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in speech or behavior, it is the deep, the emotional, the thing much loved by many men, the poetic, the organic, the vital, in civilization,' so I would ask the scholarship of this dawning century to save its contemporaries from materialism by revealing to us the inherent charm, and resource of the humblest Equipped as it is with the training and the unspecialized cell' of evolutionary science, this ought not to prove an undesirable task. The scholar has already pointed out to us the sweetness and charm which inhere in primitive domestic customs and shows us the curious pivot they make for religious and tribal beliefs until the simple action of women grinding millet or corn becomes almost overladen with penetrating reminiscence, sweeter than the chant they sing. Something of the same quality may be found among many of the immigrants; when one stumbles upon an old Italian peasant with her distaff against her withered face and her pathetic old hands patiently holding the thread, as has been done by myriads of women since children needed to be clad; or an old German potter, misshapen by years, but his sensitive hands fairly alive with the artist's prerogative of direct creation, one wishes that the scholar might be induced to go man-hunting into these curious human groups, called newly arrived immigrants! Could we take these primitive habits as they are to be found in American cities every day, and give them their significance and place, they would be a wonderful factor for the poesy frankly given over to industrialism, and candidly refusing to read poetry which has no connection with its aims and activities. As a McAndrews hymn may express the frantic rush of the industrial river, so these could give us something of the mysticism and charm of the industrial springs, a suggestion of source, a touch of the refinement which adheres to simple things. This study of origins, of survivals, of paths of least resistance refining an industrial age through the people and experiences which really belong to it and do not need to be brought in from the outside, surely affords an opening for scholarship.

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The flood-gates of our country have been opened to this immigration and no adequate thought has been given as to how the throng shall be cared for. Not

in an industrial sense, but in a humanizing, spiritual way. The industrial side of the problem is the only one that has had deliberate and mature thought, as the well-known exploitation plainly shows. Nor would we decry the industrialism altogether; but when the body has been over-taxed, or taxed to its utmost capacity, then the most exalted

scholarship or the most intense spiritualistic insight into their needs or desires in that direction is utterly lost in the bodily attempt to respond to anything not in line with its recuperation. In other words, the government, the scholarship, the christianity and the ethical spirituality of our whole country has and does virtually say to the alien who lands on our shores, here is a chance for your physical exertions to provide for your bodily needs, no effort being put forth by any of these agencies to discover and harmonize the ethics and spirituality they bring with that of which we boast.

Perhaps more effectually than any other agency have the trades-unions grasped the ethical possibilities of the problem and taught the strength and importance of united action. Surely it is not too much to say that the very first real lesson in self-government, to thousands of these immigrants has come through labor-union organizations. Perhaps some may say that the unions appealed to their primary necessities; nevertheless, as Miss Addams says, "out of these primal necessities one sees the first indication of an idealism of which one at moments dares to hope that it may be sturdy enough and sufficiently founded upon experience to make some impression upon the tremendous immigration situation."

That the unions do blend the races as no other agency does, we quote the words of Mr. Warne in The Star Invasion:" "The United Mine Workers of America is taking men of a score of nationalities-English-speaking and Slavmen of widely different creeds, language, and customs, and of varying powers of industrial competition, and is welding them into an industrial brotherhood, each part of which can at least understand of the others, that they are working for one great and common end. This bond of unionism is stronger than one can readily imagine who has not seen its mysterious workings or who has not been a victim of its members' newly found enthusiasm. It is today the strongest tie that can bind together 147,000 mine workers and the thousands dependent upon them. It is more than religion, more than the social ties which hold together members of the same community.

We therefore earnestly urge upon the deep students of sociology, the patient inlook of the philanthropist, the great lover of human liberty and believer in the future greatness of our country, to study this problem in all its bearingswith all its hopes and fears and possibilities-and formulate a national policy in keeping with our growth in ethical and spiritual magnitude.


This department is intended to serve the same purpose among the wives, mothers, daughters and sisters of our members that the Fraternal Department serves among our members. The rules at head of Fraternal Department will also apply to this one.

Editor Railway Conductor:

The old year has just passed away; died the same death the years before it have died since the beginning of time, and a new year has been born; and with the new birth new resolutions are born in the minds of most people. Changes are taking place all over our country, new officials for our government, new officers for our auxiliaries, new delegates to meet in Portland in May to make new laws or to revise our old ones; and as we look forward to our meeting in Grand Division we are all wondering what changes will be necessary to meet the requirements of progress and enlightenment along the lines of our noble work; for we are engaged in a noble work, and we know the auxiliary is here to stay. It is active, progressive and practical. Its influence is far-reaching and is always exerted on the side of right. Its teachings and achievements are for the highest interest of our class and make better women of our members.

Some of the cardinal principles of the auxiliary are to pull together and in concert with the Order of Railway Conductors fraternally in uplifting and assisting each other to become more dutiful wives, more devoted mothers, and by example, that our husbands will become more devoted husbands, juster and wiser fathers, and better citizens; to encourage and develop a higher sense of duty toward the mutual covenants and obligations necessarily existing between woman and woman in the successful conduct of social affairs, and by illustration, precept and example, through its secret work; to suggest to the minds of its members and attach and rivet their attention to the ennobling efforts of becoming imbued with a desire to more fully practice the virtues expressed in the first words, and their mutual significance, which give us our symbolic name. These principles are as old as the dawning light of the first morning of man, but still as new today as then.

Guided by them it is our duty to enjoy the exalted privilege of life-long association and daily communion of kindred spirits at home, and to meet in the name of Fraternal friendship the outstretched hand and sincere welcome of a sister.

The year 1904, was a very prosperous year for Auxiliary 177. We have much to be proud of for the interest taken by our members in attending meetings; for the growth of our Division, and

for the good work done by our sister officials. At our last election of officers all officers were promoted.

On Wednesday evening, December 21st, the members of Division 324, O. R. C., and Division. 177, Ladies' Auxiliary, held a joint installation of officers which was largely attended, and proved to be quite the most enjoyable social affair we have held.

The retiring president, Sister Johnson, presented Sister Francisco with a beautiful vase for presenting the most applications to the Division during the year; and to Sister J. R. Johnson also a beautiful vase, for not missing a single meeting during the year. The presentation was made by Brother Wright (Grandpa) in a happy and touching talk that made us all wish that we had not missed a meeting and had presented an application every time we met.

After the installation we were told that the best had been saved for the last, and we will never doubt the Brothers again, for the seven courses served on tables beautifully arranged and decorated with palms and holly, was even more convincing than their promise to save the best for the last. MRS. T. A. GREGG.

Bluefield, W. Va.

Editor Railway Conductor:

That Houston Division 87 has been silent in the past is not to be taken that they have been inactive. It is more to be attributed to every moment's being occupied in dispensing hospitable succor to those in need, and working in every way for the good of the Auxiliary of which they are so proud. It was my pleasant privilege to attend their installation December 21st, which was private owing to a sad bereavement of a beloved husband of one of our members. Our estimable president, Mrs. J. S. Karr, having been re-elected for the fourth time, in admonishing the members present in regard to their duty, urged upon them the necessity of visiting and attending those among them who were sick or detained in any way from attending meetings. I was forcibly reminded of what I once heard of a woman on attending the obsequies of a Brother Conductor. Seeing the thoughtful sympathy extended his bereaved family

and the honor paid by his late comrades to a fallen brother, their manly forms bowed in grief for him who was no more, turning to her companion she said, "I would rather my husband be a railroad man than governor." Now, Brothers and Sisters, why wait we till death calls a loved one to let the outside world admire our good traits toward each other? Why not strew their paths with roses while in the flesh, so as to enable them to inhale their sweet fragrance, ever extending our hands to those who have so much in common with us, let us ever remember our aim is to do good in general and to our own class in particular.

I regret to say that as much as San Antonio has to boast of her bracing atmosphere, beautiful parks and splendid driveways, along with those many historical spots of interest that always attract the stranger in our midst, yet she has not an Auxiliary to the Order of Railway Conductors. Not but what our conductors' wives are ever on the alert in some social or benevolent cause. There has been so much here that needs a woman's sympathy. San Antonio has been a haven for healthseekers from all over the United States, many of whom, no doubt, from time to time felt the gentle ministering care of our good women. All will be willing to admit with me that the hand of a woman excels all others in the hour of affliction.

In concluding, my new year's greeting to you is that health and prosperity may be yours through the coming years. MRS. T. I. WALTERS.

San Antonia, Texas.


Editor Railway Conductor:

How often we have looked through the columns of "THE CONDUCTOR hoping to find a letter from Fidelity 158. We had one good letter telling of our organization three years ago and that is all the world has heard about us. In the meantime, many interesting regular and special meetings have been held and we are still alive.

In our history we have had four initiations, two have come to us by transfer, two have left us by transfer, and three have withdrawn, We are expecting another transfer soon and several applications are looked for hopefully.

On Friday evening, January 6th, our Brothers of Illinois Valley Division 222 joined us in installation of officers, Sister Clendenen, of Streator, acting as installing officer for Fidelity Division 158, and our trainmaster, Mr. G. H. Saunders, a member of Newton Division No. 11, performing a like office for Illinois Valley Division 222. Both ceremonies were performed in a most dignified manner, after which formality was cast to the four winds and all proceeded to have a good time. A bountiful hot lunch had been prepared and was much enjoyed. Many after-dinner stories were told and great hilarity prevailed until long after midnight. We had invited our Brothers to install with us, and in their letter of acceptance we found their gallant offer to defray all the expense. thanks are due them now, as often in the past, for their generosity.


I will not mention our new officers by name, but will say that we have confidence in them, and hope for a pleasant year's work. Our meet

ings could be made more interesting if we had a better regular attendance.

We have two faithful members living in Streator who attend the second meeting of each month regularly. In December these good Sisters came with heavy baskets, and we were surprised to find they had brought a regular supper. We all fully appreciated their generosity, but thought it was too much hard work for them.

We also have a good member living in Pekin. who meets with us occasionally.

In looking back over the past year we find much for which we should be grateful to the Father above, as no crushing sorrow has come to any of


My heart goes out in sympathy to all who have met with the greatest loss-that of dear friends and loved ones. Many in the past year have found new joys, and I am sure we all rejoice with them. Now, if all members of the O. R. C. and their Auxiliary will take up their work more hopefully, and live close to their good mottoes, we will have great success in our work. Chillicothe, Ill.


Editor Railway Conductor:

It is my pleasant duty as correspondent of Diamond Division 190 to tell you of some of our doings.

We do not like to throw bouquets at ourselves, yet we all know we have one of the nicest and most sociable Divisions ever organized, and the Brothers of Joliet Division 377 know it too and behave accordingly. At their installation in Castle Hall in December they presented a good program and served a supper and invited our Di vision to be present. Taking all things into consideration, their crowd is almost as nice as


At our own installation January 5th, Sisters Sewall, Northrop and Swing, from White City Division, Chicago, and Sisters Drew, Evans and McMahon, from Oak Leaf Division, Blue Island, were present and assisted in the ceremonies.

With the exception of a few minor changes, the same officers were re-clected.

After the installation we served refreshments and listened to speeches by Sisters Sherwood and French. Our social events are very much enjoyed by the conductors and their families. Our euchre parties are well attended, the last being held at Sister Trainor's.

Our Division will be heard from again.
Joliet, Ills.

Editor Railway Conductor:

In the capacity of corresponding secretary for 1905, I give you greeting: to all members of the O. R. C. and L. A. to O. R. C., "Health and Happiness."

I take pleasure in announcing that on Decem ber 14, 1904, Oklahoma Auxiliary 181 saw her first birthday. If I do say it, as possibly I shouldn't, she is a lively youngster and promises a long and strenuous life. With a membership of thirty. and more in sight," we hope not only to keep

up the strong work and interest of 1904, but to do even better. heads, but everybody up and doing."

Our unwritten motto is: "No dead

On December 8th, we elected officers and on December 20th united with Shawnee Division 316 in a joint installation, after which a fine banquet was enjoyed.

The past year has been one of earnest endeavor to build up our Division; it has also been one of many social gatherings, and with thankful hearts we can look back and say, "Our joys have been great, our sorrows small." It is a fault of human nature to like the easy seat; to have the good things of life without much effort in winning them, forgetting that the smallest fruits of an honest, sincere effort, are more soul-satisfying than the abundant holding of unearned honors. Work at anything and you will gain an interest in that thing; it will become of consequence. Sit still and look for the failures of others, and you will not only lose interest, but lose what is a great deal more precious-the joy of being in the world and moving with it. No matter how small the work, do your best. If you are placed on the committee on "Janitoring," do not ask to be excused, but make the janitor's life a trouble to him if the Division room is not in good order. Do not allow yourself to harbor, much less speak, the thought that "I'm not needed; there's others more capable." "A chain is as strong as its weakest link." link.

Do not allow yourself to be the weakest

We know we have much to learn, but we are anxious to learn. We are starting in the new year ambitious to do our best. We doubtless will make mistakes, but like Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, we will put all differences and troubles in the bottom of our hearts, sit on the lid and sing. We will have days of successes and days of failures, days of sunshine and days of rain; but we hope to keep our hearts so filled with sunshine that we can say, "If the Lord sends rain, why rain's my choice." MRS. MILTON E. STANSBURY.

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Editor Railway Conductor:

After a long rest, I will once again take my pen to tell you some of the doings of 24.

In October I was lucky enough to be one of a crowd that went to Capital City Division, Columbus, Ohio. I wish to say the Sisters must make a study of how to entertain as they surely did everything possible to make our stay as pleasant as possible.

Sister Rugg, having moved from Blairsville here, a housewarming was given her and a general good time was had by all.

Along about the last of October a jolly crowd of conductors and their wives made up a tally-ho party and stopped at the residence of Brother and Sister Wooley of Latrobe. Sister Wooley is an admirable hostess, as she regaled the inner man with a fine supper.

Sister Bennett has very near recovered the use of her arm, which she broke some time ago. Brother Forsha, who has been in Philadelphia Hospital undergoing an operation on his eye, we are glad to see back home again much improved.


Sister Doak and Sister Forsha are on the sick We hope for their speedy recovery. Elections are now a thing of the past. Division 24 and O. R. C. Division 144 held a joint installation of officers on December 31, 1904. Mrs. Rinehart, Mrs. Rainbow and Mrs. Sarver of Division No. 9 of Pittsburg very kindly came and installed the officers of Division 24. After ceremonies were over, the ladies spread a banquet, to which all did justice. We were pleased to have our trainmaster, W. H. Thomas, and wife with us, together with Mr. Hoover, secretary Y. M. C. A., and other visitors.

Our goat has not been worked very hard for some time, but we hope to keep him busy this year.

Sister Phillippi has lost her dear mother, and the warm sympathy of Division 24 goes out to her.

On the 11th day of November my son, Chas. E. Amend was caught between cars while uncoupling a chain coupling, and instantly killed. He leaves a wife but no children to mourn his loss.

God grant a prosperous year to one and all.
Derry, Pa.


Editor Railway Conductor:
Before the pen is handed over to my successor,
I will try and write one more letter.

Since my last letter, Mrs. Dillard, our faithful Vice, who has served us since our organization, has passed away. It is the first time our circle has been broken, and we'll miss her, for she was one of our most earnest workers.

Sister Cain, who has recently moved away, came up to attend the funeral of Sister Dillard and remained with us until after our annual election, which occurred on the 12th day of December.

We have started the new year with bright prospects. At our last meeting we received two new members, and feel very proud of them.

Sisters, let us attend our meetings more regularly, for by so doing we will encourage our officers and derive pleasure and benefit ourselves.

There is a great deal of good we can do: visit our sick, cheer the afflicted, and make friends of those that come to us as strangers.

Palm Division 167 extends sympathies to Sister Moore. MRS. D. J. DUNN.

Montgomery, Alabama.


Editor Railway Conductor:

Lone Star Division No. 137 is still in existance, although the correspondent has failed in her duty the past few months. Yes, we still survive, and are in a flourishing condition. Sister Brownell is the latest addition to our membership; we are always happy to welcome the new sisters into our circle of friendship.

Our monthly teas are well attended and are a success both socially and financially. Our social gatherings, such as teas, sewing bees, etc.. are attended not only by our own Sisters, but by those of our Sister Divisions, which we enjoy so much. We would advise all Auxiliaries to have teas. You will be surprised to know how rapidly the dimes count.

We pine for our absent Sisters on such occasions as we have a number of non-resident members who cannot meet with us.

Our Sister Davis transfered her membership to the Houston Division, as Houston is now her home. We were loath to give her up, and we miss her pleasant smile and ready willingness to perform any duty, however, we hope she will be happy among the new Sisters.

We expect to have with us Deputy Grand President Sister Conlisk, next meeting. We are conceited enough to think she will find no work to do please do not tell her. Among the social happenings of the week, was celebrated the anniversary of Bro. and Sister Bronwell, they were more like a bride and groom of the season than of twenty years. They were the recipients of many handsome remembrances. May you live to celebrate many more happy anniversaries.

So many things have happened since my last, I can scarcely remember all, but one thing I assure you a number of Auxiliary ladies surprised me recently and Sister Wood presented me with a package in a few sweet well chosen words, in the name of the L. A. The package contained a very handsome linen table cover, together with one dozen napkins to match, and I am sure I treasure them among my choicest gifts. Again I thank the ladies. As their musician for five years, it has always been a pleasure to me, to be found at my post of duty, and to try to fill my office to the best of my ability. I feel unworthy the appreciation shown me.

Since my last letter, Sister Woods' home together with the greater part of its contents was consumed by fire; we all sympathize with her, in her loss, but she is one of the rare exceptions among women, who believes in hoping for the best getting ready for the, worst, and taking what God sends and regardless of misfortune, she is the same jolly fun making Sister Wood, she always was, however, Brother and Sister Wood are now handsomely situated in their new home. MRS. RICHARD CLEMENTS.

Cleburne, Texas.

Editor Railway Conductor:

Niphto Division 152 is moving along nicely. There prevails among our members a sisterly love and congeniality seldom found among the members of any lodge. We had our regular election of officers in November, and must say we are well equipped for the following year, for most of these officers are tried and true.

The book of the old year is closed with its many failures and mistakes, and who shall say that we hadn't some good marks in that book, too? Be that as it may, open before us lies the new year book, with not a blot to mar its beauty. How are we going to keep this one? All full of blots, failures and mistakes? Oh no! Let us profit by the ones in the old book to keep the new one as free from them as possible.

What opportunities lie before us this bright new year. Let each of us ask ourselves these questions: How much good can I do this year? How many hearts make glad? How much sunshine can I carry into some life where the sunshine of hope

and peace have almost ceased to shine? Can we not put on the whole armor of faith and love and so live that our presence will prove a blessing wherever we may chance to be? We can follow after the teachings of our noble order and have for our motto each day: Charity, Truth, Friendship. Then, when we have fulfilled the last obligation. shall we not be ready to lay aside the mortal and put on the immortal, and hear the gentle voice of Our Master say, Come up higher?

We extend to Sister Moore our most sincere sympathy in this her hour of trial. Best wishes, Brother Editor. Tuscumbia, Ala.

Editor Railway Conductor:


I will try and perform my duties as correspondent for Stella Division 153.

We had our installation of officers at our last meeting in December. The O. R. C's. were to have joined us and we were to have a joint installation, but not enough men were present to install their officers, however, we had a social good time, after the ladies installed their officers, the gentlemen served us ice cream and cake. Jan. 1 was the day the O. R. C's. installed their officers. The ladies took lunch and went up and surprised (?) them. All had a good time. I hope this year will be as prosperous for our Division as our last has been, we installed eleven members last year, several came down from Forest and were taken in here. How are our Forest members? We would like to see you all, whenever it is possible for you to come. We speak of you quite often.

Our past president, Mrs. Bump, was elected delegate. So Sisters, look out for her; she is a good earnest worker and a sweet Sister. Give her the hand of good fellowship when you meet her in Portland. We are planning for a good social time for this year. MRS. EDWIN BOWDEN. Decatur, Ills.

Editor Railway Conductor:

"There is a saloon in a town out west," as the story goes, that has a sign on the door which reads. "Open all night." The one next door has a similar sign, "We never close." So a Chinese laundry next to this used as its sign, "Me Wakee Too." So it is with Benevolent Division 17. Though you have not heard from us for some time, we are not sleeping, but working with our hearts open in harmony and peace. All are doing good work and we hope to receive several new members the coming year.

The Brothers and Sisters held a joint public installation of officers Decemeber 17th, presided over in a very proficient manner by Bro. I. N. Miller. Bother Riggin gave one of his heart-to-heart talks which was much appreciated by those who have the good of the order at heart. The Brothers invited the Sisters to the banquet room, where a most elaborate luncheon was served by the popular caterer, Bell. The tables were beautifully decorated with the red, white and green candlebra, and the ices were also done in the colors of the order. Truly all had a most enjoyable and, we trust, a

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