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A lower place

May make too great an act."

A person in a subordinate station may do himself injury by performing too splendid an

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"Him" should be changed, in the text, to he. Mr. Malone's assertion that this was Shakspeare's phraseology is unfounded. The blunder is, with much more fitness, ascribable to the ignorance, or rather carelessness of the early transcribers or editors.

"Than gain, which darkens him."

This hemistic might, with a slight alteration, find place in the measure:

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"The soldier's virtue, rather makes a choice Of loss, than of that gain which darkens him."

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132. "We shall appear before him.—On there; pass along."

"On there," I suppose, is interpolation.


134. "To Antony. But as for Cæsar."

Perhaps :

"Unto Antonius; but as for Cæsar."

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136. "

"Farewell, my dearest sister, fare thee well.

The repetition of the farewell, here, I take to be interpolated, as it uselessly occasions a hemistic: "We will part here-farewell, my dearest sister." - He has a cloud in's face."



Some words, I believe, have been lost; perhaps :


"He has, indeed, a watry cloud in's face."

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His thoughts of her would keep pace with time, i. e. he would be continually thinking of her.


140. "Is she as tall as me ?"

"Me" should be corrected in the text, to "I.” Low voic'd.


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"That's not so good."

Verily I do opine that Mr. Henley's voice in this place, as before, doth loudly call upon friend Amner to signify unto that gentleman's erratic imagination the plain road of the poet's meaning. -It was of little consequence whether Octavia's voice was said to be high or low, Cleopatra would be sure to find fault with it either way.

142. "Her motion and her station are as one."

Mr. Steevens, I suspect, has not given a just definition of station, which he says is the act of standing. This, undoubtedly, is its literal and primitive sense; but here, I believe, it means attitude, position; and might as well be the act of sitting. The messenger says, that whether she is still or in motion, she is alike ungraceful.

143. "

Go, make thee ready.”

A particle is wanting to the measure:

"Most fit for business: Go, and make thee ready."

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i. e. Says Mr. Henley, literally, to hunt, and hence the word harrier. But I believe this is not correct; harriers are only such hounds as pursue the hare; and dogs for the fox and stag hunt are not so called; nevertheless, the word harry, in its metaphorical sense, is taken from its hunting import.


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Methinks, by him,

This creature's no such thing."

"By him," i. e. by his description. "Thing" often occurs, when either an object of superlative dignity or remarkable insignificance is to be expressed; thus Coriolanus, blazing in the splendour of his victory, is accosted, "Thou noble thing!" and thus, in the extremity of contempt, is Hostess Quickly saluted, "Thou thing!" Thing, at this day, is a colloquial term for excellence as well as worthlessness.


144. "To public ear.”

Some words, perhaps like these, are lost: "To win the multitude."


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The gods will mock me presently, "When I shall pray, O, bless my lord and husband!

"Undo that prayer, by crying out as loud,

"O, bless my brother! husband win, win brother.

"Prays, and destroys the prayer."

The words "and then" are necessary to the sense, after lord and husband. Volumnia expostulates, in the same manner, to Coriolanus:

Thou bar'st us

"Our prayers to the gods; for how can we, "Alas! how can we for our country pray, "Whereto we are bound, together with thy vic


"Whereto we are bound? alack! or we must lose "The country, our dear nurse, or else thy person, "Our comfort in the country; we must find "An evident calamity, though we had "Our wish which side should win."

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"Shall stain your brother."

Antony, I believe, only means, that whatever censure the war shall incur, will fall on Cæsar, who provoked it.

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147. "The Jove of power make me most weak, most weak

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"Your reconciler."

I believe we should read,

Make me most weak, most strong,

"Your reconciler."

"Can equally move," &c.

I would read, metrically,

"Can equal, move with them: provide your going."

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He frets,

"That Lepidus, of the triumvirate
"Should be deposed; and, being, that we

The prepositions are often abused and confounded by the early writers, but rarely, I believe, in so striking a manner as here, "depos'd of the Triumvirate," and "being that we," &c. and being so deposed, that we detain his revenue: the elision is unwarrantable.

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And have prevented

"The ostent of our love, which, left unshown,

"Is often left unlov'd."

This is perplexed; "which" must refer either to "love" or ostent;" if to love, what can be meant by "love left unlov'd?" (perhaps unvalued.) If to "ostent," besides the tautology of

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