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you. fpirit.

P. And with thy cum fpiritu tuo.

When the Priest breaks the Sacred Hoft, and puts one part into the chalice; fay:

TAY the facred body and blood of our Lord Jefus Chrift now mixt together in the chalice, be to all that partake thereof, or affist at these facred myfteries, effectual to eternal life. Amen.

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Lamb of God, who takeft away the fins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takeft away the fins of the world, grant us peace.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miferere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miferere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

N. B. In Maffes of Requiem, or of the Dead, inflead of: Miferere nobis: Have mercy on us is faid: Dona eis requiem: Grant them reft: And instead of: Dona nobis pacem : Grant us peace: is faid: Dona eis requiem fempiternam Grant them everlafting reft. Nor doth the Priest or people ftrike their breasts, as at other Maffes. The following prayer is alfo omitted.


The PRAYER before the Kifs of Peace.

ORD fefus Chrift, who faidft to thy Apoftles: I leave you peace; I give you my peace: regard not my fins, but the faith of thy Church, and vouchsafe her that peace and unity, which is agreeable to thy will, who liveft and reigneft God world without end. Amen.

At these words, every time they are refeated, all frike thei breafis.

At the giving the Kifs of Peace'.

Pr. Peace be with Pr. Pax tecum. R. thee. R. And with thy Et cum fpiritu tuo.



Lord Jefus Christ, Son of the living God, who, according to the will of the Father, with the co-operation of the Holy Ghost, didft, by thy death, give life to the world; deliver me, by this thy most facred body and blood, from all my iniquities, and from all evil; and make me always live up to thy commandments, and never suffer me to be feparated from thee, who with the fame God the Father, and the Holy Ghoft, livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

A Prayer, when you go to Communion.

ET not the participation of thy body, O Lord Fefus Chrift, which I, tho' unworthy, prefume to receive, turn to my judgment, and condemnation; but let it thro' thy mercy become a safe-guard and remedy both to foul and body who with God the Father, in unity with the Holy Ghoft, liveft and reigneft God, world without end. Amen.

When you do not go to Communion, fay:


Y manifold fins and imperfections, O Lord, make me unworthy to approach thy holy table, where the food of Angels is diftributed to thy children and faithful fervants: but give me grace to overcome my paffions, and to blot out my fins by a fincere repentance: that, after having tried myfelf, I may venture to eat thy facred flesh, and drink thy precious blood; without which thou af

Here, according to the Rubrick, and the univerfal practice of the Western Church, the Kifs of Peace is to be given, in token of that mutual charity, which all ought to bring with them to this mystery of charity. In folemn Maffes the Deacon receives this kiss from the officiating Prieft; he gives it the fub-deacon, from whom it goes through all the Clergy. In private Maffes, the Clerk holds forib to the Priest an inftrument called the Pax, to kifs, which ke afterwards killerb himself.

fureft me I can have no life; who liveft and reignet, with the Father and the Holy Ghoft, one God world without end. Amen.

When the Priest having adored the blefed facrament, rifes up, and takes the facred hoft in his hands, Say:

Happy, O Lord, are they that receive the bread of heaven, and call on thy name.

When the Prieft ftriking his breaft fays: Domine, non fur dignus, fay thrice:

Lord, I am not worthy thou shouldft enter under my roof; fpeak therefore but the word, and my foul fhall be healed.

When the Priest receives the facred hoft, fay: May the body of our Lord Jefus Christ preferve thy foul to everlasting life. Amen.

When he hath received the facred hoft, and is preparing to receive the chalice, fay:


HOU haft fed, O Lord, thy fervant with the bread of heaven; let him now take the cup of falvation, as thou commandedft thy Apoftles, and call upon thy holy name. Let him call on thy holy name with thankfgiving; and do thou defend him from all his enemies. And may the blood of our Lord Jefus Chrift preferve his foul to everlasting life. Amen.

[Here, if you are duly difpofed, you go up to the rails to receive the holy Communion. For the Mafs being the facrifice of the people, as well as of the Prieft, it is agreeable to the intention of the Church, that the people should partake thereof, before the affembly be difmiffed by the: Ite, Miffa eft. Moreover the POSTCOMMUNION, which is the proper prayer of thanksgiving after communion, being common to Prieft and people, it is to be wifhed they would communicate at the proper time, that is, immediately after the communion of the Priest. Join therefore

with the Clerk in saying the Confiteor with a true forrow, and compunction for your fins. Then the Prieft having faid: May almighty God have mercy on you, forgive you your fins, and bring you to life everlasting. R. Amen. May the Lord, who is almighty and merciful, grant you pardon, absolution, and remiffion of your fins. R. Amen. He takes the Sacred Hoft in his hand, again turns about, and fays: Behold the Lamb of God: behold him who taketh away the fins of the world. Lord I am not worthy, &c. thrice. Repeat thefe laft words with him thrice, ftriking your breafts in token of your unworthiness. Then having the towel raifed above your breast, your eyes modeftly closed, your head likewife raifed up, and your mouth conveniently opened, receive the holy facrament on your tongue refting on your under lip; then close your mouth, and Jay in your heart: Amen: I believe it to be the body of Christ, and I pray it may preferve my foul to eternal life. Then withdraw from the rails, and when the Prieft receives the first and fecond ablution, or washing of the chalice, fay :]


RANT, O Lord, that what I have taken with my mouth, I may have received with a pure heart; that as I now receive it in this mortal life, it may procure me that which is eternal.

And may, O Lord, thy facred body and blood, which I have received, cleave to my foul, that no ftain of fin may remain in me, who have been fed by thy pure and holy facrament, who liveft and reigneft world without end. Amen.

When you do not go to Communion, instead of the two foregoing Prayers, Jay the following one.

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T is my own unworthinefs, O Lord, and not having fubdued my unruly paffions through my own floth and indolence, that have deprived me of the happiness of partaking in reality of thefe facred myfteries. But deprive me not entirely of the effects

thereof; rather let fome mites from thy holy table fall on my famished foul. Inflame it with thy love, give it a spiritual hunger and thirst after this, nourifhment, and permit me not to pine away, thro' my own unworthinefs, floth and negligence, for want of this heavenly food, which gives immortality. Thro' Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then fay the COMMUNION, as in it's proper place. Pr. May the Lord be

with you. P. And with

thy spirit.

Pr. Dominus vobifcum. P. Et cum fpiritu


Pr. Let us pray.

Then is faid the POSTCOMMUNION, which feek in

it's proper place.

Pr. May the Lord be with you. P. And with thy fpirit.

Pr. Go, you are difmiffed, or, Let us blefs the Lord. P. Thanks be to God.

In Males of Requiem, or

Pr. Dominus vobif

cum. P. Et cum fpiritu


Pr. Ite, miffa eft, or, Bendicamus Domino. P. Deo gratias.

of the Dead, inftead of

Ite, Miffa eft, is faid:

Pr. May they rest in peace. P. Amen.


Pr. Requiefcant in pace. P. Amen.

When the Priest bows down before the altar, fay: AY the performance of this my homage be pleafing to thee, O holy Trinity, that the facrifice, which I, tho' unworthy, have offered up, by the hands of thy Minifter, in the fight of thy divine majefty, may be acceptable to thee, and, thro' thy mercy, may be a propitiation for me, and all thofe for whom it hath been offered. Thro' Christ our Lord. Amen.





AY the Almighty God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft blefs you. P. Amen.

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