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but Belos, whom they interpret to be Zeus, sundered the darkness in twain, disparted Heaven and earth from each other, and established the world-order; and the animals, not being able to endure the strength of the light, perished. When he saw land unoccupied and fruitful, Belos ordered one of the gods to take off his head, to mix earth with the blood that flowed from it, and to mould men and beasts that could endure the air.' Belos created also the stars and the sun and moon and the five planets." All this, says Alexander Polyhistor, Berossus asserts in his first book.

E. DAMASCIUS ON THE THEOGONY OF THE BABYLONIANS10 "Among the Barbarians, it would appear that as far as the Babylonians are concerned they have passed over in silence one of the three first principles of the universe" and have made two, Tauthe and Apason, making Apason the husband of Tauthe, and naming her the mother of the gods. Of these a single son was born, Moymis-the visible world itself, I take it, derived from their two first principles.12 But other issue came from the same parents, Daches and Dachos, and then again a third, Kissare and Assoros. Of these two were born three children, Anos, Illinos, and Aos; and the son of Aos and Dauke was Belos, who they say is the Creator."

• I. e., the light of day.

10 Damascius, Ed. Kopp, p. 384. It is supposed to have been handed down by Eudemus of Rhodes. The translation and notes are also by Professor Harmon. 11 Damascius is an ardent Neo-Platonist; he finds triads if he can. 12 This may be pure conjecture on the part of Damascius.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

E-temen-an-ki, 189

Euedōrakhos, 135, 140

Euedōreskhos, 135

Ishdar, 53

lissakirû, 180

Ishtar, 53

Ishu-El, 58

Euhemerism, 27

Isis, 40

[blocks in formation]

lizu, 174

lu-an-na, 127, 135

Lucian, 63

Lu-En-lil-lá, 166

Lugal-Marad, 26, 28, 41

Lugal-zaggisi, 41, 171
lumashu, 206

lumkha, 129

'l wr, 131
mabbul, 188
md-gur-gur, 165

Mahalal-El, 129, 135

Malik, 55
maggēl, 135
Mar, 131

Marduk, 99, 103

Mari, 12, 25, 43, 57, 100,
Mar-Tu, 22

Hadad, 50

khārāsh, 134

mashdê, 205

Haifa, 78

khasasu, 168

hamah, 88

kheber, 95

hamam, 88

khibish, 180

Haran, 168

khitpi, 121

hèqim, 86

khubur, 95

Heshbon, 52

kin-gub, 113

Hierapolis, 63

Kirjath-arba, 56

maşşēbāh, 46
Megal, 135
Megalanos, 135
Megal-Anu, 135
Megalaros, 135
Megiddo, 48

m'hûmah, 94

Hit, 164

Kish, 190

mekhû abûbu, 155

Homer, 92

[blocks in formation]

Horos, 100

Kissare, 217

Merneptah, 35

ham, 88

Kronos, 69, 99, 104, 156, meth, 133

Humba, 62

[blocks in formation]

Humbaba, 12, 28, 41, 57, Kulla, 82

Moriah, 130


Kur-Gal, 21, 169

Moses, 37

Humman, 62

la-an, 187

Mot, 215

Huwawa, 63

Labbu, 89

Mount Hermon, 157

ibbara, 183

Lakhamu, 97

Moymis, 217

ibbu, 119

[blocks in formation]

Ibi-Sin, 25

[blocks in formation]

Idin-Dagan, 23

Idin-Kakka, 104
Ilu, 173, 175
Ininna, 172

Lamech, 137

Murashû, 21

Laōnus, 135

Mutesellim, 48

Larak, 126

Larsa, 126

Mutu-sha-Árkhi, 136

Mycerinus, 34

[blocks in formation]
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