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influence, "have forgotten the guides of their youth, and forsaken the covenant of their God!"

Yes, dear friends, I conscientiously believe that yours is not only a most charitable, but a most patriotic office. You are socialists in the true, the Christian sense of the wordthe cementers of society,-the best friends of civil order,the most efficient moral police,-the best national guard,—the most unobjectional and powerful standing army.

REV. C. F. CHILDE, Islington.


"Good evening, Mr. M." said Deacon Oldschool to Mr. M., as he entered the house a little while after the prayer meeting, which they had both attended, was out.

Mr. M. was one of those men who are not satisfied with the present state of the world, nor with any of the efforts which are put forth to make it better. But what he was, will be seen from the conversation which took place between him and the deacon.

Mr. M.-"Why was not the minister at meeting, tonight?"

Dea. O.-" Our minister has gone to meet with the Association.

Mr. M.-"We don't have such ministers as they used to have in old times. There is something out of the way somewhere. Ministers hav n't the weight with the people which they used to have."

Dea. O.-"I know there is something out of the way somewhere, and there always will be where human nature is; I know the case is different between ministers and people from what it was forty years ago. But I'm disposed to lay the blame on the people, rather than on the ministers."

Mr. M.-" If the ministers were as good as they used to


The Deacon's Fireside.


be, the people would be so too; 'like priest, like people,' you know."

Dea. O.-I believe that is n't scripture. But all responsibility with reference to the conduct of the church, does not rest on the ministry, and I think as a general thing, the ministry of the present, as compared with that of former generations, is more learned, more abundant in labors, and more devoted."

Mr. M.-"Well, I know the people used to think a great deal more of their ministers, than they do now."

Dea. O.-"I know they did, and it may be, because they thought less of themselves than they do now. At any rate, they thought the minister capable of teaching them, and they were willing to be taught, and did n't complain if he didn't tell them stories all the time."

Mr. M.-"Do you think our minister visits as much as he ought?"

Dea. O.-"I presume he does.

He visits as much as he

has time to; and it can't be his duty to visit more."

Mr. M.-"I don't know that. He hasn't been in my house but twice since January. I don't see how he can have so much to do, that he can't visit but twice in nearly a year. What reason have you to think that he visits as much as he has time too?"

Dea. O.-Because he says so. I consider that he is the best judge of the manner in which it is his duty to spend his time. He has n't been at my house once since January, as I recollect, but I don't complain. I don't think he wastes any time. I never found him idle in my life."

Mr. M.-You don't say he has n't been in your house since January? I thought that he went there, and to some other places very often. He goes to Judge Hall's pretty

often, don't he?"

Dea. O.-"I do not know. My impression is that he

goes there very seldom.



Mr. M.-" He do n't do right then, for the Judge is a very important spoke in our wheel, and ought to be seen to." Dea. O.-"I believe he is faithful to the Judge as he is to the rest of us."

Mr. M.-"Don't you think he bears down sometimes a little too hard on moral men; the Judge, you know, thinks a good deal of his morality and honor. I have been afraid he would have been driven off to the other society. We must use some policy, you know, or we can't get along in this world. The minister, I think, rather lacks in that respect."

Dea. O.-"I don't agree with you. I think he is a man of very profound policy. His policy is to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. That, I take it, is the only true policy.

Mr. M.-"The minister is a very good man, I can't say he is a very great man. Hav n't you thought sometimes that if we had a man of more talent, that more people would come out; that the society would be larger?"

Dea. O.-"No, I can't say that I have ever had any such thoughts. Esq. R., is the most of a reading man among us. He is satisfied that our minister knows enough and has talent enough to instruct and edify him. If there are those whose minds require something higher, they ought to have compassion on their weaker brethren, who are so much profited and edified that they would not be willing to exchange their minister for any one.

Mr. M.-"I can get along with him very well myself, but there are a good many more than you think for, who There are a good many who would like such a man as Mr. Jehu of L. He is doing a great work there."

would like a change.

Dea. O.-" He did a great work in the last place in which he was settled before he went to L. They hav n't had a minister settled there since, nor hardly any preaching. Mr. M.-" He may be a little too much engaged some


The Deacon's Fireside.


times, but it is better to have a little too much life than none at all. There is very little life among our people at present, that's certain."

Dea. O.-"You have stated a painful fact, and it seems to me that we should inquire into it, and the causes of this state of things among us. I think that we shall find that we have all been guilty, and all need to repent and humble ourselves before God. If every member of the church should thus examine himself and humble himself before God, we should see the beginnings of better days.

Mr. M.-" I think so too. But the people are not apt to move in this way, unless the minister stir them up and set the example."

Dea. O.-" Our minister has been trying to do this, for a long time. His sermon on the difficulties in the way of a revival, last Sabbath, was very pointed and powerful, didn't you think so?"

Mr. M.—“ Last Sabbath, let me see-in the forenoon I was not out."

Dea. O.-"It was the afternoon sermon that I spoke of." Mr. M.-"I must have heard it then, for I was there, for I remember taking notice that Judge Hall was not there."

Dea. O.-"Pardon me, Br. M., but I don't think you heard it; as you set right in a line between me and the minister, I could not help seeing that you were asleep all the time, except for a moment or so, after wife waked you your because you snored so loud as to be heard all over the house." Mr. M.-"A body will fall asleep sometimes in spite of themselves. Good night.

Williams College.

J. A.

He who removes the impediment that prevents a scholar from sharing in the benefits of the Sabbath school, should be valued as a co-worker, whether that impediment be the want of inclination, or the want of suitable clothing.


Oh, why should earth enchain the mind,
Why should its fleeting pleasures bind
The deathless soul;

Which sojourns in this vale of tears,
A few brief days or months, or years,
And then is gone?

Why should its cares and sorrows make
The burdened heart with anguish ache ;
While Jesus lives?

Our great High Priest, whose tender heart
In all our sorrows bears a part,

And strength bestows.

While God, our Father, dwells above,

In that bright realm of holy love,
To which we haste,

O may the grace the gospel brings,

Withdraw our hearts from earthly things,
Pointing above.

Our simple aim, then may it be

A high and noble destiny,

Here to fulfil.

To honor God by lives of faith,

To rescue souls from endless death,

From Satan's reign.

Then welcome, when our sun goes down
Perhaps at night, perchance at noon,
The light of life.



SAY not that your powers are feeble and your opportunities small. A young woman who was an operative in a factory, became a subject of divine grace, and united with the Christian church. From early morn till night she was, through the week, engaged in labor. She had never enjoyed the advantages of school, excepting barely enough to have learned to read and to write. But her heart, kindled with the fire of sacred love, intensely desired to promote the Redeemer's

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