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Sister Quinn of Lima, Ohio. Meets every third Wednesday in each month.

After a very pleasant, enthusiastic and instructive session completing the organization, we retired to the famous M. K. & T. dining hall, where our visitors and organizers were served to a most bounteous repast, and very greatly enjoyed by all present, after which good-byes were said and each visitor departed to her respective home, feeling that in fraternity there is true friendship, and in true friendship there is happiness. Bound by the silver cords of charity, truth, and friendship, perpetuating the ties of love, peace and good will to all, and with this motto we should enter the new year with a prayer of hope for a bright, prosperous and successful ending. Each member should realize that there is something to do, and if she be impressed with that sense of duty and will truly perform her part, we can accomplish much, and when the end has been reached we can look back upon the past and say well done. How I trust that the Sisters will adhere to this motto and make of the L. A. to O. R. C. that emblem of charity, truth and friendship for which it stands. God will help us on to success in so laudable an undertaking, if we but endeavor to live up to its precepts. Leaving the old year with you and trusting the new year may bring you an abundance of happiness garlanded with wreaths of charity and truth.

Having just been elected by our new Division as correspondent, I make this my first attempt, hoping the Sisters, as well as the Editor of the CONDUCTOR, will bear with my shortcomings. I will try to hold the job until relieved by one more capable. MRS. CHAS. A. GRAHAM.

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Our first meeting in December was very entertaining in the way of election of afficers. Our secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Lowery, has served since the Division was organized who being reelected, showing that she was competent. Division needs a few more like Mrs. Lowery. We were delightfully entertained by our new president, Mrs. Haley, at her home last Wednesday afternoon. All members being present but one, but we always have a good time out when there is anything to eat in it.

The school of instruction was fairly well attended by Burns Division, those having the pleasure of going were especially benefited by the Grand President's talk. These schools are just what we need and we hope when the next two years roll by more of us can attend.

Our social meetings are always a success; meeting once a month at the homes of the members and are greatly enjoyed by all. Our next meeting being installation of officers. We are all looking forward to a bright and prosperous year, and now, if each member would only realize that she has a duty to perform we could accomplish so much; always remembering that an injury to one is an injury to all. MRS. GEORGE ALEXANDER. Creston, Iowa.


Editor Railway Conductor:

Detroit Division No. 44 L. A. to O. R. C. having elected me correspondent, I will endeavor to fulfill the duties of my office. The annual election was held with entirely satisfactory results.

The first meeting in October is "President's Day," which is an annual affair with us; was under the supervision of Sister Herbst and eclipsed anything we have yet had in that line. Remarks were made by several present and regrets expressed at the absence of our Past President, Sister Hibbard.

Our membership has been increased by five during the year.

Division 44 is to give a ball the thirty-first of January, nineteen hundred and five, this is also in charge of Sister Herbst and is sure to be a MRS. I. N. PADGETT.


Detroit, Mich.

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Editor Railway Conductor:

Having been elected to the office of correspondent for the ensuing year, I will endeavor to write a few lines for the January number. Pride of Streator Division 104 elected its officers for the ensuing year December 1st, and with the Brothers of Division 118 held a joint installation Dec. 11th, to which all the conductors and their families were invited. After installation, the ladies served supper, to which all did ample justice. On December 8th we had the pleasure of having with our Grand President, Sister Moore, who inspected our Division. It was a great treat to have her with us, and we all profited by her coming In behalf of Division 104 Sisters Zeitz presented Sister Moore with a beautiful souvenir spoon. We are


all grieved to lose Brother Dary and wife, who have gone west in search of a better climate for Mrs. Dary, whose health is poor. Brother Dary will be greatly missed from Division 118 where he was a faithful worker in anything which was for the good of the order.

Brother and Sister Grundler are all smiles. Why? Because of the arrival of a little six pound conductor. We all extend our deepest sympathy to Brother and Sister Crabb, who mourn the loss of a daughter. 'Tis hard to part with those we love, yet there is a time when that parting comes and we must, "Abide by the Orderings of a Wiser One." Sisters, let us try to do as much good through this year as we can. Be Sisterly in every sense of the word and live up to the vows we have taken, never forgetting Our motto Charity, Truth and Friendship. MRS. GEO. H. PORTER.

Kankakee, Ills.


This department is a Forum in which the members can discuss matters of interest to our Order and its members. The editors do not assume responsibility for the ideas expressed by the correspondents to this department. Personalities, intolerent expressions, detailed descriptions of entertainments or funerals, lists of committees, and matters of purely local interest can be not used. News and communications upon matters of general interest are cordially invited. Write on one side of paper only. No communication will appear unless the name of the author is furnished us.

Editor Railway Conductor:

THE CONDUCTOR would become tiresome indeed if all the letters were in laudation of present conditions, or, if when written in criticism, and no material remedy or change were offered.

Socialism is the same the world over. Our program is the same in all countries of the earth and we are all consistently and perseveringly urging our international motto: "Workingmen of all countries, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains, and a world to gain."

We are conscious of the trend of industry into a co-operative form of operation, and we realize the necessity therefore, of the change from private to social or co-operative or public ownership of industry.

We all know that the transportation industry has "evoluted" from the stage-coach or other individually owned conveyance where only one or at most several persons were interested or employed in operation, to the gigantic, socially operated transportation systems that are now the result of the activity of tens of thousands of persons. The same applies to the shoe industry and in place of one man making a pair of shoes complete, we have thousands of men and women operating socially and producing millions of pairs of shoes in one gigantic factory. So, also, with the means of communication: in place of individual messengers carrying notes, etc., we now have the great social machinery of the postoffice, the telegraph and telephone, where we see thousands again socially employed in vast improvement over the individual system as formerly. And this is the story of every industry in the country. But one may say, that socialism contemplates change of method of ownership. Yes, so it does, and evolution indicates that very change by the change from individual to corporate or public ownership as the case may be; and it further points out the fact that every one (except those who will be blind) may see that it (evolution) will not rest on its present position but will continue forward to .complete social ownership, or in other words complete public ownership of all industries-socialism. Socialism is purely a question of economics and has no more to do with questions of personal morality

than any other political or economic school of thought. No one can say that socialists in any organized capacity as socialists, have ever taken any other than a neutral position on "religion, ethics or natural law."

We do claim, however, that proper industrial environment will elevate the morals of the people eminently above what we now see. Prof. Herron's position on divorce and marriage has nothing to do with the socialists any more than W. K. Vanderbilt's divorce committed the Republicans or O. H. P. Belmont's divorce or marriage committed the Democrats on the question. Each of these individuals, Prof. Herron included, availed themselves of laws enacted and now in force and critics must cast their criticism against the very school they seek to defend.

As for the future, no man can tell what the stand of the people will be upon what we call moral questions, but I do not hesitate to believe that the future law makers will give us a better quality of law than we now have, as, under socialism, profit will be unknown; the laws will be submitted to the people for their approval or disapproval and only the highest ideals of moral and civic life will dictate the action of the people. As the adoption by corporations of cruel rules, like the age-limit, physical examination, etc., etc., and the army of the unemployed keeps continually growing to compete with those of us that have jobs, the workers of the country are awakening as never before to the necessity of having some definite opportunity to regulate their hours, wages and conditions of labor, and we will see, as has been the case for the last fifteen years, a steady, normal, intelligent growth of the movement having the complete emancipation of labor as its aim, through the avenue of public ownership-socialism. Boston, Mass. W. J. COYNE.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Seated in the sunny side of our abode at 744 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, O., where we can at one glance gaze upon the sluggish Ohio river, whose state of water, the lowest in 34 years, betokens a coal famine, and upon the dark and bloody

ground" of old Kaintuck, we will say the election is over-both Teddy's and ours, and all good men elected in both cases with the exception of the reelection of the undersigned, who once more has had a laurel wreath of honor cast upon his noble (?) and gray brow; and we make our salaam with the usual solemnity of a man bordering upon fifty-one.

Old George and your humble were both ushered into this world of mysteries on same day of the month, the only difference in our general characteristics being that he never told a lie, and I could not if I would.

Now to those dear enquiring friends-some of them of the ladies' portion of THE CONDUCTORyou have the age and the name of the shover from Division 301 can be obtained of Brother Harry Harrod of the Louisville District local when he goes to Portland to represent us next May. Should he falter by the wayside, so to speak, the undersigned will take up his lines and endeavor to tell the Brothers all about how it has been happening in old 301 in the last two years.

Bob, the old wheelhorse, who, in his more obscure days, before he linked his fate with a good road, hailed from the I. & G. L. and the Monon, has accepted of the chair and will line 'em up for the coming year.

Brother Hiram Childers, who in length equals one of our old trails of 1869, is his running mate, with little Gene as the business end of the whole blamed concern. No other names will be mentioned in this connection, as we have been paid in advance for saying the above, and as for the balance-well, you all know what a stand-off" is, and they must come up with the goods before the Barker works.

With a good selection of officers for 1905, we are starting out again without any misgivings of any moment, for in the dark past we have encountered many storms, but our experience has taught us lessons, and where within our own power we will profit by them.

The old Division has in a measure lost her originality; yet is just as good, if not better than ever. New blood has been infused, and while perhaps not as sedate as older ones, yet the one needful thing has been injected into the system, and that is vitality. Our financial standing is good and no doubt but that within the new year we will adopt a way of sending to each brothersome of them far away-a report of our auditing committee.

Both our freight and passenger business has been good all summer, the only drawback being long trains and long hours, necessitating 10 hours rest at end of many runs.

Misfortune has overtaken but few of us, and after the clouds roll by December 1st at the closing of the Fair, we will take an inventory of the killed and crippled and see how we stand.

Several conductors will return to freight runs while others, as their age in point of service provides, will remain in the passenger service.

Brother Harry Johnson, who has been with 'em since in the early 30's, goes down on the Horseweed Central, or Peavine run, that makes one whole round trip per day (114 miles) between North Vernon and Lainsville.

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Lack of time makes a lengthy production for this issue of the CONDUCTOR impossible, but the following lines, if lived, will make your life much brighter. and, praise the Lord, will give you a home eternal with Jesus when your earthly pilgrimage is done: Though you haven't gold or silver,

Though youvle neither lands nor name,
Never dream you are not wanted;

You are needed just the same.
In this world of change and sorrow
You may take a valiant port;
And the world will love and bless you
If you have a pure, clean heart.

[blocks in formation]

I have noticed that the fraternal columns have not been burdened for some time from Atlantic Division 120.

The Brothers of Atlantic Division are very considerate in all their actions. November 27th I was promoted from Chief Conductor to journal correspondent. I thank the Brothers for their faithful attendance at Division meetings and the loyalty that was displayed in behalf of their officers for the year 1904. The old year, before this letter appears in THE CONDUCTOR, will be gone, with its joys, gladness, sorrows, and heartaches. Let it go. Its failures can only be redeemed by a better use of time and talent during the coming twelve months than was given the past. We will soon enter upon a new year, not knowing what trials are awaiting us, but believe that there is some joy for us, for the sky is not always clouded Our lives during the coming year will be checkered with sunshine and shadows, but as we open the pages of 1905, may each one of us take a retrospect of the year past. Let us resolve that we will at all times remember the solemn obligation


we assumed toward each other. Let each day be jewelled by some kind word or act. Brothers and Wilkins were with us during the year. We hold them in high esteem on account of their firmness and just views. Come again, Brothers.

Men who join themselves together must stand hand in hand. All men are supposed to be equal. Be honest in your dealings with friend and foe, under all circumstances and conditions. There is but one right, wise and safe course of action for any one to follow. That is, live up to highest standard of honor and justice. It is but human to wish to retaliate upon those who wrong us, but retaliation is a boomerang which comes back and strikes down the one who hurls it. All the evil will kill itself eventually because it contains no principle of life. The misfortunes which you encounter are only temporary embarrassments and they must give way to the great tidal wave of good which sweeps through the universe. It is better to be beaten in right than to succeed in wrong. Rejoice in the thought that you wrong Believe in justice and in triumph of good over evil. The lives of men are generally what they make them. A man can make life happy or he can make it miserable, by always finding fault with his employer or his superior or those around him, and by always looking upon the dark side of everything and upon all superiors as tyrants and men not to be trusted. The height of some men's ambition is to strew the pathway of others with thorns, trying to suppress justice, truth and honor. Huntington, Ind. G. B. M. SEWELL.

no one.


Editor Railway Conductor.

If you will allow me a little space I will say a few words in regard to our members' representation in the Grand Division meetings.

As it is today a delegate from a Division with but fifteen members has the same right and his vote counts for as much in a Grand Division meeting as a vote from a delegate from Chicago Division, no one of which has a membership of nearly five hundred.

This seems to me to be unjust to the members of our large Divisions, and in fact unjust and very expensive for all members of the Order.

I believe a delegate at the Grand Division should represent at least one hundred members.

Now, if this was the law, at our next Grand Division meeting you would have about three hundred and fifty delegates instead of four hundred and fifty, and you would probably save eighteen or twenty thousand dollars. And by this plan of a delegate for every one hundred members our Grand Division meeting expenses would only increase according to the increase of members in the Order.

This, my Brothers, is a financial problem which deserves your consideration. Some Brother will say, How can we get at it so as to give all members an equal right? In answer to this question I will say: At your Grand Division meeting next May pass a law that each delegate to the future Grand Divisions shall represent one hundred members of the Order.

I shall now briefly state what I believe would

be a financial improvement and a more just law than the one which governs at the present time. On the second Sunday in December, 1906, and every second year thereafter, there shall be held a Delegate's District Convention at such place as the Grand Chief Conductor may decide. The Grand Chief Conductor shall place as many Divisions in each district as he believes to be advisable.

At the election of officers in all Divisions in November, 1906, and every second year thereafter, there shall be elected in each Division of the Order three representatives to the Delegate District Convention. The duty of these representatives shall be to attend the Delegate District Convention and there elect from members in the district a delegate for every one hundred members in the District. These delegates elected at the Delegate District Convention shall represent their respective districts at the Grand Division meetings. I shall be glad to hear from the Brothers in regard to this proposition. G. A. MERRILL. Boston, Mass.

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Editor Railway Conductor:

Old 179 is, still in the swim. On November 13 we held our annual election of officers for 1905 and also installed those present. Brother Peterson is our Chief Conductor. Brothers Hutton and Tilford are delegate and alternate to our next convention. Say, look out for Bill! He is all O. K. The old stand-by, Brother Horn, was reelected to the Secretary's office for the 10th time, although he has been on the sick list for 14 months and not able to be present much of the time. We are very glad to hear that our worthy Grand Secretary and Treasurer is better.

I suppose we are in the same fix of a great many other Divisions-a very small attendance at the regular meetings. On election day, 15 were present. On other times, five to seven is about the average. If anything is done to give the stay-at-homes a chance to kick, they will kick and kick hard, and tell what ought to be done. Now, Brothers, this is not right. Come to the Division room and do your duty, and then see if you have cause to do any kicking. Come and see that your officers do their duty, and then they will be very thankful to you for your presence and your help. Topeka, Kans.


Editor Railway Conductor:


At our meeting November 20th, by a rousing vote, we made the following members of No. 1 life members, account of having had twenty years' consecutive membership in our Division: Brothers A. W. Bellows, S. R. Crowley, A. W. Conners, J. E. Curran F. S. Cook, A. Dempsey, J. S. Esmay, A. F. Fleming, Wm. Kilpatrick, M. W. Morgan, W T. Oliver, Rollin Paul, C. F. Rexinger, F. M. Richardson, C. W. Shultz, E. W. Shipman, and W. T. White. These Brothers have been guarding the welfare of the Division for the past twenty years, some of which have been very hard and trying ones; but they weathered the storm and we are sailing along all right, although possibly we are exceeding the speed limit just a little in runing expenses.

The following are the Past Chiet Conductors of

No. 1: Wm. Kilpatrick, J. E. Curran, C. A. Loomis F. S. Stimson, C. F. Rexinger, A. W. Conners, C. H. Warren, S. M. Fitch.

On November 20th the following visiting Brothers were present: W. A. Ross of 386, M. C. Beam of 48 J. H. Voss of 127, A. L. Owen of 3, S. W. James of 314, F. W. Kuike of 119.

On January 1st we will have the installation of officers at one p. m.; banquet at 2 p. m., and you "13" we will have a good time. Drop in and see the way we do things.

Brother John Scanlon is doing some quiet humanitarian work, which is the kind that counts. Never forget Brothers, that one kind act goes quick to the heart of any person, and the quiet inquiry as to how are things going with you, etc., sometimes helps the Brother to grasp a new hold. There is another matter up with us--the question of paying the Division committee a yearly salary. There is no doubting the assertion that they do 90% of the charity work of the Division, and that they are to more or less expense; that they should be reimbursed; but let us go slow, starting first with actual expenses. If we can do better, then let us do it.

Not quite concurring in the editorial on page 824 of the November CONDUCTOR, i.e., The age limit is one of those conditions of life which we will always have with us, and the best advice on it, it seems to us, is to stoically face the inevitable and prepare for it." I assume the writer means, "Save your money for a rainy day." Good advice; but can the Brother always do it? Every man is not a close student of economic questions. Some have sickness. Some have one thing and some another. So, if the man has not been able to provide against these things, he must do something. Yet, the age limit debars him from doing a work he knows well, and his organization has not been able to assist him over this bar to employment. I would not take direct issue with the writer of the editorial, for he is a student of conditions, knows better the acme of arganization, how far it can go, etc; but rather than fold our arms and quietly submit to this drastic rule, I for one, say fight it with all the vigor of the organization. I offer no special plan of campaign, but fight it some way, and leave a working chance for the old conductor, who has not prepared for the knock-out that comes to many in our order. I believe that a law can be framed that will make it a violation of safety to travel and employé to haul 80 cars in one train with two brakemen. You may say this it the brakemen's fight. So it is, but the conductor is interested. I know of a case that is now pending on one of the trunk lines running out, of Chicago, which has the following: A conductor had 80 cars, extra, night run one student, ten days on the road, 10 hours getting 56 miles, switching orders at every station, orders to reduce through loads, to pick up local loads, conductor wires dispatcher, Cannot handle eighty loads, new man, crossing over, to do work, flagging opposing trains and trains following, do not think it safe to do the rest of the work with EIGHTY LOADS, want to tie up until fast trains get by and daylight comes, to do the work." You are discharged for daring to question 80 loads, and cussed out of the superintendent's office, and the case is now in the hands

of the conductors. If there was a law on eighty cars to a train in Illinois, would this conductor have been dismissed? Not much! It is a fact, as I am told by many men, that a wire today to the superintendent, on matters pertaining to your train as to its safety, is insubordination. The Inter-State Commerce Commision should have the power to regulate these matters. It forced the air-brake and coupler and I sincerely trust the Grand Division will take some action along legislative lines that can be successfully carried out.

Business is fairly good out of here, with many men on extra list.

George Saunders, an old time conductor, is still trainmaster of the Santa Fé R. R. on Chicago division; Heck Ballou, an old conductor on the Wabash, R. R. Supt. terminals at Chicago. Mr. S. T. Fulton, one of the best of fellows a long time ago on the Santa Fé, is assistant to the president of the Rock Island, and a prince, too. V. H. Stevens, an old time conductor, is dispatching trains on the Rock Island. BRADLEY. Chicago, Ill.


Editor Railway Conductor:

Once more I will try and say something about the workings and doings of Division 170 and its members.

No. 170 was never in better condition financially or numerically than at the present writing.

On Sunday, Nov. 20th, the annual election of officers was held.

At the opening of the meeting we were very agreeably surprised to see our G. C. C., E E. Clark, and G. J. C., L. E. Sheppard, enter the Division room, and the reception they received by the members of 170 and visiting Brothers goes to show the love and honor which is held for them by their Brothers; and in my mind they are deserving of that feeling, for I do not think there is an organization that is so well protected and whose officers receive the recognition of railway officials as those of the O. R. C. I am sorry to say that the majority of the members of Division 170 do not seem to realize that, for if they did they would attend the meetings of their Division more regularly. Now just think, at the annual meeting we could muster only 67 Brothers and at the next meeting only 11. What a comparison! Why is it? Now let me say a few words to the stayaways. Do you for one minute stop to think what you have at stake? Since the Order was organized the Brothers have paid in $7,515,244.17, and have paid out $7,170,038.09, thus leaving a balance of $345,206.08. This is the statement of the Insurance Department. How many of you know if there is any more funds connected with the Order or not, or what expenses there are attached to the running of the Order? I will say

candidly there are brothers, if they were asked how long since they have been to a Division meeting, could not tell, but if there was anything to happen where they were not getting what belonged to them they could not get to the Division room quick enough and their troubles must be settled immediately; but when they would be informed what they would have to do before any

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