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SCENE Continues.

Enter Captain LOVEIT, BIDDY, TAG, and PUFF


O find you still constant, and to arrive at such a critical juncture, is the height of fortune and happi

Bid. Nothing shall force me from you; and if I am secure of your affections

Puff. I'll be bound for him, madam, and give you any security you can ask.

Tag. Every thing goes on to our wish, Sir, I just now had a second conference with my old lady, and she was so convinced by my arguments, that she returned instantly to the lawyer to forbid the drawing out of any writings at all, and she is determined never to thwart Miss's inclinations, and left it to us to give the old gentleman his discharge at the next visit.

Capt. Shall I undertake the old dragon?

Tag. If we have occasion for help, we shall call for you. Bid. I expect him every moment, therefore I'll tell you what, Rhodophil; you and your man shall be lock'd up in my bed-chamber till we have settled matters with the old gentleman.

Capt. Do what you please with me.

Bid. You must not be impatient tho.

Capt. I can undergo any thing with such a reward in view : one kiss and I'll be quite resign'd

me the way.

-and now shew [Exeunt.

Tag. Come sirrah, when I have got you under lock and key, I shall bring you to reason.

Puff. Are your wedding cloaths ready, my dove? the

certificate's come.

Tag. Go follow your captain, sirrah-march-you may thank heav'n I had patience to stay so long.

[Exeunt Tag and Puff.


Enter BIDDY.

Bid. I was very much alarm'd for fear my two gallants should come in upon us unawares; we should have had sad work if they had; 1 find I love Rhodophil vastly, for tho' my other sparks flatter me more, I can't abide thoughts of 'em now— I have business upon my hands enough to turn my little head; but egad my heart's good, and a fig for dangers-let me see, what shall I do with my two gallants? I must, at least part with 'em decently; suppose I set 'em togther by the ears?- -The luckiest thought in the world! For if they won't quarrel (as I believe they (won't I can break with 'em for cowards, and very justly dismiss 'em my service; if they will fight, and one of 'em should be kill'd, the other will certainly be hang'd, or run away; and so I shall very handsomely get rid of both -I am glad I have settled it so purely.

Enter TAG.

Well, Tag, are they safe!

Tag. I think so, the door's double-locked, and I have the key in my pocket.

Bid. That's pure; but have you given them any thing to divert 'em.

Tag. I have given the captain one of our old gloves to mumble; but my Strephon is diverting himself with the more substantial comforts of a cold venison pasty.

Bid. What shall we do with the next that comes?

Tag. If Mr Fribble comes first; I'll clap him up in my lady's store-room; I suppose he is a great maker of marmalads himself, and will have an opportunity of making some critical remarks upon our pasty and sweat


Bid. When one of 'em comes, do you go and watch for the other, and as soon as you see him, run in to us and pretend it is my aunt, and so we shall have an excuse to lock him up till we want him.

Tag. You may depend upon me, here's one of them


Bid. Mr Fribble your servant.

Frib, Miss Biddy your slave-I hope I have not come upon you abruptly; I should have waited upon you soon


er, but an accident happen'd that discompos'd me so, that I was obliged to go home again to take drops.

Bid. Indeed you don't look well, Sir.-Go, Tag, and do as I bid you.

Tag. I will, madam.

[Exit. Tag. I have set my maid to watch my aunt, that we may'n't be surpriz'd by her.

Frib. Your prudence is equal to your beauty, miss, and 1 hope your permitting me to kiss your hands will be no impeachment to your understanding.

Bid. I hate the sight of him. [Aside.] I was afraid I should not have had the pleasure of seeing you; pray let me know what accident you met with, and what's the matter with your hand?

Frib. Well, I vow, Miss Biddy you're a good Creter, -I'll endeavour to muster up what little spirits I have, and tell you the whole affair- -Hem!-But first you must give me leave to make you a present of a small pot of my lip-salve; my servant made it this morningthe ingredients are innocent, I assure you; nothing but the best virgin-wax, conserve of roses, and lilly of the valley water,

Bid. I thank you sir; but my lips are generally red, and when they a'nt I bite 'em.

Frib. I bite my own, sometimes, to pout 'em a little, but this will give shem a softness, colour, and an a agreeable moister.- -Thus let me make a humble offering at that shrine, where I have already sacrific'd my heart.

[Kneels and gives the pot. Bid. Upon my word that's very prettily express d; you are positively the best company in the world- -I wish he was out of the house. [Aside.

Frib. But to return to my accident, and the reason why my hand is in this condition-I beg you'll excuse the appearance of it, and be satisfied that nothing but mere necessity could have forc'd me to appear thus muffled before you.

Bid. I am very willing to excuse any misfortunes that happens to you, Sir. [Curtsies. thus it was

Frib. You are vastly good, indeed,Hem! You must know, Miss, there is not an animal in the creation I have so great an aversion to, as those hackney-coach fellows As I was coming out of my


lodgings,Says one of 'em to me, Would your bonour bave a coach?. -No, man, said I, not now (with all the civility imaginable)—I'll carry you and your Doll too? (said he) miss Margery, for the same price.-Upon which the masculine beasts about us fell a laughing; then I turn'd round in a great passion, curse me, (says 1) fellow, but I'll trounce thee.- And as I was holding out my hand in a threatening poster-thus-he makes a cut at me with his whip, and striking me over the nail of my little finger, it gave me such exquisite torter that I fainted away; and while I was in this condition, the mob pick'd my pocket of my purse, mý scissars, my mocco smelling-bottle, and my huswife?

Bid. I shall laugh in his face: [Aside.] I am afraid you are in great pain; pray sit down, Mr Fribble, but I hope your hand is in no danger. [They sit.

Frib. Not in the least, maam; pray don't be apprehensive-A milk-poultice, and a gentle sweat to-night, with a little manna in the morning, I am confident, will relieve me entirely.

Bid. But pray, Mr Fribble, do you make use of a hus


Frib. I can't do without it, maam; there is a club of us, all young bachelors, the sweetest society in the world; and we meet three times a week at each others lodgings, where we drink tea, hear the chat of the day, invent fashions for the ladies, make models of 'em, and cut out patterns in pa per. We were the first inventors of knotting, and this fringe is the original produce and joint labour of our little community.

Bid. And who are your pretty set, pray?

Frib. There's Phil Wbifle, Jacky Wagtail, my lord Trip, Billy Dimple, Sir Dilbery Diddle, and your humble

Bid. What a sweet collection of happy creatures!

Frib. Indeed and so we are, miss- But a prodigious fracas disconcerted us some time ago at Billy Dimple'sthree drunken naughty women of the town burst into our club-room, curst as all, threw down the china, broke six looking-glasses, scalded us with the slop-bason, and scrat poor Phil Whiffle's cheek in such a manner that he has kept his bed these three weeks.

Bid. Indeed, Mr Fribble, I think all our sex have great reason to be angry; for if you are so happy now you are VOL. I.



bachelors, the ladies may wish and sigh to very little purpose.

Frib. You are mistaken, I assure you; I am prodigiously rallied about my passion for you, I can tell you that, and am look'd upon as lost to our society already; he, he, he!

Bid. Pray, Mr Fribble, now you have gone so far, don't think me impudent if I long to know how you intended to use the lady who shall be honour'd with your affections?

Frib. Not as most other wives are used, I assure you; all the domestic business will be taken off her hands; I shall make the tea, comb the dogs, and dress the children myself; so that tho' I'm a commoner, Mrs Fribble will lead the life of a woman of quality! for she will have nothing to do, but lie in bed, play at cards, and scold the ser


Bid. What a happy creature she must be !

Frib. Do you really think so? then pray let me have a little serous talk with you.Though my passion is not of a long standing, I hope the sincerity of my intentions

Bid. Ha, ha, ha!

Frib. Go thou wild thing. [Pats ber.] The devil take me but there is no talking to you.-How can you use me in this barbarous manner! if I had the constitution of an alderman it would sink under my sufferings.-Hooman nater can't support it.

Bid. Why, what would you do with me, Mr Fribble? Frib. Well, I vow I'll beat you if you talk so -Don't look at me in that manner-Flesh and blood can't bear it -I could-but I won't grow indecent

Bid. But pray, Sir, where are the verses you were to write upon me? I find if a young lady depends too much upon such fine gentlemen as you, she'll certainly be disappointed.

Frib. I vow, the flutter I was put into this afternoon has quite turn'd my senses-here they are, tho'-and I believe you'll like 'em.

Bid. There can be no donbt of it.

[Curtseys. Frib. I protest, miss, I don't like that curtsy-Look at and always rise in this manner. [Shews ber.] But, my dear creteer, who put on your cap to-day? They have



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