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manifest in the flesh,' p. 144 ;-different readings of the original, ibid.
-the text never appealed to in the early stage of the Arian contro-
versy, ibid. Tit. ii. 13, p. 146. Contrary to the tenor of Scripture
to speak of Christ as 'the great God,' ibid. Heb. i. 8, God is thy
throne" the true sense of the text, p. 147. 2 Pet. i. 1, 'God' means
the Father,' p. 148. 1 John iii. 16, the word God' an interpolation,

ibid. 1 John v. 20, the pronoun this clearly refers to a remote ante-

cedent, ibid. otherwise Jesus Christ might be proved to be antichrist,

p. 149. Remarks, ibid.-III. Christ One with God p. 150; as

his disciples are one with him, ibid. 1 John v. 7, proved an interpo-

lation, p. 151.-omitted in the best modern editions, p. 153;—and

omitted or marked as doubtful in the earlier English versions, p. 154.

Arguments in favour of the text stated and answered, ibid. Gibbon's

account correct, p. 156, note. First cited, and probably forged, by

Vigilius Tapsensis, p. 160.-IV. Equal with God, p. 161.-Y.

Fulness of Godhead, ibid.-VI. The Son of God, p. 163. The

Son, p. 164. God his own Father, ibid. The first-born, i. e. the

first who rose to immortal life, ibid. The beloved Son, p. 165 ;-

i. e. chosen to peculiar privileges, ibid. Only begotten Son, ibid.;

-a phrase peculiar to John, p. 166. Used by him where the other

evangelists use beloved, ilid, The Son of God equivalent to the

Messiah, p. 167.-VII. Christ the Image of God, p. 169. The ef-

fulgent ray of his glory, ibid. No mysterious emanation of the Son

intended by this metaphor, ibid.-VIII. Lord of glory, p. 171.-

IX. Alpha and Omega, ibid. Rev. i. 10, 11, Dr. Doddridge lays

great stress upon a clause now known to be spurious, p. 172, note.-

X. Lord of all, p. 173. The Son and the Lord of David, ibid.—XI.

Prince or Leader of life, p. 174.-XII. Fills all in all, p. 175.

Eph. i. 22, Christ the head supplies his body, the church, with all

things needful, ibid.-XIII. A Saviour or Deliverer, p. 176.-XIV.

King of kings, and Lord of lords, ibid.

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ence and divinity of Christ not expressly taught in the New Testa-

ment, p. 245.-3. Great difficulties upon the supposition that this

fact was revealed during our Lord's personal ministry, p. 247. Still

greater difficulties upon the supposition that it was not then known,

p. 248.-4. Christians not charged with polytheism by the Jews in

the apostolic age, ibid.-5. Christ in the most unqualified language

styled a Man after his ascension, p. 249. An angel incarcerated in a

human body not properly a man, p. 250.-6. Jesus often calls him-

self the Son of Man, ibid. Remarks upon this phrase, p. 251.-7.

Christ appeared as a man, with all the incidents and infirmities of hu-

man nature, and was universally regarded as such by his contempo-

raries, p. 252.-8. The writer to the Hebrews asserts and argues that

he was a mere man, and could not be a being of superior nature,

P. 253.

9. The great body of primitive christians for the two first centuries

and upwards were believers in the simple humanity of Jesus Christ,

p. 255. This fact of high importance, and fully established by Dr.

Priestley, p. 256. The proper humanity of Christ must be the first

impression upon the primitive converts, ibid. ;-and must have con-

tinued till John wrote his Gospel, p. 257. Nor is there any proof

that the writings of this evangelist produced any sudden change of

opinions on this subject, ibid. The Unitarians always maintained

that their doctrine was the prevailing belief till the time of Victor,

A. D. 200, p. 258. That the Jewish christians were in general Uni-

tarians, is proved by their not being excommunicated, ibid. ;-by the

concessions and the moderate language of Justin Martyr, p. 259;-

by the direct testimony of Origen, p. 260 ;-confirmed by Eusebius,
ibid. No distinction upon this subject between Nazarenes and Ebio-
nites, p. 261. Dr. Horsley constrained to concede this point to Dr.
Priestley, ibid. note. No foundation for the hypothesis of an orthodox
Jewish church at Ælia, p. 262. That the great body of Gentile chris-
tians were Unitarians, attested by Origen, p. 263;-and most expli-
citly by Tertullian, p. 265. Dr. Horsley's extraordinary method of
repelling Tertullian's testimony, p. 266. Testimony of Athanasius
to the Unitarianism of the Gentile church, p. 268;—and of Jerome,
ibid. note. Conclusion, ibid.

Abstract of the Controversy between Dr. Horsley and Dr. Priest-
ley concerning the Existence of a Church of orthodox He-
brew Christians at Elia.

Origen's assertion stated by Dr. P., p. 270;-contradicted by Dr. H.,

who charges Origen with wilful falsehood, and asserts the exist-

ence of a Hebrew orthodox church at Ælia, a colony established by

Adrian after the demolition of Jerusalem, ibid. Dr. P. consults the

wrong reference, p. 272. Charges the archdeacon with making ad-

ditions to Mosheim, p. 273 ;-denies the existence of the Hebrew

church at Ælia;-and accuses Dr. H. of being a falsifier of history,

and defamer of the dead, p. 274.

The archdeacon resents the charge, p. 274;-acknowledges that

he borrowed every thing from Mosheim, ibid. ;-and retorts upon Dr.
P., ibid.. Sets himself to prove the fact he had asserted in seven pro-
positions, p. 275;-the three first acknowledged facts, but nothing
to the purpose, ibid. ;—the three next are gratuitous and improbable
assumptions, p. 276. ;-the seventh proposition argued from the tes
timony of Jerome, p. 277. Dr. H.'s extraordinary mode of bring-
ing Jerome's testimony to bear upon the question, p. 278. ;-acknow-
ledges that his argument rests chiefly upon his six propositions, which
only assume the fact to be proved, ibid. Dr. H.'s bold conclusion,
p. 274;-not warranted by his premises, ibid.

Dr. H. asserts the migration of the Jewish christians from Pella to

Ælia in order to enjoy the immunities of Adrian's colony, p. 280 ;-

appeals to Epiphanius's testimony to the fact, ibid. ;-who mentions

the return of the christians after the war of Titus 60 years before,

p. 281. ;—the archdeacon deprecates chronological objections, ibid. ;

-these christians must have been fourscore years of age when they

returned to Ælia, p. 282. Aquila, surveyor of Adrian's works, con-

verted by them, bears testimony to their activity and zeal, ibid. An-

other chronological difficulty, ibid. Aquila's conversion was before

Adrian's war broke out, ibid. Dr. H., now a bishop, complains of

the trouble his opponent gives him by his chronological objections,

p. 283;-believes that the Hebrew christians who abandoned the

Mosaic ritual were not banished by Adrian, ibid.;—but forgets to

provide for them in the interval between the destruction of Jerusalem

and the building of Ælia, ibid. note;-or to reconcile this supposition

with the facts before alleged, as the foundation of his charge against

Origen, ibid. His lordship wishes to trust the church of Ælia to

herself against future attacks, p. 284.

Dr. P. maintains that his lordship's assumptions are contradicted.

by the clearest facts, ibid. ;-laughs at his lordship's protest against
chronological objections, p. 285 ;-declares the church of Trinitarian
Jews to have fallen upon the head of its founder, ibid. ;—aud gives
the bishop a spirited challenge to resume the controversy, ibid. ;—
which his lordship prudently forbears to accept, ibid. ;—and both par-
ties retire equally well satisfied with the result, ibid.

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