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and the other a girl and a boy; but the faces of the children are almost white, the colouring having completely lost its effect. This complaint, it should seem, has become rather general against the once highly esteemed flesh colouring so peculiar to this deservedly famed painter.

In taking leave of the brilliant and superb part of this elegant mansion, one of the most useful parts of the establishment is offered to the view of the visitor, namely, the DAIRY. If this place, in which much taste is also shown, in the formation of an octagon small building, with very handsome stained glass, cannot boast of a LINGO to enjoy the cream of the thing, an obliging COWSLIP is ready to give every explanation necessary. It is fitted up with every convenience; and upon the whole it must be pronounced a little elegant appendage to CORSHAMHOUSE.

The PROMENADE OF THE GROUNDS, lastly, attracts the attention of the visitor. If the study of art has been deemed necessary to give superior taste in the formation of them, it must be confessed that the beauties of nature are, nevertheless, to be met with at every step. Trees of the finest sort rise majestically over the ground; and in the lowest part of the Park a piece of water has been formed to add to the effect, which, with the distant hills, and the surrounding woody scenery, render the prospect delightfully interesting and picturesque. The late improvements in the grounds have been made from the designs of Mr. REPTON. Chairs and benches, made of the boughs of trees, are to be found in various parts of the walks, to rest the visitor;

and some curiously covered ones. The summerhouse is a neat building, and the fond ivy has nearly obscured its front; a sort of subterraneous turn-round is attached to it, that leads to the garden, but no admittance to which is granted. The stained-glass here has also a pretty effect, but more particularly when the trees and shrubs are viewed through it. At the bottom of the walk there is a fine view of the north front of the building, which has been modelled after the design of Henry the Seventh's Chapel at Westminster, and has a very light attractive appearance. The flying buttresses and turrets are also viewed as great ornaments to this elegant mansion. The above addition has been erected within the last 18 years, from the design of JOHN NASH, Esq. and cost, it is said, £80,000.

It is thought that the proprietors of the coaches in Bath might employ one or two of their vehicles every Tuesday and Friday to a very good account, set apart expressly for the purpose of conveying visitors from Bath to CORSHAM-HOUSE.



From the Old Bridge pass Holloway, (CHAPEL OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE) through Twiverton, Saltford, Keynsham, Brislington, pass ARNO'S VALE to Bristol. WALK alongside of the Avon, pass the New Jail to the Stop-Gate at Nova Scotia Wharf, and proceed to Rownham Tavern and the FERRY. HOTWELL-HOUSE and PUMP-ROOM. ST. VINCENT'S ROCKS. RETURN over the Downs, through Clifton, to Sion-House, pass Prince of Wales's Crescent, &c. &c.; cross Brandon-Hill to Bristol, through College-Green and the Docks. Pass the Exchange and Post-Office through Clare-Street, turn down High-Street, pass over Bristol-Bridge, through Temple-Street, and arrive at the Iron Bridge, from

whence this WALK commenced.

THE delightful village of CLIFTON and the BRISTOL HOT WELLS are so immediately connected with a visit to Bath, the facilities so numerous and easy to arrive at the above salubrious and healthful situation, the distance only 13 miles, and the expense so trifling, that it is thought few persons who are anxious to make the most of their time would hesitate for a single instant in setting out to view, in addition to some almost unparalleled prospects, one of the most majestic works of nature, namely, St. Vincent's

Rocks. Stage-coaches start almost every hour in the day from Bath to Bristol, outsides 2s. 6d. and insides 4s. and return from the latter place with the same convenience, regularity, and expedition.

On quitting the Old Bridge, the road alongside of the Avon, on the right, affords a fine view of the Royal Crescent, and the various elevations contiguous to it. To the left is Holloway, situated in the parish of Widcombe and Lyncombe, and under Beechen Cliff stands the small chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, which, from its present dilapidated state is little better than a ruin, and divine service has not been performed in it for a long time past. Its founder is unknown; but it is in the gift of the Lord Chancellor. Viewed from the road, the chapel, which is built in the Gothic style, and covered with ivy, has an interesting effect :-

'Ere round the huge oak, which o'ershadows yon mill,
The fond ivy had dar'd to entwine,

And the church was a ruin, that nods on yon hill,
Where the rook built its nest in the pine.

It is a piece of considerable antiquity, which may be seen on the east side of the porch from the following lines, in rude characters :

Thys. chapell. floryschyd. wt. formosyte spectabyll.

In. the. honowre. of. M. Magdalen. pricr Cantlow. hath. edyfyde.

Desyring. yow. to. pray, for. him. wt. yowre. pryers, delectabyll.

That. sche. will. inhabit. him. in. hevyn. ther. evyr. to. abyde.

A small hospital for idiots, adjoining to the chapel, also belongs to the endowment, which was rebuilt in 1761.

TWIVERTON (provincially called TWERTON, 2 miles, 6 furlongs) is a neat, interesting looking village, and is rather conspicuous for its large broad-cloth manufactory. This building, which is lofty and capacious, possesses all the appearance of an elegant mansion. It is the property of Mr. WILKINS, who has erected, contiguous to his manufactory, a very handsome range of neat and comfortable dwellings, built of freestone, in the Gothic style, for his numerous workmen; and, with the addition of his own residence and grounds attached to it, gives a pleasing finish to the whole. Near the extremity of this village stands a small neat house, in which it is asserted that several chapters of Tom Jones were written by FIELDING :—

When from the world departs a son of fame,
His deeds or works embalm his precious name;
Yet, not content, the public call for art,
To rescue from the tomb his mortal part;
Demand the painter's and the sculptor's hand,
To spread his mimic form throughout the land;
A form, perhaps, when living was neglected, ́
And, when it could not feel respect, RESPECTED!--

About a mile to the left of Twerton is Newton St. Loe Park, belonging to William Gore Langton, Esq. which is distinguished not only for an elegant modern mansion, but for the beauty of its gardens and the grandeur shed around from its lofty venerable oaks, added to its picturesque scenery, which receives a considerable and pleasing variety from several sheets and falls of water. About half a mile farther on the right, Kelweston-House, and its fine woody appearance, demands the attention of the tra

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