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Pharmaceutical, Conference, International, 151; Research, Nat. Conference on, 260

PHILLIPS, E. F., The Honey Bee, R. E. Snodgrass, 309
Photographic Plate, Changes in, by Antirachitic Sub-
stances, I. N. KUGELMASS and I. MCQUARRIE, 87
Photography, Centenary of, 24

Physics, Text-books of, N. C. LITTLE, 286
Physiological Activity of Onium Compounds, Basis for,
R. R. RENSHAW, 384

Phytogeographic Excursion, Int., O. RABER, 344
PICKENS, R. M., Hydrogen-Magnesium Halides, 226
PIERSON, H. W., Francis Henry Parsons, 344
Pithecanthropus and O. C. Marsh, E. LINTON, 51
Planck, M., Survey of Physics, W. S. FRANKLIN, 438
Plant Sciences, International Congress of, 412
Plants, Effects on a Culture Solution, P. L. HIBBARD,
515; Cultivated, List of, A. GUNDERSEN, 589
Pluviculture, The Art of, D. S. JORDAN, 81
Polyembryony, New Case of, L. O. HOWARD, 308
Potonié, R., Kohlenpetrographie, E. C. JEFFREY, 112
POWELSON, M. H., Gastric Transplantation, 247

Power, World, Conference, 216; Mechanical, W. L. DE

POWERS, W. H., Thomas Nuttall, 389

PRENTISS, E. C., Specific Immunity of the Tissues, 91 Proteins, binding of Acid and Alkali by, R. A. GORTNER and W. F. HOFFMAN, 464

Protozoa, for Class Use, D. CAUSEY, 113

Protozoan Genus Cryptochilum Maupas, A. W. L. BRAY, 589

Psychological Assoc., Western, 163

Public Health Assoc., Amer., 198

PUPIN, M. I., Electrical Science, Law, Description and Hypothesis, 17; Chandler: The Teacher and the Chemist, 499

Quartz, High, Structure of, R. W. G. WYCKOFF, 496 QUIRKE, T. T., The Size of Sea Waves, 108 Quotations, 52, 83, 112, 206, 223, 267, 461, 494

RABER, O., Phytogeographical Excursion, 344

Radio Waves, Short, A. H. TAYLOR and E. O. HULBURT, 183; Talks from Harvard College Observatory, 431 Ramsay Memorial Fellowships, 152

Ransom, Brayton Howard, M. C. HALL, 319

Rays, High Frequency, of Cosmic Origin, R. A. MILLIKAN, 445

Reason, What is it for?, 83

REDFIELD, A. C., Reynold Albrecht Spaeth, 363
Regelation and Low Temperatures, H. E. HOWE, 15
Relativity, The Theory of, W. F. G. SWANN, 145
Relief Models, A. R. ADDINGTON, 160

RENSHAW, R. R., The Basis for the Physiological Activity
of Certain Onium Compounds, 384
Reproduction of the Albino Rat, W. D. SALMON, 420
Reptile and Amphibian Life at Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 345
Research, S. L. BOOTHROYD, 1; International Council of,

C. E. ST. JOHN, 104; in the Service of the State, E. W.
ALLEN, 165; and Industry in Gt. Britain, 197; Co-
operative, C. D. LEAKE, 251; Medical, in China, E. V.

Reservation, Wild Life, on Mississippi River, 280
RICHARDS, H., Metric Association, 164

RICHARDSON, R. G. D., Amer. Math. Soc., 379, 550
RIESMAN, D., Immunity to Tuberculosis, 351

RIGGS, E. S., Paleontological Expedition to Argentina, 215
RIKER, A. J., and G. W. KEITT, Crown Gall and Nursery
Stock, 184

ROBERTS, R. H., Nursery Grafts, 356

ROBERTSON, C., Honey Bees and Perforated Flowers, 287 ROBINSON, B. L., Asa Gray, 45

Rockefeller, Foundation, Expenditures, 8; Institute, Appointments at, 25

ROGERS, L. A., American Typeculture Collection, 267
ROLLEFSON, G. K., and E. J. PоTH, Soft X-Rays, 497

ROSEN, H. R., Flagella of the Typhoid Fever Germ, 498
Royal, Institution, Honorary Members, 47; Society of
Canada, P. S. MCKIBBEN, 162

RUARK, A. E., Current Voltage Curve, 182
RUHRAH, J., Seelig's History of Medicine, 223
Russian Acad. of Sciences, 173, 301

RUTHERFORD, E., Studies of Atomic Nuclei, 209

ST. JOHN, C. E., International Council of Research, 104 SALMON, W. D., Reproduction of the Albino Rat, 420 SAMPSON, M. M., Macallum's Test for Calcium, 400 Sanctuary for Wild Animals in South Africa, 151 SANDERSON, E. S., Bacteriophage, 377

SARGEANT, W. W., Financial Rept. of Pacific Div. of Amer. Assoc., 572

SATINA, S., and M. DEMEREC, Identification of the Sexes, 225

SAYLES, R. W., Factors in Earthquakes, 299

SCHMITT, F. O., and H. L. WHITE, Kidney Function in
Necturus Maculosus, 334

SCHRAMM, J. R., Biological Abstracts, 533
S-chromosomes, L. DELAUNAY, 15

SCHUCHERT, C., and R. RUEDEMANN, John Mason Clarke,


SCHULTZ, E. S., Potato Necrosis, 571

Science, Front Page, 112; Success in, A. S. HITCHCOCK, 141; Teaching, N. California Conference on, M. B. PEIRSON, 185; League of America, M. SHIPLEY, 221; and Social Ethics, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 236; at Southampton, 267; News Conference, 302; Underworld of, D. S. JORDAN, 326; Appeal to Community, A. FINDLAY, 357; English Support of, V. KELLOGG, 412; Hodmen of, D. S. JORDAN, 425; International Cooperation in, 494 Scientific, Events, 7, 24, 46, 74, 103, 128, 151, 173, 197, 215, 237, 259, 280, 301, 321, 344, 365, 391, 412, 430, 451, 486, 503, 536, 558, 581; Notes and News, 8, 26, 48, 76, 105, 130, 153, 176, 200, 217, 240, 261, 282, 303, 323, 347, 366, 392, 414, 432, 453, 488, 506, 538, 560, 583; Books, 14, 52, 84, 112, 159, 207, 223, 245, 288, 309, 329, 352, 374, 399, 421, 438, 462, 495, 511, 545, 567, 591; Apparatus and Laboratory Methods, 15, 34, 54, 85, 113, 135, 160, 182, 224, 289, 310, 331, 400, 515; Research under the Government, 103; Men as University Presidents, 206; "Accuracy of the Sacred Scriptures," W. W. KEEN, 543

Scopes, John T., Scholarship Fund, 105, 282; and the
Defense of Scientific Men, W. DAVIS, 130

SEARS, P. B., Botanical Criticism, 371
Seelig, M. G., Medicine, J. RUHRAH, 223
SEWALL, H., Experimental Immunization, 293

Sex, Differences, D. A. LAIRD and T. MCCLUMPHA, 292;
Changes in Birds, M. HEMINGER, 398

Sexes, Identification of, S. SATINA and M. DEMEREC, 225 Shadow Bands, Photography of, H. T. STETSON, 418 Shark, Whale, in the Gulf of Siam, H. M. SMITH, 438 Sherman, H. C., Food Products, H. W. WILEY, 352 SHIPLEY, M., The Science League of America, 221 SHIPLEY, P. G., and C. F. DEGARIS, Digestion in Paramecia, 266

SIDERIS, C. P., Hydrogen Electrode, 331

SIMPSON, G. G., Fauna of Norway, J. Kiær, 288

Sinnott, E. W., and L. C. Dunn, Genetics, W. E. CASTLE, 568

SLEATOR, W. W., The Name N in Cos NT, 134

SMITH, H. I., Totem Poles, 134; Mackenzie Park as a Field for Survey, Exploration, Literature and Art, 211; Conservation o Beaver by an Indian, 461

SMITH, H. M., A Whale Shark in the Gulf of Siam, 438 Smithsonian Institution, Endowment of, 487

Smyrna Fig, Rot of, in California, P. D. Caldis, 161; N. A. BROWN, 288

Snake, Coral, "Harmless," E. R. DUNN, 308; A. H. WRIGHT, 493; E. H. BEHRE, 494

SNELL, W. H., N. O. HOWARD and M. U. LAMB, Moisture Content of Wood and its Decay, 377


Snodgrass, R. E., The Honey Bee, E. F. PHILLIPS, 309 SNYDER, C. D., Paul to the Thessalonians, 33

Soil Colloids, M. S. ANDERSON and S. E. MATTSON, 114 Soils, Suction Force of, J. S. JOFFE and H. C. MCLEAN, 548

Solar Variation and the Weather, C. G. ABBOT, 307, 426 Sound, Analyzed, A. FORBES, 204

Spaeth, Reynold Albrecht, A. C. REDFIELD, 363

Special Articles, 15, 36, 55, 86, 114, 136, 161, 183, 207, 225, 247, 269, 290, 311, 332, 356, 377, 401, 422, 441, 463, 496, 516, 547, 569, 593

Spider, Luminous, B. BROWN, 182, 329; E. P. HULSE, 329 Sponges, Luminescence in, Y. K. OKADA, 566

SPONSLER, O. L., X-Ray Diffraction Patterns from Plant Material, 547

STANDLEY, P. C., New U. S. Weed, 509

STETSON, H. T., Photography of Shadow Bands, 418
Stewart Bank in the China Sea, W. M. DAVIS, 401
Stillman, J. M., Early Chemistry, C. A. BROWNE, 245
STROMSTEN, F. A., Water Temperatures, 34
Students, Honors, at Mass. Inst. Tech., 281
Stutterer's Voice, L. E. TRAVIS, 207
Sullivan, Louis R., Minutes on Death, 583
Surface Tension, F. H. MACDOUGALL, 290
SWANN, W. F. G., Theory of Relativity, 145
SWINGLE, C. F., Propagation of Apple Varieties, 544
SWINNERTON, A. C., Post-Glacial Time, 566

TABER, S., Basin Range Structure, 436

TAYLOR, A. H., and E. O. HULBERT, Short Radio Waves, 183

TAYLOR, L. S., Magnetic Declination, 516
Teaching, Freedom of, 7

Temperature Coefficients in the Interpretation of Bio

logical Processes, L. V. HEILBRUNN, 268 Temperatures, Water, F. A. STROMSTEN, 34 THAYER, W. S., Henry M. Thomas, 6

Thomas, Henry M., W. S. THAYER, 6

Thyroid Glands, Living, E. UHLENHUTH, 569

TILTON, J. L., The Definition of Loess, 83
Time, Post-Glacial, A. C. SWINNERTON, 566
Tobacco Mosaic, M. MULVANIA, 37; P. OLITSKY, 442
TOBEY, J. A., Health Activities of the Government, 448
Totem Poles, H. I. SMITH, 134

TRAVIS, L. E., The Stutterer's Voice, 207

Trenching, Channel, in Arid Southwest, K. BRYAN, 338 Trout Fry, Losses after Distribution, A. P. KNIGHT, 590 TRUE, R. H., Committee of One Hundred of Amer. Assoc., 559

Tryparsamide, W. H. BROWN, 350; A. S. LOEVENHART, 587

Type-culture Collection, American, L. A. ROGERS, 267 Typhoid Fever Germ, Flagella of the, H. R. ROSEN, 498

UHLENHUTH, E., Living Thyroid Glands, 569

Undertow, W. CRAIG, 30; I. BRANT, 30; M. P. HITE, 31; W. M. DAVIS, 33

Units, Campbell's Definitive, L. A. HAZELTINE, 244

University and Educational Notes, 12, 29, 50, 81, 108, 133, 156, 179, 203, 220, 243, 264, 285, 306, 326, 349, 370, 396, 417, 435, 457, 491, 509, 543, 564, 587 UPHOF, J. C. TH., Abstracting Old Botanical Works and Manuscripts, 545

Vacuum Gauge, Duplex, R. C. HARTSOUGH, 160

VAN EPPS, M. H., M. E. LARSON and S. T. BROOKS, Reaction of Opalinas to Laboratory Media, 289 Van Ingen, Gilbert, B. F. HOWELL, 101

Vitamin, Anti-Rachitic, in the Hen's Eggs and Ultraviolet Light, J. S. HUGHES, R. W. TITUS and J. M. MOORE, 492

Vitamines, The Nomenclature of, C. FUNK, 157; E. C. VAN LEERSUM, 494

Voltage, Current, Characteristic Curve, A. E. RUARK, 182 WALCOTT, C. D., Joseph Henry, 405; John Mason Clarke,


Ward, R. DeC., Climates of the U. S., A. MCADIE, 462 Water Areas, Utilization of, 430

Waves, Sea, Size of, T. T. QUIRKE, 108

Weather Forecasts, Smithsonian, A. MCADIE, 418
Weed, New, P. C. STANDLEY, 509

Wegener, A., Continents and Oceans, F. A. MELTON, 14
WELO, L. A., and O. BAUDISCH, Oxides of Iron, 311
WERKMAN, C. H., Reproduction of Micro-organisms, 115
WEST, E. S., and G. H. BISHOP, The Photochemistry of
Cod Liver Oil, 86

WHITE, H. L., and F. O. SCHMITT, Kidney Function in
Necturus Maculosus, 334

WHITE, W. P., When does Winter come? 286
WHITING, P. W., and A. R. WHITING, Diploid Males in
Hymenoptera, 437

WHITMORE, F. C., Amer. Chem. Soc., 226

Wild Life Preservation, J. GRINNELL, 437

WILEY, H. W., Asa Gray, 222; Food Products, H. C. Sherman, 352; Wheat Flour, C. H. Bailey, 511

WILSON, E. B., Marine Biological Laboratory, 273

Wilson, E. B., The Cell in Development and Heredity, E. G. CONKLIN, 52

WINSLOW, C.-E. A., Public Health, 335

Winter, When does it come? W. P. WHITE, 286
Wisconsin State Park, A. R. CAHN, 559

Wood, Moisture Content and its Decay, W. H. SNELL, N.
O. HOWARD and M. U. LAMB, 377

WOODRING, W. P., Arca patricia Sowerby, 518
WOODS, A. F., Evolution and the Bible, 159
Woodworth, Jay Backus, 150; R. A. DALY, C. PALACHE
and K. F. MATHER, 450

WRIGHT, A. H., The "Harmless' Coral Snake, 493 Wright, C. A., and A. F. Puchstein, Telephone Communication, G. LUSK, 329

WYCKOFF, R. W. G., Structure of High Quartz, 496
X-Ray Diffraction Patterns, O. L. SPONSLER, 547
X-Rays, Soft, G. K. ROLLEFSON and E. J. PоTH, 497
Yale, University, Sterling Research Fellowships, 582
Yeast, Growth-promoting Principle of, P. A. LEVENE and

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