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MATHER, COTTON. Effays to do Good; addreffed to all Christians, whether in public or private capacities. New edition, improved by George Burder. I 2mo. Boston, 1808. MATHER, INCREASE. Diatriba de Signo Filii Hominis et de Secundo Meffiæ Adventu. . . etc. 16mo. Amftelodami, 1682. KOMHTOIPA÷IA; or, a Difcourfe concerning Comets, wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars is enquired into, etc. Small 8vo.

Boston, 1683.

Boston, 1698.

Funeral Sermon (John Bailey). 8vo. Cœleftinus. A Converfation in Heaven, Quickened and Affifted, with Discoveries of Things in the Heavenly World, etc. I 2mo. Boston, 1723. MATHER, MOSES. The Vifible Church, in Covenant with God, etc. 8vo., pp. 60. N. Y., 1759. MATHER, RICHARD. Journal, Life, and Death of. [Collections of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society.]


Boston, 1850.

MATHER, SAMUEL, Effay on the Good Impreffions produced by Earthquakes, etc. 8vo., pp. 53.

Boston, 1727.

Life of the very Rev. and Learned Cotton Mather. 12mo.

Bofton, 1729. Sermon on occasion of the Death of Prince Frederick Lewis, before Lieut.-Governor Phips and Council, May 22, 1751. 8vo., PP. 31. Boston, 1751. Name of Jehovah. Boston, 1760. 8vo., pp. 31. Boston, 1762. Recover the Right 12mo., pp. 66.

A Differtation concerning the Most Venerable 8vo., pp. 101.

Convention Sermon, Boston, May 27, 1762.

The Lord's Prayer; or, a New Attempt to
Verfion and Genuine Meaning of that Prayer.

Boston, 1766. to the Ancients.

[-] Attempt to Show that America was Known With an Appendix concerning the American Colonies, etc. 8vo., PP. 35. [MATHEWS, CORNELIUS.] Behemoth: a Legend of the Mound-Builders.


Boston, 1773.

The True Aims of Life. An Addrefs delivered
Alumni of the New York University. 18mo.
A Speech on Inter-National Copyright, delivered
City Hotel, New York, February 19th, 1842.
Big Abel and the Little Manhattan. 16mo.

N. Y., 1839. before the N. Y., 1839. at the

N. Y., 1845.

MATTER OF FACT FOR THE MULTITUDE. By a True Patriot. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 38.

Lond., 1798.

MATY, HENRY. A New Review; with Literary Curiofities and Literary Intelligence. Vols. I.-VIII. 8vo.


Lond., 1782-85.
The Cafe of the Dissenting Ministers. Fourth edi-
tion. 8vo.
Boston, 1773.
A Short View of the Hiftory of the New England Colonies,

with refpect to their Charters and Conftitution. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond., 1776. [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL.] Remarks upon General Howe's Account of his Proceedings on Long Island in the Extraordinary Gazette of October 10, 1776. 8vo., pp. 54. Lond., 1778. MAUGER, CLaude. Les Dialogues Francois et Flamends . . . etc. De Franche en Nederduytfche Sampenfpraken . . . etc. 16mo. [Imperfect.]

MAULE, J. Faft Sermon, in the Chapel of the
Seamen, at Greenwich, February 28, 1794.


From the French. 8vo.

Utrecht, 1786. Royal Hofpital for 12mo., pp. 19. Lond., 1794.

MAUNDRELL, HENRY. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerufalem, at Easter, A. D. 1697. Alfo, a Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again, etc. Lond., 1810. MAUPERTUIS, (M. DE.) The Figure of the Earth, determined from Obfervations made by order of the French King, at the Polar Circle, etc. Lond., 1738. MAURELLE, FRANCISCO ANTONIO. Journal of a Voyage in 1775, to Explore the Coaft of America, Northward of California, by the Second Pilot of the Fleet, in the King's Schooner called the Sonora, and commanded by Don Juan Francifco de la Bodega. [Tranflated by Hon. Daines Barrington.] 4to. [Lond., 1781.] MAURICE, THOMAS. Indian Antiquities; or, Differtations, etc., relative to Hindoftan. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1794. MAUROY, M. Du Commerce des Peuples de l'Afrique Septentrionale dans l'Antiquite, le Moyen age et les Temps Modernes Compare au Commerce des Arabes de nos jours, ouvrage faiffant fuit a la "Question d'Alger en 1844." Second edition. 8vo. Paris, 1845. MAURY, JEAN SIFREIN, (L'ABBE). Principes d'Eloquence pour La Chaire et La Barreau. Nouv. Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1804.

MAURY, M. F. Aftronomical Obfervations, made during the year 1845, at the National Obfervatory, Washington, under the direction of. Vol. I. Published under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. 4to.


Paper on the Gulf Stream and Currents of the Sea. Read be-
fore the National Institute, at its Annual Meeting, April 2d, 1844.
8vo., pp. 16.

Wind and Current Chart of the North Atlantic. Washington.
Sheets Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts. 6th Edition. 4to. Phil., 1854Form of Abstract Log, for the Ufe of American Navigators. MAVOR, WILLIAM. Thanksgiving Sermon, December 19th, 1797. 8vo., pp. 25. Oxford, 1798. MAWE, JOHN. Defcriptive Catalogue of Minerals. 8vo. Lond., 1816. Travels in the Gold and Diamond Districts of Brazil; defcribing the Methods of Working the Mines, etc. Plates. 8vo.

Lond., 1825.

MAWER, JOHN. Difcourfe (on the Lord's Supper), delivered in the Author's Parish Church, on Good Friday, 1736. 8vo. York. MAXCY, JONATHAN. Funeral Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Rev. James Manning, D. D., July 31ft, 1791. 8vo., pp. 43. Providence.

Sermon, August 9th, 1795, at Providence.

Sermon delivered at the Dedication of a
Cumberland, 14th September, 1796. 8vo.,

8vo., pp. 39.

8vo., pp. 15. Providence, 1795. Meeting Houfe in pp. 22. Providence, 1796.

Providence, 1796.

Difcourfe, defigned to Explain the Doctrine of the Atonement.
In two Parts.
Sermon at the Annual Convention of the Warren Association,
September 12th, 1797. 8vo., pp. 22.
Boston, 1797.

Funeral Sermon, December 17th, 1817, before the Legislature of
the State of South Carolina. 8vo., pp. 50. Columbia, 1818.

Funeral Sermon, occafioned by the Death of Mr. John Sampfon Bobo, of the So. Ca. College. 8vo., pp. 16. Columbia, 1819. MAXWELL, HIRAM. Report of a Cafe, decided at the City Hall, New York, 3d February, 1823. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. MAXWELL, SAMUEL. Cafe and Complaint of... Paftor of a Church of Chrift in Rehoboth, of the Baptift Denomination. 8vo., PP. 25. Newport, 1750. MAXWELL. A Letter from a Friend in England to Mr. . . . complaining of his dilatorinefs in the publication of his fo longpromised Work, with a Character of Dr. Johnfon's English Dictionary, and Mr. Maxwell's Juftification of Himself. 4to., pp. 26. Dublin, 1755.

MAXWELL, WILLIAM. The Virginia Historical and Literary Advertifer. Vol. I., for the year 1848; Vol. II., 1849; Vol. III., 1850; Vol. IV., 1851. 4 vols. in two. 12mo. Richmond. MAY, EDWARD. Remarkable Extracts, felected from a Work printed in 1687, by Peter Jurieu, entitled "The Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies," etc. 8vo., pp. 51. Henley, 1790. MAY, HEZEKIAH. Thanksgiving Sermon, delivered at Bath, November 25th, 1802. 8vo. Portland, 1802.

Boston, 1808.

Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Sylvefter Sage, Braintree, November 4th, 1807. 8vo., pp. 28. MAY, SAMUEL J. Letters to the Rev. Joel Hawes, D. D., in Review of his Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims. 8vo.


Hartford, 1831. MAYER, BRANTZ. Commerce, Literature and Art. A Difcourfe delivered at the Dedication of the Baltimore Athenæum, October 23d, 1848. Baltimore, 1848. Journal of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, during his Vifit to Canada in 1776, as one of the Commiffioners of Congress. With a Memoir and Notes. 8vo., pp. 84. Baltimore, 1845. Tah-Gah-Jute; or, Logan and Captain Michael Crefap; a Dif

courfe before the Maryland Hiftorical Society . . . 9th May, 1851. 8vo., pp. 86. Baltimore, 1851. MAYER, BRANTZ. Calvert and Penn; or, The Growth of Civil and Religious Liberty in America, as difclofed in the Planting of Maryland and Pennsylvania. A Difcourfe . . . in Philadelphia before the Pennsylvania Hiftorical Society, 8th April, 1852. 8vo. Baltimore, 1852. MAYER, CHARLES F. Difcourfe delivered before the Maryland Historical Society, 20th June, 1844. 8vo., pp. 32. Baltimore, 1844. MAYER, F. See Pondeaux, H. MAYHEW, EXPERIENCE. Sermon, at Bofton, November 23, 1718. With a brief Account of the State of the Indians on Martha's Vineyard, etc., from 1694 to 1720. 12mo. Boston, 1720.

Grace Defended in a Modest Plea for an Important Truth, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1744. Letter to a Gentleman on that Question, whether Saving Grace be different in fpecies from Common Grace, or in degree only? 12mo., pp. 28. Boston, 1747. MAYHEW, JONATHAN. Election Sermon, Massachusetts, May 29, 1754. 8vo., pp. 52. Bofton, 1754Two Sermons (November 23d, 1755), occafioned by the Earthquakes, etc. 8vo., pp. 76. Boston, 1755. Two Thanksgiving Sermons, 23d November, 1758. 8vo., pp.


Difcourfe occafioned by the Death of the Hon. Stephen Sewall,
etc. 8vo., pp. 66.
Boston, 1760.

Sermon occafioned by the great Fire in Boston, March 20, 1760.
8vo., pp. 38.
Boston, 1760.

Two Difcourfes (Thanksgiving) occafioned by the Reduction of
Canada. 8vo., pp. 69.

Boston, 1760.

Remarks on his Incidental Reflections relative to the Church of
England, etc. 4to., pp. 31.

Portsmouth, 1763.

Obfervations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, etc.

Candid Examination of the Obfervations, etc.
Members of the Society. 8vo.

Defence of the Observations, etc. 8vo.

8vo. Boston, 1763.

By one of the

Bofton, 1763.

Boston, 1763.

Answer to his Obfervations on the Charter and Conduct of the
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 8vo.,
Pp. 68.
Lond., 1764.

Remarks on "Answer to Mayhew's Obfervations," etc., being
a Second Defence of the Obfervations. 8vo. Boston, 1764.
Letter of Reproof to John Cleaveland, occafioned by a Defama-
tory Libel published under his name. 8vo.

Boston, 1764.

Popish Idolatry. A Difcourfe delivered in the Chapel of Harvard College, in Cambridge, New England, May 8th, 1765. (Dudleian Lecture.) 8vo.. Boston, 1765.

MAYHEW, JONATHAN. Thanksgiving Difcourfe, occafioned by the Repeal of the Stamp Act, Boston, May 23, 1766.

8vo., pp. 44.. Boston, 1766. Boston, 1766.

Same. Second edition. 8vo. An Eclogue Sacred to the Memory of. 4to., pp. 16. Boston. MAYO, ROBERT. A View of Ancient Geography and Ancient History. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Political Sketches of Eight Years in Washington. 8vo. Baltimore, 1839.

Phil., 1813.

The Affidavit of Andrew Jackson, taken by the Defendants in the Suit of Robert Mayo vs. Blair and Rives for a libel, analysed and refuted. 8vo. Washington, 1840. MAYO, WILLIAM STARBUCK. Kaloolah; or, Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri... etc. Second edition. 12mo.


N. Y., 1849.

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N. Y., 1850.

The Berber; or, The Mountaineer of the Atlas Second edition. [MAZZEI, PHILIP.] Recherches Hiftoriques et Politiques fur les EtatsUnis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, etc. Par un Citoyen de Virginie, avec quatre Lettres d'une Bourgeois de New Haven, fur l'unite de la Legislation. 4 vols. 8vo. Colle (Paris), 1788. MEAD, HENRY. Sermon, May 28th, 1780, Chrift both God and Man. 8vo., pp. 36. Lond., 1780.

The Real Saint Delineated. A Sermon, February 24th, 1782.
8vo., pp. 25.
Lond., 1782.

Sermon, April 23, 1789, at St. Pancras Church, on God's
Goodness, etc. 8vo., pp. 29.


Fast Day Sermon, in Bethel Chapel, St. Pancras, March 9th, 1796. 8vo., pp. 39. Lond., 1796. MEAD, RICHARD. A Mechanical Account of Poifons, in several Essays.


Lond., 1702.

A Short Difcourfe, concerning Peftilential Contagion, and the methods to be used to prevent it. Fourth edition.


Lond., 1720.

Mead, Samuel. A Faithful Hint of the Final Reduction and Restoration of Sinners. 8vo., pp. 42. Keene, 1796. MEADOWCOURT, RICHARD. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, November 5, 1726. Second edition. 8vo., pp. 29. Lond., 1728. Sermon at the Cathedral Church of Worcester, Faft Day, April 11th, 1744. 8vo., pp. 18. Lond., 1744. MEADOWS, F. C. A New French and English Pronouncing Dictionary, on the bafis of Nugent's, etc. Fourth American edition. By George Folfom. 12mo. N. Y., 1836. MEARES, JOHN. Voyages made in the years 1778 and 1789, from China to the North-West Coast of America. With an Introductory Narrative of a Voyage in 1786, from Bengal, of the ship "Nootka," etc. Maps and plates. 4to. Lond., 1790. MEASE, JAMES. A Geological Account of the United States, etc. Phil., 1807.


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