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in which case is the calliloo, that from the seed it bore here came up puny, rickety, and good for nothing. There are other things certainly with you, not yet brought over hither, that might flourish here in the summer time, and live tolerably well, provided they be sheltered in an hospitable stove or greenhouse during the winter. You will give me no small pleasure, by sending me, from time to time, some of these seeds, if it were no more but to amuse me in making the trial.

With regard to the brother gardeners, you ought to know, that as they are half vegetables, the animal part of them will never have spirit enough to consent to the transplanting of the vegetable into distant dangerous climates. They, happily for themselves, have no other idea but to dig on here, eat, drink, sleep, and kiss their wives.

As to more important business, I have nothing to write to you. You know best the course of it. Be (as you always must be) just and honest; but if you are are unhappily romantic, you shall come home without money, and write a tragedy on yourself*. Mr. Lyttleton told me that the Grenvilles had strongly recommended the person the governor and you proposed for that considerable office, lately fallen vacant in your department; and that there were good hopes of succeeding. He told me also that Mr. Pitt had said, that it was not to be expected that offices, such as that is, for which the greatest interest is made here at

* Patterson had written a tragedy, when in London, with little success.

home, could be accorded to your recommendation; but that, as to the middling or inferior offices, if there was not some particular reason to the contrary, regard would be had thereto. This is all that can reasonably be desired; and if you are not infected with a certain Creolian distemper (whereof I am persuaded your soul will utterly resist the contagion, as I hope your body will that of their natural ones), there are few men so capable of that imperishable happiness, that peace and satisfaction of mind at least, that proceed from being reasonable and moderate in our desires, as you are. These are the treasures dug from an inexhaustible mine in our breasts, which, like those in the kingdom of heaven, the rust of time cannot corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal. I must learn to work at this mine a little more, being struck off from a certain hundred pounds a year, which you know I had.West, Mallet, and I were all routed in one day. If you must know why-out of resentment to our friend in Argyle-street: yet I have hopes given me of having it restored with interest, some time or other.


Ah! that some time or other is a great

Coriolanus has not yet appeared upon the stage, from the little dirty jealousy of Tullus, I mean of him who was desired to act Tullus (Garrick), towards him who alone can act Coriolanus (Quin). Indeed the first has entirely jockeyed the last off the stage for this season; but I believe he will return on him next season, like a giant in his wrath. Let us have a little more patience, Patterson,-nay, let us be cheerful; at last, all will

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be over-here I mean! God forbid it should be hereafter! But as sure as there is a God, that will not be so.

Now that I am prating of myself, know that, after fourteen or fifteen years, the Castle of Indolence comes abroad in a fortnight. It will certainly travel as far as Barbadoes. You have an apartment in it, as a night pensioner; which you may remember I fitted up for you, during our delightful party at Northaw. Will ever these days return again? Don't you remember our eating the raw fish that were never caught?

All our friends are pretty much in statu quo, except it be poor Mr. Lyttleton. He has had the severest trial a humane tender heart can have; but the old physician, Time, will at least close up his wounds, though there must always remain an inward smarting.

Mitchell is in the house for Aberdeenshire, and has spoken modestly well; I hope he will be in something else soon; none deserves better; true friendship and humanity dwell in his heart.Gray is working hard at passing his accounts. I spoke to him about that affair. If he gives you any trouble about it, even that of dunning, I shall think strangely; but I dare say he is too friendly to his old friends, and you are among the oldest. Symmer is at last tired of quality, and is going to take a semi-country house at Hammersmith.

I am sorry that honest sensible Warrender (who is in town) seems to be stunted in church preferment: he ought to be a tall cedar in the house of the Lord. If he is not so at last, it will add more fuel to my indignation, that burns al

ready too intensely, and throbs towards an eruption. Poor Murdoch is in town, tutor to Admiral Vernon's son, and is in good hope of another living in Suffolk, that country of tranquillity, where he will then burrow himself in his wife, and be happy. Good natured, obliging Millar is as usual. Though the doctor increases in his business, he does not decrease in his spleen; but there is a certain kind of spleen that is both humane and agreeable, like Jacques in the play; I sometimes too have a touch of it. But I must now break off this chat with you, about your friends, which, were I to indulge it, would be endless.

As to politics we are, I believe, upon the brink of a peace. The French are vapouring at present in the siege of Maestricht, at the same time they are mortally sick in their marine, and through all the vitals of France. It is pity we cannot continue the war a little longer, and put their agonizing trade quite to death. This siege (I take it) they mean as their last flourish in the war. May your health, which never failed you yet, still continue, till you have scraped together enough to return home, and live in some snug corner, as happy as the Corycius Senex, in Virgil's fourth Georgic, whom I recommend both to you and myself, as a perfect model of the truest happy life.

Believe me to be ever most sincerely and affectionately yours, &c.



April 6th, 1736.

MY LORD, To see a young nobleman inquiring after the properest methods for his own education, cannot but give one a most sensible pleasure, in an age when the far greater part leave that care entirely to others; or, perhaps, do their utmost to obstruct the fruits of it themselves: on the contrary, such an inquiry shows a laudable solicitude to assist the endeavours of parents, and to improve upon the instruction of tutors, of which I doubt not but your lordship is supplied with the best. This would make it the highest impertinence in me to say one word to you on this topic, if your commands did not arm me with a justification.

The important business of your education seems chiefly to consist in three things-your studies, your exercises, and your travels. In your studies, your first employment will of course be the learning of languages, ancient and modern. Without a competent skill in the former, you will want the inexpressible pleasure and advantage that can only be drawn from those immortal patterns of nervous beautiful writing, and virtuous action, which Greece and Rome have left us; and without the latter, a man of quality must find himself frequently at a loss becomingly to act many parts, both in public and private life, to which his birth and rank do naturally call him. As you proceed farther, permit me to recommend mathematicks to your particular favour; it is of infinite service

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