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Offers, and made a Treaty at Seville with England; which proved difagrecable to the Emperor; for they had ftipulated the immediate Introduction of 6000 Men in the Spanish Pay into Leghorn, Porto Ferraio, Parma and Piacenza, for fecuring the Succeffion of Don Carlos; to which they had not fo much as defired his Confent.

As the Allies of Seville, parricularly England and Spain were making Preparations for acting by Force in Italy, the Emperor fent fome Troops into that Country, which he propofed to reinforce, as Occafion fhould require. He applied to the Diet for their Concurrence in Defence of the Lands and Fiefs of the Empire, and preffed their taking proper Measures for its Tranquility and Security. But the Allies of Seville affuring the States of their Defire of maintaining a good Correlpondence with them, and endeavouring to fhew that the reciprocal Interefts were not abfolutely oppofite, as things then ftood, the Diet made no Advances toward gratifying the Emperor; who fill'd Lombardy, and the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily with his Troops, to prevent the Execution of the Treaty of Seville. Several Difficulties remain'd on the other Side, which however were accommodated by the King of Great Britain and the States-General of Holland, who offer'd themselves as Guarantees to his Imperial Majefty, for the Order of Succeffion, as regulated in 1713. The Emperor in return, conlented to fecuring that of Don Carlos, by the peaceable Introduction of the 60co Spaniards into the Garrifons of Tuscany, Parma and Piacenza, and promifed a perpetual Ceffation of all Commerce and Navigation to the East Indies from the Auftrian Netherlands, and all other



Places which had been in the King of Spain's Dominions, ever fince the Reign of Charles H.

THE Death of Anthony Farneze, Duke of Parma, and the Pregnancy of the Dutchefs Dowager fufpended the Execution of this Project for fome time. But when all hopes from that Quarter vanished, it was thought proper to prefs the Performance of what had been agreedon by the Treaty of Vienna, on the 16th of March 1731, and the King of Spain came eafily into the Measures there taken by the contracting. Powers. Nothing now remain'd but to gain the Grand Duke of Tuscany. To this End he was amicably invited to acquiefce to the late Regulations, which he did without any feeming Difficulty. All Obftacles being now removed, an English Fleet appear'd in the Mediterranean, join'd that of Spain, and landed the Spanish Forces in Italy. Don Carlos was foon after put into actual Poffeffion of the Dutchies of Parma and Piacenza; and thus Peace and Harmony were re-established in Europe.

TOWARD the Clofe of the fame Year, the Emperor defired the Diet of the Empire to guaranty the Succeffion of the Houfe of Auftria purfuant to the Tenor of the Pragmatic Sanction. The Matter was debated in an extraordinary Affembly of the Colleges of the Empire, on the 18th of December, and the Majority declared for the Guaranty; which was oppofed by the Minifters of Saxony, Bavaria and the Palatinate; who, after much Conteft, defired to be excufed proceeding any farther, till they had received fresh Inftructions from their Mafters. The Diet, however came to a Refolution, which being firft communicated to the Recufants, was read and notified to the Prince of Furstenberg, first

Bb 4 Commiffary

Commiffary of the Empire in due Form. The three Ministers already mention'd, protested against it; but the other Electors would not accept of that Act; and the Prince of Furstenberg fent the Emperor's Acknowledgment of the Zeal and Affection of the States on that Occafion to the Diet on the fourth of February 1732. with which the History before us concludes.

State of Learning.


ATHER Francis Orlandi, a Dominican Friar, having proposed to oblige. the Public with eight Volumes in Folio of Orbis facer & profanus illuftratus, will fhortly print the third in this City. It is hoped that this Work will be of fingular ufe for understanding both Ecclefiaftical and Civil Hiftory, and the antient Geography.



HE Roman Hiftory written in French by Father Catroue and Father Rouillé has been esteem'd worthy of a Tranflation into Italian; and seven Volumes in 4to of that Work are already published.




R. Hyacinte Gimma, has published the second Volume of his Differtations; which are only two; one on the Soul of Brutes; the other on fabulous Men and Beafts; it is called Differtationum Academicarum Tomus fecundus

In 4to.




Red. Ritter, Bookfeller in this City, has published the following Difcourfe of Mr. Harlet. De Pauli in urbem Romam ingreffu Actorum XXVIII. 16. defcripto, Exercitatio Hiftorico-Theologica. In 4to.

2. Mr. Wucherer, Doctor of Divinity, hath lately written a Confutation of Mr. Whifton's Syftem, under this Title. J. F. Wucherer Theologie Doctoris Vindicia æterna Divinitatis Jefu Chrifti adverfus Guillielmi Whiftoni Account of the Primitive Faith, five expofitionem fidei duorum primorum à Chrifto fæculorum, exercitationibus Academicis decem propofitæ. In 4to. As an Introduction to the faid Work he has likewife publifhed: De Arii, veræ Divinitatis Chrifti hoftis, morte mifera, ex Antiquitatis Ecclefiaftice Monumentis clariffimè oftenfa prolufio, quá Exercitationes Academicas in Vindicias æterne Divinitatis J. C. &c. indicat & ad earum Aufcultationem commilitones præftantiffimos officiosè, bumaniterque invitat 7. F. Wucherus. In 4to.


1.M. Ludovici, Joannis Le

Ludovici, Joannis Le Thieullier, in Univerfitate Parifienfi Facultatis faluberrima Doctoris Regentis, &c. Obfervationes MedicoPractice. In 12m0.

2. Examen Critique des Defauts imputés par M. Mafclef à la Methode des Mafforethes; & des Avantages attribués par le même Auteur à une nouvelle Methode de lire, & apprendre l' Hebreu, independamment des Points-Voyelles par le Pere P*** de la Compagnie de Jefus.

3. Relation Hiftorique de l' Ethiopie Occidentale, contenant la Defcription des Royaumes de Congo, Angole, & Matamba, traduite de P Italien du Pere Cavazzi, & augmenteé de plufieurs Relations Portugaifes des meilleurs Auteurs, avet des Notes, des Cartes Geographiques, & un grand Nombre de figures en Taille Douce. Par le R. P. 7. B. Labat de l'ordre des Freres Prêcheurs. 5 Vol. In 12mo.



R. Boufquet, Bookfeller of this City is preparing a new Edition of the famous Molina's Book de Fure & Juftitiâ, in five Volumes in Folio. The Work is in great Forwardnefs; and the Preface, which will be Hiftorical and Critical, will contain the Author's Life, and a Catalogue of all his Writings.


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