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" All that thou hast said tendeth only to debauch youth, and fill their heads with the pride and luxury of this world. The merchant is a very great friend to Satan, and sendeth as many to his dominions as the pope. Per. Right; I say, knowledge makes the... "
Bell's British Theatre - Page 79
by John Bell - 1797
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A Bold Stroke for a Wife: A Comedy. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre

Susanna Centlivre - 1749 - 80 pages
...Tr.adcIo<utT thou doft wafte thy Breath about nothing All that thou haft faiA tendeth only to dedauch Youth, and fill their Heads with the Pride and Luxury...The Merchant, is a very great Friend to Satan, and fendeth as many to. his Dominions as the Pope. Per. Right, I fay Knowledge makes tfie Mani Ob. Pr....
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The New English Theatre: Busy body; Bold stroke for a wife

1782 - 400 pages
...Verily, neighbour Tradelove, thou doll wafte thy breath about nothing — All that thou. haft faid tendeth only to debauch youth, and fill their heads...—The merchant is a, very great friend to Satan,, and fendcth as many to his dominions as the Pope. Per. Right, I fay knowledge makes the man. Ob. Pr. Yea,...
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Bell's British Theatre,: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays ...

1776 - 470 pages
...Pr. Verily, neighbour Tradelove, thou doft wafte thy breath about nothing — all that thou haft faid tendeth only to debauch youth, and fill their heads with the pride and luxury of this world. The menfbjmt is a very great friend to Satan, and fendeth as many t&jh-is dominions as the Pope. '"M' Per....
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Bell's British Theatre: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays, Volume 6

John Bell - 1780 - 440 pages
...wafte thy breath about nothing — All that thou haft faid tendeth only to debauch youth, and fifl their heads with the pride and luxury of this world....The merchant is a very great friend to Satan » and fendeth as many to his dominions as the Pope. Per. Right, I fay knowledge makes the man. Ob. Pr. Yea,...
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The British Drama: Comedies. 2 v

1804 - 552 pages
...toast their mistresses, were it not for the merchant? Oba. Prim. Verily, neighbour Tradelove, thou dost waste thy breath about nothing — All that thou...sendeth as many to his dominions as the pope. Per. Ilight ; I say knowledge makes the man. Oba. Prim. Yen, but not thy kind of knowledge It is the knowledge...
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The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Comedies

1804 - 558 pages
...neighbour Tradelore; thou dost waste thy breath about nothing — All that thou hast said', tendcth only to debauch youth, and fill their heads with the...pope. Per. Right ; I say knowledge makes the man. Oba. Prim. Yea, but not thy kind of knowledge It is the knowledge of truth. Search I" in for the light...
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Sharpe's British Theatre, Volume 11

1805 - 258 pages
...All that thon hast said tendeth only to dehanch yonth, and fill their heads with the pride and lnxary of this world— The merchant is a very great friend...the pope. Per. Right, I say knowledge makes the man. Oh. Pr. Yea, hnt not thy kind of knowledge it is the knowledge of trnth. Search thon for the light...
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The British Drama: Comedies. 2 v

1804 - 556 pages
...— All thaf thou hast said, tciideth only to debauch youth, and fill their head» with the prid« and luxury of this world — The merchant is a very great friend to satán, and scndeth as many to his dominions as the pope. Per. Right ; I say knowledge makes the man....
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The Modern British Drama: In Five Volumes, Volume 4

Walter Scott - 1811 - 666 pages toast their mistresses, were it not for the merchant ? Ob. Pr. Verily, neighbour Tradelove, thou an. — Come, let me see how it becomes you .' Cost. Are Ol>. Pr. Yea, but not thy kind of knowledge it is the knowledge of truth. Search thou for the light...
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The modern British drama, Volume 4

British drama - 1811 - 670 pages toast their mistresses, were it not for the merchant ? Oft. Pr. Verily, neighbour Tradelovc, thou dost waste thy breath about nothing — All that thou...and sendeth as many to his dominions as the pope. I'er. Right: I say knoxvledgc makes the man. Ok. Pr. Yea, but not thy kind of knowledge it is the knowledge...
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