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DISC. "will fatisfy or oblige him, because he hath


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been obliged in all things-Betimes "therefore accuftom your defires, like chil"dren, to disappointments. Deny them "every thing they afk for, that is improper "for them to obtain; nay, every thing "(be it what it may) which they ask for in "an improper manner. This will be fo far "from fouring the temper (as fome have "weakly suggested in the cafe of chil"dren) that it will give you, as well as "them, a confirmed habit of acquiefcing "in what is rights of cheerfully fubmit"ting, when your wills are over-ruled; of "receiving every thing with pleasure and

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gratitude, in which you are indulged ; "above all, of controuling every fudden paf"fion that may arife; of commanding and "moderating every defire; of refigning to "the appointments of Providence, through "every fituation and period of life." And if this be not happiness, fay, where is it to be found, and where is the place thereof?


It is the happiness of a hero, the joy and the glory of a conqueror, returning


from the field of battle triumphant through DISC. grace, and dragging the enemies of his VII. falvation faft bound to his chariot-wheels. When self-denial has thus wrought it's perfect work within you, the kingdom of heaven is there and that kingdom is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghoft.

But felf-denial will not only thus bring down heaven to you for a time—it will carry you up to heaven for ever. Letras revert to the fifth chapter of St. Matthew's' Gospel, and confider well the promises there made to thofe holy and happy tempers, peculiar to Chriftianity, the effence of all which is felf-denial; and let us obferve the manner in which the reward is adapted and appropriated to each feveral temper.

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"Bleffed are the poor in fpirit; for "theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Bleffed "are they that mourn; for they fhall "be comforted. Bleffed are the meek; for "they fhall inherit the earth. Blessed are

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they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they fhall be filled. "Bleffed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. Bleffed are the pure in "heart; for they fhall fee God. Blessed "are the peace-makers; for they shall be


called the children of God. Bleffed are

they which are perfecuted for righteouf"nefs fake; for theirs is the kingdom of "heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall "revile you, and perfecute you, and shall

say all manner of evil against you falfely,

"for my fake. Rejoice, and be exceeding "glad; for great is your reward in heaven."

The Saviour's promise is sufficient—But would you hear the teftimony of one who viewed it's accomplishment? You shall hear it

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"I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, "which no man could number, of all "nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, ftood before the throne, and "before the Lamb, clothed with white


"robes, and palms in their hands, and DISC. "cried with a loud voice, Salvation to our VII. "God which fitteth upon the throne, and

" unto the Lamb; bleffing, and glory, and "wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, "and power, and might, be unto our God, "for ever and ever. And one of the elders "answered, saying unto me, What are these "which are arrayed in white robes, and "whence came they? And I faid unto "him, Sir, thou knoweft. And he said "unto me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed "their robes, and made them white, in the "blood of the Lamb"-Thefe are the


poor in fpirit, the mourners, the meek, “the merciful, the pure in heart, the

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peace-makers, the afflicted, and the per"fecuted"-Thefe are they, who, in the days of their flesh, denied themselves, "took up their crofs daily, and followed Jefus," in the way that leadeth unto life; that way, on which "the Lord hath "promised his blessing, even life for ever"more."

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