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Sweet bells, with voices in their chime;
Sweet voices, linked in ringing rhyme,
As sweet as if 'twere summer's prime,
And not December.

That peal again,-while rose and fell
A drift of wind, in bounding swell
Victorious, happy, loud to tell

Some joy, December.

O bells of Christmas, your reply
Fills all the hollow of the sky;
Not this the voice of hopes that lie
Dead in December.

No! but that Christ the Lord has come God's Child, Man's Friend, His heart our home;

O gospel in the glad bells' tone,
Thy bells, December.

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He was not a man of culture-perhaps he under valued it but he had a warm heart and a ready hand, and a wonderfully persevering and laborious habit, with a marvellous amount of sagacity and common sense, and that quick perception of how things may best be done that devises new methods that are often scoffed at at first, but in the end approved and adopted.

THE FOUNDER OF THE TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. BOUT the end of last | and labours of love. During the last century, in the Grass- half, he was minister of Kingsland Chapel market of Edinburgh, in London, but was very far from conwhere so many martyrs fining himself to the work of the pastorate, of the Covenant had being full of activity to the end, and passed to heaven in always ready for every good work. former days in the chariot of fire, an assortment of pots and pans, spades and rakes, and other such implements, piled about a shop door, served to indicate the establishment of a humble ironmonger, who was at the same time the friend and correspondent of the Rev. John Newton, of William Wilberforce, of the Countess of Leven, and many others, and who was personally one of the most remarkable men of his day. He was very small of stature, rugged of countenance, with short limbs and a large head, and among his friends was known invariably as Johnny Campbell," or simply "Johnny." His father had come from the Highlands of Perthshire, not far from the parish where Alexander Duff, the missionary, was born; and Johnny had seen the best Christian example, and grew up with a deep sense of the awful claims of religion. At the High School of Edinburgh he was a pupil of Willie Nicoll, the boon companion of Robert Burns, and also a class fellow of Sir Walter Scott, close to whom, too, he used to sit in Dr. John Erskine's church. After passing through long religious groping, he at last got such a view of the cross of Christ and the glorious fulness of His grace as both filled and transported his heart; and for half a century after, his one great aim of life was to spread the knowledge of the Saviour, and draw others to the feast that had been so precious to his own soul.



Until middle life Mr. Campbell continued in his worldly calling, toiling all the while in numberless works of faith

He was the first in modern times to print and distribute tracts in Edinburgh, and he was one of the founders of an institution, which still flourishes, now called the Book and Tract Society of Scotland. What led him to begin was this. Looking over a bookstall, he found a little brochure of eight pages, with a blue cover called 'The Life and Experience of F. S. (Fanny Sydney),' which he bought for twopence. On reading it he was so pleased with it, that he got an edition printed, part of which was sold and the rest circulated gratis. Falling in soon afterwards in London with the story 'Poor Joseph,' he had it too printed and circulated on his return to Scotland. His next publications were the yearly poems of Rev. John Newton, on the successive anniversaries of the death of his wife. In 1789 steps were taken to form the Tract and Book Society of Edinburgh, which was instituted, we think, in 1793, some years earlier than the society of London. Its object is, "by the circulation of religious tracts and books, to diffuse a pure and religious literature among all classes of the people." Unlike the Religious Tract Society of 1 Vide Report for 1884.

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London, it does not produce religious literature, it only distributes it. It obtains large assistance from the London Society. A free grant of 2007. worth of tracts is made every year by the Committee of the Religious Tract Society, London, to the Edinburgh Society. Further special assistance is given to every new colporteur when he enters on his work.

The Scotch Society has had its ups and downs in life, but it was placed on a new footing more than twenty years ago, through the addition of a colportage department, and it never was in a more prosperous condition than it is now. Some two hundred colporteurs are employed in connection with it, mostly in Scotland, and partly in England, from whose hands. every day of the year tracts are scattered in every direction, to say nothing of the supplies circulated by private individuals, missionaries, Bible women, and others, whom the society is ever ready to encourage. Had "Johnny Campbell" done no other work than help to lay the foundation of this society, he would not have lived in vain.

familiar work; he and the late Mr. James Haldane having on one occasion made arrangements for instituting sixty in a single week.

Literature for the young was another thing that seemed to Mr. Campbell to need much change. His method of procedure was this: Taking a well-disposed little girl he found that to read through an Address to the Young' was more than she could achieve. So he set to work on a more attractive plan, and writing the first life in his book 'Worlds Displayed' he gave it to the same girl, and found that she not only could get through it, but asked for more. a new era in books for the young.

It was

In the villages round Edinburgh it was. not only the children that needed schools, the grown-up people were often as ignorant of the gospel as the young. Mr. Campbell originated the scheme of villagepreaching. In those days, for a layman to open his lips in a religious meeting was utterly unknown. And "the universal priesthood" of believers was so little acted on, that some of the godly ministers But many another enterprise did he shook their heads, and a story is told of engage in. In those days there were no a zealous tradesman who prayed on. Sabbath Schools. Mr. Campbell longed Sunday mornings at family worship" that to see the young gathered under godly a redhot poker might be stuck into Johnny teachers, to have the great truths of the Campbell's throat that day if he presumed Gospel taught them; and in his case to to minister in word or doctrine." After long for a thing was to try to achieve it. the work of Robert and James Haldane, His first experiment was to hire a hall lay preaching occupied a very different in the southern suburbs of Edinburgh, place. But Campbell did not quite go in. called the Archers' Hall-it is still there with the Haldanes; he thought they -and get a good man to teach the were not always wise; and his going to children. Then he got another hall London seemed to have been partly similarly provided. But he felt he ought caused by difficulties with reference to men to do something himself. So, knowing with whom he could not always agree, that Loanhead, a mining village five miles but with whom he would never quarrel. away, was woefully neglected, he got a place of meeting for a school, and rode out to open it. It is difficult to say whether he was most frightened to get on horseback or to open his mouth in public. Both dangers, however, were surmounted, and ere long the planting of Sunday Schools became common and

Another institution which he founded before leaving Edinburgh was the Magdalene Institution. His first coadjutors here were two working men, a baker and a cutler, who had made some attempts to reclaim some of the wretched. women in their neighbourhood, but had found the necessity of doing the thing.

on a larger scale. Mr. Campbell threw his soul into the work, and was highly successful both at Edinburgh and Glasgow. At first the institution was called "The Philanthropic," but people could not get their tongues round the word, and the name was changed to "The Magdalene." The same disgust at their life, yet impossibility of leaving it, was found then among the degraded girls as it is often found still. The blessing of many a one that was ready to perish came upon Campbell; and yet how sad it is to think, after so many years of Christian and not unsuccessful labour, that the putrid stream of sensuality flows with a current nearly as deep and as loathsome as ever! In going about the country with the Haldanes, Mr.Campbell learned to preach. A couple of years' study under Dr. Wardlaw, of Glasgow, gave him the training

for an Independent minister. He had been willing to go as a missionary to India with Mr. Robert Haldane, but that enterprise was not carried out. For seven-and-thirty years he filled the important sphere of minister of Kingsland Chapel, London. Twice during that time the London Missionary Society sent him to the south of Africa, to visit their missions in that wide region. All that work he did diligently and well. Perhaps the chief extraneous work of his latter years was to write little books for the young. It cannot be said now that that department is neglected. During his long life Mr. Campbell began many a good work, and placed it on a solid foundation; he laboured in season and out of season, and, with no ambition but to be useful, did much to extend and build up the kingdom of God.


NE wet night in August | Progress.'

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For it was John Bunyan (1688) there rode up who had come to be the guest of his to the house of Deacon friend, John Strudwick, on Snow Hill. Strudwick, on Snow Hill, The most striking thing about that visit a man of some fifty-nine to Mr. Strudwick's house was that Bunyan years, whose clothes were had gone there to die. In little more soaking with wet. The than a week the "Immortal Dreamer,' greeting between the two who had rode up to his friend's door, men proved they were old dripping wet, was carried out of it for acquaintances, and that a burial. That ride in the rain proved bond of more than ordinary friendship fatal to him. The cold that supervened existed between them. The stranger's turning to fever, which became the face was that of a man of undaunted chariot of fire in which Bunyan was resolution, yet there was a dreaminess carried upward to the Celestial City. about the expression of the eye that be- We may imagine the concern of the tokened a religious enthusiast. His hair household at the illness of their guest, was iron grey, and there was a certain and of their awe as it became evident yielding of the frame, as of a man who had that it would prove fatal. He lingered long passed the prime of his days. Since but a few days, waiting "for the good this man did duty as a soldier at the horse," when the post should come to siege of Leicester he had passed twelve bid him ascend. During this season he years in prison, and the chief product of talked from time to time with his host that imprisonment was the Pilgrim's and other friends who visited him upon

such subjects as "sin, affliction, repent- not the public worship of God, lest God ance, and coming to Christ, prayer, and forsake thee, not only in public, but in the heavenly state." Fragments of private.' these conversations were committed to writing by Strudwick, and afterwards published. A few of his last words may be here reproduced.

"When his friend spoke with him about the strangeness of his affliction, he replied, "The Lord useth His flail of tribulation to separate the chaff from the wheat. The school of the cross is the school of light: it discovers the world's vanity, baseness, and wickedness, and lets us see more of God's mind. Out of dark afflictions comes a spiritual light.' Some one asked his advice about prayer, and he replied: When thou prayest, rather let thy heart be without words, than thy words without heart. Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.'

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"When the Sabbath came, and he heard the bells of St. Sepulchre's ringing for divine worship, his thoughts were filled with the sanctity and glory of the day. Have a special care to sanctify the Lord's day,' he said to those about him, 'for as thou keepest it, so it will be with thee all the week long. Make the Lord's day the market for thy soul; let the whole day be spent in prayer, repetitions, and meditations; lay aside the affairs of the other part of the week; let the sermon thou hast heard be converted into prayer. Shall God allow thee six days, and wilt thou not afford Him one! In the church be careful to serve God, for thou art in His eye and not man's. Thou mayest hear sermons often, and do well in practising what thou hearest; but thou must not expect to be told in the pulpit all thou oughtest to do, but be studious in searching the Scriptures and in reading good works. What thou hearest may be forgotten, but what thou readest may better be retained. Forsake

"As his illness increased, his mind recalled the old days of persecution, and the friends with whom he used to meet. 'I have often thought,' he said 'the best of Christians are found in the worst of times, and I have thought again that one reason why we are no better, is because good prayers are no more. Noah and Lot, who so holy as they in the time of their afflictions, and yet who so idle as they in the time of their prosperity.'

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'Day by day he thus talked with those who sat beside him, and John Strudwick was always near to jot down his words. It was when near death that his old enemy, the Devil, began to plague him, and turning to those near he told them, 'As the Devil labours_by all means to keep out other things that are good, so to keep out of the heart as much as in him lies the thoughts of passing from this life into another world, for he knows if he can but keep them from the serious thoughts of death, he shall the more easily keep their sins." Then, as in a moment of sudden inspiration, he cried out, 'O! sinner, what a condition wilt thou fall into when thou departest this world, if thou depart unconverted. Thou hadst better have been smothered the first hour thou wast born; thou hadst better have been plucked one limb from another; thou hadst better have been made a dog, a toad, a serpent, than to die unconverted. This thou wilt find true, if thou repent not!' As the pilgrim drew near to the edge of that river, which he described as very deep, and over which there was no bridge, he had a glimpse of the land on the other side, and, shaking off for a moment the lethargic fever, he told those around his bed of the joys of heaven!' 'There is no good in this life,' he cried out, ‘but what is mingled with some evil. Honours, profit and riches disquiet, and pleasures

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