Nor how to be contented with one Wife, Art thou here too? Nay then I fee, that Edward must needs down. War. Then for his Mind be Edward England's King. [Takes off his Crown. But Henry now shall wear the English Crown, When I have fought with Pembrook, and bis Fellows, I'll follow you, and tell what answer Lewis and the Lady Bona send to him. Now for a while farewel good Duke of York. [They lead him out forcibly. K. Edw. What Fates impose, that Men must needs abide; Exeunt. It boots not to refift both Wind and Tide. Oxf. What now remains, my Lords, for us to do, But march to London with our Soldiers? War. Ay, that's the first thing that we have to do, To free King Henry from Imprisonment, Enter Rivers, and the Lady Gray. [Exeunt. Riv. Madam, what makes you in this sudden change? La. Gray. Why Brother Rivers, are you yet to learn What late Misfortune has befaln King Edward? Against Warwick? La. Gray. No, but the loss of his own Royal Perfon. La. Gray. Ay, almost slain, for he is taken Prisorer. Either betray'd by falshood of his Guard, Or Or by his Foe surpriz'd at unawares: Riv. These News I must confefs are full of Grief: Yet, gracious Madam, bear it as you may, La. Gray. Till then fais hope must hinder Life's decay. Where is Warwick then become? La. Gray. I am inform'd that he comes towards London, For trust not him that hath once broken Faith, I'll hence forthwith unto the Sanctuary, To save, at leaft, the Heir of Edward's Right; Come therefore let us fly, while we may fly, If Warwick take us, we are sure to die. [Exeunt. Enter Gloucester, Lord Hastings, and Sir William Stanley. Glo. Now my Lord Hastings, and Sir William Stanley, Leave off to wonder why I drew you hither, Into this chiefest Thicket of the Park. Thus stands the Cafe; you know your King, my Brother, He hath good Ufage, and great Liberty, : He 1 He shall here find his Friends with Horse and Men, Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman with him. K. Edw. Nay this way, Man, Your Horse stands ready at the Park-corner. Haft. To Lyn, my Lord, And ship from thence to Flanders. 1 Glo. Well guest, believe me, for that was my meaning. K. Edw. Stanley, I wil requite thy forwardness. Glo. But wherefore stay we? 'tis no time to talk. K. Edw. Huntiman, what fay'st thou ? Wilt thou go along? 1 Hunt. Better do so, than tarry and be hang'd. Shield thee from Warwick's frown, And pray that I may repossess the Crown. Have haken Edward from the Regal Seat, And turn'd my captive State to liberty, My fear to hope, my forrows unto joys, Lien. Subjects may challenge nothing of their Sov'raigns, But, if an humble Prayer may prevail, K. Henry. For what, Lieutenant? For well using me? But But Warwick, after God, thou fett'st me free, War. Your Grace hath still been fam'd for virtuous, And now may feem as wife as virtuous, Clar. No, Warwick, thou art worthy of the sway, War. And I chuse Clarence only for Protector. K. Henry. Warwick and Clarence, give me both your Hands. Now join your Hands, and with your Hands, your Hearts, That no dissention hinder Government: I make you both Protectors of this Land, War. What answers Clarence to his Soveraign's Will? For on thy fortune I repose my self. War. Why then, though loath, yet must I be content: We'll yoak together, like a double shadow Clar. Clar. What else? and that Succeffion be determined. War. Ay, therein Clarence shall not want his part. K. Henry. But with the first, of all our chief Affairs, Let me intreat, for I command no more, That Margaret your Queen, and my Son Edward, My joy of liberty is half eclips'd. Clar. It shall be done, my Soveraign, with all speed. Of whom you seem to have so tender care ? [Lays his Hand on his Head. If fecret Powers suggest but truth This pretty Lad will prove our Country's blifs. Enter a Poft. War. What news, my Friend? Poft. That Edward is escaped from your Brother, And fled, as he hears fince, to Burgundy. War. Unfavory news; but how made he escape? Poft. He was convey'd by Richard, Duke of Glo'ster, And the Lord Hastings, who attended him In fecret ambush, on the Forest side, And from the Bishop's Huntsmen rescu'd him: War. My Brother was too careless of his charge. But let us hence, my Soveraign, to provide Manet Somerset, Richmond, and Oxford. [Exeunt. Som. My Lord, I like not of this flight of Edward's: For doubtless Burgundy will yield him help, As Henry's late prefaging Prophecy |