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VIEYRA, ANTHONY. A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English
Languages, etc. 2 vols., 8vo.
Lond., 1809.
VIEW of the Relative State of Great Britain and France at the Com-


mencement of the year 1796. 8vo., pp. 90. Lond., 1796. VIGNE. Culture de la, et tout ce qui a rapport. 12mo. VIGNOLES, CHARLES. Obfervations upon the Floridas.

8vo. N. Y., 1823. VILLARS, V. Woeterbuch der Chirurgie. 12mo. Altona, 1747. VILLA-SENOR Y SANCHEZ, JOSEPH ANTONIO. Theatro Americano:

Defcripcion General de los reynos y provincias de la Nueva Efpana y fus jurifdicciones, etc. 2 vols. Folio. Mexico, 1746-48. VINAL, WILLIAM. Sermon on the Accurfed Thing that Hinders Succefs and Victory in War, occafioned by the Defeat of Braddock, etc. 4to. Newport, 1755. VINDICATION of a late Pamphlet, intitled "The Cafe of the Hanover Troops Confidered." With fome further Obfervations upon thofe Troops, etc. 8vo., pp. 56. Lond., 1743. of an Affociation from the Charge of Countenancing Heresy in Doctrine, and of Partiality in Conduct, etc. By one of their Number. 4to., pp. 39.


Boston, 1758.

of the Conduct of the Prefent War. In a Letter to ***** 8vo., pp. 43.

Lond., 1760. of the British Colonies, against the Afperfions of the Halifax Gentleman, in his Letter to a Rhode Island Friend.


8vo., pp. Boston, 1765. of the Measures of the Prefent Administration. By Algernon Sidney. From the National Intelligencer. 8vo. [Imperfect.] Washington, 1803.

VINDICATION del General Manuel Rincon ante el confejo de Guerra que le jurgo en 7 y 8 de Febrero del Corriente ano, por los acontecimientos des graciados de Ulua y Vera Cruz en los dias 27 y 28 Noviembre de 1838. 8vo. Mexico, 1840. VINDICIA BRITANNICA. An Appendix to, in Answer to the Calumnies of the Analytical Review. 8vo., pp. 17. Lond., 1794.

REGIE; or, a Defence of a Kingly Office. In two Letters to

Earl Stanhope. Second Edition. 8vo., pp. 79. Lond., 1797. VINES, RICHARD. Sermons preached upon feveral Publike and Eminent occafions. 4to. Lond., 1656.

Lond., 1727.

VINEYARD, THE. Being a Treatife . . . the Obfervations made by a
Gentleman in his Travels. 8vo.
VIRGILIUS, PUBLIUS MARO. Bucolica Georgica et Æneis. 16mo.

Edinburgh, 1788.

Works. Tranflated into English Profe, with Notes. 2 vols.,
N. Y., 1803.


The Georgics. Tranflated by William Sotheby. 12mo.
Middletown, Conn., 1808.

Georgicks. With an English Translation and Notes. By John
Martyn. Third Edition. Plates. 8vo.
Lond., 1811.

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A Good Speed to Virginia. 4to.
Lond., 1609.
Nova Britannia offering moft excellent Fruites by Planting in
Virginia. Exciting all fuch as be well affected to further the fame.
Lond., 1609.

Acts of Affembly, paffed in the Colony of Virginia, from 1662
to 1715. Vol. I. Folio.
Lond., 1727.
Journal of the Houfe of Burgeffes, February 10th to April 11th,
1772. Folio.
Williamsburg, 1772.


The Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Rights, the Conftitution of this Commonwealth, and the Articles of the Definitive Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America. Richmond, 1784A Collection of all fuch Acts of the General Affembly, etc., as are now in force. Folio. Richmond, 1794. Proceedings of the Affembly on the Answers of fundry States to their Refolutions, paffed in December, 1798. 8vo., pp. 59. Phil., 1800. Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of. June, 1788 (on the Federal Conftitution). Taken in fhort hand by David Robertfon. Second Edition. 8vo. Richmond, 1805. Memorial and Petition of the Religious Society of Friends (commonly called Quakers) to the Legislature of . . . 1810. 8vo. N. Y., 1812. Subftitute propofed by Mr. Mercer, of Loudoun, etc., to the Preamble and Refolutions on the Right of Inftruction, etc.

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Addrefs of a Minority in the Legislature to the People of the State; containing a Vindication of the Conftitutionality of the Alien and Sedition Laws. 8vo.

The Statutes at Large; being a Collection of all the Laws of Virginia, from the Firft Seffion of the Legiflature, in the year 1619. By William Waller Hening. 13 vols., 8vo.

New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, 1819-23. The Virginia and Kentucky Refolutions of 1798 and 1799. With Jefferfon's Original Draught thereof; alfo, Madifon's Report, Calhoun's Addrefs, Refolutions of the feveral States in relation to State Rights. With other Documents in Support of the Jefferfonian Doctrines of 1798. Publifhed by Jona. Elliot. 8vo. Washington, 1832.

Second Addrefs of the Central Committee of Fauquier, Va., to the People of that Country, on the Army Bill. 8vo.

Washington, 1840.

HISTORICAL REGISTER (THE) and Literary Advertiser [afterwards]
Note Book. Vols. I-IV. 12mo.
Richmond, 1848-51.

Vol. I. Richmond, 1833

Account of Difcoveries in the Weft, until 1519, and of Voy-
ages to, and along the Atlantic Coast of America, from 1520 to

1573. Prepared for the Virginia Historical and Philofophical Society, by Conway Robinfon. 8vo.. Richmond, 1818. VIRGINIA. Journal of the Protestant Epifcopal Church in . . . 1841. VIRGINIAN. A Letter from a to the Members of the Congrefs

to be held at Philadelphia on the 1ft of September, 1774. 8vo. 1774. VIRTUES OF SOCIETY (THE). A Tale, founded on Fact. By the Author of the Virtues of Nature. 4to., pp. 46. Boston, 1799. VIVIAN, THOMAS. Vifitation Sermon, Plymouth, June 1, 1750. Lond., 1751. Aphorifmi Inquifitorum in

12mo., pp. 52.



quatuor libros distributi. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. A Collection of Addreffes to His Majefty, National Militia, Lofs of Minorca, etc. 8vo., pp. 56.

Lond., 1756.

VOICE OF TRUTH (THE). [8vo., pp. 74. Title-page miffing.]

[Lond., 1797.]

N. Y., 1800.

VOICE OF WARNING to Chriftians on the enfuing Election of Prefident of the United States. 8vo. VOLNEY, C. F. View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America, etc. Tranflated by C. B. Brown.

Phil., 1804.

Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, fuivi d'eclairciffmens fur la Floride, fur la Colonie Francaife a Scioto, fur quelques Colonies Canadiennes et fur les Sauvages. Nouvelle *Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1822. VOLTAIRE. Henrik de Groote, uit de Franfche Heldenvaerzen van den Heere de, in Nederduitsche Dichtmaal overgebraght onder de Zinfpreuk. 4to. Amfterdam, 1753. near the Lake of 4to., pp. 23.

An Epiftle of, upon his arrival at his eftate
Geneva, in March, 1755. From the French.

The Age of Louis XIV.; with an Abstract of
XV. Tranflated, with Notes, by R. Griffith.

Lond., 1755the Age of Louis Vol. I. 8vo. Lond., 1789.

The Henriade. Tranflated into English Verfe, by a Citizen of Carolina. Cantos I. and II. Izmo. N. Y., 1823. VON TROIL, UNO. Letters on Iceland; containing Obfervations on the Civil, Literary, Ecclefiaftical and Natural History, etc. 8vo. Dublin, 1780.

VOX POPULI, Vox DEI. Being True Maxims of Government. 8vo. Lond., 1709.

VOYAGE of the late King of Sweden, and another of Mathematicians 8vo.

Lond., 1698.

Lond., 1706.

fent by him, etc.
TO THE NORTH. A New, containing a Full Account of Nor-
way, the Laplands, etc. 8vo.

VOYAGE EN ORIENT, ou Tableau Fidele des Mœurs du Commerce de

toute efpece, des Intrigues, des Filouteries, des Amours particulieres, etc., de differens Peuples du Levant. 8vo. Paris, 1801. VOYAGES. A General Collection of, undertaken either for Discovery, Conqueft, Settlement, or the Opening of Trade, from the Commencement of the Portuguese Discoveries to the Prefent Times. Vol. I. 4to. Lond.

AND DISCOVERIES. Columbus, Cortes, Drake, etc. [Imperfect.]
AND TRAVELS. [Churchill's] Collection, fome now firft printed
from original MSS., others now first published in English. Third
Edition. 6 vols.
Lond., 1704.
Thomas Aftley.
Lond., 1745-47.


A New General Collection. 4 vols., 4to.

AND TRAVELS. A New General Collection of; confifting of the most esteemed Relations which have been hitherto published in any Language; comprehending everything remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Afia, Africa and America. 4 vols., 4to.

Lond., 1745.

AND TRAVELS. A Collection of; containing the Voyage of P. Kolben to the Cape of Good Hope; a Voyage to China, by Lewis Le Compte III.; Anecdotes of the Elephant, from Wolfe's Phil., 1787.



dans les parties interieures de la Amerique pendant le cours de la Derniere guerre; par un Officer de le Armee Royale. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1790. Voyage fait dans les annees 1816 et 1817, de New Yorck, a la Nouvelle Orleans, et de l'Orenoque au Miffiffippi, par les Petites et les Grandes-Antilles. Tomes 2, 8vo. Paris, 1818.

de Decouverte au Canada, entre les annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonfe de Xanctoigne, etc. 8vo. Quebec, 1843. Hiftoire Generale des, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les Relations de Voyages par Mer et par Terre . . . 72 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1749.

d'un philofophe, ou obfervations fur les mœurs et les arts des peuples de l'Afrique, de l'Afie et de l'Amerique. 12mo. Lond., 1769. VOYAGE. An Account of a . . . for the Discovery of a North-Weft Paffage, by Hudfon's Streights, to the Weft and Southern Ocean of America, performed in 1746 and 1747, in the fhip "California," Captain Francis Smith, Commander. By the Clerk of the 66 California." 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1748. VOYAGES, DISCOVERIES AND TRAVELS. A New Collection of, containing whatever is worthy of notice in Europe, Afia, Africa and America. 7 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1767. VOYAGEUR FRANCOIS, LE. Ou la Connoiffance de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde. 20 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1765. VRIES, DAVID PIETERSZ, DE.

See Henry C. Murphy.

VRIES, SIMON De. De Noordsche Weereld; vertoond in twee Nieuwe, Aenmercklijcke derwaerts gedaene Reyfen; d'eene, van de Heer Martiniere, door Noorweegen, Lapland, etc., d'andere, van de Hamburgher Frederick Martens, verright nae Spitzbergen, of Groenland, in t' Jaer 1671, etc. Amfteldam, 1685.

WADE, WALTER. Quercus, or Oaks. From the French of Michaux.
Hiftoire des Chenes de l'Amerique Septentrionale. With Notes
and an Appendix. 8vo.
Dublin, 1809.
WADSWORTH, BENJAMIN. Sermon on the Death of Ifaac Addington,
Secretary of the Province of Maffachusetts Bay, in New England,
from Pfalm ciii. 15, 16. 8vo., pp. 22.
Boston, 1715.

True Piety the beft Policy for Times of War, Boston Lecture,
August 16, 1722. 8vo., pp. 25.
Boston, 1722.
WADSWORTH, BENJAMIN. Sermon at the Dedication of the Brick
Meeting House, in the North Parish of Danvers, November 20th,
1806. 8vo., pp. 37.

Salem, 1807.

Sermon in Salem, before the Bible Society of Salem and its vicinity, April 19th, 1815. 8vo., pp. 24. Salem, 1815. WADSWORTH, DANIEL. Sermon at the Opening of a New Meeting Houfe, Hartford, December 30th, 1739. 8vo.

New Lond., 1740.

WAFER, LIONEL. A New Voyage and Defcription of the Ifthmus of
America, etc. Second Edition. 8vo.
Lond., 1704.
WAGENAAR, JAN. Vaderlanfche Historie, vervattende de Geschiedeniffen
der nu vereenigde Nederlanden, inzonderheid die van Holland ...
21 vols., 8vo.
Amfterdam, 1749-59.
WAGSTAFF, WILLIAM R. A History of the Society of Friends, etc.
Part I. 8vo.
N. Y., 1845.
WAINWRIGHT, JONATHAN M. A Plea for Miffions. A Sermon preached
before the Board of Directors of the Domestic and Foreign Mis-
sion Society of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United
States, Philadelphia, May 13th, 1828. 8vo. N. Y., 1828.
Election Sermon before the Authorities of Massachusetts, 7th
January, 1835. 8vo.
Boston, 1835.

WAKEFIELD, GILBERT. An Examination of the Age of Reason; or,
an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology, by Thomas
Paine. 8vo., pp. 54.
Lond., 1794.

Remarks on the General Orders of the Duke of York to his
Army, on June 7th, 1794. 8vo., pp. 33.
Lond., 1794.

Letter to William Wilberforce, Efq., on the fubject of his late
Publication. Second Edition. 8vo.
Lond., 1797.
WAKEFIELD, PRISCILLA. Excurfions in North America, described in
Letters from a Gentleman and his Young Companion to their
Friends in England. Second Edition. I 2mo. Lond., 1810.
WAKELEY, ANDREW. The Mariner's Compafs Rectified . . . etc.
Lond., 1764.


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