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Account of the Cloths manufactured each year in the Weft Riding of the County of York, from 1749, to the year 1770; both inclufive.

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Number of Broad Cloths milled each Year at the feveral Fulling-Mills in the Weft-Riving of the County of York, from the Commencement of the A&t, riz. June, 1725, to the 12th of March, nine Months; and of Narrow Cloths, from the Commencement of the Act, viz. from the 1st August to 20th Jan. 1738, being fix Months 20 Days, and from that Time Yearly.

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No. of Yards (Pieces being now of different Lengths) of Broad and Narrow. Cloths made in the Years ending at Pontefract Seffions, 1769 and 1770.

Broads. Narrows.

1769 27710672144019
17702717105 2255625

An Account of all the Public Debts, Standing out the 5th Day of January, 1772, (being Old Christmas Day) with the

annual Intereft, or other Charges, payable for the fame.


Annuities for long terms, being the remainder of the original fum contributed and unsub

fcribed to the South-Sea company

Ditto for lives, with the benefit of furvivorship, being the original fum contributed
Ditto for two and three lives, being the fum remaining after what is fallen in by deaths
Exchequer Bills made out for the interest of old bills

Annuities for lives, with the benefit of survivorship, granted by an act of 5 Geo. III be-
ing the original fum contributed

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Note, The land taxes and duties on malt, &c. being annual grants, are not charged in this account, nor the 1,000,000l. charged on the deduction of 6d. per pound on pensions, nor the 1,800,000l. borrowed anno 1771, and charged on the supplies 1772. EAST-IN D'I A Company.

By two acts of parliament of 9 Will III. and two other acts 6 and 9 Anne, at 31.per cent per ann. 3,200,000 Annuities at 3!. per cent. · per ann. 1744, charged on the furplus of the additional duties on low wines, fpirits, and ftrong waters


On their original fund at 31. per cent. per ann. from 1 August, 1743

For cancelling Exchequer bills 3 George I.

Purchased of the South-fea Company

Annuities at 3 per cent. per ann. charged on the furplus of the funds for lottery, 1714

Ditto at 3 per cent. perann. charged on the duties on coals fince Lady-day, 1719

Ditto at 3 per cent. per ann. anno 1746, charged on the duties on licences for retailing fpiritous liquors fince Lady-day, 1746


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Ditto at 3 per cent. per ann. charged on the finking fund by acts 25 28, 29, 32, and 33 George II. and 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 Geo. III.Ditto at 3 per cent per ann. charged on the duties on offices and penfions, &c. granted by the act of 31 George II. and duty on houses and windows, by the act of 6 Geo. III.


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Ditto at 3 per cent. per ann. charged on the finking fund by act 25 Geo. II. and 5 Geo. III. 19,183,323 16
Dito at 3 per cent per ann. charged on the duties on offices and penfions, &c. granted by
an act of 31 George II. and duties on houfes and windows, by the act of 6 Geo. III.
Ditto at 4 per cent. per ann. charged on the finking fund by the act 2 Geo. III. being the
remainder of 2,240,ocol. after deducting the fum of 1,253,7 col. fubfcribed and added
to the capital stock of 3 per cent. confolidated annuities, by an act of 10 Geo. III.
Memorandum. The fubfcribers of tool. to the lottery 1745 were allowed an annuity for
one life of ys. a ticket, which amounted to 22,500l. but is now reduced, by lives
fallen in, to 14,679). And the subscribers of 100l. to the lottery 174, were allowed
an annuity for one life of 18 s. a ticket, which amounted to 45,000l. but is now re-
duced by lives fallen in, to 30,4501. And the fubfcribers of 100l. for 31. per cent.
anno 1757, were allowed an annuity for one life of 1 1. 2s. 6d. which amounted to
33,7501. but is now reduced, by lives fallen in, to 29,645 1. And the fubfcribers of
100l. for 3 per cent. annuities, 1761, were allowed for ninety-nine years. 11. 2s. 6d.
amounting, with the charges of management to the bank of England, to 130,05 3 1.
105 38. And the contributors of 12,000,000l. for the fervice of the year 1762, were
entitled to annuities for 98 years of 1 per cent. which, with charges of management to
the bank of England, amount to the fum of 121,6871. 10s. which annuities for 99
years and 98 years, were confolidated by the act 4 Geo. III all which annuities are
an increase of the annual intereft, but cannot be added to the public debt, as no money
was advanced for the fame.

SOUTH SEA Company.
9 George I.

On their capital flock and annuities
Annuities at 3 per cent, anno 1751, charged on the finking fund

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SUPPLIES granted by Parliament for the Year 1771.

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NOVEMBER 29,1770.

HAT 40,000 men be employed, for the fea fervice, for the year 1771, including 8,073 marines.

2. And that a fum, not exceeding 4 1. per man per month, be allowed for maintaining the faid 40,000 men for 13 months, including ordnance for fea-fervice


1. For the ordinary of the navy, including halfpay to fea and marine officers, for the year 17/1

2. Towards the buildings, re-buildings, and repairs of thips of war in his Majefty's yards, and other extra works, over and above what are propofed to be done upon the heads of wear and tear and ordinary for the year 1771


1. That a number of land forces, including 2,102 invalids, amounting to 23,432 effective men, commiffion and non-commilhon officers included, be employed for the year 1771

2. For defraying the charge of this number of effective men, for guards, garritons, and other his Majefly's land forces, in Great-Britain, Jerfey, and Guernsey, for the year 1771

3. For maintaining his Majefty's forces and garrifons in the Plantations of Africa, including thofe in Garrifon at Minorca and Gibraltar; and for provifions for the forces in North-America, NovaScotia, Newfoundland, Gibraltar, the Ceded Islands, and Africa, for the year 1771

4. For defraying the charge of the difference of pay between the British and Irifh eftablishment of five battalions and four companies of foot, ferving in the Isle of Man, at Gibraltar, Minorca, and the Ceded Islands, for the year 1771


1. For the charge of the office of ordnance, for land fervice, for the year 1771

2080000 0 0

378752 18 7

423747 0 0

720629 12 8

479170 1 11

4533 12 8

259074 16 11

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2 For defraying the expence of fervices performed by the office of ordnance, for land fervice, and not provided for by parliament in 1770

JANUARY 28, 1771.

Towards enabling the commiffioners for building a bridge cross the river Thames, from the city of Weftminster to the oppofite fhore in the county of Surrey, to maintain the faid bridge, and to perform the other trufts repofed in them.


1. For the pay of the general and general staffofficers in Great-Britain, for the year 1771

2. For the paying of penfions to the widows of fuch reduced officers of his Majefty's land forces and marines as died upon the establishment of half pay in Great-Britain, and were mrrried to them beføre the 25th day of December, 1716, for the year 1771

3. Upon account of the reduced officers of his Majefty's land forces and marines, for the year 1771

4. For defraying the charge for allowances to the feveral officers and private gentlemen of the two troops of horfe-guards reduced, and to the fuperannuated gentlemen of the four troops of horfe guards, for the year 1771

5. For defraying the charge of full pay, for 365days, for the year 1771, to officers reduced with the tenth company of feveral battalions, reduced from ten to nine companies, and who remained on half pay at the 24th day of December, 1765


1. Upon account, for maintaining and fupporting the civil establishment of his Majesty's colony of Nova Scotia. for the year 1771

2. Upon account, for defraying the charges of the civil eftablishment of his Majetty's colony of Georgia, and other accidental expences attending the fame, from the 24th of June, 1770, to the 24th of June, 1771

3. Upon account, for defraying the expences of the civil eftablishment of his Majefty's colony of East Florida, and other incidental expences attending

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