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" Pillage, sir. Per. Ay, Pillage, I do remember he called you Pillage. Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my uncle die ? Col. "
Bell's British Theatre - Page 67
by John Bell - 1797
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The Works of the Celebrated Mrs. Centlivre ...: The wonder. The man bewitch ...

Susanna Centlivre - 1760 - 434 pages
...Steward, Sir. Per. I have heard him mention yoa with much Refpeft ; your Name is Col. Pillage, Sir. Par. Ay, Pillage, I do remember he called you Pillage -...Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my Uncle die ? Col. Monday laft, at Four in the Morning. About Two he fign'd his Will, and gave it into my Hands, and ftrii3ly...
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The New English Theatre: Busy body; Bold stroke for a wife

1782 - 400 pages bore you ? Col. 1 was his fteward, Sir. Pes-. I have heard him mention you with much reipeft ; your name is • Col. Pillage, Sir. Per. Ay, Pillage, I do remember he call'd you Pillage. Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my uncle ,die? Col. Monday laft, at four in the morning....
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Bell's British Theatre,: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays ...

1776 - 470 pages bore you ? Col, I was his fteward, Sir. Per. I have heard him mention you with much refpect ; your name is Col. Pillage, Sir. Per. Ay, Pillage, I do remember I call'd you Pillage Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my uncle die ? Col. Monday laft, at four in the morning....
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Bell's British Theatre: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays, Volume 6

John Bell - 1780 - 440 pages bore you ? Col. I was his fteward, Sir. Per. I have heard him mention you with much refpeit ; your name is— — Col. Pillage, Sir. Per. Ay, Pillage, I do remember he call'd you Pillage. Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my uncte die ? Col. Monday laft, at four in the morning....
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British Theatre, Volume 15

John Bell - 1792 - 342 pages bore you f Col. I was his steward, sir. Per. I have heard him mention you with much respeft ; your name is— — Col. Pillage, sir. Per. Ay, Pillage,...Col. Monday last, at four in the morning. About two lie sign'd his will, and gave it into my hands, and strictly charg'd me to leave Coventry the moment...
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The British Drama: Comedies. 2 v

1804 - 556 pages bore you ? Co/. I was his steward, sir. Per. I have heard him mention you with much respect ; your name is Col. Pillage, sir. Per. Ay, Pillage;...Monday last, at four in the morning. About two he signed his will, and gave it into my hands, and strictly charged me to leave Coventry the moment he...
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Sharpe's British Theatre, Volume 11

1805 - 258 pages
...Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my nncle die? Col. Monday last, at foar in the morning. Ahont Iwo he slgn'd his will, and gave It into my hands, and strictly...Coventry the moment he expir'd ; and deliver it to yon with what speed I conld : I have ohcy'd him, sir, and there It the will. [Gives it to Per. Per....
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The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Comedies

1804 - 558 pages
...with much respect; your name is Cat. Pillage, sir. Per. Ay, Pillage; I do remember he called •ou Pillage. Pray, Mr Pillage, when did my uncle die ?...Monday last, at four in the morning. About two he signed his will, and gave it into my hands, and strictly charged me to leave Co•entry the moment...
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The British Drama: Comedies. 2 v

1804 - 552 pages
...bore you f Col. I was his steward, sir. Per. I have heard him mention you with much respect ; youNname is Col. Pillage, sir. Per. Ay, Pillage; I do remember he called you Pillage. Pray, Mri Pillage, when did my uncle die? Col. Monday last, at four in the morning. About two he signed his...
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The Busy Body: A Comedy in Five Acts

Susanna Centlivre - 1808 - 300 pages bore you ? Col. I was his steward, sir. Per. I have heard him mention you with much respect : — your name is Col. Pillage, sir. Per. Ay, Pillage,...his will, and gave it into my hands, and strictly charged me to leave Coventry the moment he expired; and deliver it to you with what speed I could....
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