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and political institutions, the advance of science, the growth of industry, the effort to realize in the smallest degree any of the advantages of mutual aid and the ever-growing sense of solidarity, all lead unerringly to the necessary final triumph, in the life of man, of the collective ownership of the things collectively used and with equal opportunity for all men and women "to have a hand in the work" and a "voice in the management" of the things collectively owned because collectively used. You have seen that this is the glad alternative which Socialism offers for the age-long tragedy of capitalism, which in its last act must end in self-destruction.

Controversies. - You

893. Social and Economic have examined the social and economic controversies between capitalists and Socialists. You have seen the capitalists using the public power of all to serve the private interests of a part. You have come to understand how the Socialists are asking that the public power of all shall be used by all and in behalf of all and only so far as shall be consistent with the liberty and welfare of all. You have studied the contentions of the economists in defense of capitalism and you are able to expose the absurdity of their assumptions and to defend your own position. You are able to show that no form of money, no theories of value, no doctrines of population, no defense of rent, interest, or profit can possibly justify the existence of capitalism.

894. Current Problems.-You have seen how the fine arts, religion and education all suffer at the hands of capitalism. You understand why both the labor unionist and the farmer must be Socialists, and how large portions of the small dealers will be brought to the side of the exploited. You have seen how Socialism alone can offer any possible solution for the problems. of the trust, municipal misrule, corrupt taxation, the

rights of woman, the race question, the traffic in vice, or provide for the care of the helpless and the aged without personal humiliation and without public disgrace.

895. Organization. You understand the nature of a political party and why the reorganization of American political parties is necessary if the co-operative commonwealth is to be established. You have thought of the ways by which you may help to create and make triumphant the Socialist party.

896. Comrades: The dominion of property is nearing its end. Humanity shall no longer be subject to property. Property must become the servant of humanity. The dominant passion of the future will be shown in the struggle for the perfection of the human race. It is to this high task that the Socialist calls you. Get out your pencil. Make up the list of your neighbors whom you will try to reach. Enter at once upon this highest calling. Whatever other tasks await you make your work for Socialism the real business of your daily life.


Notes.-1. The numbers in this Index refer to the sections-not to the pages.

2. In looking up any topics, use the Table of Contents together with this Index, as
topics mentioned in the Contents are not repeated here.

3. In looking up references, consult the foot-notes under the sections to which ref-
erence is made.

Abbott. 261; 420; 770.

Adams. 40; 96; 141; 162; 173; 177; 183;

222; 372; 385; 514; 564.

Adams, John. 650; 810.
Adams, John Quincy. 811.
Adams, Samuel. 649; 809.
Africa. 77; 84; 654; 661.
Age, Of the world. 23; 58.
American Labor Union. 663.
Anarchists. 367; 568; 867.
Angelo. 459.

Animals, And Men. Chap. II; 30; 31; 35;
37; 41; cattle thieves and soldiers, 53;
co-operative, 193; in use under barbarism,
48; mounted men, 116; music of, 503;
struggle for existence, 446; 455; tam-
ing of, 46.


Argyll. 394.
Aristotle. 286.


Arts, The Fine. 343; Chap. XXIX.
Augustine. 304; 519.

Australia. 574.

Avebury. 23.

Bacon. 304.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

167; 654; 661; Chap. XLI.

Charity. Chap. XLIII.

Church, The. 217; Chap. XVI; 333; 343;
540 556-57, and charity, 784-89.

City, The. Beginning of, 66; 67; 109; 114;
120; 124; free cities, 118; 213; 642;
647; 653-54; misrule, Chap. XXXVI; rev-
enue, under Socialist control, 696-700.
Civil Service. Chap. XXXIX.

Civilization, Art and. 516; beginning of,

Chap. IV; loss of fraternity, 799-803; not
invented, 29; place in race life, 26; roots
of, 31; 32; summary, 890.
Clark. 154; 195; 419; 495.

Class Conscious. 146-49; 197; 221; 335;

Classes for Study. 885.

Class Struggle, The. Beginning of, 51; 59;
continuance of, under slavery, Chap. VI;
under serfdom, Chap. VII; under wage
system, Chap. VIII; end of, 185; 372-80;
498; 519; 605; 640; 663-71; 684; 710;
democracy and, 216; 262-63; 265; irre-
pressible, Chap. XI; XXI; 835-40; 868:
machines and, Chap. IX; 167-74; 246;
259; 284; 261-62; 294-300; 320-26;
342-44; 597; middle class and, Chap.
XXXIII; 568; principles in, 190-93; 251;
650; 835.

Clay. 812.

Clodd. 523; 524; 526; 527.

Clothing. Means of life, 1; 8; 30
Cobden. 607.

Collectivism. 1; primitive, 56-61; All of
Part III.

Commerce. Art and, 511; beginning of, 57;
109: 111-114: 103-125; 153; 166; ex-
tension of, 332; 334; final monopoly,
638; science and, 274; 541; suicide of,


[blocks in formation]

Darwin. 14; 37; 198; 446; 500; 800.
Davidson. 377.

Day, Short. Possible, 2; 659.

Debts. In slavery for, 82-4; public inter-
ference, 400; none under Socialism, 445.
Dement. 483.

15; the argument,-the embryo, 19; rudi-
mentary, 16; 20; records, 21; time, 22
astronomers, 23; conclusions, 24; 62-64
of capitalism, Part II; limits of, 462
summary, 891; of Socialism, Part III:
summary, 892; industrial government and,
294-301; the state and, 367-370.
Exchange. 403-19; Chap. XXVI.
Expansion. Barbarian, 50; Roman, 88; un-
der serfdom, Chap. VII; under the wage
system, 106; 108-126; 136-144; 183; 290;
Chap. X; 321-26; 334; 361; 371; 418;
635-40; 662-70; race problem and, 758-61.
Exploitation. Extent of, 179; indemnifica-

tion for, 486; justifying, 415; methods of,
Chap. XXVIII; 185; 198; 417-24; 618;
of dependent races, 748-62; origin of,
51-54; who are victims, 593-98; 618; the
way out, 498.

Factory System. Beginning of, 113-128;
consolidation and, 156-57; factory laws,
400; in New England, 84; machinery and,
Chaps. IX; XVII; the farm and, 580-87;
594; the school and, 565-573.
False Issues. 679.


Falsifying Text Books.
Family. Earliest, 27; 28; 41; 42; advance,
43; monogamic beginnings, 45; polygamy,
46; woman and early industry, 42-54; her
subjection, 55; her distress, 465; 486;
Chap. XL; marriage forbidden, 458; fam-
ily of farmer, 603; of nations, 637; So-
cialism and, 866.

Famine. 463.

Farm, The, and Farming. 449; 614.
Chap. XXXII; 607; 876.
Federalist Party.

Education and, Chap. XXXI;
evils of, 721-26; fall of, 71-73; Chap.
XIII; XIV; XVI; industrial, 147-195;
277; 294; 300; 326; 375-80; 424; 605
640; 710; 738; 771; Socialism and, 12;
war and, 50; 62.

Democratic party. 671; 673; 677; 680-88;
753; 812-22.

De Tocqueville. 721.
Dickens. 519.

Discipline. 104; 712-26.

Divine Right of Kings.

Dos Passos. 376; 629.

Douglass. 816.

Doyle. 82.

Drugs. 765-80.

Druids. 501.

Drummond. 20; 519.

109; 265-273.

Earth, The. Chap. XV; and man,
461-69; beauty of, 512.


Economic Determinism. Chap. II and III;
complex causes, 63; economic man, 383-
85; 485; illustrated; 59; 62; Chaps. VI-
X; XVII; 350; 621-23; 728; 835-39;
limitations, 36-38; 385-88; 398; race
hatred and, 750-763.

Economists. 125; Chap. XXIV; 405-413;
482; gloomiest page of, 385; 452.
Edison. 459.

Education. Chap. XXXI; negroes and, 744;
753-54; schools and unions, 657; support
of, 84; the teacher, 541.

Election Laws. 823-27; 843-44.

Eliot. 486; 507; 558; 561; 565.
Elizabeth. 788-89.


Ferri. 31; 279; 324; 363; 365; 367; 455;
Ferris. 286.

Feudalism. See Serfdom.

Fetishism. 526-32.

Fish Story-Walker's.


Fishing Banks, Co-operative.


Fiske. 16; 23; 32; 35; 64; 85; 195; 196;
197; 224; 273; 354.

Flag. 172; Her Majesty's, 377.

Flint and Hill.

342; 355.

[blocks in formation]

124; 191; 400; 477; 479; 483; 485;
490; 492; 676; 794.

[blocks in formation]


; 799-

Government. 27; 28; in savagery and bar-
barism, 41; the gens, 44; the phratry, 45;
the tribe, 46; based on force, 51; con-
quest, 53; fall of, as based on kinship,
51-61; 62; 66; 67; control, 626-28; in-
dustrial, 295-301; 375-380; 729; Just
powers of, 207: Chap. XXIII; owner-
ship, Chap. XXXVIII.
Greeley. 722.

Greene. 89; 90; 117; 120; 647.

[blocks in formation]

Industry. Power of modern, 2; earliest, 42;
44; arts and, 500; 514-19; inventions
and, Chaps. IX; X; modern, beginning
of, 109-128; solidarity and, 146-50; 294-
300; 335; 340.

Ingram. 74; 342; 360; 534; 535.
Instinct. 30; 264; 521-22.
Interest. 125; Chap. XXVIII.
Inventions. Primitive, 41; use of fire, 42;
bow and arrow, 43; pottery, 45; use of
animals, 46; smelting iron, 47; primitive
achievements, 48; 56; 57; cause of, 138-
140; 274; Effects of, 59; 61; Chap. X;
320; era of, Chap. IX; Chap. XVIII; so-
cial forces and, 190; 191; 541.

Irrigation. 48; 462; 602.
Jackson. 257; 812.

Jamestown. 564.

Jefferson. 257: 810-12.

Jenks. 155; 630; 676.

Jesus. 216.

[blocks in formation]

Kaweah Colony.


Kidd. 184; 355; 495.
Kirkup. 191; 405.
Knox. 810.

Kropotkin. 93; 194; 198.

Labor. Beginning of slavery, 51-55; child
labor, 565-72; 594; Chinese, 168; com-
modity, 397; dependence of, 1; 2; 3; 4;
5; 6: displacement of, 145; drudgery of,
286-89; duty of, 10; first division of, 42 ;
idleness enforced, 184; 602; land and,
447-455; 471-78; Lincoln on, 258; power
to buy, 179; primitive labor of women,
45; 47: 49; 55; self employed, 574-606;
serfdom and, Chap. VII; slavery and,
Chap. VI; wage system and, Chap. VIII;
187; Value of. 412.

Land. Collective, 8; 10; cultivation of, 447-
451; department, 296; free use, 11; ine-
quality and, 5; inherited, 7; loss of, 94:
102; monopoly of, 3; 30; 131; Mosale
system, 73; rent of, 471-98; serf's inter-
est in, 88; 91; 92; 93; 96; struggle for.
46; 50-54; 64; 105; 784; western, 84;
581-82; 814-16.

Language. Development, 56.

Lane. 206; 728; 771; 806.

Lassalle. 368.

Lasson. 370.

Laughlin. 400; 454.

Laveleye. 458.

Law. Authority of, 245-47; does not create,
190-91; 272; 428; of life, 267-273;




[blocks in formation]

Lincoln, Levi.

Lilly. 485; 796.


Literature. Life and, 339; 343; 500-504;
means of life, 1; 51; means of warfare,
122; 882.

Locke. 373; 376; 405.
Loria. 96; 247.
Lunt. 385.

Luther. 127.

Lyell. 23.

Macaulay. 106.

Machinists' Union. 663.
Mackenzie. 379; 566.
Macleod. 405.
Macrosty. 141; 179.
Madison. 650.
Maine. 50; 93; 805.
Malthus. 382.

Management, Democratic. 9; 12; 56; 58:
199-204; 213-226; 299-300; 355; 375-380;
424; 470; 498; 552; 572; 604-5; 623;
664; 670; 683-88; 710; 721-26.

Manager, The. Hired, 293; 424; 568; man-
aging producer, 474; 491-98; 587.
Manifesto, Communist. 141; 167; 177;
275; 303; 376; 829-30.

Manufacturers' Association. 6; 621.

Market. 28; 114; 140; Art and, 514-17;
education and, 559-563; gambling and.
153-174; 177-78;
Chap. XLII; world,

287-290; 349.

Marriage. Across race lines, 746; depen-
dence, 730-38; forbidden, 454-59; primi-
tive, 42-55; in serfdom, 90; Socialism
and, 866.

Marshall. 15; 156: 383; 387; 408; 449;
451; 453; 458; 770.
Marshall, Chief Justice.


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