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order that his family might be elevated in the estimation of his fellow-citizens. These successes, therefore, at the public games, were greatly in favour of his views; for it was an enlightened practice in ancient Greece, by some reckoned worthy of imitation in later times, to raise men in rank from their superior abilities in charioteering, racing, wrestling, or such like exercises. Alemæon was therefore greatly favoured by the Athenians, who speedily shewed their respect for his merits by electing him to the office of Polemarch, the third in the list of Archons, or chiefs.

The elevation of Alcmæon to so high a dignity in his native city, emboldened Milenos to aspire openly to the hand of the beautiful Ada. If his family had remained unknown amongst the Athenians, Clisthenes would certainly have rejected him as a suitor for his daughter, since his object was to gain a powerful connection by the projected alliance; but now the condition of the family was entirely changed. As the sixty days assigned by the Prince of Sicion were near expiring, several noble youths commenced their journey to that city, to compete for the illustrious prize. Appias, the son of Tisander, set out with a numerous train, and was followed by Milenos, whose appearance was rendered by his father's care as magnificent as that of any of his rivals. When they arrived at Sicion, there was already assembled a numerous crowd of distinguished aspirants from distant as well as neighbouring regions, all attended by companions in arms, and by slaves gorgeously apparelled. Whilst Clisthenes was busied in giving them all severally a gracious reception in the audience-hall of his palace, a rumour was spread that a mighty host had entered the city. Suspense and curiosity were excited by this report, which were soon appeased by the appearance of the leader of this martial array. He was borne on the shoulders of men in a purple litter adorned with gold and gems. Being placed on the ground, he advanced to Clisthenes, clothed in a silken robe of pure Tyrian dye. He announced himself as Glaucus of Sybaris, from Magna

Græcia, whose fame for excessive wealth and amazing luxury was spread far and wide. His train was as numerous as an army, and included 100 cooks, 100 fowlers, and 100 fishermen. To the question of Clisthenes, how he had fared on his journey, he answered that he had suffered excruciating agony from sleeping on hard beds, so that his bones were aching with increasing torment. 'I slept last night,' continued he, with an air calculated to excite sympathy with his woes, 'on a bed of roses, but the leaves got doubled up under me, and I awoke in terrible anguish. The degrading effeminacy of the remark raised a smile of contempt in Clisthenes and his guests.

As it was the intention of the Prince of Sicion to select as his son-in-law the man whom he found not only the most worthy in his moral and intellectual capacity, but also the most valiant and expert in warlike and athletic games, he had erected a palestra, and a hippodrome or circus. Here every morning were combats and races, in which Clisthenes stood as an attentive observer. Fencing, throwing the arrow and the quoit, wrestling, running, leaping, were the ordinary exercises, and horse and chariot races the sports of the hippodrome. In the afternoon, discussions on poetry, music, philosophy, and ethics, were maintained, in which each in his turn was to recite a piece of his own composition, the merits and arguments of which were to be judged and canvassed. In the evening, a sumptuous feast was given by Clisthenes, at which all the guests were present, and the day's entertainment was generally closed by the performance of Thespis and his tragic chorus, whom the prince had invited from Athens to assist at this extraordinary meeting. The talents of Thespis excited the greater wonder and applause, since the improvements his genius had effected in dramatic representations were little known in Greece. In this varied manner was each day of the year passed, which Clisthenes had assigned as the period of probation.

In accordance with the rigid custom of the Greeks, Ada, the fair maid for whose hand so many rivals werę


struggling, was kept secluded from observation. strict notions of filial piety in which the young girls of Greece were educated, did not permit her to consult any will but her father's in the disposal of herself in marriage. However warmly her heart beat and was touched with love for Milenos, she soon learned that paternal authority was exerted to curb the ebullitions of youthful passion, So great was the awe inspired by the name of parent in the heroic days of Greece, that she never dared even to mention to him the involuntary and powerful attachment she had formed in Athens. When she was apprised of the plan her father had in view for selecting the most estimable person in Greece as her husband, she could not fail to feel flattered that so many distinguished youths had entered the lists as competitors. So glorious and honourable to her, indeed, was the strife, that she could not accuse either the affection or the judgment of her father. She thus partook of the exalted feelings which actuated Clisthenes; and she declared, that not even Milenos should have her hand, unless he approved himself a worthy champion in the struggle. She could not, however, but feel interested in his success; and, in spite of the heroism with which she had armed herself to yield to her father's choice, her heart beat high with expectation when Milenos's name was mentioned with applause. As the year drew nigh its expiration, she learned with a lively emotion from Clisthenes, that his choice lay between Appias and Milenos, as their superiority over the other competitors was decided. The balance in the mind of Clisthenes was nicely poised. Appias was pre-eminent in personal strength and prowess, in feats of arms and athletic combats. Milenos stood before his fellows in the arts which adorn the mind, and in the virtues which give lustre to knowledge. At length, that influence which outward accomplishments have over certain minds, joined to the feeling of friendship for Tisander, decided the question in favour of Appias; and though Ada grieved at the fiat, she was too much a Grecian maid to murmur.

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Upon the day in which Clisthenes was to pronounce his decision, a more than usual sumptuousness marked the closing feast. Many of the chief citizens of Sicion were present, besides all the suitors; and an unusual quantity of wine was quaffed. During the entertainment, a discourse arose upon music and dancing, in which the indiscreet Appias took part, urging with infinite warmth various arguments in defence of dancing. As this species of exercise, except in the dress and attitudes of warriors, was held in no repute amongst the Grecians, his opinions met with many opponents. Heated with the discussion, and with the wine he had swallowed, Appias suddenly ordered the musicians, who were stationed at the foot of the hall, to advance forward, and to play the lively air known by the name of Emmelia. At the same time springing to the floor, he cried out: 'Now you shall see whether grace and dignity be not compatible with dancing. So saying, he commenced moving about to the tune he had called for with an agility which astonished the beholders. Not satisfied with this exhibition, he ordered a table to be brought, upon which he mounted, and proceeded to dance in the two modes which were in use amongst the Lacedæmonians and the Athenians. During these actions of Appias, Clisthenes had sat amazed and disgusted with his infatuation; but although his ill-humour was apparent, he said nothing. But a scene soon arose which raised his indignation to the greatest height. Whilst Appias was dancing on the table, many of the guests, amused and delighted at the spectacle, applauded him with loud shouts. Intoxicated with these senseless cheers, the unfortunate Appias consummated his disgrace by standing on his head, and throwing his legs with various contortions into the air. Unable any longer to endure a sight so revolting to his sense of decorum, Clisthenes called sternly to Appias to descend, and then addressing him, said: Son of Tisander, you have danced away your wife !' To this the insensate youth replied: "Appias cares not!'-an abrupt rejoinder that became a proverbial saying in Greece to a very remote age.

When the sensation caused by this adventure had subsided, Clisthenes rose and addressed the audience. He expressed his sense of the obligation he was under to so many illustrious men who had aspired to become his son-in-law, but as it was only possible for one to succeed, and it was necessary for him to declare his choice, he now announced it as having fallen on Milenos, the son of Alcmæon, to whom he gave his daughter for a wife, according to the Athenian laws. To the rest of the competitors he presented a talent of silver, as a small mark of the estimation in which he held them.

The result, it need be scarcely said, was one of unutterable joy to Ada and Milenos; and the marriage, which was shortly afterwards solemnised, sealed their happiness. So distinguished an alliance increased the dignity of the family of Alcmæon in Athens; and the descendants of Milenos and Ada reached the highest posts in the government of their country, and took an active part in the heroic conflicts of Marathon and Salamis.



IN the letter in which Junius accuses the Duke of Grafton of having sold a patent place in the collection of customs to one Mr Hine, he informs the reader that the person employed by his Grace in negotiating the business, was George Ross, the Scotch Agent, and worthy confidant of Lord Mansfield. And no sale by the candle,' he adds, was ever conducted with greater formality.' Now, slight as this notice is, there is something in it sufficiently tangible for the imagination to lay hold of. If the reader thinks of the Scotch Agent at all, he probably thinks of him as one of those convenient creatures so necessary to

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