya purchasi, S. HUGHES- Sphenodon, Work on, C. C. NUTTING, 210 Spider, Luminous, B. BROWN, 383 Spores, Differential Counts of Small, F. P. MCWHORTER, 211 SPILLMAN, W. J., Growth of Trees, 18 Standardization, International Organization for, 539 STANDER, H. J., and A. H. RADELET, Blood Studies in STANDLEY, P. C., Carlos Werckle, 221 Statistical Inference, E. B. WILSON, 289 STEHLE, R. L., Constant Level Regulating Device, 404 STEVENS, N. E., Dean Inge on Science and Religion, 281 Stewart, Douglas, W. J. H., 493 STILES, C. W., Nomenclature, 361; and C. E. BAKER, The Case of Astacus, 1775, vs. Potamobius, 1819, 544 STORER, T. I., Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars, C. A. R. Strangeways, T. S. P., Tissue Culture, G. A. BAITSELL, 618 Stratton, F. J. M., Astronomical Physics, R. E. WILSON, STROHL, J., Bibliographies, 218 Subscript and Superscript Exponents, E. Q. ADAMS, 621 Surface Tension Measurement, P. E. KLOPSTEG, 599 Tails, Human, W. W. KEEN, 359, 595 Teeth, Enamel of, and the Saliva, J. F. MCCLENDON, 430 Temperature of the Air, why it decreases with Increase THAYER, W. S., Address on the Dedication of the New Thompson, Elizabeth, Science Fund, 419 Toxicology, Insect, F. L. CAMPBELL, 45 Transpiration, O. F. CURTIS, 267 Trees, Growth of, W. J. SPILLMAN, 18 TRELEASE, W., "Sylloge Fungorum," P. A. Saccardo, 361 Trenching, Channel, in Southwest, T. T. SWIFT, 70 TROLAND, L. T., Helmholtz's Physiological Optics, 597 Tropical Research, W. BEEBE, 515; Station, J. F. W. Trout Fry, Losses in, A. P. KNIGHT, 209 TRUE, R. H., Scientists and the Income Tax, 279 Ultra-Violet, Lines, P. F. GAEHR, 18; Light and Milk, University and Educational Notes, 17, 44, 68, 91, 164, Utah Academy of Science, C. A. SMITH, 602 Vacuoles, Origin of, F. E. LLOYD and G. W. SCARTH, 459 VAN GIESEN, I. D., Attitude of Electrical Railway Com- VARNEY, B. M., Climatic Laws, S. S. Visher, 282 Visher, S. S., Climatic Laws, B. M. VARNEY, 282 WARD, H. B., Conference on Recreation, 63 Wercklé, Carlos, P. C. STANDLEY, 221 West Virginia Academy of Science, 214 Wheat, Black Chaff of, in Russia, E. F. SMITH, 305 Wild Life and the Automobile, W. P. FLINT, 426 WILDMAN, E. E., Rotation of Ciliated Animals, 385 WILEY, H. W., Bleached Flour and Neutralized Cream, 257; Edward Sylvester Morse, 280; Chemistry in In- Williston, S. W., Osteology of Reptiles, C. C. Mook, 20 WILSON, R. E., Astronomical Physics, F. J. M. Stratton, Woodpecker and Automobile, H. L. DILL, 69; H. I. Wyckoff, R. W. G., Structure of Crystals, W. P. DAVEY, 259 Yale, New Museum of Natural History, 39 Zoological, Soc., New York, 86; Station, Naples, E. B. Zoologists, Amer. Soc. of, D. E. MINNICH, 214 |