Page images

Public works.


New York.

League Island.



New storehouse.

Port Royal.

Payment to Justin McCarthy.

Algiers, dry dock.

Mare Island.


Puget Sound.
Dry dock.

Post, p. 413.


NAVY-YARD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS: For electric light plant, fifteen thousand dollars.

NAVY-YARD, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK: For caisson for granite dock, thirty-five thousand dollars; for renewing buildings numbered one hundred and fourteen, one hundred and fifteen, and one hundred and sixteen (C. and R.), seventy thousand dollars; for grading, paving, and laying of sewers, ten thousand dollars; for quay wall inside of Whitney basin, twenty-five thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and forty thousand dollars.

NAVY-YARD, LEAGUE ISLAND, PENNSYLVANIA: For continuation of sea wall, twenty thousand dollars; for completion of shear legs, eleven thousand nine hundred dollars; for an electric-light plant, ten thousand dollars; to complete east dry-dock pier, forty thousand dollars, to be immediately available; in all, eighty-one thousand nine hundred dollars.

NAVY-YARD, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: For extension of yard wall through marsh, twenty-four thousand six hundred and ninety-three dollars; retaining wall for, and raising lower floor, store numbered ten, ten thousand nine hundred and fifteen dollars; locomotive wrecking crane, seven thousand five hundred dollars; completing conversion of mold-loft building into forge shop, six thousand nine hundred and thirty-six dollars; in all, fifty thousand and forty-four dollars.

NAVY-YARD, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA: For extension of electric plant, eight thousand dollars; for sewers, drains, and water closets in offices and shops, fifteen thousand dollars; for continuing quay wall, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the construction of a fireproof storehouse to replace the storehouse building numbered fifteen, destroyed by fire in December, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, seventy-two thousand three bundred and sixty-five dollars and seventy-seven cents; in all, one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and sixty-five dollars and seventy

seven cents.

NAVAL STATION, PORT ROYAL, SOUTH CAROLINA: For repairs to main wharf, eighteen thousand three hundred and sixty-eight dollars. For paying Justin McCarthy, contractor for building the dry dock at Port Royal, South Carolina, in full for loss and damage caused by the cyclone of August twenty seventh and twenty eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, as ascertained by the Navy Department, eighteen thousand five hundred and twenty-one dollars and forty-two cents.

Dry dock at Algiers, Louisiana: For the purpose of completing the purchase of additional lands necessary for the establishment of a dry dock at Algiers, Louisiana, cost of advertising, plans and specifications for said dry dock, and expenses of judicial proceedings instituted for the condemnation of such additional lands, twenty-three thousand and twenty five dollars and three cents.

NAVY-YARD, MARE ISLAND, CALIFORNIA: For extending yard railroads, eighteen thousand three hundred and thirty-two dollars; for navy-yard roads, five thousand dollars; for shed over galvanizing plant (C. and R.), three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for cottage for electrician, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars; in all, twenty-nine thousand and nineteen dollars.

For the construction of a steam tug at Mare Island Navy Yard, California, for the use of said yard, fifty thousand dollars.

DRY DOCK, PUGET SOUND [NAVAL STATION], WASHINGTON: For artesian wells, three thousand five hundred dollars; to defray the expenses incurred prior to September sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, in boring test wells, recording titles and deeds, perfecting tities, and in connection with the purchase of the Puget Sound dry

dock, two thousand five hundred and seventy-nine dollars and eighty three cents, the same having been expended by Lieutenant Ă. B. Wykoff, United States Navy, by direction of the Navy Department; in all, six thousand and seventy-nine dollars and eighty-three cents. FOR NAVAL STATION, KEY WEST, FLORIDA: Coaling shed, ten thousand dollars.

REPAIRS AND PRESERVATION AT NAVY-YARDS AND STATIONS: For repairs and preservation at navy yards and stations, three hundred thousand dollars.


Key West.

Repairs, etc.

Naval Academy.

FOR BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, NAVAL ACADEMY: Improvement Water front. of the water front of the Academy, ten thousand dollars. For repairs to the gas-plant, five thousand dollars.

To pave Hanover street from Maryland avenue to Wagner street, Wagner street from Hanover street to King George street, and King George street from College avenue to College or Graveyard Creek, in the city of Annapolis, Maryland, thirteen thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to convey to the city of Annapolis, Maryland, the title to the bed of King George street from College avenue to College or Graveyard Creek.


Gas plant.
Paving, etc.

Naval Observatory.

FOR GROUNDS AND ROADS: For continuing grading, extending Grounds and roads. roads and paths, clearing and improving grounds of New Naval Observatory, and filling ravine contiguous to boiler house to Massachusetts avenue extended, twelve thousand dollars.

Instruments and accessories: Miscellaneous instruments and accessories, namely: One comet seeker, four hundred dollars; one standard mercurial barometer, four hundred dollars; one magnetic theodolite, eight hundred dollars; one dip circle, two hundred and fifty dollars; one earth inductor inclinometer, three hundred dollars; one galvanometer, eighty dollars; one telescope and scale, fifty dollars; one quadrant galvanometer, sixty-two dollars; one compensator, fourteen dollars; glass scales, one hundred dollars; beam suspensions, one hundred dollars; one photographic register, one hundred and fifty dollars; one altazimuth instrument, mounted and protected from weather, six thousand five hundred dollars; eye-pieces and shades, two hundred and fifty dollars; one twelve-inch object-glass, two thousand dollars. For freight elevator, five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-six dollars.


MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: For surgeons' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy-yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and Coast Survey, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navy-yards, naval laboratory, museum of hygiene, and Naval Academy, sixty thousand dollars.

Instruments, etc.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

Surgeons' necessaries, etc.


NAVAL HOSPITAL FUND: For maintenance of the naval hospitals Hospital fund. at the various navy-yards and stations, and for care and maintenance of patients in other hospitals at home and abroad, twenty thousand dollars. For complete renovation of present hospital build- Brooklyn, N. ing at Brooklyn, New York, with a view of placing it in a perfect sani- hospital. tary condition, namely: for sealing all the walls to remove existing disease germs and for antiseptically finishing and painting them, removing rotten wooden floors and replacing them by tile with slate sidings impervious to moisture, scraping and painting all doors and woodwork, refitting windows so as to be utilized in ventilation, remodelling cased wooden stairways and renewing them with iron or other suitable material, fifteen thousand dollars; for construction of one ward of modern


Vol. 26, p. 213.



Bureau of Supplies

and Accounts.

Detail of assistant

design of sufficient size and cubic air space to accommodate at least fifty sick and wounded men, to be one story high with suitable elevavation and to be constructed of the same material used for present hospital, twenty-five thousand dollars; for erection of retaining and boundary wall, fifteen thousand dollars; for kitchen, mess hall, and smoking room removed from basement and located apart, conveniently for inmates and attendants of main hospital building and proposed adjacent wards, three thousand five hundred dollars; for construction of an operating ward with all modern antiseptic appliances, one thousand five hundred dollars; for heating and fire apparatus enlarged and improved: Plumbing renewed, five thousand dollars; for elevator for transporting sick and wounded introduced, three thousand dollars; for apartment fitted in main building for chapel, reading room, and sailors' library, one thousand dollars; in all, sixty-nine thousand dollars, which sum shall be paid from that portion of the naval hospital fund accruing from the sale of naval hospital grounds to the city of Brooklyn, and placed to the credit of the naval hospital fund, in pursuance of the provisions of the Act approved July second, eighteen hundred and ninety.

CONTINGENT, BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY: For freight, expressage on medical stores, tolls, ferriages, transportation of sick to hospital, transportation of insane patients; care, transportation, and burial of the dead; advertising; telegraphing; rent of telephones; purchase of books and stationery; binding of medical records, unbound books, and pamphlets; postage and purchase of stamps for foreign service; expenses attending the medical board of examiners; rent of rooms for naval dispensary; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; sanitary and hygienic instruction; purchase and repairs of wagons and harness; purchase of and feed for horses and cows; trees, plants, garden tools, and seeds; furniture and incidental articles for the museum of hygiene, naval dispensary, Washington; naval laboratory, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, surgeons' offices and dispensaries at navy-yards and naval stations; washing for medical department at museum of hygiene, naval dispensary, Washington, naval laboratory and department of instruction, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, dispensaries at navyyards and naval stations and ships and rendezvous; for necessary expenses incident to removal of museum of hygiene to old observatory building and grounds, and for such minor repairs on said building and grounds as may be required to properly receive and preserve the exhibits, and all other necessary contingent expenses, twenty-five thousand dollars.

REPAIRS, BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY: For necessary repairs of naval laboratory, and department of instruction, naval hospitals, and appendages, including roads, wharves, outhouses, sidewalks, fences, gardens, farms, and cemeteries, twenty thousand dollars.


That an officer of the pay corps of the Navy may be detailed as K. S., sec. 179, p. 28. assistant to the Chief of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts in the

chief authorized.


Navy Department, and that such officer shall, in case of the death, resignation, absence, or sickness of the Chief of the Bureau, unless otherwise directed by the President, as provided by section one hundred and seventy-nine of the Revised Statutes, perform the duties of such chief until his successor is appointed or such absence or sickness shall cease.

PROVISIONS, NAVY, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS: For provisions and commuted rations for the seamen and marines, commuted rations for officers on sea duty, and naval cadets and commuted rations stopped on account of sick in hospital and credited to the naval hospital fund, subsistence of officers and men unavoidably detained or

absent from vessels to which attached under orders (during which subsistence rations to be stopped on board ship and no credit for commutation therefor to be given), and fresh water for drinking and cooking purposes, one million and seventy five thousand dollars; labor in gen eral storehouses and paymasters' offices in navy-yards, including a chemist at two thousand dollars per annum, one hundred thousand dollars; in all, one million one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

CONTINGENT, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS: For freight Contingent. and express charges, candles, fuel, books and blanks, stationery, adver tising, furniture for general storehouses and pay offices in navy-yards, expenses of naval clothing factory and machinery for same, postage, telegrams, telephones, express charges, tolls, ferriages, yeoman's stores, iron safes, newspapers, ice, and other incidental expenses, forty-five thousand dollars.'

CIVIL ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS: Navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: In general storehouses: Two bookkeepers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one assistant bookkeeper, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one bill clerk, at one thousand dollars; one assistant clerk, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one shipping and receiving clerk, at one thousand dollars; in all, five thousand eight hundred and forty dollars;

Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: In general storehouses: One bookkeeper, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one shipping clerk, at one thousand dollars; one receiving clerk, at one thousand dollars. In yard pay office: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, four thousand and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents;

Navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: One writer to boards of inspection, nine hundred dollars. In general storehouses: Three bookkeepers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one assistant bookkeeper, at one thousand dollars; one assistant bookkeeper, at seven bundred and twenty dollars; three receiving clerks, at four dollars per diem each; one assistant receiving clerk, at one thousand and ninetynine dollars; three shipping clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one bill clerk, at one thousand dollars; one assistant bill clerk, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; two leading men, at two dollars and fifty cents per diem each; five pressmen, at two dollars and seventy-six cents per diem each; one superintendent of coffee mills, at three dollars per diem; one boxmaker, at three dollars per diem; one engine tender, at three dollars and twenty-six cents per diem; one coffee-roaster, at two dollars and fifty cents per diem; one fireman, at two dollars per diem; one messenger, at two dollars and twenty five cents per diem; In yard pay office: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one messenger, at two dollars and twenty-five cents per diem; in all, twenty-eight thousand four hundred and twelve dollars and three cents.

Civil establishment.


New York.

Navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvania: In general storehouse: League Island. One bookkeeper, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant bookkeeper, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.

Navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: In general storehouse: One bookkeeper, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one receiving clerk, at one thousand dollars; one bill clerk, at one thousand dollars; one shipping clerk, at one thousand dollars;

In yard pay office: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, six thousand four hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents.

Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland: In general storehouse: One bookkeeper, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one receiving and shipping clerk, at one thousand dollars; in all, two thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents.


Naval Academy.

Torpedo station.

Mare Island.


Bureau of Construction and Repair.

Preservation, repair, etc., of vessels.

Torpedo Station, Newport, Rhode Island: In general storehouse: One clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars.

Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: In general storehouses: Two bookkeepers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two assistant bookkeepers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one receiving clerk, at one thousand dollars; one shipping clerk, at one thousand dollars; one bill clerk, at one thousand dollars; one assistant clerk, at one thousand dollars.

In yard pay office: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents. In all, eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars and twenty-five cents.

Navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: In general storehouses: Two bookkeepers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two assistant bookkeepers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; one bill clerk, at one thousand dollars; oue assistant bill clerk, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one receiving clerk, at nine hundred and forty-two dollars; one assistant receiving clerk, at seven hundred and twenty dollars.

In yard pay office: One writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-three dollars and seventy-five cents; in all, Civil Establishment, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, sixty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-two dollars and three cents; and no other fund appropriated by this Act shall be used in payment for such service.


CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF VESSELS: For preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; steam steerers; pneumatic steerers; steam capstans, steam windlasses, and other steam auxiliaries; labor in navy-yards and on foreign stations; purchase of machinery and tools for use in shops; wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat; general care, increase, and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and repair; incidental expenses, such as advertising, freight, foreign postage, telegrams, telephone service, photographing, books, professional magazines, plans, stationery, and instruments for drafting room, -nine hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this sum Limit, wooden ships. shall be applied to the repairs of any wooden ship when the estimated cost of such repairs, to be appraised by a competent board of naval officers, shall exceed ten per centum of the estimated cost, appraised in like manner, of a new ship of the same size and like material: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall deprive the Secretary of the Navy of the authority to cause the necessary repairs and Vessels damaged at preservation of the United States ship Hartford or to order repairs of ships damaged in foreign waters or on the high seas, so far as may be necessary to bring them home.






Civil establishment.


New York.

For the repair of the ship Constitution, now lying at the Portsmouth navy-yard, in the State of New Hampshire, in order that it may be used as a training ship for the naval militia, eight thousand dollars.

For the repairs of the hull of the United States ship Hartford, to be used as a training ship when repaired, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

CIVIL ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR: Navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For one clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents;

Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: For one clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars;

Navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: For one clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; three writers, at one thousand

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