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the trouble; it will be an easier way by half] wonderful man to keep up such a stock of of vindicating yourself from one, and of pro- benevolence at so small an expense. To ving the other, just to put your hand in your love mankind so dearly, and yet avoid all oppcket and give me a guinea, without saying portunities of doing them good; to have such a word about it: and then to you who value a noble zeal for the millions, and to feel so ti ne so much, and money so little, it will cut little compassion for the units; to long to the matter short. But come now, (for I see free empires and enlighten kingdoms; and you will give nothing) I should be mighty yet deny instruction to your own village, and glad to know what is the sort of good you do comfort to your own family. Surely none yourselves, since you always object to what but a philosopher could indulge so much i done by others. 'Sir,' said Mr. Fantom, philanthropy and so much frugality at the the object of a true philosopher is to diffuse same time. But come, do assist me in a light and knowledge. I wish to see the petition I am making in our poorhouse; bewhole world enlightened.' tween the old, whom I want to have better fed, and the young, whom I want to have more worked.

Trueman. Amen! if you mean with the light of the Gospel. But if you mean that one religion is as good as another, and Fantom. Sir, my mind is so engrossed that no religion is best of all; and that we with the partition of Poland, that I cannot shall become wiser and better by setting bring it down to an object of such insignifiaside the very means which Providence be-cance. I despise the man whose benevostowed to make us wise and good: in short, lence is swallowed up in the narrow conif you want to make the whole world philo-cerns of his own family, or parish, or counsphers, why they had better stay as they


But as to the true light, I wish it to reach the very lowest, and I therefore bless God for charity-schools, as instruments of diffusing it among the poor.


Trueman. Well, now I have a notion that it is as well to do one's own duty, as the duty of another man; and that to do good at home, is as well as to do good abroad. For Fantom, who had no reason to expect that my part, I had as lieve help Tom Saunders his friend was going to call upon him for a to freedom as a Pole or a South American, subscription on this account, ventured to though I should be very glad to help them praise them saying, 'I am no enemy to too. But one must begin to love somethese institutions. I would indeed change where, and to do good somewhere; and I the object of instruction, but I would have think it is as natural to love one's own family, the whole world instructed.' and to do good in one's own neighbourhood, Here Mrs., who, with her daugh-as to any body else. And if every man in ter, had quietly sat by at their work, ventured to put in a word, a liberty she seldom took with her husband; who, in his zeal to make the whole world free and happy, was too prudent to include his wife among the objects on whom he wished to confer freedom and happiness. Then, my dear,' said she, I wonder you do not let your own servants be taught a little. The maids can scarcely tell a letter, or say the Lord's prayer, and you know you will not allow them time to learn. William, too, has never been at church since we came out of town. He was at first very orderly and obedient, but now he is seldom sober of an evening; and in the morning when he should be rubbing the tables in the parlour, he is generally lolling Trueman. Yes, sir; but if they are so upon them, and reading your little manuel of distant that he cannot reach them, or so vast the new philosophy.'-Mrs. Fantom,' said that he cannot grasp them, he may let a her husband angrily, you know that my thousand little, snug, kind, good actions slip labours for the public good leave me little through his fingers in the meanwhite and time to think of my own family. I must so between the great things that he cannot have a great field, I like to do good to hun-do, and the little ones that he will not do, dreds at once.' life passes and nothing will be done.

every family, parish, and county did the
same, why then all the schemes would meet,
and the end of one parish, where I was doing
good, would be the beginning of another
parish where somebody else was doing good;
so my schemes would jut into my neigh-
bour's; his projects would unite with those
of some other local reformer; and all would
fit with a sort of dove-tail exactness.
what is better, all would join in furnishing a
living comment on that practical precept:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, and thy neighbour as thyself.'


Fantom. Sir, a man of large views will be on the watch for great occasions to prove his benevolence.

'I am very glad of that papa,' said miss Just at this moment miss Polly Fantom Polly; for then I hope you will not refuse (whose mother had gone out some time beto subscribe to all those pretty children at fore) started up, let fall her work, and cried the Sunday-school, as you did yesterday, out, O papa, do but look what a monstrous when the gentleman came a begging, because that is the very thing you were wishing for; there are two or three hundred to be done good to at once.' Trueman. Well, Mr. Fantom, you are a VOL. I.


great fire there is yonder on the common! if it were the fifth of November I should think it were a bonfire. Look how it blazes!I see plain enough what it is,' said Mr. Fantom, sitting down again without the

poor woman, now speechless through terror, could only point up to a little window in the thatch, and then sunk on the ground.

least emotion. It is Jenkins's cottage on fire. What, poor John Jenkins, who works in our garden, papa?' said the poor girl in great terror. Do not be frightened, Mr. Trueman made his way through a child,' answered Fantom, we are safe thick smoke, and ran up the narrow stairenough; the wind blows the other way. case which the fire had not reached. He Why did you disturb us for such a trifle, as got safely to the loft, snatched up the little it was so distant? Come, Mr. Trueman, sit creature, who was sweetly sleeping in its down.'-'Sit down,' said Mr. Trueman, poor hammock, and brought him down na'I am not a stock, sir, nor a stone, but a ked in his arms: and as he gave him to the man; made of the same common nature with half-distracted mother, he felt that her joy Jenkins, whose house is burning. Come and gratitude would have been no bad pay along let us fly and help him,' continued he, for the danger he had run, even if no higher running to the door in such haste that he for-motive had set him to work. Poor Jenkins, got to take his hat, though it hung just be-half stupified by his misfortune, had never fore him-Come, Mr. Fantom-come, my thought of his child; and his wife, who exlittle dear-I wish your mamma was here-pected every hour to make him father to a I am sorry she went out just now-we may second, had not been able to do any thing toall do some good; every body may be of use wards saving little Tommy. at a fire. Even you, miss Polly, may save Mr. Trueman now put the child into miss some of these poor people's things in your Fantom's apron, saying, 'Did not I tell you, apron, while your papa and I hand the my dear, that every body could be of use at buckets. All this he said as he run along a fire?" He then desired her to carry the with the young lady in his hand; not doubt-child home, and ordered the poor woman to ing but Fautom and his whole family were follow her; saying, he would return himself following close behind him. But the pre-as soon as he had seen all safe in the cottage. sent distress was neither grand enough nor When the fire was quite out, and Mr. far enough from home to satisfy the wide-Trueman could be of no further use, he went stretched benevolence of the philosopher, back to Mr. Fantom's. The instant he who sat down within sight of the flames to opened the parlour door he eagerly cried out, work at a new pamphlet, which now swal-Where is the poor woman, Mr. Fantom ?' lowed up his whole soul, on universal bene-Not in my house, I assure you,' answered volence. the philosopher. Give me leave to tell you, His daughter, indeed, who happily was not it was a very romantic thing to send her and yet a philosopher, with Mr. Trueman, fol- her child to me: you should have provided lowed by the maids, reached the scene of for them at once, like a prudent man.'—‘I distress. William Wilson, the footman, re-thought I had done so,' replied Trueman, fused to assist, glad of such an opportunity by sending them to the nearest and best of being revenged on Jenkins, whom he call-house in the parish, as the poor woman seemed a surly fellow, for presuming to com-ed to stand in need of immediate assistance.' plain, because William always purloined the best fruit for himself before he set it on his master's table. Jenkins also, whose duty it was to be out of doors, had refused to leave his own work in the garden, to do Will's work in the house while he got drunk, or read the Rights of Man.

'So immediate,' said Fantom, 'that I would not let her come into my house, for fear of what might happen. So I packed her off, with her child in her arms, to the workhouse; with orders to the overseers not to let her want for any thing.'

• And what right have you, Mr. Fantom,' The little dwelling of Jenkins burnt very cried Trueman in a high tone, 'to expect furiously. Mr. Trueman's exertions were that the overseers will be more humane than of the greatest service. He directed the yourself! But is it possible you can have willing, and gave an example to the slothful, sent that helpless creature, not only to walk, By living in London, he had been more used but to carry a naked child at such a time of to the calamity of fire than the country peo-night, to a place so distant, so ill provided, ple, and knew better what was to be done. and in such a condition? I hope at least In the midst of the bustle he saw one woman you have furnished them with clothes; for only who never attempted to be of the least all their own little stores were burnt.' 'Not use. She ran backwards and forward, I, indeed;' said Fantom. What is the use wringing her hands, and crying out in a tone of parish officers, but to look after these of piercing agony, 'Oh, my child! my little petty things?' Tommy! will no one save my Tommy?'- It was Mr. Trueman's way, when he beAny woman might have uttered the same gan to feel very angry, not to allow himself words, but the look which explained them to speak; because, he used to say, 'if I could only come from a mother. Trueman give vent to my feelings, I am sure, by some did not stay to ask if she were owner of the hasty word, to cut myself out work for rehouse, and mother of the child. It was his pentance.' So without making any answer, way to do all the good which could be done or even changing his clothes, which were first, and then to ask questions. All he said very wet and dirty from having worked so was, 'Tell me which is the room? The hard at the fire, he walked out again, having

first inquired the road the woman had taken. tion of which universal man is concerned--I At the door he met Mrs. Fantom returning was contriving a scheme to extinguish the from her visit. He told her his tale; which fires of the inquisition. Why, man, they she had no sooner heard, than she kindly re- don't blaze that I know of,' retorted Truesolved to accompany him in search of Jen-man. I own, that of all the abominable kins's wife. She had a wide common to walk engines which the devil ever invented to disover before she could reach either the work-grace religion and plague mankind, that inhouse or the nearest cottage. She had crawl-quisition was the very worst. But I do not ed along with her baby as far as she was believe popery has ventured at these diaboable; but having met with no refreshment at lical tricks since the earthquake at Lisbon. Mr. Fantom's, and her strength quite failing So that a bucket of real water, carried to the her, she had sunk down on the middle of the real fire at Jenkins's cottage, would have common. Happily, Mr. Trueman and Mrs. done more good than a wild plan to put out Fantom came up at this very time. The an imaginary flame which no longer burns. former had had the precaution to bring a And let me tell you, sir, dreadful as that cordial; and the latter had gone back and evil was, God can send his judgments on stuffed her pockets with old baby linen. Mr. other sins besides superstition; so it behoves Trueman soon procured the assistance of a us to take heed of the other extreme, or we labourer, who happened to pass by, to help may have our earthquakes too. The hand him to carry the mother, and Mrs. Fantom of God is not shortened,' sir, 'that it cancarried the little shivering baby, not destroy, any more than it cannot As soon as they were safely lodged, Mr. save. In the meantime, I must repeat it; Trueman set off in search of poor Jenkins, you and I are rather called upon to serve a who was distressed to know what was be-neighbour from perishing in the flames of come of his wife and child; for having heard his house, just under our own window, than that they were seen going towards Mr. to write about the fires of the inquisition; Fantom's, he despaired of any assistance which, if fear, or shame, or the restoration from that quarter. Mr. Trueman felt no of common sense had not already put out, small satisfaction in uniting this poor man to would have hardly received a check from his little family. There was something such poor hands as you and I.' very moving in this meeting, and in the pious 'Sir,' said Fantom, Jenkins is an impergratitude they expressed for their delive-tinent fellow; and I owe him a grudge, berance. They seemed to forget they had cause he says he had rather forfeit the favour lost their all, in the joy they felt that they of the best master in England than work in had not lost each other. And some disdain-my garden on a Sunday. And when I orful great ones might have smiled to see so much rapture expressed at the safety of a child born to no inheritance but poverty. These are among the feelings with which Providence sometimes overpays the want of wealth. The good people also poured out prayers and blessings on their deliverer, who, not being a philosopher, was no more ashamed of praying with them than he had been of working for them. Mr. Trueman, while assisting at the fire, had heard that Jenkins and his wife were both very honest, and very pious people; so he told them he would not only pay for their new lodging, but undertook to raise a little subscription among his friends at the Cat and Bagpipes towards rebuilding their cottage; and farther engaged, that if they would promise to bring up the child in the fear of God, he would stand godfather.

This exercise of Christian charity had given such a cheerful flow to Mr. Trueman's spirits, that long before he got home he had lost every trace of ill-humour.'Well, Mr. Fantom,' said he gayly, as he opened the door, now do tell me how you could possibly refuse going to help me to put out the fire at poor Jenkins's? Because,' said Fantom, I was engaged, sir, in a far nobler project than putting out a fire in a litthe thatched cottage. Sir, I was contriving to put out a fire too; a conflagration of a far more dreadful kind a fire, sir, in the extinc

dered him to read the Age of Reason, instead of going to church, he refused to work for me at all, with some impertinent hint about God and Mammon,'

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Oh, did he so?' said Mr. Trueman. Now I will stand godfather to his child, and make him a handsome present into the bargain. Indeed, Mr. Fantom, a man must be a philosopher with a vengeance, if when he sees a house on fire, he stays to consider whether the owner has offended him. Oh, Mr. Fantom, I will forgive you still, if you will produce me, out of all your philosophy, such a sentence as 'Love your enemy-do good to them that hate you-if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; I will give up the blessed Gospel for the Age of Reason, if you will only bring me one sentiment equivalent to this.'

Next day Mr. Trueman was obliged to go to London on business; but returned soon; as the time he had allotted to spend with Mr. Fantom was not yet elapsed. He came down the sooner indeed, that he might bring a small sum of money which the gentlemen at the Cat and Bagpipes had cheerfully subscribed for Jenkins. Trueman did not forget to desire his wife to make up also a quantity of clothing for this poor family, to which he did not neglect to add a parcel of good books, which indeed always made a part of his charities; as he used to say, there was something cruel in the kindness which

was anxious to relieve the bodies of men, but was negligent of their souls. He stood in person to the new born child, and observed with much pleasure, that Jenkins and his wife thought a christening, not a season for merry-making, but a solemn act of religion. And they dedicated their infant to his Maker with becoming seriousness.

such ungoverned passion. He made the best excuse he could; said no man was perfect, and though he owned he had been too violent, yet still he hoped William would be brought to the punishment he deserved. In the meantime,' said Mr. Trueman, 'seeing how ill philosophy has agreed with your man, suppose you were to set about teaching your maids a little religion?' Mr. Fantom coolly replied, that the impertinent retort of a drunken footman could not spoil a system. Your system, however, and your own behaviour,' said Trueman, have made that footman a scoundrel: and you are answerable for his offences.'-Not I truly,' said Fantom; he has seen me do no harm; he has neither seen me cheat, gamble, nor get drunk; and I defy you to say I corrupt my servants. I am a moral man,

Trueman left the cottage and got back to Mr. Fantom's, just as the family were going to sit down to dinner, as he had promised. When they sat down, Mr. Fantom was not a little out of humour to see his table in some disorder. William was also rather more negligent than usual. If the company called for bread, he gave them beer, and he took away the clean plates, and gave them dirty ones. Mr. Fantom soon discovered that his servant was very drunk; he flew into a violent passion, and ordered him out sir.' of the room, charging that he should not ap- Mr. Fantom,' said Trueman, if you pear in his presence in that condition. Wil-were to get drunk every day, and game evefiam obeyed; but having slept an hour or ry night, you would, indeed, endanger your two, and got about half sober, he again own soul, and give a dreadful example to made his appearance. His master gave him your family; but great as those sins are, anda most severe reprimand, and called him an God forbid that I should attempt to lessen an idle, drunken, vicious fellow. Sir,' said them! still they are not worse, nay, they are William, very pertly, If I do get drunk not so bad, as the pestilent doctrines with now and then, I only do it for the good of my which you infect your house and your neighcountry, and in obedience to your wishes.' bourhood. A bad action is like a single Mr. Fantom, thoroughly provoked, now be- murder. The consequence may end with gan to scold him in words not fit to be re- the crime, to all but the perpetrator; but a peated; and asked him what he meant. wicked principle is throwing lighted gunWhy, sir,' said William, you are a philo-powder into a town; it is poisoning a river; sopher you know; and I have often over- there are no bounds, no certainty, no ends' heard you say to your company, that private to its mischief. The ill effects of the worst vices are public benefits; and so I thought action may cease in time, and the consethat getting drunk was as pleasant a way of doing good to the public as any, especially when I could oblige my muster at the same


quences of your bad example may end with your life; but souls may be brought to perdition by a wicked principle after the author of it has been dead for ages.

Fantom. You talk like an ignoramus, who has never read the new philosophy. All this nonsense of future punishment is now done away. It is our benevolence which makes us reject your creed; we can no more believe in a deity who permits so much evil in the present world, than one who threatens eternal punishment in the next.

Trueman. What! shall mortal man be more merciful than God? Do you pretend to be more compassionate than that gracious Father who sent his own Son into the world to die for sinners?

'Get out of my house,' said Mr. Fantom, in a great rage. 'I do not desire to stay a moment longer," said William, so pay me my wages.Not I indeed,' replied the master; nor will I give you a character; so never let me see your face again.' William took his master at his word, and not Only got out of the house, but went out of the country too as fast as possible. When they found he was really gone, they made a hue-and-cry, in order to detain him till they examined if he had left every thing in the house as he had found it. But William had got out of reach, knowing he could not stand Fantom. You take all your notions of the such a scrutiny. On examination, Mr. Deity from the vulgar views your Bible gives Fantom found that all his old port was gone, you of him. To be sure I do,' said Trueand Mrs. Fantom missed three of her best man can you tell me any way of getting new spoons. William was pursued, but a better notion of him? I do not want any of without success; and Mr. Fantom was so your farthing-candle philosophy in the broad much discomposed that he could not for the sunshine of the Gospel, Mr. Fantom. My rest of the day, talk on any subject but his Bible tells me that God is love;' not merewine and his spoons, nor harangue on any ly loving, but LOVE. Now do you think a project but that of recovering both by bring-Being, whose very essence is love, would ing William to justice.

Some days passed away, in which Mr. Fantom, having had time to cool, began to be ashamed that he had been betrayed into

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permit any misery among his children here, if it was not to be, some way or other, or some where or other, for their good? You forget, too, that in a world where there is sin,

to refuse him.' Not 1, truly;' said Fantom; he deserves nothing at my hands but the halter he is likely to meet with. Such port is not to be had for money! and the spoons, part of my new dozen!' As to the wine, said Trueman, I am afraid you must give that up, but the only way to get any tidings of the spoons is to go and hear what he has to say; I have no doubt but he will make such a confession as may be very useful to others, which, you know, is one grand advantage of punishments; and, besides, we may afford him some little comfort.' As to comfout he deserves none from me,' said Fantom; and as to his confessions, they can be of no use to me, but as they give me a chance of getting my spoons; so I do not much care if I do take a ride with you.'

there must be misery. Then, too, I suppose, 'Let us go and see the poor fellow,' said God permits this very misery partly to ex-Trueman; it is but a morning's ride. If ercise the sufferers and partly to try the he is really so near his end it would be cruel prosperous; for by trouble God corre is some and tries others. Suppose now, Tom Saunders had not been put in prison, you and I—————no, I beg pardon, you saved your guinea; well then, our club and I could not have shown our kindness in getting him out, nor would poor Saunders himself have had an opportunity of exercising his own patience and submission under want and imprisonment. So you see one reason why God permits misery, is that good men may have an opportunity of lessening it.' M. Fantom replied, There is no object which I have more at heart; I have, as I told you, a plan in my head of such universal benevolence as to include the happiness of all mankind. Mr. Fantom,' said Trueman, I feel that I have a general good will to all my brethren of mankind; and if I had as much When they came to the prison, Mr. Truemoney in my purse as I have love in my man's tender heart sunk within him. He heart, I trust I should prove it: all I say is, deplored the corrupt nature of man, which that, in a station of life where I cannot do makes such rigorous confinement indispenmuch, I am more called upon to procure the sably needful, not merely for the punishment happiness of a poor neighbour, who has no of the offender, but for the safety of society. one else to look to, than to form wild plans Fantom, from mere trick and habit, was for the good of mankind, too extensive to be just preparing a speech on benevolence, and accomplished, and too chimerical to be put the cruelty of imprisonment; for he had a in practice. It is the height of folly for a set of sentiments collected from the new phi-. little ignorant tradesman to distract himself losophy which he always kept by him. The with projecting schemes which require the naming a man in power brought out the reawisdom of scholars, the experience of states- dy cut and dried phrase against oppression. men, and the power of kings to accomplish. The idea of rank included every vice, that I cannot free whole countries, nor reform the of poverty every virtue; and he was furnishevils of society at large, but I can free an ag-ed with all the invectives against the cruelty grieved wretch in a workhouse; I can relieve the distresses of one of my journeymen; and I can labour to reform myself and my own family.'

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of laws, punishments, and prisons, which the new lexicon has produced. But his mechanical benevolence was suddenly checked; the recollection of his old port and his new spoons cooled his ardour, and he went on

Some weeks after this a letter was brought to Mr. Fantom from his late servant Wil-without saying a word. liam, who had been turned away for drunk- When they reached the cell where the enness, as related above, and who had also unhappy William was confined, they stoprobbed his master of some wine and some ped at the door. The poor wretch had spoons. Mr. Fantom, glancing his eye over thrown himself on the ground, as well as his the letter, said, 'It is dated from Chelms- chains would permit. He groaned piteousford jail; that rascal has got into prison. Ily; and was so swallowed up with a sense of am glad of it with all my heart, it is the fit- his own miseries, that he neither heard the test place for such scoundrels. I hope he will door open, nor saw the gentlemen. He was be sent to Botany Bay, if not hanged.'-O, attempting to pray, but in an agony which ho! my good friend, said Trueman, then made his words hardly intelligible. Thus I find that in abolishing all prisons you would much they could make out-God be merjust let one stand for the accommodation of ciful to me a sinner, the chief of sinners!' those who would happen to rob you. Gene- then, suddenly attempting to start up, but ral benevolence, I see, is compatible with prevented by his irons, he roared out, 'O particular resentments, though individual God! thou canst not be merciful to me, for kindness is not consistent with universal phi-I have denied thee; I have ridiculed my Salanthropy.' Mr. Fantom drily observed, viour who died for me; I have broken his that he was not fond of jokes, and proceed-laws; I have derided his word; I have reed to read the letter. It expressed an ear-sisted his Spirit; I have laughed at that heanest wish that his late master would conde-ven which is shut against me; I have deniscend to pay him one visit in his dark and ed the truth of those torments which await doleful abode; as he wished to say a few me. To-morrow! to-morrow! O for a words to him before the dreadful sentence of longer space for repentance! O for a short the law, wnich had already been pronoun-reprieve from hell!' ced, should be executed.

Mr. Trueman wept so loud that it drew

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