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embraces, and, most of all, from the laudable distinction which is uniformly paid to morality of character, as well as to celebrity of talent. It is the former of these which constitutes true preeminence, and which deserves to be held up as the primary object of female imitation: for what, as Dr. Young has appositely remarked,

What is true beauty, but fair Virtue's face?
Virtue made visible in outward grace?-

Though, with some modern fair, meridian merit
Is a fierce thing, they call-a nymph of spirit!

Some names might have been added to the present extensive list, from our occasional notices of eminent ladies; and we think that a running title in an alphabetical form, would have contributed to facility of reference. By these hints the authoress may not disdain to profit in a future edition of her estimable work. A short Grammar of the English Language, in two Parts: simplified to the Capacities of Children: with Notes, and a great Variety of entertaining and useful Exercises, upon a Plan entirely new. Also, an Appendix, containing Rules and Observations, for assisting young Persons to speak and write with Perspicuity and Accuracy. By John Hornsey, Schoolmaster, Scarborough. 3rd Edition, corrected and improved. Bent. 12mo. 28. To the numerous recommendations which it appears this comprehensive little grammar has received from the literary journals, we are happy to have it in our power to add our favourable report. The lessons are concise and perspicuous. Indeed, of all the books of English grammar, which we have looked into, this seems to be the best calculated to instruct children in its rudiments, from the judicious manner in which the exercises are arranged, to give them, at the same time, a taste for literature and science, and impress them with a just sense of their moral duties.

The Appendix is a valuable addition to the contents, and deserves the attention not of young persons alone, but of many who think they stand in no need of further instruction.

In compiling this grammar, Mr. Hornsey has had recourse to the writings of Lowth, Ward, Johnson, Blair, Harris, Coote, &c. but he has made the work entirely his own, by the judgment and taste with which he has conducted the whole.

"Many improvements are made in the present edition, by alterations and the addition of useful matter, especially in the second part, to which chapters III. V. and VI. are added; and the appendix, which, in the last edition, was entitled the conclusion, is so differently arranged, and so much enlarged and improved, that, to many, it may appear entirely new."

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A concise Vindication of the Conduct of the five suspended Members of the Council of the Royal Academy. Stockdale. 8vo. pp. 46. Price One Shilling.

THE plain and authentic statement of facts offered to the unbiassed opinion of the public, in the pamphlet before us, is written, as its author assures us, from no improper spirit of hostility, no undue resentment for past injuries; but merely with a view to remove that obloquy, and repel those calumnies, to which even the strictest propriety of conduct and the utmost rectitude of intention are, sometimes, unfortunately exposed.

The extraordinary suspension of five members,* constituting a majority of the council of the Royal Academy, in May last, from the exercise of their functions, by a vote of the general assembly, became a subject of general observation and comment; and it was, of course, concluded that some instance of gross violation of conduct, some evident neglect of duty, or some flagrant violation of the laws of the institution, could alone have occasioned a sentence so unusual and severe.

The suspended members, in the mean time, though convinced of the propriety of their own conduct, were content to bear the general and undeserved odium; and having humbly submitted the particulars of their own conduct, and the measures of the president and general assembly, to the king, without appealing to the public, expected, with the conscious dignity of rectitude, his majesty's decision. That decision is now upon record. But, as the unjust and illegal sentence pronounced against them has been extensively diffused, through the medium of the public papers of the metropolis, and of the foreign journals, not only in England, but wherever the arts, wherever literature is known and cultivated, it has become proper, in vindication of their own characters, to relate distinctly the whole circumstances of the transaction, and expose the motives and views of that party, by which they have been thus publicly and indecently traduced,

By the rules of the society (framed under the immediate direc tion of his majesty, and submitted to an opinion of high legal authority), it appears, "that, for the government of the society, there shall be annually elected a president and eight other persons, who shall form a council, which shall have the entire direction and management of all the business of the society-that the seats in the

* John Singleton Copley, James Wyatt, John Yenn, John Soane, and Sir F. Bourgeois.


council shall go by succession to all the academicians :-that four of the council shall go out in rotation every year; and that these shall not re-occupy their seats, until all the rest of the academicians shall have served.

Notwithstanding the clear and explicit language of these laws, several very undisguised attempts have been made to encroach upon its powers, and transfer the government of the society from that body to the general assembly. A confederacy for that purpose was originally formed, and acquired considerable strength during the presidency of Sir Joshua Reynolds, the first signal achievement of which was an attack of the most violent and indecent nature, upon that distinguished and truly respectable character.

After the death of Sir Joshua Reynolds, the party gradually increased in numbers, and having obtained a decided ascendancy in the general assembly, their next endeavour was to reduce the council to a state of dependence. But as it was provided at the original establishment, that its members were not elective, it became necessary, as a preliminary step, to endeavour, if possible, to elude the operation of this wise and salutary law.

In the year 1800, when it was Mr. Tresham's right to succeed, according to the established principle of rotation, Mr. Tresham having shewn himself uniformly adverse to the views of the party, they determined to pass him over in the appointment, and elect one of their own tried and steady adherents. On an appeal to the king, his majesty annulled the election, and directed Mr. T. to take his seat. Disappointed, but not discouraged by this repulse, the party then endeavoured to obtain the appointment of committees from the general assembly, for the purpose of transacting that business which properly fell within the province of the council. Several of the independent members of the academy exerted themselves with the utmost activity in opposing an innovation, so pregnant with mischief to the institution.

An event, at length, occurred, which brought the controversy to a crisis. As the period approached at which several members, who were favourable to the views of the party, were to relinquish their seats, it was determined to improve the interval. A committee from the general assembly was appointed to take into consideration the propriety of increasing the salaries of the officers of the academy, and make their report to the council. In the mean time the council was changed; four of the new members refused to receive the report, entered on the journal a protest, concisely stating the reasons on which their objections were founded; and, in order to ter

minate the controversy, resolved to appeal to the authority and decision of the sovereign. For this purpose the following resolutions were proposed at a meeting held on the 24th of last May.

1. Resolved,* That as much difference of opinion has arisen in the academy, relative to the respective powers of the council and the general assembly; the council has considered itself, under these circumstances, in duty bound to declare, and record it as its deliberate opinion---That the council being, by the laws of the institution, invested with "the entire direction and management of all the business of the society" is, in no respect whatever, subordinate to the general assembly, and that the members of the council are not responsible, either collectively or individually, to the general assembly for their proceedings in the council.

2. Resolved, That the president, attended by the proper officers, do wait upon his majesty, as soon as possible, and humbly request, that his majesty will be graciously pleased to express his sentiments thereon, for the future guidance and direction of the Royal Academy.


These resolutions were approved and voted by a majority of voices, and a subsequent meeting was appointed for the purpose confirming this determination.

In the mean time the leaders of the prevailing party, perceiving that this appeal to his majesty would be fatal to the accomplishment of their views, prevailed on the president to revoke the appointed meeting of the council, and convene a general assembly. The records were seized;† and after a most tumultuous debate, during which thanks were tendered to Mr. West, the president, for his provident care of the constitution of the Academy, it was resolved, "That it appears to the general meeting of academicians, from the statement of the president, and from the books of the coun cil, that the conduct of John Singleton Coply, James Wyatt, John Yenn, John Soane, esquires, and Sir Francis Bourgeois, in the council, on the 24th of May, 1803, has rendered it expedient to suspend, pro tempore, the said members from their functions, as councellors of the Royal Academy; and that the president be requested to summon a general meeting, on Friday next, June 3, to take into further consideration the proceeding of the council, on the abovementioned 24th of May.

The members of the general assembly having thus suspended the

These resolutions were moved by Mr. Copley, and seconded by Sir Francis Bourgeois.

t It is expressly enacted, that no law made in council shall be presented to the general assembly, without being confirmed by a subsequent meeting. The president had himself appointed a meeting for that purpose. This appointment was, however, revoked, and the resolutions submitted, without confirmation, to the general assembly


council,* proceeded, as the next step, to dispense with its authority. One of the first acts of their usurpation was, to vote five hundred pounds to the fund at Lloyds, and undertake to determine the duration of the annual exhibition; though both measures were in direct opposition to the nature and provision of those laws, which the members of the society had solemnly and individually pledged themselves to maintain.

Under these circumstances, it became necessary for the suspended members to appealf to the king; the answer to that appeal was clear, full, and decisive. Its substance was, that "the king, disapproving the conduct of the general assembly, in censuring and suspending the five members, directed, that all matters relative to these proceedings should be expunged from the minutes of the Royal Academy; that, as the general body had no power to dispose of the funds of the Royal Academy, without the authority and consent of the council, his majesty disapproved the proposed donation; and that the above orders should be entered on record as a future guide on similar occasions.

Here it might have been naturally supposed, that these contests, so disgraceful to the academy, so injurious to its interests, and so distressing to the feelings of particular members, would have terminated. The general assembly, however, resolved that it should participate in their disgrace, made an effort to extend his majesty's expressions of disapprobation and reproof to the previous conduct of the council; and the president, (on its meeting, after an interval of six months, during which the business of the academy had been wholly suspended), proposed that, the resolutions of the 24th of May, by which he had been required to consult his majesty's pleasure, should be erased from the minutes. This proposition was, of course, resisted, and, on the president's expressing a wish that it should be put to the vote, negatived by a majority of voices, as not comprehended within the scope and meaning of his majesty's order.

The result of this debate being made known to the general assembly, convened to receive the report of the committee appointed

* The council consists of eight members, of which four, at least, exclusive of the president, are requisite to constitute a meeting. The suspension of five was therefore, in fact, a suspension of the whole.

+. An address was also presented, after an interval of two months from the prevailing party in the general assembly, and a counter-address from the minority in that body, signed P. Sandby, R. Cosway, P. De Loutherbourgh, J. T. Rigaud, W. Beechy, J. Wilton, J. Richards, and H. Tresham, praying that his majesty would be pleased to order that the suspended members should resume their seats in the ouncil.


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