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have heard him ourselves; and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world."

To a few the first impulses of divine grace come suddenly and unthought of, when their hearts and hands are engaged quite another way; as Saul, who was seeking his father's asses, received the unexpected news of a kingdom. A ray of truth pierces their minds like lightning, and disposes them to leave their schemes unfinished, to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness only. Thus our Lord passed by the sons of Zebedee when mending their nets (Mark i. 16. 19,) and Matthew while busied at the receipt of custom, Mark ii. 14. He only said, Follow me; he used no arguments, he proposed no rewards; but he spoke to their hearts, and, by the constraining power of his love, engaged them to a cheerful and immediate obedience.

entirely under the power of the devil (though perhaps they vainly boast of freedom,) that no arguments, no motives, no resolutions, can restrain them within bounds; but they break through every tie of nature, conscience, and reason, and are restless drudges in the service of sin, though they feel themselves miserable at present, and see inevitable ruin before their eyes. Yet even this case is not too hard for him on whom the sinner's help is laid. He can dispossess the legion with a word; he can take the prey from the mighty, and deliver the lawful captive, bind the strong one armed, and divide his spoil. Happy change! when the power of grace not only sets the soul at liberty from sin and Satan, but puts it in possession of what were lately the instruments of its slavery! when all the powers and faculties of body and mind are redeemed to the Lord's use, and the experience of past evil is made conducive to future Afflictions likewise are now, no less than comfort and advantage! Such an instance formerly, a happy means to bring many to was that great sinner, that penitent, believ Jesus. He prepares them for heavenly bless-ing, happy soul, of whom it is emphatically ings, by embittering or removing their crea- remarked, "She loved much, because much ture-comforts. Had they continued in pros- had been forgiven her," Luke vii. 47. Someperity, they would not have thought of him; times the deliverance is deferred till near but the loss of health, or friends, or sub- the period of life. The poor wretch, labourstance, disappointments in life, or a nearing under the pangs or dread of death, and prospect of death, constrain them in good trembling at the apprehension of falling into earnest to seek for one able to deliver them. the hands of the living God, is snatched as a In the time of their distress, they say, Arise, brand out of the fire; he receives faith in a and save us; not that afflictions in them- suffering Saviour, and feels the power of selves can produce this turn of thought. atoning blood; his terrors cease, and joy sucToo many, in such circumstances, toss like ceeds, a joy unspeakable and full of glory. a wild bull in a net; but when he sends af- Thus the expiring malefactor was converted flictions for this purpose, they accomplish upon the cross (Luke xxiii. 43,) and received that which he pleases. Thus, when he was an infallible assurance of salvation. upon earth, many who came, or were brought (Mark ii. 9) to him for the relief of bodily disorders, experienced a double cure. He healed (John ix. 7. 36. 38) their diseases, and pardoned their sins. At the same time that he restored the blind to sight (John iv. 53,) he opened the eyes of their minds. He sometimes made the afflictions of one the means to bring a whole family to the knowledge of his grace. A considerable part of his followers were such as these, whom he had graciously relieved from distresses incurable by any hand but his. Some had been long and grievously tormented; had assayed every means, but found themselves worse and worse, till they applied to him; and having known the happy effects of his power and compassion, they would leave him no more.

3. The characters of our Lord's disciples, with the account we have of their defects and failings, may farther illustrate the history of his church and gospel, and afford an apology for the blemishes, which, through human infirmity, do more or less attend the prevalence of his doctrines.

The grace of God has a real influence upon the whole man. It enlightens the understanding, directs the will, purifies the affections, regulates the passions, and corrects the different excesses to which different persons are by constitution or habit inclined, yet it seldom wholly changes the complexion or temper of the animal frame. It does not impart any new natural powers, though it teaches the use and improvement of those we have received. It will dispose us to seek Lastly, We sometimes meet with instances instruction, make us open to conviction, and of his mercy and ability to save even to the willing to part with our prejudices, so far uttermost, in the unhoped-for conversion of and so soon as we discover them, but it will desperate and hardened sinners, who have not totally and instantaneously remove them. gone on with a high hand, regardless of mer-Hence there are a great variety of characters cies, warnings, and judgments, till they seemed past conviction, and given up to a reprobate mind. Their state resembles that of the demoniac, Luke viii. They are so

in the christian life; and the several graces of the Spirit, as zeal, love, meekness, faith, appear with peculiar advantage in different subjects, yet so that every commendable pro

perty is subject to its particular inconvenience. Perfection cannot be found in fallen man. The best are sometimes blameable, and the wisest often mistaken. Warm and active tempers, though influenced in the main by the noble ambition of pleasing God in all things, are apt to overshoot themselves, and to discover a resentment and keenness of spirit which cannot be wholly justified. Others of a more fixed and sedate temper, though less subject to this extreme, are prone to its opposite; their gentleness degenerates into indolence, their caution into cowardice. The principle of self, likewise, which, though subdued, is not eradicated, will in some instances appear. Add to this the unknown access and influence which the evil spirits have upon our minds, the sudden and new emergencies which surprise us into action before we have had time to deliberate, with many other considerations of a like nature; and it will be no wonder that some things are always amiss* in the best and most successful attempts to promote the glory of God and the good of souls. And it is farther to be noted, that some individuals will be found who, though seemingly engaged in the same good work, and for a time pretending to much zeal, are essentially defective in their hearts and views; and when at length their true characters are exposed, the world, who either cannot, or will not distinguish, charge the faults of a few upon a whole profession, as, in the former case, they wound the character of a good man for unavoidable and involuntary mistakes. We shall therefore show, that either the exceptions made, and so loudly reverberated in our ears, against the gospel doctrine, on these accounts, are unjust, or that there was sufficient cause to reject and condemn our Lord and his apostles for the same


The character of Peter is marked with admirable propriety and consistency by the evangelists. He every where appears like himself. Earnestly devoted to his Master's person, and breathing an honest warmth for his service, he was in a manner the eye, the hand, the mouth of the apostles: he was the first to ask, to answer, to propose, and to execute: he made a noble confession, for which our Lord honoured him with a peculiar commendation: he waited but for a command to walk to him upon the water: he was not afraid to expose himself in his Lord's defence, when he was surrounded and apprehended by his enemies: and though, in this last instance, his affection was ill expressed, yet

A lukewarm, cautious spirit can easily avoid, and readily censure the mistakes and faults of those who, fired with an honest warmth for the honour of God and the good of souls, are sometimes transported beyond the bounds of strict prudence. But though the best intention cannot make that right which is wrong in itself, yet the zeal, diligence, and disinterested aim of such persons are worthy of our esteem.

his motive was undoubtedly praise-worthy. His heart flamed with zeal and love, and therefore he was always forward to distinguish himself.

But the warmth of Peter's temper often betrayed him into great difficulties, and showed that the grace he had received was consistent with many imperfections. Though he sincerely loved Christ, and had forsaken all for him, he was at one time so ignorant of the true design of his incarnation, that he was angry and impatient to hear him speak of his sufferings, and brought upon himself a most severe rebuke. Not content with the ordinary services allotted to him, he offered himself to unnecessary trials, as in the above instance, when he pressed to walk upon the water. The event showed him his own weakness and insufficiency, yet his self-confidence revived and continued. When our Lord warned him again and again of his approaching fall, he thought, and boldly affirmed that it was impossible. He was sincere in his protestation; but the actual experiment was necessary to convince and humble him. Accordingly, when left to himself, he fell before the first temptation. And here the impetuosity of his temper was still manifest. He did not stop at a simple denial of Jesus, he confirmed it by an oath, and at length proceeded to utter bitter imprecations against himself, if he so much as knew him, whom he had seen transfigured in glory upon the mount, and prostrate in an agony in the garden. Such was the weakness and inconsistency of this prince of the apostles.

None of these excesses appeared in the conduct of the traitor Judas. He was so circumspect and reserved, that we do not find any of the disciples had the least suspicion of him. But, whilst his heart was full of wickedness, he could find fault with others, and charge their best expressions of love with indiscretion. When Mary anointed our Lord's feet with ointment (John xii. 5, 6,) he was displeased at the waste, and professed a warm concern for the poor; but we are told the true reason of his economy: It was not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the bag which contained the common stock entrusted to him. The charge of the bag is an office full of temptation, and an attachment to the bag has been often at the bottom of many censures and misrepresentations which have been thrown out against the people of God. It has been, and it will be so; but the Lord has appointed that wherever the gospel should be preached, to the end of the world, this action of Mary, with the observation of Judas upon it, and

† Mark xiv. 71. "He began to curse and swear."To imprecate the most dreadful curses upon himself, and call solemnly on God to execute them. This was indeed the most probable method to free himself from the suspicion of being a disciple of Jesus, for no such language had been till then heard among his followers.

such expressions and marks of displeasure as in their cooler hours they willingly retract and sincerely repent of before God, this ought not to be exaggerated beyond bounds, as an offence inconsistent with their profession, at least not by any who would be afraid to speak dishonourably of the apostles James and John, who once went so far in their anger* as to demand that fire might be sent from heaven to devour their adversaries, Luke ix. 54.

the motive from which he made it, should be | repeated falsehoods, and studied provocahanded down together, that we may not be tions do sometimes, in an unguarded modiscouraged at things of the same kind. With-ment, extort from the disciples of Christ out doubt, the treason of Judas, and his unhappy end, after having maintained a fair character so long, and shared with the rest in the honours of the apostleship, were to them an occasion of grief, and afforded their enemies a subject of reproach and triumph. But we may believe one reason why our Lord chose Judas, and continued him so long with his disciples, to have been, that we might learn by this awful instance not to be surprised if some, who have made a show in the church, been chosen to important offices, and furnished with excellent gifts, do in the end prove hypocrites and traitors: "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." A desire of pre-eminence and distinction is very unsuitable to the followers of Jesus, who made himself the servant of all; very unbecoming the best of the children of men, who owe their breath to the mercy of God, have nothing that they can call their own, and have been unfaithful in the improvement of every talent. We allow that every appearance of this is a blemish in the christian character, and especially in a christian minister; but if, on some occasions, and in some degree, human infirmity has wrought this way, though no example can justify it, yet those who, through ignorance of their own hearts, are too rigid censurers of others, may be reminded that this evil frequently discovered itself in the apostles. They often disputed who should be the greatest; and, when our Lord was speaking of his approaching sufferings, two of them chose that unseasonable time to preclude the rest, and petitioned that they might have the chief seats in his kingdom. The first offence was theirs; but when the ten heard it, they were all moved with indignation, and showed themselves equally desirous of superiority. It is plain, therefore, that unless the apostles were hypocrites and mercenaries, some transient escapes of this sort (though confessedly criminal and indecent) are no sure proofs that such a person is not in the main sincere, disinterested, and truly devoted to the service of God and his gospel.

No less contrary to the meek and gracious spirit of Jesus is an angry zeal, expressing itself in terms of ill-will and bitterness to those who oppose or injure us. One of the highest attainments and brightest evidences of true grace, is, from a sense of the love and example of Christ, to show bowels of mercy and long-suffering to all men, and by perseverance in well-doing to overcome evil with good. And a contrary behaviour (if frequent and notorious) will, like a dead fly in precious ointment, destroy the savour, if not the efficacy of all we can attempt for the service of God in the world. However, if

We might proceed to other particulars; but enough has been said to show the general resemblance which the preaching of the gospel in latter times bears to our Lord's personal ministry: the doctrine is the same, the effects the same. It was, and it is to many, "a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence." The opposition it has met with has been always owing to the same evil principle of pride, and the love of sin, which are latent in every unrenewed heart: though the pretexts are various, they may be reduced to a few leading motives which are always at work. The professors of this gospel have at no time been very numerous, if compared with those who have rejected it; and of these, too many have dishonoured or forsaken it. Neither have those who have received it most cordially, and been most desirous to adorn and promote it, been wholly exempt from mistakes and imperfections. The tenor of their conduct has proved them partakers of a more excellent spirit than others; their faith in Jesus has not been an empty notion, but fruitful of good works, such as no man could do except God was with him. They have been governed by higher motives, and devoted to nobler aims, than the world can either understand or bear;-yet they are deeply conscious of inherent infirmity, and sometimes (to their great grief) they give too visible proofs of it, which their watchful adversaries are glad to aggravate and charge upon them as consequences of their doctrine. This should induce all who love the Lord Jesus to redouble their guard, and to pray with David that they may be led in the right way because of their observers. If the question is concerning the infirmities, or even

They thought they were influenced by a commendable zeal for their Master, and that their proposal was warranted by an authorized precedent. We do not find that they ever wished for fire to consume the Scribes and Pharisees, who were Christ's most inveterate enemies. But when the Samaritans rejected him, the vile Samaritans, whom they, upon a national prejudice, had been accustomed to hate, then their hearts deceived them, and they indulged their own corrupt passions, while they supposed they were animated by a zeal for Christ. Are we not often deceived in the same way? Can we not silently bear, or ingenuously extenuate the faults and mistakes of our own party, while we are all zeal and emotion to expose, censure, and condemn what is amiss in others.

the vices of others, almost every one is ready | they saw him weep over his bitterest eneto plead in their behalf; allowances are mies, and heard him pray for his actual murfreely and largely made for human frailty, derers. and none are willing to be thought harsh or censorious. But the believer in Jesus must look for no abatement or extenuation; even the professed admirers of candour and charity will not hesitate to put the worst construction upon all he says or does; for they are seeking occasion to wound the gospel through his misconduct. They are sensible that he is generally above them; and therefore rejoice to find or pretend a flaw, on which they may expatiate, to reduce him as near as possible to their own level; though, if their censures are extended to their just consequence, they will (as we have seen) fall hard upon the apostles themselves.

I hope, that what I have said upon this subject will neither be misunderstood nor perverted. We do not defend even the infirmities of the best men; much less would we provide a plea for persecution or ambition. Let not the man, who supposes gain to be godliness, who makes the gospel a ladder, whereby to climb the heights of worldly preferment, whose heart, like the insatiable fire, is craving more, and practising every art to accumulate wealth and honour in the church; let not the proud man, who would lord it over conscience, and though unable to command fire from heaven, would gladly prepare fire and slaughter upon earth for all who will not venture their souls upon his faith; let not these avail themselves of the examples of James and John: but rather let them tremble at the reflection, that while they manifest no part of the apostles' graces, they are entirely possessed of those tempers, the smallest traces of which our Lord so severely rebuked in his disciples.

The first believers, though not faultless, were sincere: the natural disposition of their hearts was changed; they believed in Jesus; they loved him; they devoted themselves to his service; they submitted to his instructions, shared in his reproach, and could not be either enticed or intimidated to leave him. Their gracious Master was their guide and guard, their advocate and counsellor; when they were in want, in danger, in trouble, or in doubt, they applied to him, and found relief; hence they learned by degrees to cast all their care upon him. He corrected every wrong disposition; he pardoned their failings, and enabled them to do better. His precepts taught them true wisdom; and his own example, which, to those who loved him, had the force of a thousand precepts, was at once the model and the motive of their obedience. To make them ashamed of aspiring to be chief, he himself, though Lord of all, conversed among them as a servant, and condescended to wash their feet; to teach them forbearance and gentleness to their opposers,

Thus they gradually advanced in faith, love, and holiness, as the experience of every day disclosed to them some new discovery of the treasures of wisdom, grace, and power, residing in their Lord and Saviour: he explained to them in private the difficulties which occurred in his more public discourses; by his observations on the common occurrences of life he opened to them the myste rious volumes of creation and providence, which none but those whom he vouchsafes to teach can understand aright: he prayed for them, and with them, and taught them to pray for themselves: he revealed unto them the unseen realities of the eternal world, and supported them under the prospect of approaching trials; particularly of his departure from them, by assuring them that he was going on their behalf to prepare them a place in his kingdom, and that in a little time he would return to receive them to himself, that they might dwell with him for ever.

What he personally spoke to them, and acted in their presence, was recorded by his direction, and has been preserved by his providence for the use and comfort of his church. Though his enemies have raged horribly, they have not been able to sup press the divine volume; and, though invisible to mortal eyes, he is still near to all that seek him; and so supplies the want of his bodily presence by the secret communications of his Spirit, that his people have no reason to complain of any disadvantage: though they see him not, they believe, love, rejoice, and obey; their attention and dependence are fixed upon him; they intrust him with all their concerns; they rely upon his promises; they behold him as their Highpriest, Advocate, and Shepherd; they live upon his fulness, and plead his righteousness; and they find and feel that their reliance is not in vain.

The disciples were content for his sake to bear the scorn and injurious treatment of the world: they expected no better usage, nor desired a higher honour, than to be fellowsufferers with their Lord. When he propos ed returning to Judea, at a time they thought dangerous, and they could not alter his purpose, they did not wish to be left behind:


Let us go (says one of them to the rest,) that we may die with him." It is true, when he was actually apprehended, the first shock of the trial was too strong: they forsook him and fled. He permitted this, both to exempt them from danger, and to let them know that of themselves they could do nothing. But it seems they did not go far. When Thomas afterwards said, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails.

thread of the gospel history from that glorious day of divine power. The contents of this first book, namely, a brief view of the neces sity and nature of the gospel-dispensation,— the causes why it is and has been opposed,— and the circumstances of the first believers,

and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe," he spoke like one who had been an eye-witness to his sufferings, and expresses an earnestness as if he still saw him wounded and bleeding. This catastrophe indeed almost disconcerted them; they had trusted it-I have premised, as general principles, for was he that should deliver Israel; but they saw him oppressed and slain by wicked men. From that time to his resurrection was a a mournful interval, the darkest and most distressing period his church ever knew.

But the third day dispelled their grief: he returned victorious from the grave, proclaiming peace by the blood of the cross; he declared, and his appearance proved it, that the ransom was paid and accepted; and that having now overcome the sharpness of death, he had opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. Then he spoke peace to their hearts: he opened their understandings to know the scriptures, and breathed upon them his Holy Spirit: he conversed frequently with them during forty days; gave them a large commission to preach his gospel, and an invaluable promise of his presence with them to the end of the world.

When he had thus confirmed them by those instructions and assurances, which his wisdom saw necessary, he was received up to heaven. They followed him with their hearts and eyes a while, and then returned to Jerusalem rejoicing. They were not ashamed of their crucified Lord, or unwilling to bear the contemptuous names of Galileans or Nazarenes for his sake. They were not afraid, as if left like sheep without a shepherd in the midst of their enemies: they knew, that though they could see him no more, his eye would be always upon them, and his ear open to their prayer: they waited, according to his command, for a farther supply of his Spirit, to qualify them for the important and difficult services which were before them. Nor did they wait long; a few days after his ascension, while they were praying with one heart and mind, the place where they were assembled was shaken as with a mighty wind; the Spirit of power and wisdom was abundantly communicated to them; they spoke with new tongues, and immediately began to preach boldly, in the name of the Lord Jesus.

With this solemn and memorable event, I shall open the second book, and take up the

my own and the reader's assistance in the progress of the work.

It is much to be wished, that every reader might be impressed with the importance of our subject. It is not a point of curiosity, but of universal concern, and that in the highest and most interesting sense. Most of the researches and disquisitions which employ the time and talents of men, are of a trivial or indifferent nature. We may range on different sides concerning them; we may give or refuse, or retract our assent, when and as often as we please; we may be totally igno rant of them without loss, or be skilled in them all without deriving any solid comfort or advantage from them: but the gospel of Christ is not like the dry uninteresting theo ries of human wisdom; it will either wound or heal, be a savour of life or of death, a source of endless comfort, or the occasion of aggravated condemnation, to all that hear of it. To receive it, is to receive the earnest and assurance of eternal happiness; to reject it, or remain wilfully ignorant of its characters and properties, will leave the soul op pressed with guilt, and exposed to the wrath of God for ever. It highly concerns us, there fore, to inquire, Whether we believe the gospel or no, whether what we call the gos pel is the same that Christ and his apostles taught, and whether it has had the same or similar effects upon our hearts? We live where the gospel is generally professed, and we are reputed christians from our cradles; but the word of God cautions us to take heed, lest we be deceived. We see christianity divided into innumerable sects and parties, each supported by names, arguments, and books, and fighting for the credit of a denomination: but how many forget, that in a little time all these divisions and subdivisions will be reduced to two; the only real and proper distribution by which mankind, as to their religious character, ever was or will be distinguished, and according to which their final states will be speedily decided,―The children of God, and the children of the wicked one.

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