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2 Or, wages

Or, yet more is holy, let him be made holy 'still. Behold, I 12 come quickly; and my 2 reward is with me, to render to each man according as his work is. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and 13 the last, the beginning and the end. Blessed 14 are they that wash their robes, that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. Without are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and 15 the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.

Or, the authority over Gr. portals.

* Or, doeth

• Gr. over.

7 Or, Both

Gr. upon.

• Or, even from the things which

are written

10 Some ancient authorities add Christ.

JTwo ancient authorities

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify 16 unto you these things for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright, the morning star.

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. 17 And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely.

I testify unto every man that heareth the 18 words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto them, God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this book: and 19 if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book.


He which testifieth these things saith, Yea; 20
I come quickly. Amen: come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus 10 be 11 with the 21

read with all. Saints.

List of readings and renderings preferred by the American Committee, recorded at their desire. See Preface, page xii.


1. Strike out "S." (i. e. Saint) from the title of the Gospels and from the heading of the pages.

II. Strike out" the Apostle" from the title of the Pauline Epistles, and "of Paul the Apostle" from the title of the Epistle to the Hebrews; strike out the word "General" from the title of the Epistles of James, Peter, 1 John, and Jude; and let the title of the Revelation run 66 The Revelation of John."

III. For "Holy Ghost" adopt uniformly the rendering "Holy Spirit." IV. At the word "worship" in Matt. ii. 2, etc., add the marginal note "The Greek word denotes an act of reverence, whether paid to man (see chap. xviii. 26) or to God (see chap. iv. 10)."

V. Put into the text uniformly the marginal rendering "through" in place of "by" when it relates to prophecy, viz. in Matt. ii. 5, 17, 23; iii. 3; iv. 14; viii. 17; xii. 17; xiii. 35; xxi. 4; xxiv. 15; xxvii. 9; Luke xviii. 31; Acts ii. 16; xxviii. 25.

VI. For "tempt" ("temptation") substitute "try" or "make trial of" ("trial") wherever enticement to what is wrong is not evidently spoken of; viz. in the following instances: Matt. iv. 7; xvi. 1; xix. 3; xxii. 18, 35; Mark viii. 11; x. 2; xii. 15; Luke iv. 12; x. 25; xi. 16; xxii. 28; John viii. 6; Acts v. 9; xv. 10; 1 Cor. x. 9; Heb. iii. 8, 9; 1 Pet. i. 6.


VII. Substitute modern forms of speech for the following archaisms, viz. "who" or "that" for "which" when used of persons; "are" for "be" in the present indicative; "know" "knew" for "wot" "wist"; "drag" or drag away" for "hale." VIII. Substitute for "devil" ("devils") the word "demon" ("demons") wherever the latter word is given in the margin (or represents the Greek words daiμov, dapórov); and for "possessed with a devil" (or "devils") substitute either "demoniac" or "possessed with a demon" (or "demons").

IX. After "baptize" let the marg. "Or, in" and the text "with" exchange places.

X. Let the word "testament" be everywhere changed to 66 covenant" (without an alternate in the margin), except in Heb. ix. 15-17. XI. Wherever "patience" occurs as the rendering of noμový add "stedfastness" as an alternate in the margin, except in 2 Cor. i. 6; James v. 11; Luke viii. 15; Heb. xii. I.

XII. Let doσápiov (Matt. x. 29; Luke xii. 6) be translated "penny," and Snápov "shilling," except in Matt. xxii. 19; Mark xii. 15; Luke xx. 24, where the name of the coin, "a denarius," should be given.



XIII. Against the expression "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" add the marginal rendering "Or, God and the Father" etc. ; viz. in Rom. xv. 6 ; 2 Cor. i. 3; xi. 31; Eph. i. 3 ; Col. i. 3; 1 Pet. i. 3. And against the expression “our God and Father add the marg. 66 Or, God and our Father”; viz. in Gal. i. 4 ; Phil. iv. 20; 1 Thess. i. 3; iii. 11, 13; Jas. i. 27. And against the expression "his God and Father" add the marg. Or, God and his Father, viz. in Rev. i. 6.

XIV. Let the use of "fulfil" be confined to those cases in which it denotes "accomplish," "bring to pass," or the like.


III. 7 Against "to his baptism" add marg. Or, for baptism

10 For "is the axe laid unto" read " the axe lieth at " So in Luke iii. 9.

VI. 11 Let the marg. read Gr. our bread for the coming day, or our needful bread. So in Luke xi. 3.

27 For "his stature" read "the measure of his life" (with marg. Or, his stature) So in Luke xii. 25.

VIII. 4 Here and in Matt. xxvii. 65; Mark i. 44, for "go thy [your] way" read simply "go"

IX. 6,8 For "power" read "authority" (see marg. 5) So in Mark ii. 10; Luke v. 24.

X. 39 "life" strike out the marg. So in xvi. 25; Mark viii. 35;
Luke ix. 24; xvii. 33; John xii. 25.

XII. 23 For "Is this the son of David?" read "Can this be the son of David?" [comp. John iv. 29.]

[blocks in formation]

XIX. 14 For "of such is" read "to such belongeth" with marg. Or, of such is So in Mark x. 14; Luke xviii. 16.

XX. 1 For "that is " read "that was"

XXII. 23 For marg. 2 read "Many ancient authorities read saying." XXIII. 9 For "Father, which is in heaven" read

who is in heaven."

Father, even he

23 For "judgement" read "justice" So in Luke xi. 42.

XXVI. 29 For "I will not drink" read "I shall not drink" Similarly in Mark xiv. 25; Luke xxii. 16, 18.

XXVII. 27 For "palace" read "Prætorium" with marg. Or, palace [as in Mark xv. 16] So in John xviii. 28, 33; xix. 9.


II. 4, 9, 11, 12 "bed" add marg. Or, pallet So in vi. 55; John v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Acts v. 15; ix. 33.

VII. 4 For" wash" read "bathe" [comp. Luke xi. 38.]

X. 13 For "brought" read " were bringing" So in Luke xviii. 15. 32 "and they that followed" etc. omit the marg.

45 For "For verily" etc. read "For the Son of man also" etc.



XI. 24 For "have received" read "receive" with marg. Gr. received. XIV. 3 For "spikenard” read “ pure nard" (with marg. Or, liquid nard), and omit marg. So in John xii. 3.



I. 35 Let the text run "wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of God" with the present text in the margin.

70 For "since the world began" read "of old" Similarly Acts iii. 21; xv. 18.

II. 34 For "and rising up" read "and the rising "

37 For "even for" read

even unto "

III. 14 For "Do violence to no man etc. read "Extort from no man by violence, neither accuse any one wrongfully" and omit marg.


20 For "added yet this above all" read "added this also to
them all "

IV. 1 For "by the Spirit" read "in the Spirit" and omit the marg.
VI. 16 For "was the traitor" read "became a traitor"

VIII. 3 For "Chuza" read "Chuzas"

29 For "commanded" read 66 was commanding"

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33 For were choked" read "were drowned"

IX. 12 For "victuals" read "provisions"

18 For "alone" read "apart"

46 For "should be greatest" read "was the greatest"

XI. 38 For "washed " read "bathed himself" [comp. Mark vii. 4.] XII. 49 For "what will I" etc. read "what do I desire" (with the marg. Or, how I would that it were already kindled!) XIII. 32 "I am perfected" add marg. Or, I end my course XV. 16 For "have been filled" read "have filled his belly" (with the marg. Many ancient authorities read have been filled.) XVII. 6 Read "If ye had faith" etc. and "it would obey you." 11 For "through the midst of" read "along the borders of" and substitute the present text for marg.

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XVIII. 5 "lest she wear me etc. add marg. Or, lest at last by her coming she wear me out

7 For "and he" etc. read "and yet he" etc. with the
and is he slow to punish on their behalf?

marg. Or,

XIX. 29 For "the mount of Olives" read "Olivet" So in xxi. 37; see

Acts i. 12.

42"day" add marg. Some ancient authorities read thy day.


peace" add marg. Some ancient authorities read thy peace.

XX. 20"rule" add marg. Or, ruling power

XXII. 24 For "is accounted " read 66 was accounted"

70 For "Ye say that I am" read "Ye say it, for I am" and sub

stitute the text for the marg.

[blocks in formation]

XXIII. 2" Christ a king" omit the marg.

15 "he sent him" etc. add marg. Many ancient authorities read
I sent you to him.

23 For "instant" read "urgent"

46 Let margin and text exchange places.

XXIV. 30 Read "he took the bread and blessed; and breaking it he

gave to them"

38 For "reasonings " read "questionings"


I. 3, 10, 17 Substitute the marginal rendering for the text.
II. 17 For "The zeal of thine house " read "Zeal for thy house
III. 20 For "ill" read "evil" So in v. 29.

29 For "fulfilled" read "made full" [and so xv. 11; xvi. 24;
xvii. 13. See "Classes of Passages," XIV.]

V. 27 Substitute the marginal rendering for the text.

VII. 8 For "I go not up yet" read "I go not up" and change the
marg. to Many ancient authorities add yet.

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21, 22 For marvel. For this cause hath Moses" etc. read
"marvel because thereof. Moses hath" etc. and omit the


a man every whit whole " add marg. Gr. a whole man sound.
38 For "out of his belly" read "from within him” (with marg.
Gr. out of his belly.)


VIII. 24, 28 "I am he" omit marg. 1 (and the corresponding portion
of marg.) So in xiii. 19.

25 Substitute for the present marg. 2 Or, Altogether that which
I also speak unto you

26"unto the world" omit marg.

3" Gr. into."

44 For "stood " read "standeth" and omit marg. 6

52, 53 For "is dead" and "are dead" read "died " [Compare
vi. 49, 58.]

58 For "was" read "was born" and omit marg.


X. 8 "before me" add marg. Some ancient authorities omit before


XII. 43 For "the glory of men . . . the glory of God" read "the glory
that is of men... the glory that is of God"

XIV. 1 Let marg. 3 and the text exchange places.

14 For "shall ask me any thing" read "shall ask any thing"


and let marg. 1 read Many ancient authorities add me.

XVI. 25, 29 For "proverbs" read "dark sayings"

XVII. 24 For "I will" read "I desire"

XVIII. 37 For "Thou sayest that " etc. read "Thou sayest it, for I am
a king" and substitute the present text for the marg.
[comp. Luke xxii. 70.]

XXI. 7"

was naked" add marg. Or, had on his under garment only

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