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their judgment. And your judging one another in the meetings, hath emboldened others to quarrel, and judge you also in the meetings. And this bath been all out of order, and the church-order also. Now, if ye have any thing to say to any, stay till the meeting be done, and then speak to them in private between yourselves, and do not lay open one another's weakness; for that is weakness, and not wisdom to do so, but is for want of love that beareth all things; and therefore let it be amended. No more, but my love.

Friends, if any amongst you have movings to do any service for the Lord, when they have done it, let them return again with speed to their habitation, and there serve the Lord in their generation; that no slothfulness may be amongst you. But all keep in diligence, that no occasion may be given to any to speak evil of the Truth; but that ye may answer that of God in all. So, give no offence; for woe is to those by whom offences do come: yet quench not the Spirit.

G. F.

Dear Friends,



Exhort all your families at times and seasons, whether they be servants or children, that they may be informed in the Truth. For when ye were professors, many of you did exhort and instruct them in the form, when ye had not the power: and therefore now being brought into the Truth, ye should be more diligent to exhort, admonish, and instruct them.



G. F.

To Friends, to take care of such as suffer for


owning the Truth.


In the wisdom and power of God dwell, by which all things must be ordered to his glory, in which ye may do all things to his glory; and that with the wisdom of God ye may order and preserve the creation, and every thing that is good. And if any servants be convinced, and turned from their places for Truth's sake, friends to be tender to them,

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that they be not lost; but that they may be preserved. And if any soldiers be put out of the army for Truth's sake, that they may be nourished and cherished; or any children be turned from their parents, or believing wives from their unbelieving husbands, that they may be admonished to walk wisely towards them. And that all prisoners, that have but little of their own, there may be care taken for them, and for the lame and sick. And that, if any friends be oppressed any manner of way, others may take care to help them: and that all may be as one family, building up one another, and helping one another.

And every one be obedient to the life and power of the Lord God, and that will keep you from being as a wilderness; but be faithful and still, till the winds cease, and the storm be over.


Dear Friends,

G. F.


In Adam in the fall are all the inward foul weather, storms, tempests, winds, strifes; the

whole family of it in confusion, being all gone from the Spirit and the witness of God in themselves, and the power, and the light; in which power, light, and Spirit, is the fellowship with God and one with another, through which they come out of Adam in the fall, into the second Adam that never fell, the quickener, who awakens old Adam's children out of their sleep of sin, and brings them out of bis ways up unto Himself, the way, Christ; and out of and from the teachers, and priests, and shepherds, &c. that change and fall, to the Priest, Shepherd, and Prophet, that never fell or changed, nor ever will fall or change, nor leave the flock in the cold weather, nor in the winter, nor in storms or tempests; nor doth the voice of the wolf frighten Him from his flock. For the Light, the Power, the Truth, the Righteousness, did it ever leave you in any weather, or in any storms or tempests? And so, his sheep know his voice, and follow Him, who gives them life eternal abundantly; who saith to all that are dead in Adam, I am come, (mark,)1 am come, that ye (dead in Adam) might have life.

Christ the second Adam is come, that the dead in the first Adam might have life, and might be

quickened; and that they might be awakened to righteousness, who are asleep in the unrighteousness. And so, he doth invite all Adam's posterity to come to Him, that all through Him might believe, and come to light, and come to life, and come up into peace and rest; for in the second Adam ye have peace, ye have rest. So, they have no peace nor rest in the old Adam in the fall; but in the second Adam, Christ, that never fell, is the rest, and the peace, and the life.

G. F.


All friends every where, do not delight in apparel, do not delight in the creature, more than the Creator. Trust not in uncertain riches, which fade and pass away; but trust in the living God, and love the riches that endure, and fade not away. Delight not in the world that ends, but in the world that hath no end; that there ye may all come to have an assurance of the endless life.

G. F.

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