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He must be delivered to himself. You can never gain anything by misrepresentation or exaggeration. When you speak with all truth and fairness your arguments will seem so strange and your figures so startling that thoughtful men are sure to sift them thoroughly if you are able to win their attention.

872. Choosing the Place of Battle.-The weapons of your warfare are of a different sort. You must pick your place of battle in another field. You must speak of the things men love and live for; your appeal must be for the welfare of all, for the rights of childhood, for the security of the aged, for life and leisure for all the workers, for the peace of society, for the brotherhood of the race. You must address the understanding. You must inform, convince, persuade, unite to yourself in the most genuine comradeship, and then fill with enthusiasm for the common cause. You must make of every new man a new worker who will help to build and not help to wreck the party of Socialism.

In what way can you best do these things?

873. A Blank Book.-It will be found that in every department of endeavor that a man succeeds best, other things being equal, who will train himself in the use of a note book. You should get a pocket blank book and pencil as the first item in your equipment. In this book write day by day the things you intend to do and the things you have succeeded in doing for your party. Nothing will be of importance enough to take any of your time which will not also be of importance enough to make a note of it. Then at least once a week mark up the book. By this, I mean check off the things you have accomplished and make out a new list of the things in hand for the succeeding week.

874. Your Country.-The victory of Socialism means the changing of the views of many millions of people. Do not try to reach them all. You could not

do that. You can reach a few of them. Try to do what you can do. Select from your friends or neighbors the men and women whom you have reason to believe would be most likely to be influenced by you. Write these names in your blank book. Give each person a full page, and as you go on with your work make your notes about each person on his own page. Now bear in mind that you are to be an effective worker for your party just in proportion as you are able to reach these people. This company of people becomes your country, in that so far as you can change the institutions of your country you must do so by first changing the views of these people. If your citizenship is to have any power beyond your own ballot it must be by the voices and ballots of these people.

They may be likened to a jury before whom you are trying the case of Socialism. To win your case you must convince the jury. It is more than likely that these neighbors of yours are good jurors. If you can make your case clear enough and strong enough you will be able to win your case.

875. Selecting Your Jury-Men to Avoid.-In this matter of selecting the people whose names shall be on your list you must be careful of your men. Selecting your jury goes a long way toward winning your case. In making up this list do not put the name of any one on the list who, for any reason, you may think Don't become the advo

would be unwilling to see you. cate of Socialism among the people who do not like you. There are others. Make up your list of those with no personal quarrel with yourself.

Do not put on your list any names of those whom you know would feel that Socialism is in any way an attack on their personal interests. As a rule, those who are large capitalists or are the special clerks and family dependents of large capitalists, pastors and officers

of churches where the capitalist is master, active politicians in other parties, office holders, bankers and bank clerks, or any one else who would be likely to feel satisfied with things as they are-none of these ought to be on your list. You will find public spirited and capable people among them, and as you do, be sure to put them on your jury, but they are likely to feel that their interests are opposed to Socialism. Their turn is coming when they, too, will find in Socialism the only escape from the commercial suicide of capitalism, but as a rule, you can do better work with those more likely to listen to you.

In the next place, do not put any one on your jury who cannot think. The man who will not think may change his mind. The man who cannot think has no mind to change. Only those capable of understanding can be made Socialists. So much for the people to be let alone.

876. Whom to Select.Here are the people you must be sure to have on your list:

All wage workers, whether men, women or children, and then salesmen, expressmen, the employes of the great corporations, the mail carriers, small business men, teachers and professional men whose occupation removes them farthest from the petty interferences of the large capitalists.

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We have seen how the men in the trades unions are accustomed to assert their independence of their employers, and are furthermore familiar with the necessity and advantage of organization. Do not forget the small farmers, farm tenants and farm hands. They have shown their ability to act independently in politics. Their interests are entirely with the Socialists. We have seen that no one will be more benefited by Socialism than they. No one is so far from and so free from the direct control of capitalists as they. No

one can be more easily reached than they. No one is being more seriously misled regarding Socialism than they. The capitalists are most pitilessly robbing the farmer, and at the same time depending on him to prevent the coming of Socialism.

And again, do not neglect the women and the minors. It is not only new voters but new workers for new voters that are wanted. Socialism means more for women than it does for men. Women will make most effective workers, and you must have them in your organizations and in large numbers.

As to minors, the boys will soon be voters, but regardless of that fact, even children understand Socialism easily and become enthusiastic for its triumph. Nothing can be a surer guarantee of the future of Socialism than the way the young people take hold of the idea and the determination with which they go to work for it. Boys and girls twelve years old or over will be found valuable workers in many ways, and your organization must have a place for them.

877. Where to Begin.-Always work with the easiest man first. The story is told of a man engaged in unloading wood who was pulling the wood from the bottom of the load and with great difficulty. Some one suggested taking the sticks from the top first, only to be told that they were loose on top and would come off any time. But as the loose ones were taken off that would loosen the rest. So in the growth of our party, get the man who will come easiest. That in itself will make the next man's coming easier. And thus from one to another until you have reached and won your whole jury.

878. How to Reach Them-Conversations.-As the first means of reaching your jury of neighbors must be named conversations with them. In this matter it is usually best to be as direct as in presenting any other matter of importance. If you were trying to get your

neighbor to take out an insurance policy in some company or society, in which you were interested, you would never think of beginning by nagging at him or bantering with him and provoking disputes in the presence of others. You would be likely to say to your neighbor that you had in mind a matter of importance which you wished very much to talk over with him at length and alone. You would secure an appointment with him for the purpose. You should tell him when you make the appointment for this purpose that you are deeply interested in Socialism and that you want to explain to him some of the things that Socialism would surely accomplish if put into operation, and the reasons which have compelled you yourself to become a Socialist. If you have selected the right man and approach him frankly and in a kindly manner you are likely to get your hearing. If you do not, go to the next man until the hearing does come. Be sure that you do not arrange for him to get his neighbors together to see you "beat" some one in an argument. What you want is to win him to your party. He must think coolly if he is to understand, and the spirit of personal strife is not in keeping with the spirit of investigation. You have gotten him interested to the point of wishing to know. Be sure that he gets the main points in the Socialist program and that he understands them. You can do this work very much better, one man at a time, and that man alone with yourself during the interview. Under no circumstances dispute or wrangle or banter in these talks. He is your juror, and you must convince him if you are to win your case. The cause of Socialism depends on your work now, and you must not be tripped into the use of angry words or into any utterance which may widen the breach between you and your juror and which you must fill before he can come over where you are.

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