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The Story of Abbas.

HE fun appearing above the horizon, Solyman proftrated himself in the profoundest adoration. When he arofe from his devotions, he advanced towards the English merchant, his fellow-traveller, with a look of kindness mixed with pity and concern. The merchant understood him: but as he was unwilling to controvert the principles of his religion, he made no apology for his conduct during the devotions of Solyman.



The mild morning light which was diffused over the vallies and streams, the various beauty of the meadows, the regular difpofition of bloffomed hedge-rows, the foothing murmur of bees at their early labour, and the full concert of the feathered creation, drew their converfation on the univerfal beneficence of nature.feel,' faid Solyman, a delight, which I can neither account for nor defcribe. These mountains gilded with the rays of the orient fun, thofe painted vallies that fhame the rich carpets of Perfia, yon diftant waters which gleam with the fhifting effulgence of light, the general bufy voice of joy and activity in the animal creation, confpire to fill my heart with inexpressible pleasure.'

That pleasure,' replied the merchant, I believe proceeds from fympathy: it is fcarce poffible, unless you have fome peculiar cause of mifery, not to be pleafed when you fee every thing around you happy. On the contrary, if you go into the manfions of forrow, it -will be impoffible to withstand the infection of it.The God of nature seems to have given us these sympathetic feelings, to link our affections in the great chain of fociety: hence, focial virtue is not left to depend folely on the moral will, but is founded on the principles of our nature.

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But the object of your adoration is so profuse of his favours, that I fhould now be glad to find fome convenient fhade. I think I difcover a cave on the fouthern


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declivity of the mountain; let us retire to it during the heat of the day.'

As they were advancing towards the cave, they per ceived a beaten path, leading directly from it to a diftant rivulet. This made them apprehenfive that it might be the habitation of fome wild beaft, that had worn the path by conftantly going to drink at the fream: but their fears were foon removed upon the appearance of an aged hermit, advancing flowly towards the rivulet with an earthen pitcher. At fight of the travellers, the hafted to his abode with all the feeble precipitancy of age. They agreed not to difturb him, and only took the advantage of the rock which projected over his cell to shelter themselves from the fun: but they had not long continued in this fituation before the hermit, per. ceiving them to be inoffenfive travellers, invited them into his cave.


* You will excufe, faid the hoary fage, the caution of years: these mountains are not fecure from the ra vage of human ferocity and thefe grey hairs would be no defence from the wanton cruelty of man. I have fuffered so much from my own fpecies, that I have at laft forfaken their fociety: I thought it better to give the conveniencies of it, than to bear the evils; and I have long lived in this folitary cave on nothing more than what uncultivated nature would afford me?'Thofe fufferings, faid Solyman, muft, indeed, have been extraordinary, that could make you give up one of the greatest advantages of life, the focial intercourfe of your fellow-creatures. The narratives of age,' replietl the hermit, are feldom agreeable to youth; but as inftruction can be gained only from experience, you will do wifely to learn it from the misfortunes of Abbas.

I was born to a competent fortune in the province of Lureftan: but being early left an orphan, my affairs came under the cognizance of a jufticiary court, which the members of it call the court of equity; but fo equitable were they with regard to me, that they claimed two parts of my little fortune for their case of the


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third. Would to God that were never the cafe in Great Britain!' interrupted the merchant. But proceed. Though I had fuch an early and convincing proof of the treachery and rapacity of mankind; yet, as I had always exercised the benevolent virtues myself, I could not think others totally devoid of them; and at my three and twentieth year being inclined to travel, I without feruple entrusted the remains of my fortune with a person whom I had long known and refpected; a perfon, Holy Allah! who lifted his hands to thee; but I had not been abfent from Lureftan more than three moons, when he pretended a commiffion to difpofe of my effects, and immediately left the place. Upon my return, therefore, to the province I found neither friend nor fortune; and being bred to no business, I was reduced to the most distressful state of indigence. I applied, however, not without hopes of redrefs or relief, to a perfon of power and eminence, whom I had often heard fpeak of his friendship with my father. After long and frequent attendance, I was admitted to an interview. I laid open my distress to him with that kind of eloquence which the miferies we fuffer from the treachery of others always fuggefts; and which, however unaffecting it may be to indifferent perfons, utters its complaints with dignity and refentment. heard half-way through my ftory, and difmiffed with the following reply: "It is not neceffary, young man, to proceed with your complaints; I perceive you have been abused, and I am forry for you. But that fhall not be the only proof of my regard for you; I will give you a little advice: you fhould never depend fo much on the benevolence or integrity of any human being, as to truft him with your fortune or your life." • Thus ended my hopes from the friend of my father; whofe benevolence extended no farther, than to inftruct me how to fecure the fortune that was ftolen, and to preferve the life which I wished to lose.

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I had now no choice but to enter, as a common foldier, into the army of the Sophi. I had always deU 2 lighted

lighted in martial exercises, and was expert in the ufe of arms: my dexterity and address drew upon me the attention of my officers; and, in a fhort time, I obtained a small commission. I had now almost forgot my miferies, and embraced my new fituation with cheerfulness and hope: but Fortune, who had for a while ceafed to perfecute me as below her notice, as if she had been indignant at my fatisfaction, and jealous of my profpects, now renewed and redoubled her feverity.

My commanding officer had a daughter of extraordinary beauty, and an uncommon capacity. Zara was the object of universal admiration; but he had fet her heart on the unfortunate Abbas. The first moment I beheld her, I discovered in her looks the most tender and affectionate regard for me, which I imputed to her compaffion for my misfortunes; though at the fame time I wished, without knowing why, that it might proceed from another caufe. She asked me for the ftory of my life; I told it in the plainest and most pathetic manner; yet, when I had finished, the defired me to repeat it. From this moment I had done with peace; her infectious tenderness had fuch an influence upon my heart, that I could think of nothing but Zara; without Zara, I was miferable. A thousand times did I flatter myself, that there was fomething more than mere compaffion in her look and manner; and not many days had paffed, before I was convinced of the dear fatal truth from this letter:


"YOUR merit and your fufferings have a claim to fomething more than compaffion: To efpoufe the caufe of Abbas, is to difcharge a duty which virtue cannot dispense with. Meet me on the parade this evening, and you fhall know more of the fentiments of



The emotions I felt on the receipt of this letter, can only be conceived by those who, in the midst of defpairing love, have beheld a gleam of hope. The tumult of my heart hurried me to the place appointed, long before the time: I walked backward and forward in the utmost confufion, totally regardless of every ob ject about me; fometimes raifing my hands and eyes in the fudden effufions of tranfport, and fometimes fmiling with the complacency of delight.

At length the day departed, and Zara came. My heart bounded at her fight: I was unable to speak, and threw myself at her feet. She was alarmed at my exceffive earneftnefs and confufion; but, commanding me to rife," Abbas," said fhe, "if your confufion proceeds from your modeft gratitude, reftrain it, till you find whether I am able to serve you; if it arise from ány other cause, I must leave you this moment." • I entreated the would tell me to what I was indebted for the happiness of this interview, and I would be calm and attentive.' "My regard for your merit, and my compaffion for your fufferings," faid fhe, "make me wish to ferve you. Tell me, Abbas, can I affift you through the intereft of my father?" I faultered out my acknowledgments; telling her, that to her I muft owe all my hopes of future happiness.

She left me immediately without reply. The fingularity of my behaviour on the parade before the coming of Zara, had drawn upon me the attention of an officer who was fecretly her admirer, and who, either through curiofity or fufpicion, though unobferved by me, had waited at a convenient diftance to watch my motions. No fooner did he perceive the approach of Zara, than, as well to gratify his revenge, as to ingratiate himself with her father, he immediately told him of our interview.

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• Zara, ignorant of what had paffed, with her usual freedom and good-nature, began to exprefs her compaffion for the misfortunes of Abbas, talked of his merits, and wished to fee him preferred. The old general,

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