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N selecting passages of prose and verse to escort



Mr. Birket Foster's Pictures of Rustic Landscape,' two considerations among others were constantly present:-the importance of variety, and the necessity of a lax correspondence between the letterpress and the engravings.

The latter consideration suggests the remark, that, unless the one is engaged in what is justly regarded as the inferior employment of illustrating the other, the artist in black and white seldom depicts landscape with an eye to the same effects and with appreciation of the same details as commend themselves to the artist in words. Nevertheless the reader and spectator will find remarkable instances of close agreement even in minor points between several of the pictures and the descriptions in their attendant passages, and always, of course, a definite connection of some kind.


The general purpose in making these selections was not to provide a descriptive catalogue, but to present in an anthology the thoughts and feelings of some lovers of the country and of country life.

June, 1895.


For their permission to include certain passages which are copyright, thanks are due to the following authors and publishers :-to Messrs. Macmillan for the extracts from Matthew Arnold's ScholarGipsy and from Tennyson's 'Miller's Daughter'; to Messrs. Longman for the extract from Richard Jefferies' 'Field and Hedgerow '; to Messrs. W. Blackwood & Sons for the extract from George Eliot's Felix Holt'; to Messrs. Seeley & Co. for the extract from P. G. Hamerton's Unknown River'; to Mr. Joseph Pennell and Mr. Fisher Unwin for the extract from "The Stream of Pleasure'; to Mr. W. Fraser Rae for the extract from M. Taine's 'Notes on England'; to Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. for the extracts from John Burroughs, R. Grant White, and Emerson; and to Messrs. Chatto & Windus and Mr. C. Baxter for the extract from R. L. Stevenson's 'Virginibus Puerisque.'

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