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" The city still is our's f their force repell'd, And therefore weaker ; proud of this success, Our soldiers too have gain'd redoubled courage, And long to meet them on the open plain. What hinders, then, but we repay this outrage, And sally on their camp... "
Bell's British Theatre - Page 12
by John Bell - 1797
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The Siege of Damascus: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre ..., Volume 1

John Hughes - 1720 - 88 pages
...repell'd, And therefore weaker j proud of this Succefs, Our Soldiers too have gain'd redoubled Courage, M\& long to meet them on the open Plain. What hinders then but we repay this Outrage, And fally on their Camp ? Eutx. No— — let us firft Believe th' Oecafion fair, by this Advantage, To...
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The Siege of Damascus: A Tragedy, by John Hughes, Esq. As Performed at the ...

John Hughes - 1776 - 82 pages
...weaker ; proud of this fuccefs, Our foldiers too have gain'd redoubled courage, And long to meet them.on the open plain. What hinders, then, but we repay this outrage, And fally on their camp ? Eum. No—let us firft Believe th'occafion fair, by this advantage, To pin-chafe...
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The British drama, Volume 1

British drama - 1804 - 954 pages
...; their force repelled, And therefore weaker ; proud of this success, Our soldiers too have gained redoubled courage, And long to meet them on the open...sally on their camp? Eum. No — let us first Believe the occasion fair, by this advantage, To purchase their retreat on easy terms : That failing, we the...
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The British drama, Volume 1

British drama - 1804 - 946 pages
...; their force repelled, And therefore weaker ; proud of this success, Our soldiers too have gained redoubled courage, And long to meet them on the open...sally on their camp ? Eum. No — let us first Believe the occasion fair, by this advantage, To purchase their retreat on easy terms : That failing, we the...
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The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Tragedies

1804 - 510 pages
...ours; their force repelled, And therefore weaker ; proud of this success, Our soldiers too have gained redoubled courage, And long to meet them on the open...sally on their camp ? Eum. No— let us first Believe the occasion fair, by this advantage, To purchase their retreat on easy terms : That failing, we the...
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The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 328 pages
...desperate. Aids may soon arrive; Mean time, in spite of their late bold attack, The city still is ours ; their force repell'd, And therefore weaker; proud...repay this outrage, And sally on their camp ? Eum. True;—they pretend the gates of Paradise, Stand ever open to receive the souls Of all, that die in...
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British Theatre: Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, from ...

Owen Williams - 1828 - 930 pages
...desperate. Aids may soon arrive; Mean time, in spite of their late bold attack, The city still is ours ; their force repell'd, And therefore weaker: meet them on the open plain. What hinders then hut we repay this outrage, And sally on their camp? Eum. No — let us first Believe th' occasion fair,...
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British Theatre, Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and ..., Volume 3

Owen Williams - 1828 - 912 pages
...desperate. Aids may soon arrive; Mean time, in spile of their late hold attack, The city still is ours ; s upon me, and becomes a burden; And yet, when I behold the charming Wbat hinders then bul we repay this outrage, And sally on their camp? Eum. No — let us first Believe...
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British Theatre: Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and ..., Volume 5

Owen Williams - 1828 - 926 pages
...desperate. Aids may soon arrive; Mean time, in spite of their late bold attack, The city still is ours ; their force repell'd, And therefore weaker: proud of this success, Our soldiers too have gaiu'd redoubled courage, And long to meet them on the open plain. What hinders then but we repay this...
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British theatre, comprising tragedies, comedies, operas, and farces; with ...

British theatre - 1830 - 928 pages
...arrive ; Mean time, in spite of their late bold attack, The city still is ours ; their force repelPd, And therefore weaker: proud of this success, Our soldiers...plain. What hinders then but we repay this outrage, Arid sally on their camp? Êèò. No — let us first Believe lli' occasion fair, by this advantage,...
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