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Their Superftitious benedictions, Magicall Incantations, exorcifmes, and all thofe helps to falvation, which falt, wax, fpittle, bells can afford, by the third Commandement; and fo I might proceed to the Holy-dayes, Maffes, &c. or try their Popes ufurpations, the cruelty of their Inquifition, their allowance of Fornication, forbidding to marry, their equivocations, rebellious concupif cence by the Second Table. We will by the Gofpell of Chrift try the Doctrine of Ju ftification by workes, their publick prayers in an unknowne tongue, their denying of the Teftament of Christs bloud to the peo ple, we will examine whether there be more facrifices of Chrift then one ? whether they that dye in Chrift reft from their labours? I might proceed to examine their Doctrine, concerning the Offices and benefits of Chrift; concerning the nature and ufe of faith, and the Doctrine of the Sacraments, and the rest of the points in controverfie between us and the Papists. And truly when I do read fuch questions as these I cannot but thinke of thofe Texts, 1 Tim. 4.1.2, 3. Now the Spirit fpeakes exprefly, &c. the Spirit doth fo exprefly condemne these seducing and erring Spirits,that whofoever will be perfwaded by the evident demonstrations of the Spirit, and be overruled by his pofitive definitions inScripture, will confeffe that the Papifts were very wife

in offering to be tryed by unwritten Traditions, or the Pope and his adherents, in all points in question. It is clear that the Popes have taught for Doctrines the Commande ments of men. He that reades the Epistles to the Romanes and Galathians, 1 Cor. 14. Chap. the fecond Chapter to the Coloffi ans, the fecond Chapter of the fecond E pistle to the Theffalonians; and the plainer places of the Book of the Revelation, will acknowledge the Spirit doth fpeake expref


The Pope must therefore be beholding The grand to his School-men to defend his Doctrine, Pillars both and to his Canonifts to keep up his Difci- of Popery pline, and pretend no more to Scriptures and the Papacy. or pure Antiquity for his Juftification.


If the Anti-Scripturists would but hear ken to the Spirit fpeaking in the Scriptures pturists they would fay the Spirit hath magnified both Law and Gospel, and made them bonorable, precious and glorious in our eyes.

I will not infift upon thofe many convins cing arguments whereby the Scriptures are undeniably proved to be the word of God, but humbly defire all men to confi

der whether the true reason (why thole The truê Arguments do not effectually perfwade ob reason why ftinate men) be not cleerly this, becaufe men do not men do undervalue the teftimony of the Holy Scriptures Ghost, and refift,vex, grieve, or quench the to be the Holy Spirit, whofe office it is to feale up wordofGod

beleeve the

this and all other faving truths to our confciences and hearts.

True it is that the law of God is written The Law. in our hearts by nature, but our naturɛ is corrupted, and we are blinded with pride, paffion, prejudice, with felfe conceitednes and felfe-love, and therefore it is requifite that the wrath of God should be revealed from heaven against pleasing gainfull fins; nay, unnaturall fins, Rom.1.18. to the end The Gofpet. of the Chapter. Moreover, it is to be fadly L. conidered that the Gofpell is not writ.cen

in our hearts by nature, nor can it be found out by any artificiall Demonftration, but it is difcovered to us by Divine Revelation, Rom.1.16,17.

I know many learned men have used the teftimony of humane Authors in a Secondary and fubfervient way to confirme our Faith in this point: but it is cleer that we muft reft our Faith upon the Authority of God in this and all other points, or else our Faith will not be a Divine Faith.

God fweares by himselfe, becanse he is the greatest, and doth bear witnesse to himThe prime and Infal felfe in his word; Nay, to his Word, in his lible Truth Word, because he is the truest, for he is inbears wit deed the prime truth, the onely Infallinelle toit ble Truth. And hence it is that the Scripfelfe.

tures are called the teftimonies of God, and the teftimony of the Spirit is fo often produced, 1 Pet.1.11. A&.5.32, 1lob.5.6.

It is no fhame to adhere to the Teftimony of God in the weightieft point, Pfal. 119. 31, 46. Hence it is that the Penmen do so often fhew their Commiffi. on and cry thus faith the Lord. And hence it is that God doth so often own the Scriptures for his word. This is my word faith God, this came from my inspiration faith the Spirit, 2 Tim.3.16. 2Pet.1.21. This is my writing faith Jehovah, I will own it, and ftand to it. I have written to him the great things of my Law faith God, Hof.8.12. The Scriptures are the Oracles of God, Rom.3.2. They contain the counsel of God, Act, 20.27% God hath given us fufficient affurance that theLaw was written by his own finger,and all other books by his fpecial command and inspiration. All Scripture is given by infpiration of God,2Tim.3.16Prophecycame not in old time; the word is TTE, it came not at any time by the will of man but Holy men of God pake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost,2 Pet. 1.21. Our Saviour gives a full teftimony to Mofes, David,the reft of the Penmen of the Pfalms, and all the Prophets, Luk.24,44. God hath fealed the teftimony of the Penmen by miracles on men and divels, we need not expect new miracles to confirm thisOld-Teftament & ancient Gofpel; both are confirmed by the old miracles which ftand uponRecord in both; But if any man preach a New Gospel, we may X 2 Well


well call upon him for new miracles. Nay the very prelervation of the Scriptures in defpight of Tyrants,Heretiques and Divels is a convincing miracle. In a word, the Testimony of the Penmen is fealed

1. By the Oath of God,

2. By the blood ofChrist,

3. By the teftimony of the Spirit, 4. By the Efficacy of the Spirit. The Teftimony and Efficacy of the Spirit is that fweetSubject which I am now more efpecially engaged to infift upon;the Testimony of the Spirit to the heart and confcience of every true beleever in particular is a convincing Teftimony.

But it will be faid, that this is such an Argument as none can take notice of, and therefore altogether infufficient to perfwade other men to beleeve, to whom no fuch Teftimony hath been youchfafed.

1. 1anfwer. This is an Argument indeed whereby I cannot convince others: but this is an Argument which makes all other Arguments effectual to convince me.

2. The Efficacy of the Spirit in the word upon the hearts of enemies is very confiderable. Their minds are inlightned, their judgements convinced,their confciences awakened,terrifyed,their hearts fmitten,beCor. 3.6.cause the very thoughts of their hearts are Cor.2.16.ftrangely & unexpectedly discovered, their fouls embowelled, and their marrow as it



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