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This department is intended to serve the same purpose among the wives, mothers, daughters and sisters of our members that the Fraternal Department serves among our members. The rules at head of Fraternal Department will also apply to this one.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Time who waits for no man and is not one whit more polite to women, has already checked off three months from the year.

Here we are in the midst of a beautiful spring though it seems but a few days ago that we were celebrating Christmas and making resolutions for the New Year. O, those resolutions! But never mind; a resolution, even if it is kept only for one day, is better than making none at all. That is such a comforting thought to me, so next year I'll start in again.

Grippe has been the order of things among our members much of the winter. Our much loved secretary, Sister Freeman, has been compelled to go to Texas for her health, but is growing so much better, we are beginning to look for her back to her old place soon.

Our monthly "Social Evenings" continue to be popular and we add a neat little sum to our treasury each time. At these Evenings we have a chance to grow acquainted and while we allow our "Conductors" to say "Hello" to each other, any comparison of wrecks, narrow escapes and fast runs are strictly prohibited.

Since January we have guided two new Sisters through the thorny trails of our initiation and now that they are safe they are almost ready to say, as the children do, "do it again."

Our average of attendance is increasing; consequently the interest is increasing. We hope that

by the end of the year the only things that will keep us from the meetings will be sickness or absence from the city.

Some time ago a conductor's wife said to me, "I thought several times I'd like to enter the L. A., but honestly, I don't believe there is much in it. I've heard members of it say as much. Now tell me, candidly is there?" Being a Yankee I answered, "do you belong to any church?" "Yes."

"Do you find much interest in it?"

"No, but that's because I don't attend very often.

"Then there is something in your church, only you've not tried to enjoy it."


"Well, that's just the situation with the L. A. There is in it for every member just as much as

they put in and are willing to take out. If they attend every meeting, take some part, no matter how small, they receive a benefit and are interested."

I wish I could so impress that upon the minds of ever home-staying member of the L. A. that they would give it a trial and be convinced of the truth of it. For we hear to believe; we believe to do; and we do to know..

Of course we are preparing to send our delegate to the biennial in style. In furtherance of that worthy object we will hold an Easter novelty sale on April 18th, and a ball on April 25th. How we should all like to be in Portland with the crowd; but it is too far and St. Louis was too


One of our members would like to know what has become of the correspondent of Monett Division No. 125.

And now I must close this sermonizing effort, else it will be barred because of quantity not quality. Please remember Oklahoma Division 181 gives you all a standing invitation to visit us, when you will. MRS. MILTON E. STANSBURY.

Shawnee, O. T.


Editor Railway Conductor:

Here I am again with the good news that Manhattan Division No. 200 L. A. to O. R. C. is moving The charter closed last meetalong very nicely.

ing, March 2nd, having taken in 14 more members since we organized, making a total of 35. Our Secretary presented the Division with two gavels, Junior Sister Sharer with a Bible, Sisters Stocker, Moore and Grow with ribbons, Sister Moore and Heiles presented Division with a fancy sofa pillow to be drawn for at 10c per chance, from which we expect to realize a very handsome sum, as chances are being taken like hot cakes. A very interesting letter was read at our last meeting from Grand President Sister Moore wishing us the best of luck and success, and saying that she was delighted to think that the ladies of N. Y. had finally formed an Auxiliary. There was also a letter read from Sister Sewell, President of White City Division No. 100 of Chicago, wishing us prosperity and hoped to be able soon to pay us a visit. I am very proud to say that the meetings have been

very well attended, considering the distance some of the Sisters have to come, which shows that they are interested, and enjoy the friendship and company of each other. I don't want to throw any bouquets at ourselves but I will say that if our working teams keep on improving they will be hard to beat. A letter from Mascot Division No. 59 of Boston was read, extending an invitation to visit their Division Sunday, March 5th, 1905. There were 16 Sisters who accepted the invitation and went to Boston on Saturday on the 3 o'clock train and were met by several of the Brothers of Division No. 54. After breakfast we started for the Division room and witnessed a very interesting and instructive meeting with brief and pithy remarks on the side by visiting Sisters. After meeting was over, the Brothers of Divisions 413, 157 and 54 visited us. I tell you it was most impressive to us to witness the good friendship that existed between the Sisters and Brothers, in Boston. Were this feeling to exist between the Sisters and Brothers in N. Y. we would have a banner Division that could not be equalled throughout the U. S. Let us hope that it may be so some day in the near future. We started for our homes on the train leaving Boston at 5 o'clock, having received a rousing send off from the Sisters and Brothers. We had a special car on the rear end of the train, and when we started you would have thought it was the Fourth of July, as the rails were full of torpedoes. We parted on what we thought was going to be a very quiet and peaceful journey, but we hadn't gone very far, before the Sisters had organized a basket ball team and the Brothers a foot ball team, and how we ever reached our respective homes in safety is a secret to me and will always so remain. The conduct of the Sisters was most dignified-Nit.

Sisters and Brothers let me give you a tip, never refuse to accept an invitation from any of the Boston Divisions. MRS. OSCAR HEITAS.

Stamford, Conn.


Editor Railway Conductor:

January 9th we had public installation and after which a fine supper was served. It is the duty of each one to be in her place at the meetings, so, if any fault is to be found it can be cleared away at once and then forever hold her peace.

Our Division with a capable staff of officers is doing nicely. We have a fair attendance at the meetings and try to make it pleasant for all. We understand our President is to give a prize to the one who brings in the most members in 1905. The charity workers are doing a good work, and meet every two weeks at a Sister's home and sew. Let each one do their best in 1905, and see if our Order will not be better and stronger for the efforts we make.

The schools of instruction are a grand thing, and those who can go are especially benefited, and I hope we may soon have one in or near Cleveland. What a noble Order this is with the good it may do and does do for the conductors. Let them encourage their wives to join us then they will know the good we can do them and the way we can help and cheer then when sick

Let us put aside all personal feelings in the Division, if we have any; let us ever be mindful of our motto: "Charity, Truth and Friendship." Sister Brooks, your letter is good; come again. Cleveland, Ohio. MRS. J. H. ARCHER.


Editor Railway Conductor: With a good selection of officers for 1905, we are starting out again without any misgivings of mo


I see where our Grand President is holding schools of instruction. How I wish we could have her with us more, as we get so much benefit from her good advice and perfect work.

Our ball is over and was a success financially and socially.

It seems so good to see the old familiar faces in the Division room again, and when the Sisters come to the meetings let all present do their part by giving them the right hand of welcome, a good old-fashioned handshake, and a pleasant smile; it will not cost anything but means much. Remember that all Sisters present are equal: all have a voice and the same right to use it in the meetings. Try this, Sisters, and so help on the good work of the Order.

I know the ladies will wonder why their husbands go to lodge every Saturday night, and to keep even with them they will do as I have-join the Auxiliary and go too. We have just as important business as the Brothers have. While they are settling their grievances, we have unfinished business. When Saturday night comes it is so pleasant to go with your husband just as you did when you were sweethearts and make it an evening of pleasure as well as duty. While in the Division room let us try to see how much good each one of us can do, and exercise our motto in its broadest sense: "Consider and forget not thine own weakness, so shalt thou pardon the failings of others."

How sweet to know that God is all,
To feel his presence near:

To always listen for his call

And never doubt or fear.

How sweet to know he always hears
And never turns away;

That 'tis His love dispels our fears

And keeps us every day.

Los Angeles, Calif.


Editor Railway Conductor:


How anxiously we all wait for the arrival of THE CONDUCTOR each month! And when it does arrive, no matter how important our work is, we take a few minutes to see what the Sisters have been doing. From the good reports, all are striving hard to make the L. A. to O. R. C. what it should be; and when we do this, there will be more sociability, more real pleasure and enjoyment among conductors and their families. We learn to love each other better, as there is a tender tie that binds us together; we are strong in friendship and loyal to each other. Division 103, L. A., begins the new year with bright prospects. At our meeting of January 8 we installed our officers for the ensuing


Last April we decided to have a Christmas bazaar, each Sister to donate one article, and met at the

different homes once every two weeks for an all day sewing. Each of us took one article for dinner. The result was a good dinner, a jolly good time, and many pretty and useful things made for our bazaar, which was held December tenth, and a supper served.

We have a birthday box which occupies a place on the altar at each meeting, and every Sister who does not grow older, but really has a birthday, deposits a penny for each year. The contents of this box goes to help send our delegate to the Grand Division, and is opened at our last meeting before the convention. Sisters, try this and see what a neat little sum you will have.

Any Sister coming to Indianapolis will receive a hearty welcome by the Sisters of Division 103. May success and happiness attend all Divisions through the coming year. EMMA J. Indianapolis, Ind.


Editor Railway Conductor:

In looking over the letters in THE CONDUCTOR last month, I noticed a very interesting epistle from the Correspondent of Flour City Division. I was pleased to see they are having so pleasant and profitable a year. Their idea of dispensing hospitality to the members of the O. R. C. is a good one, and although it means a good deal of work, it will have a tendency to forge the bond of Friendship between the parent Order and its Auxiliary more strong and enduring.

What a satisfaction there is in being busy, and what a pleasure there is in seeing good results as the fruit of our efforts. Our motto is "An honor to one is an honor to all," and we in St. Paul are proud to see our Sisters in a neighboring city thus honored by the O. R. C.

But while the Sisters in the other Twin City have been winning laurels in their particular line of work, we too have been busy. Never before in the history of our Auxiliary have we had such interesting meetings; nor has the attendance been so large. Our fortnightly teas, held at the homes of the members, have been very successful, and it is surprising to see the large turnouts. Our plan is to have one officer, assisted by three other members, act as hostess. There are contests in etching, embroidery, and sometimes even plain sewing, enlivened occasionally by cards and an informal program, which forms the afternoon's entertainment, which is concluded by dainty refreshments usually served in courses. As a result we have a snug sum stored away in our treasury, which will be applied to the fund set aside to be used to defray the expenses of our delegate to Portland. Last month the Division gave a card party, to which each of the members was privileged to invite a friend, which proved a social and financial success.

Many of our members during the past year have had in their families great sorrow and distress and in some cases their cup of bitterness has seemed almost too full to bear; but the members of the Order have proven themselves loyal and true. It is in such times as this, when sore adversity and keen affliction is ours, that we know the value of a true friend. It is then that the spirit of Fraternity can assert itself and demonstrate to those in sorrow the real meaning of the word. "A gentle

word will linger long in memory, gilding with beauty the darkest hours of life." Ah! Sisters, use them freely; they cost you nothing, and you do not realize the amount of good they can do. The old saying "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone," cannot, I think, be truly spoken of one who is a member of the Auxiliary.

The bread and butter state has just had a taste of one of its old-fashioned ice-palace winters. The thermometer hovered around 30 below zero for nearly a month, but the air is more balmy now and we are looking forward to the time when the robin and the skylark sing their songs of early spring. St. Paul, Minn. MRS. J. C. MCCALL.

Editor Railway Conductor:

It is nearly time for another convention. This one I do not expect to attend, and assure you I feel rather lonely when I think of it, for Convention-going gets to be a kind of habit, and as the time comes round again it seems the right and natural thing to do, to get ready to go. These two years since our meeting at Pittsburg have been such full and busy ones, but through all the time the memory of the friends we meet and the nice times we had, has grown brighter.

The Sisters of Angel City Division have been glad to entertain a number of visitors. As District Organizer for Southern California, I can only report one new Division so far this term, that is the flourishing Division at Kern, which I organized about a year ago. I wish I might be able to report two others at least before May. Wake up you Brothers at San Berdoo, and San Luis Obispo and get your wives ready for an Auxiliary, and then telephone Blk. 2954, and I'll be on hand. That's what they did from Kern, and I assure you, you never saw a more enthusiastic band of women, and as for the enthusiasm and support of the O. R. C. men, that was boundless, and it just did my heart good, for an Auxiliary is sure to be a success if it has such backing. Our delegate to Portland should give us a full report at the close. We hope also to see many old friends as they go or return from Portland, for of course you will take in Los Angeles one way. Be sure to let us know when you are coming if you can. Of course the latch string is always out. I hope many old friends will find it convenient to call and we will try to make it pleasant for you. MRS. D. L. TRACY. Pasadena, California.


Editor Railway Conductor:

I am reminded it is time the Correspondent of Division 105 is fulfilling the duties of her office.

There seems to have been so little of interest to record. We are a little slow in the social features of our Order. Our town is blessed with lodges and clubs of nearly every order, and are numerically stronger, so that we have been quite overshadowed, but we hope soon to be up and doing and get our share of attention-and dimes, too.

Many have been on the sick list, and others have moved away. Sister Harriman is the last one to depart, having moved to Pueblo. We commend her to your attention, Division 41. Sister Coleman is living in far-away Oakland, Calif. It makes our meetings a little lonesome to have so many

leaving us, but we hope they will find their way into other Division rooms on meeting days.

Not many are planning to visit the Grand Division. Unfortunately the Lewis and Clark Exposition opens one month too late to visit both. We know all who are so fortunate as to visit the Grand Division will receive a royal welcome from Division 91 and Auxiliary; for with Brothers Coman and Clem to look after the comforts there will be nothing left undone "for the good of the Order." Be prepared with your good, strong right hand for a shake that will make your "old bones" rattle, for that is Brother Comans' style.

We regret to hear Brother Catlett is having much trouble with his arm that was so badly injured about a year ago.

We quite agree with the Sister from Division 115 in regard to the assistance (?) of absent members. If they could only arrange for an hour or two to help us, and not feel there is nothing of interest, but come and help to make it an hour of profit and pleasure, we would all feel better for their presence. Try it, Sisters, and see if it does not satisfy you better than holding a post mortem on the meetings. Trinidad, Colo. MRS. H. W. G.


Editor Railway Conductor: No. 51 is in a flourishing condition and our membership is steadily increasing.

Our annual election of officers resulted very acceptably to all I believe. Wayne Division No. 119 and Division 57 held a joint installation at which the Brothers were kind enough to compliment us very highly on our work. The installation was followed by a social session which was very enjoyable. I want to say to the Sisters who are negligent in attending Division meetings that the loss is yours. It is impossible to maintain an interest and be a Sister in the fullest sense of the word, and not be regular in attendance. The principles of our Order are ennobling and a Sister following them in the spirit and the letter will find herself lifted to a higher plane of thought and action. Let us each resolve with the New Year to be faithful, earnest workers, ever bearing in mind and action Our motto, Charity, Truth and Friendship. MRS. CASKEY.

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can not all be there to enjoy what is sure to be a most interesting occasion.

I am glad that in my first letter I may have the opportunity of describing the celebration of the first anniversary of our Division on March 22. The program consisted of music, recitations and a fancy march and dance by the children. The pretty picture presented by the little ones was one of which all the parents are justly proud. After the program a sumptuous banquet was served, which was a "feast of reason and a flow of soul" all around the festal board.

Although our Division is but one year old, we have thirty-two members and feel that that one year has been fruitful in many ways. What we have accomplished will be an inspiration for the days to come, and we trust that each succeeding anniversary will find us wiser and more united, and with our roll call longer and longer.

I am sure Correspondent Pratt of our Brothers' Division will have one of his interesting letters for THE CONDUCTOR this month.

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We had Our new years greeting party and such a jolly time. No one was neglected. You should have seen the result of twenty-five cent ideas.

Our president with eight loyal Sisters journeyed to N. Y. and instituted a Division there of twentyone charter members. Quite a delegation from N. Y. intend visiting us at our next regular meeting in March to witness the Huntington floor work.

In my next letter I hope to be able to tell you of our visit to Pine Cone Division, Portland, Maine. We are looking forward to this visit with a great deal of pleasure. Enough said. LAURIE. Boston Mass.

Editor Railway Conductor:

On December 13 we held our annual election of officers.

We anticipated a visit from our District Inspector but on account of serious sickness in her family were disappointed.

Our installation took place February 27th to which the conductors were invited. After installation of officers, refreshments were served by the ladies. All spent a pleasant evening, especially the conductors.

The past year has been a successful one to us, the attendance and the interest manifested were most encouraging. MRS. W. A. DANIEL. Jackson, Tenn.

Editor Railway Conductor:

We have lost one of our Sisters this year, who has gone to the great beyond; but we feel sure our loss is her gain and it wiil only be a few years until we shall join her in the better world. So, let us do our best while life lasts, for it is short at best. May we all be worthy to enter into that sweet rest God has prepared for his children. Some of our Sisters are ill and can not meet with us. We miss them very much and know they would come if possible,

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Editor Railway Conductor:

Our Auxiliary is nearly two years old and am sorry to say we do not feel we are as far advanced in our work as we should be. But we resolved to turn over a new leaf and be more successful in the future. We expect our delegate to help us out considerably by taking in all the informaDivision. tion possible at the Grand

On the evening of the 29th of December at the O. R. C. hall, our Brothers of Division 123 joined us in a public joint installation followed by a banquet and ball.

We have done some good charity work and hope to continue to do all the good we can.

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Editor Railway Conductor:

We have been honored by having our Grand President, Sister Moore, to inspect our Division. She was accompanied by Sister Sanderson whom we all esteem very highly, as three years ago Nov. 15 she organized Seeley Dunn Division 157 which Division, by the way, is in a very flourishing condition. We have a membership of 23 and hope to double the number before 1906; we don't ask for much, do we?

Well our Grand President says, whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well, and in that as well as a great many other good things, she says we are going to do our best to follow them. · Speaking for myself and all members fortunate enough to meet Sister Moore will say she completely captured us and we all hope to meet her

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Editor Railway Conductor:

Division 182 has kept quiet, but nevertheless has done good work. Every third week we hold a "silver tea" at the home of some of our members. We find much pleasure in them and reap a good sum each time for our treasury.

Our worst trouble here is non-attendance. Just a few faithful ones have to carry the whole load, and it makes it hard and discouraging for them. If we are banded together for a cause and that cause a good one such as we believe ours to be, let us work for the noble Order to which we have pledged ourselves, and let us always remember that if we are to work successfully, we must first be true to the principles of our Order and true to the motto of the Auxiliary to which we belong. Shreveport, La.

Editor Railway Conductor:


No doubt a few lines from Oregon Division 91, L. A. to O. R. C., will be of some interest to those expecting to visit us during the Grand Division in May, and to which we look with great pride. In reference to same will say: Our different committees are all appointed and doing what they can in our very plain way for the welfare and pleasure of our visitors. If we are not successful in our efforts, it certainly will be a mistake of the head and not of the heart.

No. 91 has passed a successful year financially and otherwise, with several new members added to the roll.

The Lewis and Clark fair, with all its beautiful surroundings, in which we all are much interested is fast nearing completion. Several hundred carloads of exhibits have already been stored inside the grounds. LIZZIE VEATCH.

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Editor Railway Conductor:

I think I would be very much lacking in appreciation if I failed to say a word in regard to the reception tendered Bro. Sheppard, and Division 143. I am sure all present must have been impressed with the hospitality with which they were received. To say that the ladies of 47, Keystone Division, made charming hostesses is expressing it very mildly indeed. I hope the visible pleasure experienced by all present will in some measure repay them for their efforts. One of the pleasant features of the evening, our good. Brothers did not know until shortly before, that they were going to have anything to eat. I heard one "big fellow" express it that way. So I do not think there is one Brother of 143 brave enough to say we can not keep a secret."

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