practically shut off from the help of the U. S. Public Health Service, and confined within the Indian Bureau scheme of service, the Pueblo Indians are neglected just as the other tribal Indians are neglected. Their infant death-rate is extravagant, their eyesight is in jeopardy, and their racial tissue is being destroyed through venereal diseases. HAVEN EMERSON, President, American Indian Defense Ass'n DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY THE BROWN'S PARK FORMATION AMONG the paleontological material discovered during the summer of 1925 by Mr. J. LeRoy Kay of the section of paleontology, Carnegie Museum, is the remains of a long-jawed proboscidean most closely related to Tetrabelodon osborni, described by Professor Ervin H. Barbour.1 The above-mentioned specimen was discovered approximately six hundred to seven hundred feet above the base of the Brown's Park formation on the southern slope of Douglas Mountain, Moffatt County, Colorado. Mr. Kay has informed me both orally and by letter that this specimen referred to above is from the Brown's Park sediment; that there is no evidence that it was found in a later formation superimposed upon the Brown's Park; and that the find is from approximately the middle horizon of the vertical section of the Brown's Park strata in this locality. Having these facts before us the question remains as to the age of the Brown's Park formation. In an earlier publication2 this formation was cautiously referred to the lower and middle Miocene. From our recent discoveries this is no longer tenable. We must now regard the series as pertaining to the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene. In the near future, when a complete study of the material obtained and more data on the geology of the region is at hand, a complete report will appear in the Carnegie Museum publications. CARNEGIE MUSEUM O. A. PETERSON THE QUOTATION OF SCIENTIFIC REFERENCES I HAVE been much interested in the correspondence concerning the methods of quoting references. In my work as lecturer on research in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science I have impressed 1 American Journal of Science, Vol. XLI, No. 246, June, 1916, p. 522. 2 Ann. Car. Mus., Vol. XV, 1924, p. 299. upon my students the importance of giving both the year and volume, when such are available. Some German publications have no regular volume number, simply giving the "Jahrgang." I have advised that if there were a series number it should be placed in brackets as the first item, then should follow the year, the volume and the page. It is to be hoped, I think, that the practice of using Roman numerals for the volume will be entirely disregarded. In the smaller figures there is but little inconvenience, but in the higher numbers the system is very confusing. It has occurred to me that there might be an international agreement by which each journal in a certain department of science, say chemistry, should be given a number which might be in order of its seniority of its establishment-this would save the irregularity of abbreviations that are noticed in the litera ture and also ambiguity; for instance, "Ber." is now frequently used for the publications of the German Chemical Society, but there are other "Berichte." Biblical critics, who possibly have a smaller number of journals for references, have adopted a simple method, at least for the more important: thus, BDMG is the sign of "Berichte der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft"; PSBA, "Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology." I think, however, the numbering system would be preferable. I recall a case in which the reference was iv as the volume; the year was also given. I knew that volume four could not have been in that year but must be a much higher number. The real number was lv, the mention of the year saved me from a long search through the files. I see no particular objection to the use of a heavy faced type for the volume number and habitually employ it. The subject is one of considerable importance, as the enormous extent of scientific literature obligates a writer to many references. PHILADELPHIA, PA. HENRY LEFFMANN LITERATURE CITATIONS I HAVE read with interest a number of letters which recently appeared in SCIENCE which dealt with the subject of simplified literature citations. All this is timely. References to volume number ought to be given in bold-face Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals. But scientific writers are sometimes guilty of worse faults than giving references in cumbersome form; sometimes they exasperate their readers by omitting essential parts of their literature citations or even by leaving the references out altogether. To take an almost random sampling from my reading of the last week or so: (1) Dr. A. has written a brilliant article on the validation of mental tests, but his references lose themselves in a mass of "op. cit." at the bottom of the page; (2) Dr. B. has written an excellent text on certain aspects of psychology, but he consistently omits the initials of the writers whose books he quotes, leaving one the annoying task of going through a whole drawer of "Smiths" at the library before finding the particular Smith whom Dr. B. had in mind; (3) Mr. C. conducts a very fine abstract department in his magazine, but his references to periodicals are by month and year without the volume, while the remainder of the magazine uniformly cites by volume and year without the month; (4) Dr. D. has written the best book yet on behaviorism, but the only references he gives are the surnames of the authors quoted inserted in the text in parentheses. Dr. D. remarks jauntily in his preface that the student who desires exact references "cannot be too early trained to use the Psychological Index." There is something to be said for the auto da fé. It gave an exasperated public a chance to get even with scientific men who lacked a sense of responsibility. PAUL HANLY FURFEY THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA SCIENTIFIC BOOKS Annals of Eugenics: a Journal for the Scientific Study of Racial Problems, Vol. I, Parts I and II, University Press, Cambridge, 1925, pp. 256. THE Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics has issued the first two parts of a periodical entitled the Annals of Eugenics: a Journal for the Scientific Study of Racial Problems. It is edited by the director of the Galton Laboratory, Professor Karl Pearson who, with Miss E. M. Elderton, contributes a foreword outlining the scope and aims of the new journal. Those who are familiar with the writings of Professor Pearson might be reasonably certain as to several things which would be said in this introductory statement. The journal is to be rigidly scientific, containing "the work of trained scientists rather than of propagandists and dilettanti." Emphasis is laid on the fact that the worker in the field of eugenics requires a fundamental training in mathematics as well as in genetics and anthropology. "By whatever manner we approach heredity and selection in man," the authors tell us, "we still meet the dominating fact that probability lies at the basis of our knowledge; and that snare-besprinkled area of mathematical science—where the greatest have been impaled -justifies us when we assert that the study of eugenics requires now, and will require still more as it advances in the future, the most highly trained scientific minds. Little real progress will be made by popular discussion, and by dilettante work." There is a real need for a journal which publishes technical and mathematical papers on eugenics, a need which is scarcely met by such periodicals as Biometrika or Metron. The papers comprising the present issues of the Annals of Eugenics, for instance, do not quite fall within the scope of any other journal. The first paper of the Annals is by Karl Pearson and Margaret Moul on "The Problem of Alien Immigration into Great Britain, Illustrated by an Examination of Russian and Polish Jewish Children." The English, like ourselves, have their immigration prob lems, and one of the most serious of these is occa sioned by the influx of Russian and Polish Jews. The authors take the very reasonable position that "the law of patriotism for a crowded country surely must be to admit not those who merely reach our own average and a fortiori not whose who fall below-but only those who can give us, either physically or mentally, what we do not possess or possess only in inadequate quantity." The endeavor is therefore made to find out whether the people of Jewish origin compare favorably with the average of the native British population. The data for the study of the Jewish population were obtained largely from school children, together with what information could be secured in regard to their parents. These findings were compared with those obtained from the Gentile school population living under various conditions. Nearly three fourths of the foreign-born Jewish parents were unable to make any really effective use of the English language, and about a third of the parents were illiterate even in their own language. The alien Jewish population has something like 50 per cent. more bad health than the corresponding native population. Notwithstanding the presumed immunity of the Jew to tuberculosis, the statistics seem to indicate a greater prevalence of tuberculosis among the Jewish children than among the average children of the London elementary schools. When it comes to bad tonsils and adenoids, heart disease, defective teeth, diseases of eyes and ears, and in fact most physical characters except stature and weight, the Jewish population is inferior to the average of the Gentiles. In cleanliness of clothes and person, the Jewish children are behind the average of the Gentiles, even of the poorer districts, and they have an unenviable record also for the toleration of pediculi. From the standpoint of physique, the available evidence does not indicate that the Russian and the Polish Jews are apt to raise the level of the British population. Part II of the paper is devoted to an investigation of intelligence. The data were secured by teachers who graded their students into a number of classes ranging from very able to mentally defective. No 15 ד significant relationship was discovered between the occupation, education or health of parents and the intelligence of their children. There was also little correlation between the intelligence and the health, nutrition or cleanliness of the individual child. The intelligence of Jewish boys was somewhat better than that of the boys of the poorer Gentile schools, but inferior to that of the medium or superior Gentile schools. The Jewish girls were apparently less intelligent than the Gentile girls in all schools. One rather striking fact brought out by the investigation was that whereas, among the Gentiles, boys and girls of corresponding ages were of about the same degree of intelligence, among the Jews the girls were distinctly inferior in intelligence to the boys. How far this is a general racial characteristic is a question which requires further investigation. There is no evidence in the memoir of any prejudice against the Jew. The authors state that their "chief fear in checking indiscriminate immigration is not that Britain may lose a supply of cheap labor, but that we may exclude a future Spinoza, a Mendelssohn, a Heine, or an Einstein. Yet in approaching the problem sympathetically and, as we hope, without bias, we can not see that unrestricted immigration has been an advantage to this country." What the verdiet of the future will be no one can tell. A continuation of the memoir will appear in a subsequent issue. Following a short illustrated article on hereditary epicanthus and ptosis, by C. H. Usher, there is an extensive, but unfinished memoir by Miss Ethel M. Elderton on "The Relative Value of the Factors which influence Infant Welfare." Miss Elderton has studied how infant mortality is affected by the age and health of parents, order of birth, cleanliness 1 of the home, employment of the mother, occupation of the father, habits of the parents and food in the home. The influence of these various factors is expressed in terms of coefficients of correlation. “Those interested in public health and sanitation will find much of interest in this memoir. The last article is on the correlation of birthrates and deathrates with reference to Malthus's interpretation of their movements. The author, Mr. A. B. Hill, comes to the conclusion that "apart from the secular trend, there has been but slight connection in either country [England and Wales, and Sweden] between the deathrates and the birthrates closely following them, over the period of time for which the statistics are available.” A copy of a fine portrait of the Reverend T. R. Malthus forms a very appropriate frontispiece of the first number of the new Annals. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA S. J. HOLMES SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS AND LABORATORY METHODS NEW METHODS TO MEASURE THE RATE OF FLOW PRODUCED BY THE GILLS OF OYSTER AND OTHER MOLLUSCS IT is a well-known fact that the food of many marine invertebrates consists of planktonic forms carried in with water passing through the gills. It is, therefore, of great interest to know with a reasonable degree of accuracy how much water is taken in and how the process is affected by the changes in the environment. The attempts were made by various investigators to determine by indirect methods the quantity of water passed through the gills, as, for example, determining the O2 consumption and CO2 formation, or by counting the number of plankton organisms in the stomach and in the outside water. So far as the oyster is concerned the figures vary from 300 to 8,000 cc per hour. 2 2 Better results can be obtained with the following two methods, which give the possibility to collect the water after it had passed the gills, and to measure the rate of flow and the pressure inside the gill cavity. (1) The valves of the oyster are forced apart and a glass rod is placed between them to prevent their closing; a rubber tube (a), 6 to 7 mm in diameter, is inserted into the gill cavity and made fast by packing all the spaces around with cotton. The outgoing water passes through the tube; leakage, if any, can be easily noticed by adding a few drops of carmine suspension and watching the produced currents. The oyster is then placed into a tank (T) of about ten liter capacity; the tank is connected through a horizontal glass tube (b) of 6 mm diameter with a small vessel (V) about 50 cc capacity. A vertical tube (c) 8 mm in diameter goes through the bottom of a small vessel; its upper level is about 1 cm above the upper level of the horizontal tube b. The large tank is filled with water up to the level of the vertical tube c. When equilibrium is established the rubber tube a, inserted into the oyster, is connected to the horizontal tube b and the water from the gill cavity begins to flow into a small vessel; the overflowing water is collected in a graduate. To keep the levels constant fresh sea water is added into a large tank at the rate the water is propelled by the oyster. The pressure inside the gill cavity can be measured by plugging the tube c and watching on the water gauges (g) the rise of the level in a small vessel. In a few minutes a maximum difference is reached and no more water flows through the tube b. This indicates that there is no more difference in pressure inside the gill cavity and at the end of the tube b. (2) To measure the rate of flow the same oyster is placed into a tray; the end of the rubber tube (a) is attached to a tube, the upper end of which is connected to a funnel filled with a fine carmine suspension and the third end is connected with a glass tube of same diameter; the tube is 17 cm long and is graduated into ems. Releasing the clamp a very small amount of carmine suspension is added; it forms a distinct cone moving inside the graduated tube. The rate of movement of the apex of the cone is then measured. Since a distinct cone of carmine suspension is visible it may be assumed that in this case we have "stream line" or viscous flow to which the Poiseuille's formula μπ лg d1 p 128 L q is applicable. (1) can be easily collected and analyzed. Counting the microplankton in the tank water and in the discharged water I found that more than 99.5 per cent. of diatoms and dinoflagellates are caught by the gills. Water after having passed the gills contains almost nothing but mucus. Taking in of water depends not only on ciliary motion of the gill epithelium, but also on opening and closing of the shell. To study this phenomenon the oyster is immobilized and one valve is connected to a recording apparatus with daily clock movement. Observations made during August and September, 1925, on more than twenty oysters show that at temperatures from 15° to 22° C. the daily period when the shells remain open averages twenty hours. PAUL S. GALTSOFT U. S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES SPECIAL ARTICLES DISPLACED SERIES IN THE SPECTRUM RECENT analyses of the complex spectra of the elements of the first and second long periods have classified hundreds of lines as combinations between numerous groups of terms. In only a few cases, however, have sequences or series of homologous terms been established, which are characterized by different values of the total quantum number. The explanation for this is to be found in the new theory of spectral terms which had its inception in recent work by Russell and Saunders2 and was later devel These new In this formula = viscosity in poises, g = accelera- oped into a practical theory by Hund.3 μ' tion of gravity, d = diameter and L-length of capillary tube, q=rate of flow in cc per second, p = difference in pressure between two ends of the tube. The maximum velocity is at the center of the tube; the average velocity of flow throughout the whole sectional area is then one half the maximum velocity. If the viscosity of water and dimensions of tube are known the pressure p may be calculated. ideas account for the low terms of a spectrum from the various possible ways of adding the azimuthal quantum numbers of the several valence electrons of the atom. The probability of the occurrence of corresponding terms with higher total quantum numbers is much less, with the consequence that the resulting spectrum lines are faint and inconspicuous. Below The experiments performed this summer on oysters show that the rate of flow is a function of temperature. It reaches its maximum at 25° C. and slows down with the decrease of temperature. 7.6° C. no current is produced, though the cilia are still beating. At 5° C. they come to a standstill. There is a considerable individual fluctuation in the rate of flow depending on the physiological conditions of the organism. A healthy adult oyster, three to four inches long, at temperature about 25° C. may take in water at a rate of 3,000 cc per hour. This is a maximum figure frequently observed during the experiments. By using the "tank" method the discharged water In Fe a sequence of "D terms has been indicated by Gieseler and Grotrian, and in Cr and Mo sequences of 'S and 5S terms have been used by Kiess and by Catalan for calculating series limits and ionization potentials. It is a striking fact that the 1 Published by permission of the director of the Bureau of Standards. 2 H. N. Russell and F. A. Saunders, Astrophys. Journ., 61, 38, 1925. 8 F. Hund, Zs. f. Phys., 33, 345, 1925. 4 H. Gieseler and W. Grotrian, Zs. f. Phys., 25, 165, 1924. 5 C. C. Kiess and H. K. Kiess, SCIENCE, 56, 666, 1922; C. C. Kiess, Sci. Papers, Bur. Standards, 19, 113, 1923. • M. A. Catalan, Anal. Soo. Esp. Fis. Quim., 21, 84, 1923. 9.5 pe br2 From Rydberg's table of the function R/(m + a)2 we find that Com few series-forming P and D terms of Cr and Mo are in characterized by small term separations as compared with the much larger Av's separating the components of the many other terms which give rise to the ordinary multiplet groups found in Cr and other complex spectra. But small separations of arc terms can occur only when the generating spark term is single. The analysis of the spark spectrum of Cr, which is being made at the Bureau of Standards, has indicated the existence, among others, of a low and widely separated D term and a somewhat higher D term. But these could not be made responsible and for the series-forming terms of Cr I. TO phee 語 Sera that& ECTE eriod дет i Ate 言? *S, 4G, Since the two series-forming terms 'S and "S of Cr I must be accounted for by the configuration of five 3, and one 4, electrons, the assumption seems justified that the higher terms of the series result from the configuration of five 3, and one 5, electrons; or, in other words, that they are built up on a S term. Since these terms of Cr I which are built up on the hypothetical S term lie lower than those built up on D, we concluded that S would lie lower than the known D term. A preliminary search through the known wave lengths of Cr II for a strong triplet showing the characteristic Av's, 141.0 and 92.2, of P (known from the multiplet "D-"P The already published) was without success. We then estimated the position of S as follows: Since ∞ 'S and ∞ 'S coincide with S, we must find a series which converges to D, that is, we must find a term "D (five 3, one 4, and one 51 electrons) which is the second member of the series beginning with the very prominent low 5D term (five 3, and two 4 electrons). Such a term has been recognized from its position and Av's among the several unprimed "D terms, which the analysis of Cr I has yielded. The following numerical values will suffice, calling the normal state of the atom zero: 7 Compare Hund's paper, l.c., esp. page 354. 8 W. F. Meggers, C. C. Kiess and F. M. Walters, J. O. S. A., and R. S. I., 9, 355, 1924; esp. page 368. • We do not agree with the series arrangement for Cr, which was published by H. Gieseler, Zs. f. Phys., 22, 228, 1924. A second 5D term, which is regarded as a higher series member, is apparently unreal. • NOTE. Since this paper was written we have found that approximate wave lengths for these lines have been measured by McLay; Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 17, 137, 1923. or, stated in words, the limits of the 'S series and the 5D series differ by 12730 cm-1 (1000 cm-1). This means that "S ̧ of Cr II lies 12730 v units lower than D. The group "D-P lies at wave length 2750A or v=36400. The resonance triplet should, therefore, lie at "S-P=49130, or at approximate wave length 2035A. The spectrum of the Cr spark was photographed by Mr. D. D. Laun, of this laboratory, with a large type E Hilger quartz spectrograph, the plate being an Eastman 33 coated with Nujol. An intense triplet was found in the region indicated. Measurement of the plate using as standards the Cu spark spectrum gave the following wave lengths: The Av's are identical, within the errors of measurement, with those resulting for P from the multiplet "D-P. Hence the normal state of Cr+ is 'S (five 3, electrons), thus necessitating a correction of an earlier tentative statement10 that this state is represented by D. The difference between S, and "D proves to be 12498 cm-1. It appears to be a general rule, which we have verified in several other spectra, that in all the relatively prominent series it is the s-electron that is excited and thrown to higher n, states. The s-electrons penetrate even into the K-shell without undergoing such irregular disturbances as may affect n, electrons and may cause anomalies similar to Wentzel's "broken series."11 The fact that the Rydberg series formula is usually so well represented is evidently a consequence of this. As a further consequence we 10 Meggers, Kiess, Walters, Lc. 11 G. Wentzel, Zs. f. Phys., 19, 53, 1923. |