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When Marduk, on [hear]ing the words of the gods,
his heart being stirred, and devising cunning plans,
Opened his mouth; to Ea he [spoke] concerning

what he had planned in his heart, giving council. "Blood I will gather, and bone I will fashion.

I will establish a lu-gal-lu; "man" shall be his name.

5 I will create a man—an amelu.

They shall do the work of the gods, that they may be reconciled.

I will change the ways of the gods; I will act cleverly.

Alike they shall be honored; into two (groups) they shall be divided.”

Ea answered him, speaking the word to him;

10 For the reconciliation of the gods, he repeated to him the plan. "Let one, their brother, be offered up;

let him perish, and let people be fashioned.

Let the great gods assemble;

let this one be offered up that they may exist." Marduk assembled the great gods;

presenting his plan; and giving the command, He opened his mouth; commanding the gods;

as king to the Anunnaki, he speaks the word: 15 "Let your former designations be established. Trustworthy things, I swear the word with myself. Who was he who created warfare?

Who incited Tiamat to revolt, and joined battle?

Let him be offered up who created warfare.

20 I will cause him to bear his sin; that you may dwell in peace."

The Igigi, the great gods, answered him;

To the king of the gods of heaven and earth, counsellor of the gods, their lord:

"Kingu was the one who created warfare.

'Twas he who incited Tiamat to revolt, who joined battle."

25 They bound him, and before Ea [brought] him;

and the punishment they laid upon him; they extracted his blood. With his blood he made mankind;

he imposed [upon him the serv]ice of the gods; he released the gods. When mankind was created, Ea [sav]ed (them);

the work of the gods he placed upon him. That work, which was not intelligently done,

SIXTH TABLET (Continued)

through the craftiness of Marduk.

Marduk, the king of the gods, divided the host of the Anunnaki; above and below

30 He appointed for Anu to guard [the law];

[in] the midst [of heaven, he established] a watch. He altered the ways of the earth, ..... and earth After Marduk had issued the oracles,

The Anunnaki [of the ....

35 To Marduk, their lord, they spoke:


... the Anunnaki;


"O Nannar, my lord, who had established our release,

What is our grace before thee!

Oh, let us make a shrine, whose name will be proclaimed,

An abode, truly our resting place, that we will have peace in it. 40 Come, let us found a shr[ine]; we will establish ....

In the day we have succeeded, we will rest therein."

Marduk, when he had heard this,

Like the day his countenance shone exceedingly.
"Like... Babylon, whose work you have desired,

45 Let the city be build; let its bright(?) shrine be fashioned."

The [A]nunnaki carried the basket;

the first year, [they made] their bricks.

As the second year approached, they reared the head of Esagil as against the apsû.

They built the ziggurrat in the upper apsû;

for Marduk, Enlil, and Ea, in it they established a dwelling.

In majesty before them he sat;

like a root [springs up], they watched its horns.

50 After they had constructed the work of E[sag]ila,

the Anunnaki, [all] of them fashioned their shrines.

To Marduk, ki[ng of the great gods] on the border of the apsû, all of them assembled, they sat in the shrine, whose dwelling they had built.

The gods, his fathers, he caused to sit at his .....

This is Babylon, the place of your dwelling.

They sacrificed to its place, [they made] a feast;

the gods sat down.

They set up the drink[ing] vessel; out of the chalice they drank

after the wine(?) was placed in their midst.

55 In Esagil ...

SIXTH TABLET (Continued)

Laws were established; plans were formulated.

The stations of heaven and earth were assigned to the gods, all of them,

The great gods sat down joyfully.

The gods, the destiny of their Sibi, for eternity he stationed.

60 Enlil raised [the weapon, he laid it be]fore them.

The net which he had made, the great gods saw.

They beheld the bow, how artful was its construction.
The work which he had done, his fathers praised.
Anu raised it, and speaks in the assembly of the gods.
65 He kissed the bow; it


Thus are the names of the bow he named:

long-wood is the first; the second ....

The third of its name is bow-star in the heavens.
He established the station

After the fates of ...

70 He laid the throne

Anu in heaven
They assembled


(Five lines missing.)

He made exceed

80 To their words

He opened his mouth


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

85 Let him do the shepherding of the Blackheaded...

That in later days, lest his deeds be forgotten
Let him establish for his fathers the offerings
Their support let him [provide ...

Let him cause to smell the in[cense

90 An image in heaven he made .....

Let him appoint

Not ...



Let offerings be brought their god (and) their goddess. 95 Lest they be forgotten, let them support their god.

SIXTH TABLET (Continued)

Let them adorn their path; let them build their shrines. the Blackheaded, our god.

For us whatever name we mention, he, verily, is our El.

[Yes], we will name his fifty names.

100 His triumph, truly, is magnificent; his deeds, verily, are the same. Marduk, who on his going forth, his father Anu named him;

He establishes the storms against the enemies; he makes plentiful their violence;

Who with his weapon abubu bound the

The gods his fathers, he saved in distress.

105 Verily, his sonship of the gods, they proclaimed him.
In his shining light, they will walk continuously.

On the people, whom he created, creatures of life(?),
The work of the gods he imposed, that they were appeased.
the star ..

110 Verily their protection(?)

Marduk, verily his deity


their glance, himself.

Who gladdens the heart of the Anunnaki; who pacifies the..
Marduk, verily the assistance of his land and his [people].
Him, let be honored, the people have .....

115 Sharru, the decider, stood and the adversary is over[thrown].
Wide was his heart; warm his compassion.

Lugal-dimmer-an-ki, whose name, our assembly pronounced, We will bring the word of his mouth unto the gods his fathers. Truly, he is the lo[rd] of the gods of heaven and earth, all of them. 120 The king, whose consecration the gods ....

Nari-lugal-dimmer-an-ki-a, whose name we have mentioned, a place for all the gods,

Who is heaven and earth, established our abode in distress.
To the Igigi and the Anunnaki, he divided the station(s).
At his name, let the gods tremble; let the shrines totter.
125 Silig-lu-dug is his name, which Anu his father pronounced.
He, verily, is the light of the gods; the mighty gishțû.

Who, like a cloth is spread out, is a protecting deity of god and land,
Who, in a mighty battle protected our dwelling in distress.
Silig-lu-dug, the god of life, again the gods named his name (?).

130 Who, like his creatures, strengthened the dejected gods.

The lord, who, with his holy incantation, resuscitated the dying gods.

SIXTH TABLET (Continued)

The destroyer of the .... the hater of .....

Verily, the shining god, whose name was named.

A pure god, who makes our path bright.

135... whom Anshar, Lakhmu and Lakhamu had na[med]. To the [gods their children], they spoke.

We(?) .... mentioned his name.

[blocks in formation]

140 In Upshukinnaka, he caused them to lay aside (?) their fetters.

"Of the warrior son, our avenger.

We, who are patrons, will [exalt] his name."

They sat down in their assembly; they named his destiny.

In the... of their totality, they proclaimed his name.


Asari, the donor of fruitfulness, the founder [of agriculture],

The creator of grain and plants, who causes [the green herb to spring forth),

Asaru-alim, who in the house of counsel is hon[ored for surpassing counsel],

Whom the gods have rev[ered

5 Asaru-alim-nunna, the great, the light of [the father, his begettor], Who directs the law of Anu, Enlil, (and Ea],

[blocks in formation]

Whose provision he supplies abundantly.

Tutu, the creator of their restoration is [he].

10 If he consecrates their sanctuaries, truly they are [pacified].

If he makes an incantation, the gods will [be appeased].

If they rise in anger, he will subdue [their breasts].
Truly, he is exalted, in the assembly of the gods.
No one among the gods is like him.

15 Tutu, the Zi-ukkinna, the life of the host ....
Who established for the gods the holy heavens
Who set their way, and ordained .....


Lest there be forgotten among men the deeds.....

Tutu, the Zi-azag, as the third they named, who effects purification; 20 The god of the good wind, the lord of the obedient and benevolent.

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