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Silv. de

de autho

The Ecclefiafticall and Temporail Su- D.vfher, premacy of Soveraignty of Popes is con- Jewel,Rai demned by Reafon and Hiftory, by Fathers nolds, whi ker Abbot, and Councels as others have proved at large; Davenant, let us not therefore be put off with that Billon, Cha ridiculous piece of Sophiftry, which is fo mier, Go common; The Pope is infallible and fupream Head of the Church, and Lord of the World, doft because the Scriptures meane fo; and the Video Enc. Scriptures meane fo, because the Pope faith geftis Bafo; who doth not fee that the Scriptures fil.Concil. are only put in for a meer ftale? and there. lib.1. Jaco. fore the Argument had been as ftrong if Almain. they had proved the Popes Infallible Au- ritate Ec thority and Princely Supremacy, by an ipfe clefiæ cap. dixit at first. The Pope faith he is Infallible, 8.Summi ergo he is for I am not at leasure to heare Pontifices what the Pope who hath endeavoured to fuas fimdethrone Chrift, and depofe the Holy Ghoft, mis extenfaith in his owne behalfeat Rome; for if he dentes, once bring this great question to be refold alios Paved in his owne Confiftory, he will foon Pas addubring all caufes to be decided there alfo, ftes. where he himselfe is Plaintiffe, ineffe and Afke a Judges only in prudence and modefty he hath thief or his. entertained a company of Cardinals (who fellow whe are to divide the fpoiles with him) for his her be be athiefe. Grand Taquests

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brias ni

cunt in te

Vide L.

The Popes Supremacy is unwritten, and nallus D. therefore he is a fit Judge 10 decide all con- de teftibustroverfies amongst the Traditionaries, whofe faith is not written in either Tefta- 2.&


L.omnibus 4.9..

But teftes.


Christ is the only


But fince the Pope doth ftrive with the Holy Ghoft for the Chair, and Christ for the Throne; let us heare what Chrift and the Holy Ghoft do both speake in the Holy Scriptures of Truth, and we fhall quickly decide this grand controverfie, and many more. Chrift is the only Paftour of his Church, he is to continue fo and have no fucceffor.

We find in holy Scripture, that Christ is the only Head and Saviour of his whole Head of his Church, Ephef.1.22. Colof.2.19. he doth and Church, will continue with his Church alway, even Ephef.1. unto the end of the world, to give life, fenfe 22 Col.2. and motion to it, and to rule and governe 19.Ioh.10. the whole, and every member of it, ftorem u by the effectuall councell and Working of his nicum in Holy Spirit.

16. Per pa


Sic per


telligimus The Apostles were but Minifteriall Chriftum Heads, or Principall Members who non Papa had a preheminence over the inferiour cum, loh. members for perfecting of the Saints by the 10.9 14.16 worke of the Miniftry, 1 Cor.12.21.28.First 26,27,28. Apoftles: this eminent miniftry or HeadShip did belong to all the Apofties, and not intelligi- to Peter only; the power of remitting and mus Chri- retaining fins was given to the other Apoftum,Eze. ftles afwel as Peter, Io.20.21,22.23. We de37.22, 23. ny not Peter to be the first Apostle in time, 24. Ezek as Andrew was the firft Difciple;and therefore Peter is firft reckoned, Mat,10,2.Nay Heb. 13.20 we will not deny him to be most eminent


34.23. 1

Pet. 2. 25.

power to


adverf.lo vin.lib.z.

in grace, and for both reafons grant him to Cuncti be firft in Order: but we deny that he was claves reg chiefe in dignity or Supream in power; Be- ni Caloru caufe we know the Apostles had all equall ex æquo. power; For Chrift fent them all as his Fa- Hieronym ther fent him they had all of them open heaven to beleevers, and shut it against Vt Plato unbeleevers. The power of the Keyes was Princeps given upon the confeffion which Peter Philofomade in the name of al the rest, Mat. 16.16. phorum,i« 18. as he was wont to do, Ioh.6.69. The con- ta Petrus feffion was common to all, the promise com ruHieron. Apoftolomon to all, the performance common to all, adver. PeJob.20.21,22,23. I need fay no more but lag.lib.1.


1. The Papifts do entitle Peter to that Supream Soveraignty which belongs


to Chrift: But Peter and the reft of the VideGlof. Apostles were joynt foundations built on extravaChrift the only proper head and foundati- gant. Ioh, on, Ephef.2.20.

22. Pote

ftas fums

ma Pap.

Gix.4.Sac.Cerem.ecclef. Rom.lib. 1.fe&.7. Leo's Sermons,Epiftles,Rhemish annot, in Mat. 16,18.


Vide An

not.Romæ excuf, in

2. They entitle the Pope to that power which did belong to Peter, but Peter had no fucceffour in his extraordinary and Apoftolick power, the Pope is no Apoftle; Cyprian. and when Peter fpeakes of his ordinary Deæqua power, he tells the Elders that he is their litate Apoftolatus qui cum

Apoftolis morientibus ceffa vit nec ad Episcopos tranfijt.



de Petri

Fellow-Presbyter. I who am alfo an Elder Vide Go- exhort the Elders,1 Tim.5.1. But that Pe ter was an ordinary Bishop of one City, parte 3. First of Antioch for feven yeers, and then Difp.22. of Rome for twenty-five, cannot be proved Apoftoli by Scripture, no nor by any credible Hifto. & Pape rian. I know they rely upon Eufebius his Romani teftimony. But it is enough for me to reply, repug.Dr. that Eufebius his Hiftory doth diffent from Raynolds in bis con. his Chronicle, and his Chronicle doth dif ference fent from Scripture.

with Hart

Chap.6.Divifion 3. pag.209.210,211,212.

Phil. 1.1.

A&.14.23 3. Chrift hath many Minifters to preach Act.20.28 his Gofpell,but he hath no Catholick Vicar Tit..5. befides his Spirit, who can challenge the Pro Apc Supream Soveraignty of deciding controftolis filij verfies by an infallible Sentence: It is the nati funt; Spirit that makes the word to be effectuall non Pater 1 Cor.3.7. As Chrift workes by his Spirit unicus pa he hath no Vicar; for he himfelfe is with his menicus. Difciples alwayes to the end of the world, Vide Aug. Mat.20.Chrift himselfe doth Baptize with Enarrat, the Holy Ghoft: he himselfe did open the inPfal.34 heart of Lydia.

ра Осси

nec non in

Pfal.44. IV.

4. The Pope challenges this power over the Gentiles, but Paul was the Apoftle of the Gentiles by the appointment of the Holy Ghoft,and Peters own confent, Rom.11.13. Act.13.2. Gal 2.9. Paul was chief and laboured more abundantly then any in this fervice.

$ Peter

5. Peter did never claime or exercise any fuchpower over the Princes and Kingdomes of the world as the Pope doth, Lu. 22.25,26. Mat.20.25,26.


6. If Peter had defired and ufurped any Supremacy over the reft of the Apostles, he had thereby degraded himselfe, and been laft of all, Mark 9.34,35.




Vna vetu



crem In

7. If the vices of Popes may make them Supream or their errours infallible, we are able to prove that by fraud, violence and la poteft fuch like black arts, they have ufurped a effe perfe power over the confciences of men to lead aior ac them into Herefie, Antichriftianifme, Athe major ipfo Papâ per ifme; For by endeavouring to prove their Infallibility by the Scripture, and then ven- Gratis & ting groffe errours as infallible truths upon amplitu the authority of the Pope and Church, they dinc Virhave tempted (ome to beleeve neither Church tutum. nor Pope nor Scripture; The Pope hath told them that they had as good beleeve nothing as Summa not beleeve all;and therefore it is to be feared, de Ecclef. that too many beleeve nothing at all. Let us lib.2.c.82. then to the Law and the Teftimony, and The Law. let Chrift and his Spirit be heard fpeake in them,and we will proceed to tryal with the Papifts upon what points they please. We The Firt will try all their new Tutelar Gods, whether Angels or dead men, or their breaden God in the Maffe by the 1 Command. Their picturing of God and worshipping of him by pictures by the Second Commandment.


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