A SYSTEMATIC VIEW OF THE SCIENCE OF JURISPRUDENCE. 8vo. [1872] price 18s. THE purpose of this work is to demonstrate, both theoretically and practically, that Jurisprudence is a true science. The principles of Professor MAINE, Mr. AUSTIN, and the best accredited German jurists, are carried out in considerable detail to their logical conclusions, as well as supplemented and criticised. The principle of distribution is social and political, rather than what may be called transcendental. Constitutional Law, Laws of Ownership, Laws of Contract, Laws affecting Special Classes of Persons (as husband, wife, trustees, and the like), Laws of Civil Injuries and Crimes, are in turn traced back to their bases in the ethical relationships and material necessities of mankind, and analytically arranged so as to present the form of an Abstract and Exhaustive Code. The main problems of International Law are rigorously scrutinised, and the standing questions of Codification, Legal Education, as well as subordinate questions, such as Unanimity of Juries, the Juridical aspects of Capital Punishment, the Prerogative of Pardon, the Appointment of a Public Prosecutor, the Definition of Murder, Commercial Tribunals, Extradition, Divorce, and the Fusion of Law and Equity, are handled according to the strictest principles of pure scientific investigation. The work is especially addressed to the unprofessional as well as professional reader and student. 'The Author has a true and clear conception of the nature of jurisprudence, or he would not have so happily described it as the "skeleton grammar of law." The Author's style is easy and agreeable.' SATURDAY REVIEW. 'The Author's remarks on Codification will be read with considerable interest by others as well as lawyers. Mr. AMOS'S work is, on the whole, well written, and will be read with interest by all students of jurisprudence.' ATHENEUM. 'The book has very considerable merits, and is a real step in advance. It is probably the most comprehensive attempt which has yet been made in England to grasp the whole subject' of jurisprudence. It is the first book of value in which Sir H. MAINE'S "Ancient Law," the most important contribution to scientific legal literature of the last twenty years, has told.' LAW MAGAZINE. 'No doubt Mr. Amos is, in the abstract, right in his choice of a title, but it is likely to mislead his possible readers into the idea that his book contains nothing but dry bones, which certainly is not the case......We have discussions in a temperate and judicial tone upon such questions as the comparative advantages and disadvantages of Codified Law, Women's Rights, and the Criminal Irresponsibility of the Insane. This part of the book will be read with appreciation by persons who will skim its more formal part.' LAW JOURNAL. 'Jurisprudence supplies a point of view from which we may regard many legal systems; and for that very reason it is disregarded both by persons who are ignorant of legal systems in general, and by those whose attention is absorbed by a single form of law. But Mr. AMOS's volume will be found really useful by men of independent minds who are not afraid of abstractions, and like to approach either law or politics in a manner which is at once technical and philosophical. It encourages a comprehensive view of subjects which are apt to lose themselves in detail, and if consulted on a particular question, it will generally be found to supply valuable materials for thought when it does not give a definite answer.' ww London, LONGMANS & CO. GUARDIAN. OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, AND PRIVATE STUDENTS BY SHELDON AMOS, M.A. Professor of Jurisprudence, University College, London; Professor of Jurisprudence |