The Nautical Magazine: A Journal of Papers on Subjects Connected with Maritime Affairs, Volume 5Brown, Son and Ferguson, 1836 |
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Page 10
... tion laid against him . However , he had better luck this time , for he soon found himself on board a fine frigate , with one of the smartest officers and best seaman in his Majesty's service . In this ship he shared the glory of two ...
... tion laid against him . However , he had better luck this time , for he soon found himself on board a fine frigate , with one of the smartest officers and best seaman in his Majesty's service . In this ship he shared the glory of two ...
Page 22
... tion ! a period double that which it ought to have taken us , as a single ship , to have reached England . In February , a sloop - of - war made the passage from Port Royal to Barbados in twenty - four days , to the northward of the ...
... tion ! a period double that which it ought to have taken us , as a single ship , to have reached England . In February , a sloop - of - war made the passage from Port Royal to Barbados in twenty - four days , to the northward of the ...
Page 34
... tion of a ship , under all circumstances , passes through its centre of gravity . 2dly . That the tendencies of a ship to the motions of pitching and ' scending , arise from , and are measured by , the moments of inertia of the fore and ...
... tion of a ship , under all circumstances , passes through its centre of gravity . 2dly . That the tendencies of a ship to the motions of pitching and ' scending , arise from , and are measured by , the moments of inertia of the fore and ...
Page 41
... tion in the case , that the committee very properly have not lost sight of " protecting existing interests , and preserving good faith ; " did it never occur to the committee , how easily their object of retaining the means of making ...
... tion in the case , that the committee very properly have not lost sight of " protecting existing interests , and preserving good faith ; " did it never occur to the committee , how easily their object of retaining the means of making ...
Page 44
... tion , relating a similar occurrence on our own shores , in the month of September last ; one of whom thus expresses himself- " The lives of the 13 sailors were saved , but they lost every thing , nay , they were robbed even of their ...
... tion , relating a similar occurrence on our own shores , in the month of September last ; one of whom thus expresses himself- " The lives of the 13 sailors were saved , but they lost every thing , nay , they were robbed even of their ...
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Common terms and phrases
Admiralty anchor anchorage appears arrived balance spring Barbados bearing Bight of Benin boat bottom Bridlington brig British buoy Cape Capt Captain channel chronometer coast Commander committee course Crew saved danger daughter depth distance Ditto east eastward effect Euphrates fathoms fathoms water feet gale half harbour hurricane island Jamaica June Kirkcaldy land late latitude Lieut light Liverpool London Malta Mast Master mate merchant meridian miles Mount's Bay Nautical Magazine naval navigation navy nearly night northward observed officers passed pilot Plymouth port Portsmouth present Purser readers reef right ascension river rocks round Royal Royal Navy rudder sailed sailors Scarborough seamen seen Sept shew ship ship-owners ship's shoal shore side southward station Staysail storm supposed Surg tide tion tons Tortola vessels voyage waves weather westward William Torr wind wreck
Popular passages
Page 643 - O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Methought the billows spoke, and told me of it ; The winds did sing it to me ; and the thunder, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounced The name of Prosper ; it did bass my trespass. Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded.
Page 116 - As to the project, however, which was announced in the.- newspapers of making the voyage directly from New York to Liverpool, it was, he had no hesitation in saying, perfectly chimerical, and they might as well talk of making a voyage from New York or Liverpool to the moon.
Page 328 - A WET sheet and a flowing sea, A wind that follows fast And fills the white and rustling sail And bends the gallant mast; And bends the gallant mast, my boys. While like the eagle free Away the good ship flies, and leaves Old England on the lee. O for a soft and gentle wind...
Page 772 - Laws may be operated by an unlicensed person, shall be inspected internally and externally once each year, between the first day of June and the first...
Page 773 - STATE OF NEW YORK, Secretary's Office. I have compared the preceding with an original act of the Legislature of this state on file in this office, and do certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original.
Page 478 - Scotland — a nation cast in the happy medium between the spiritless acquiescence of submissive poverty, and the sturdy credulity of pampered wealth — cool and ardent — adventurous and persevering — winging her eagle flight against the blaze of every science, with an eye that never winks, and a wing that never tires...
Page 560 - Tigris went down, it scarcely exceeded eight minutes ; whilst the operation of sinking itself did not consume more than three ; indeed the gale was so very violent, that I doubt whether the most powerful vessel, such as a frigate, could have resisted it, unless she were already secured to the bank; and for this there was, in our case, little or no time, as it was barely possible, in the position of our consort, to make fast and save the vessel. " I had little, or rather no hope, that the Euphrates...
Page 327 - said the pitying Spirit, " Dearly ye pay for your primal Fall — Some flow'rets of Eden ye still inherit, But the trail of the Serpent is over them all!
Page 772 - ... between the first day of June and the first day of September, but should it be impracticable to take up or remove any stationary nets in the waters of Lake Erie on the first day of June...
Page 561 - ... on board ; scarcely a word was spoken, not a murmur was heard, and death was met with that exemplary degree of intrepidity and resignation which have been displayed by every individual throughout the arduous and trying service in which we have been engaged since January, 1835. " Having already given a faithful account of the short but eventful period of about twelve minutes occupied by the beginning, the progress, and termination of the hurricane...