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CAJORI, F., Number of U. S. Scientists and Sigma Xi,
117; The Death of Archimedes, 415; La "Thiende" de
Simon Stevin, H. Bosmans, 591

Calendar, Perpetual, A. L. CANDY, 286; Reform, A. L.
DAVIS, 611; C. C. WYLIE, 630

California, Acad. of Sci., Expedition to Revillagigedo

Islands, 359

CAMPBELL, C. M., Musical Echoes, 540

CAMPBELL, D. H., Classification, 403

CAMPBELL, G. A., "Definitive Units" for Universal Use,

Cancer, in Plants and in Man, E. F. SMITH, 419, 595
CANDY, A. L., A Perpetual Calendar, 286
CANNON, W. A., Oxygen in Root Growth, 118
Carbohydrate Storage in the Endosperm of Sweet Corn,
L. LAMPE and M. T. MEYERS, 290

Carbohydrates in Maize Pollen, A. E. LONGLEY,
Carbon Monoxide, A. F. O. GERMANN, 70
CARLSON, F. A., Physical Geography, 366

Carnegie Inst. of Washington, Exhibition, 81

CASE, E. C., Preservation of Fossil Material, 543


CHAMBERLAIN, C. J., The Origin of Cycads, 73

CHAMBERLIN, J. C., Mineral Oil as Preservative, 634
Chemical, Soc., Amer., Baltimore Meeting, 254, 361; F. C.
WHITMORE, 493; A. E. HILL, 637; Eastern N. Y. Sect.,
333, 409; Council Meeting, 438; Achievement, A Court
of, 484; Spelling, C. A. JACOBSON, 590

Chemistry, Colloid, Nat. Inst. for Research, 333
Chicago, Univ. of, School of Medicine, 535; Distinguished
Service Professorship, 651

Chigger, Native Host of the, A. E. MILLER, 345
Chromosome Numbers in Mammals, T. S. PAINTER, 423
Circulation Pump for Gases, A. W. C. MENZIES, E. M.
COLLINS and P. L. TYSON, 288


CLARK, A. H., Navy's Oceanographic Program, 269
CLARK, J. H., Ultraviolet Light and Scurvy, 45
CLARK, P. L., JR., Almshouse Paupers in U. S.,
CLARKE, J. M., A Natural Seismograph, 391
Classification, D. H. CAMPBELL, 403

COCKERELL, T. D. A., The Fauna of British India,
J. Stephenson, 67; Business Methods, 312

Coconut Bud Rot, C. M. TUCKER, 186

COLE, W. H., and D. POTTER, Fresh-water Sponges, 391

COLLEY, R. H., Timber Supply, 107

Colloid, Phenomena J. ALEXANDER, 312; Chemistry,
Nat. Inst. for Research, 333; Symposium, 463

Colloidal Solutions, P. L. DU NOUY, 117

Colloids, Older Publication on, J. ALEXANDER, 184
Columbia Univ. Administration of Patents,, 382
COMSTOCK, J. H., Burt Green Wilder, 531

CONKLIN, E. G., Dr. Henry Fox and Mercer Univ., 176
CORT, W. W., Amer. Soc. Parasitologists, 82
Cos NT, A Name for the N in, A. T. JONES, 589
Cotton, Plant, The Reaction of the, J. A. HARRIS, W. F.
HOFFMAN and A. H. JOHNSON, 65; Plants, The Alka-
line Reaction of the Dew on, C. M. SMITH, 572

Crop Protection Institute, P. MOORE, 348

CUNNINGHAM, B., Legislation on Evolution, 541

CURTIS, H. D., The Equinox of 1950.0, 169

CURTIS, W. C., Jonas Viles, Jr., 632; Controversy over

Evolution, 647

CUSHING, H., Experimentum Periculosum, 373
Cushing, H., Sir William Osler, F. H. GARRISON, 611
Cycads, The Origin of, C. J. CHAMBERLAIN, 73

DAHLGREN, U., Biol. Survey of Mt. Desert Isl., 435

DANFORTH, C. H., Number of Brothers and Sisters, 17

Darwin and Bryan, E. L. RICE, 243

DAVENPORT, C. B., Genetics and Eugenics, W. E. Castle,

DAVEY, W. P., Decomposition of H2O2, 388

Earth Movements in California, A. L. DAY, 323

Earthquakes, Prediction of, R. H. FINCH, 42; W. BOWIE,


ECKART, C., Metastable Helium and Mercury, 517
Eclipse of January, 1925, E. W. BROWN, 10; Spectro-
scopic Observations of, E. B. FROST, 41

Ecological Soc. of Amer., A. O. WEESE, 291

Edison, Thomas Alva, Tablet in Honor of, 584

Editorial Service, G. S. FULCHER, 389

EIKENBERRY, W. L., Shadow Bands, 566

Electrical Charges of Living Cells, L. V. HEILBRUNN, 236
Electromagnetic Waves, Propagation, H. W. NICHOLS and

ELIOT, C. W., Teaching of Botany, 609
Ella Sachs Plotz Foundation, 228

EMERSON, A., Jungle Laboratory of Tropical Biology of
the University of Pittsburgh, 281

EMMEL, V. E., The Non-nucleated Cellular Elements of

the Blood, 393

Engineering, Foundation, 60; and Industry, 227, 649
Engineers, Amer., Federal Administrative Reform, 13
Entomological Soc. of Amer., C. L. METCALF, 241
Entomologists, Econ., Amer. Assoc. of, C. W. COLLINS,
W. B. WOOD and G. M. BENTLEY, 242
Equinox of 1950.0, H. D. CURTIS, 169

Ether Drift, P. R. HEYL, 515; D. C. MILLER, 617
EVERMANN, B. W., The Zoological Record, 234; John
Van Denburgh, 508

Evolution, Teaching of, R. C. MULLENIX, 18; in Educa-

tion in California, 367; in N. C., B. W. WELLS and Z.

P. METCALF, 445; and Chance, J. R. SWANTON, 490;

Legislation on, B. CUNNINGHAM, 541; Controversy
over, W. C. CURTIS, 647

Experimentum Periculosum, H. CUSHING, 373

Fable, A, B. WILLIS, 567

Fellowships, in Cooperation with Bur. of Mines, 360; Na-

tional Research, in Medicine, 512, in Biology, 625; Gug-

genheim Memorial Foundation, 605

FENNEMAN, N. M., Classification of Natural Resources, 191
Fern Soc., Amer., W. R. MAXON, 268

Field, Museum of Natural History, Scientific Expeditions,
1925, D. C. DAVIES, 199; James Simpson-Roosevelt Ex-
pedition, W. H. OSGOOD, 461; Trip Aid, H. C. FORT-
NER, 446

FINCH, R. H., Earthquake Prediction, 42

Fisheries Conservation Conference, 649

Fishes, Bibliography of, E. W. GUDGER, 516

FITE, W. B., Amer. Math. Soc., 424



Fluorine, Effect on Growth and Reproduction of Rats, J.
A. SCHULZ and A. R. LAMB, 93
Folk-Lore Soc., Amer., G. A. REICHARD, 293
FOOTE, P. D., and A. E. RUARK, Scattering of Light, 263
Forest, Research Councils, 307; Exper. Sta., Northeastern,
462; Oldest known, J. A. BANCROFT, 507

Foresters, Soc. of Amer, R. V. REYNOLDS, 346

Forestry, Work in, 14; Int. Congress of, 462

FORTNER, H. C., A Field Trip Aid, 446

Fossil, Historic, G. R. WIELAND, 541

Fox, H., Georgia Acad. of Science, 48

Fox, Dr. Henry, and Mercer Univ., E. G. CONKLIN, 176

Freedom of Teaching in Science, S. J. HOLMES, 276

FROST, A. W., Exercise and Rickets in Rats, 447

FROST, E. B., Eclipse of January, 1925, 41

FULCHER, G. S., Editorial Service, 389
FUNK, C., and S. KON, Micro-Combustion, 659

Gamma Alpha Graduate Scientific Fraternities, 158

GARREY, W., E., Memorial of Jacques Loeb, 198

GARRISON, F. II., Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, 330; Sir
William Osler, H. Cushing, 611

GATES, F. C., Hemerarch and Feralarch, 260

Geneticists interested in Agriculture, 347

Geographers, Amer. Assoc. of, C. C. COLBY, 238

Geography Teachers, Nat. Council of, J. G. MILLER, 240

Geological, Observation on the Island of Maui, Hawaii,

N. E. A. HINDS, 316; Int. Congress, 383

Geologists, States, Amer. Assoc. of, 227

Georgia, Acad. of Science, H. Fox, 48

GERMANN, A. O. F., Carbon Monoxide, 70; What is an

Acid? 71

Germination of Barley, H. V. HARLAN, 566

Gesell, A., Mental Growth of the Child, L. M. TERMAN, 445

Gibbs, Willard, Works of, A. E. VERRILL, 41
Gilboa Fossil Forest, T. MERRIAM, 611

GILES, A. W., Thomas Leonard Watson, 225
Goesmann, Charles Anthony, F. TUCKERMAN, 437

Goldsmith, W. M., Evolution or Christianity, D. S. JOR-
DAN, 45

Golgi Apparatus, in Gland Cells, R. H. BOWEN, 545
Grafts, Heteroplastic in Amblystoma Embryos, H. L.

GREENE, C. W., Reactions of California Hagfish, 68

GREENMAN, M. J., The Wistar Institute, 473

GRINNELL, J., Introduction of Alien Game Birds, 621

Grout, A. J., Mosses, G. E. NICHOLS, 591

Guadaloupe Island, L. M. HUEY, 405

GUDGER, E. W., Bibliography of Fishes, 516

Guggenheim, Daniel, School of Aeronautics, 625; Memo-

rial Foundation Fellowships, 605

GUYTON, T. L., Pennsylvania Acad. of Sci., 593

Hagfish, California, Reactions of, C. W. GREENE, 68

HALL, D., Agricultural Research and the Community, 399

HALL, R. P., Twinning in a Mollusc, 658

Hall of Fame for Engineers, 36

HALTER, C. R., Staining Paramecium, 90

HAMER, R., The Appeal of Physics, 109; Moseleyum, 208

HANCOCK, H., Algebraic Numbers, 5, 30

HANNA, G. D., Miocene Marine Vertebrates, 71

HANSEN, . A., Potato Poisoning, 340

HARLAN, H. V., Germination of Barley, 566


Reaction of the Cotton Plant, 65

HARRIS, R. G., White Indians, 460

HARSHBERGER, J. W., Catalogue of the Mycological Li-

brary of Howard A. Kelly, L. C. C. Krieger, 186; Dis-

tribution of Plants, 529

Harvard, Univ., Medical School, Lectures, 112; Awards

from Milton Fund, 307

HAUPT, A. W., The Stem of Magnolia, 469

Hayford, John Fillmore, 332, 583

HEADDEN, W. P., Titanic Acid in the Potato Tuber, 590

Hearing and Noise, B., 260; W. M. SMALLWOOD, 415

HEILBRUNN, L. V., Electrical Charges of Living Cells, 236

Helium, Disappearance in Geissler Tubes, H. B. LEMON,

516; Metastable and Mercury, The Life of, G. ECKART,

517; Arc Lines of below the Ionization Potential, C. B.

BAZZONI and J. T. LAY, 518

Helmholtz's Physiological Optics, S., 235

Hemerarch and Feralarch, F. C. GATES, 260

HENRICI, A. T., Cytomorphosis in Bacteria, 644

HERRE, A. W., A Philippine Rorqual, 541

HEYL, P. R., Fundamental Concepts in Physics, 221; The
Ether Drift, 515

HILL, A. E., Amer. Chem. Soc. at Baltimore, 637
HILL, A. V., Physiological Teaching and Research, 295
Hillebrand, William Francis, C. E. WATERS, 251

HINDS, N. E. A., Geological Observations on the Island of
Maui, Hawaii, 316

Hippocrates, Quotation from, F. G. BENEDICT, 444

HIRSCHFELDER, A. D., and R. L. GREGORY, Membrane

Manometer, 368

HOFFMAN, F. K., Social and Economic Sciences, Sect. of
Amer. Assoc., 561

HOLMES, S. J., "Age and Area" and Extinction, 77;
Freedom of Teaching in Science, 276; Human Biology,
R. Pearl, 313

Honor to Whom Honor-, W. A. OLDFATHER, 184
Horticultural Science, Amer. Soc. for, C. P. CLOSE, 346
Hough, Theodore, Memorial of, W. H. HOWELL, 198
Houston, R. A., Light, H. E. IVES, 341
HOWELL, A. B., Amer. Soc. of Mammalogists, 615
HOWELL, W. H., Memorial of Theodore Hough, 198
"Howler," another Adult, E. T. BREWSTER, 185

HRDLIČKA, A., Anthropological Studies on the Yenisei
River, 261

HUEY, L. M., Guadaloupe Island, 405

HUGHES, C. E., International Cooperation, 24

Huxley, The Centenary of, 560

Illinois, Acad. of Science, C. F. PHIPPS, 396

Indiana, Acad. of Science, J. J. DAVIS, 95

Indians, White, R. G. HARRIS, 460

Innervation, Reciprocal, in the Frog, J. B. STEIN and J.


Insecticides, Plant, S. MARCOVITCH, 22

Interior, Dept. of, Reorganization, 560

International, Cooperation, C. E. HUGHES, 24; Annual
Tables, E. W. WASHBURN, 279; Geophysical Union, H.
F. REID, 328; Geographical Congress, 437

Iron, The Oxygen-Carrier of Respiration Ferment, O.

IVES, H. E., Optics, Schuster and Nicholson; Light, R.
A. Houston, 341

Ivy, Poison, Taxonomy and Range of, J. B. MONAIR, 589


JACOBSON, C. A., Chemical Spelling, 590
Johns Hopkins Univ., Biol. Research at, 605
JONES, A. T., A Name for the N in Cos NT, 589
JONES, W. C., The Undertow Myth, 444
JORDAN, D. S., Evolution or Christianity, W. M. Gold-
smith, 45; Maker, Man and Matter, R. W. Banning, 68;
Antics of the Ants, A. M. Salyer, 446; Holes in Bread,
I. K. Russell, 446; John Muir, Naturalist and Poet, 582

KAHLENBERG, L., Detecting Acetone, 344

Kennelly-Heaviside Layer, A. MCADIE, 540

KIENHOLZ, R., Botany, W. H. Brown, 567

KIESS, C. C., Arc Spectrum of Nitrogen, 468

KINGSLEY, J. S., Louis Agassiz and "Darwinism," 234

KNOWLTON, F. H., Origin of the Angiosperms, 568

KOCH, E. M., and F. C. KOCH, Trehalose in Yeast, 570

KOFOID, C. A., Bibliography of Amer. Nat. Hist., M.

Meisel, 287

[ocr errors]

KORSTIAN, C. F., Western Yellow Pine, Bark Beetles and
Mistletoe, 448

Krieger, L. C. C., Catalogue of the Mycological Library
of Howard A. Kelly, J. W. HARSHBERGER, 186

KUDO, R., Microsporidia, 366

Labels, Waterproofing, A. A. DOOLITTLE, 591
LAMPE, L., and M. T. MEYERS, Carbohydrate Storage in
the Endosperm of Sweet Corn, 290

LANDSTEINER, K., and C. P. MILLER, JR., The Bloods of
Man and the Anthropoid Apes, 492

LANE, H. H., Laboratory Manual of the Foetal Pig, 658

LANGWORTHY, C. F., Food Products, H. C. Sherman, 44

LARGE, T., Geology and Physiography at Northwestern
Scientific Assoc., 383

LATIMER, H. B., Anatomical Spelling Match, 89

LEACH, J. G., Seed-corn Maggot and Potato Black-leg, 120
LEBLANC, T. J., Arrowsmith, Sinclair Lewis, 632
Lecithin, Effect of Light on the Permeability of, S. C.

LECKERT, E. L., New Orleans and Yellow Fever, 235

Leidy, Joseph, Memorial Award, 384, 536

LEIGHTON, M. L., Thomas L. Watson, 255

LEMON, H. B., Disappearance of Helium in Geissler

Tubes, 516

LESLEY, J. W., and M. C. MANN, Triploidy in the To-
mato, 208

Lewis, I. M., Solar Eclipses, F. SLOCUM, 262

Lewis, Sinclair, Arrowsmith, T. J. LEBLANC, 632

Light, The Scattering of, P. D. FOOTE and A. E. RUARK,

263; Structure of, 583

LILLIE, F. R., Nat. Research Fellowships in Biology, 625

LIND, S. C., and D. C. BARDWELL, Mercury and Ionized

Helium, 344

Lister Memorial Lecture, 604

LIVINGSTON, B. E., Permanent Secretary's Report of
Washington Meeting Amer. Assoc., 121, 187; Financial
Report, 136; The President-elect, 140; Grants in Aid
of Research, 199; Prize, 277; and S. F. TRELEASE, At-
tendance at Council Meetings of Amer. Assoc., 313;
Associated Organizations, 357; Summer Sessions, 562;
Spring Meeting of Exec. Committee, 573; Naples Bio-
logical Station, 585

Loeb, Jacques, Memorial of, W. E. GARREY, 198
Loess of the Palouse Region, R. C. TREASHER, 469
Logarithmetica Britannica, 59

LONGLEY, A. E., Carbohydrates in Maize Pollen, 542
LOWE, E. N., Bauxite and Siderite, 489

MCADIE, A., The Kennelly-Heaviside Layer, 540

MCCLUNG, C. E., The Zoological Record, 232

MacDonald, W., The Intellectual Worker, W. P. TAY-

LOR, 20

MACDOUGAL, D. T., Tree Trunks and Growth, 370
MCLEAN, F. T., and B. E. GILBERT, Manganese as a Cure
for a Chlorosis of Spinach, 636

MCLEOD, J. W., Bacterial Catalase, 630

MCNAIR, J. B., Taxonomy and Range of Poison Ivy, 589
Magnolia, The Stem of, A. W. HAUPT, 469

Males, Haploid, J. T. PATTERSON and G. W. D. HAM-
LETT, 89

Mammalogist, Amer. Soc. of, A. B. HOWELL, 615

Manganese as a Cure for a Chlorosis of Spinach, F. T.

Manometer, Membrane, A. D. HIRSCHFELDER and R. L.

MARCOVITCH, S., Plant Insecticides, 22

Market Charts and Law of Supply and Demand, P. G.

Mathematical, Soc., Amer., R. G. D. RICHARDSON, 188;

A. DRESDEN, 216, 615, 660; W. B. FITE, 424; Assoc.

of Amer., C. D. CAIRNS, 188

Mathematics, Notable Gift to, H. E. SLAUGHT, 410;
Histories of, G. A. MILLER, 491

MATTHES, G. H., Muscle vs. Mussel Shoals, 209

[ocr errors]

"Maud, the Drift of the, 253

MAURY, C. J., New Formational Name, 43

Medal, Daniel Giraud Elliot, 410

Medicine, Teaching, and Practice, W. S. THAYER, 349;
Clinical and Didactic, J. H. MUSSER, 641
Medusae, Fresh-water, F. SMITH, 588

MEES, C. E. K., Int. Congress of Photography, 438
Meetings, Plan of, M. C. MERRILL, 367

MEGGERS, W. F., and O. LAPORTE, Arc Spectrum Regu-
larities for Ruthenium, 635

Meisel, M., Bibliography of American Natural History,

C. A. KOFOID, 287


Circulation Pump for Gases, 288

Mercury, and Ionized Helium, S. C. LIND and D. C.
BARDWELL, 344; Transmutation of, 408
MERRIAM, T., The Gilboa Fossil Forest, 611
MERRILL, M. C., Plan of Meetings, 367
Mesonephric Tubules, A. B. Dawson, 262
METCALF, M. M., "Tumbling" in a Wild Mourning Dove,
444; Amanita muscaria in Maine, 567

Meteorite, Fall in British Columbia, H. I. SMITH, 118
Meteorological Soc., Amer., 189

Metric Assoc., H. RICHARDS, 650

METZ, C. W., Chromosomes and Sex in Sciara, 212
Michigan, Univ. of, Biol. Station, 255; Research Club, 361
Micro, Slide Rings, E. C. O'ROKE, 392; Combustion, C.
FUNK and S. KON, 659

Microscopical Soc., Amer., H. J. VAN CLEAVE, 291

Microsporidia, R. KUDO, 366

MILLER, A. E., Native Host of the Chigger, 345

MILLER, D. C., Ether Drift Experiments, 617
MILLER, G. A., Histories of Mathematics, 491
Millipeds, Perambulating, P. VIOSCA, JR., 19
Mineralogical Soc. of Amer., 216

Mines, Bur. of, Transfer to Dept. Commerce, 604
Minnesota, Univ. of, Public Lectures, 60
Miocene Marine Vertebrates, G. D. HANNA, 71
Misinformation, Student, BREWSTER, E. T., 185; R.
POUND, 261; K. Bryan, 261

MITCHELL, P. C., The Zoological Record, 66

MITCHELL, S. A., Shadow Bands, 365

MOON, E. A., and H. G. BRAY, Tilting of the Continental
Shelf of North America, 237

Moore, D. V. T., Dynamic Psychology, R. H. SEASHORE,

MORRISON, T. F., Polarized Light and Luminous Bacteria,


Moseleyum, R. HAMER, 208; 510

MOULTON, C. R., Cattle Feeds, 18

Muir, John, Naturalist and Poet, D. S. JORDAN, 582

MULLENIX, R. C., Teaching of Evolution, 18

MURNAGHAN, F. D., Calculus of Variations, G. A. Bliss,


Muscle vs. Mussel Shoals, G. H. MATTHES, 209

Muscular Contraction, A Model of, T. SOLLMANN, 570

Museums, Amer. Assoc. of, St. Louis Meeting, 510

Musical Echoes, C. M. CAMPBELL, 540

Musselshell River, H. S. PALMER, 590
MUSSER, J. H., Teaching Medicine, 641


Nicholson, Optics, H. E. IVES, 341

Nitrogen, Arc Spectrum of, C. C. KIESS, 468
NORRIS, J. F., Roger Frederic Brunel, 407

Northwest Sci. Assoc., Geology and Physiography at,
T. LARGE, 383

Norwegian Identity Book, X, 470

NOUY, Du, P. L., Colloidal Solutions, 117; Detecting
Proteins in a Solution, 472

NUTTING, P. G., Market Charts, 339

Oats, Smut of, Treatment for, R. C. THOMAS, 47

Official Seed Analysts, Assoc. of, A. L. STONE, 347
Oil, Mineral, as Preservative for Biological Material,

Oklahoma, Acad. of Science, H. RICHARDS, 396
OLDFATHER, W. A., Honor to Whom Honor-, 184; Re-
port of Committee on Philological Sciences, 397
OLITSKY, P. K., and J. H. NORTHROP, Inoculation of
Tomato and Tobacco Plants with Potato Mosaic Virus,

"Organic Syntheses," Unpublished Preparations for, 534
O'ROKE, E. C., Micro Slide Rings, 392

OSGOOD, W. H., James Simpson-Roosevelt Expedition, 461
OSHIMA, H., The Sea Cucumber, 420
Osler, Sir William, Memorial, 110

Oxford, Univ., Museum Scientific Instruments, 648
Oxygen, Concentration in Root Growth, W. A. CANNON,
118; in the Ocean, J. SCHMIDT, 592

PAINTER, T. S., Chromosome Numbers in Mammals, 423
Palladium Wires, Unicrystalline, J. L. WHITTEN and
D. P. SMITH, 316

PALMER, H. S., Musselshell River, 590

PAMMEL, L. H., Extension of the Yucca Moth, 414
Pancreatic Response to Carbohydrate Ingestion, E. L.

Paramecium, Staining, C. R. HALTER, 90; Acidity of
Food Vacuoles in, A. N. BRAGG and H. HULPIEU, 392

Parasitologists, Amer. Soc., W. W. CORT, 82

Parathyroids, Enlarged, in Chickens, L. P. DOYNE, 118

Park, National, in Belgian Congo, 623

Patents, the Administration of, 382

Pathology, Exper., Amer. Soc. for, E. B. KRUMBHAAR, 320

PATTERSON, T. J., and G. W. D. HAMLETT, Haploid

Males, 89

PEARCE, L., African Sleeping Sickness, 90

PEARL, R., Francis Galton, K. Pearson, 209; Almshouse

Paupers in the U. S., 285

Pearl, Human Biology, S. J. HOLMES, 313

Pearson, K., Francis Galton, R. PEARL, 209

PEARSON, R. A., The Agricultural Situation, 217

Pennsylvania, Acad. of Science, T. L. GUYTON, 593

Penrose Medal, First Award, 380

Pharmaceutical Research, 511

Pharmacology and Exper. Therapeutics, Amer. Soc. for,

E. D. BROWN, 319

Phi Delta Kappa Educ. Fraternity, L. A. PECHSTEIN, 348

Philological Sciences, Report of Committee, W. A. OLD-


Philosophical Soc., Amer., Annual Meeting, 536

PHIPPS, C. F., Illinois Acad. of Science, 396

Phi Sigma Biological Soc., C. I. REID, 292
Photography, Int. Congress of, C. E. K. MEES, 438
Physical Soc., Amer., 189, 439; Geography, F. A.

Physics, The Appeal of, R. HAMER, 109; Fundamental

Concepts in, P. R. HEYL, 221; The Trend of Thought

in, W. F. G. SWANN, 425, 452

Physiological, Teaching and Research, A. V. HILL, 295;
Soc., Amer., W. J. MEEK, 318

Physiologists, Plant, Amer. Soc. of, W. A. GARDNER, 267
Phytopathological Soc., Amer., R. J. HASKELL, 266
Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematical Fraternity, 189

Pine, Western Yellow, Bark Beetles and Mistletoe, C. F.


Sigma Xi, Number of U. S. Scientists, F. CAJORI, 117,

157; Aid to Research, 334; and Calif. Inst. of Tech., J.

C. SHEDD, 463

Significant Figures, J. SATTERLY, 90

SLAUGHT, H. E., Notable Gift to Mathematics, 410

Sleeping Sickness, African, L. PEARCE, 90

SLOCUM, F., Solar Eclipses, I. M. Lewis, 262

SMALLWOOD, W. M., Noise and Hearing, 415

SMITH, C. A., Utah Academy of Science, 594

SMITH, C. M., The Alkaline Reaction of the Dew on Cot-
ton Plants, 572

Smith, Douglas, Foundation for Medical Research, 561
SMITH, E. F., Cancer in Plants and Man, 419; Cancer Re-
search, 595

SMITH, F., Fresh-water Medusae, 588

SMITH, G. O., Alfred Hulse Brooks, 80

SMITH, H. I., Meteorite in British Columbia, 118

SNYDER, C. D., Physiology, W. M. Bayliss, 416

SNYDER, T. E., Termites in Buildings, 389

SOLLMANN, T., A Model of Muscular Contraction, 570

Soviet Union, Soc. for Cultural Relations, 624

Special Articles, 22, 45, 68, 90, 118, 186, 212, 236, 263, 288,

316, 344, 370, 392, 420, 447, 472, 492, 517, 544, 570,

592, 613, 635, 659

Spongilla lacustris Linn., W. H. COLE and D. POTTER, 391
Stars, Daylight Visibility of, C. C. WYLIE, 657

STEIN, J. B., and J. TULGAN, Innervation in the Frog, 185
Stephenson, J., The Fauna of British India, T. D. A.

Stereochemistry in France, P. M. DEAN, 178

Sterility, Flower and Fruit, Int. Conference on, A. B.
STOUT, 226

STONER, D., Toll of the Automobile, 56

STOUT, A. B., Int. Conference on Sterility, 226

STRONG, R. P., Saprophytic Microorganisms and Diseere, 97

SWANN, W. F. G., The Trend in Physics, 425, 453

SWANTON, J. R., Chance and Evolution, 490
Symbionts of a Lichen, J. C. TH. UPHOF, 67

TAYLOR, W. P., Intellectual Worker, W. MacDonald, 20

TERMAN, L. M., Mental Growth of the Child, A. Gesell, 445

Termites in Buildings, T. E. SNYDER, 389
THAYER, W. S., Teaching and Practice of Medicine, 349
THOMAS, R. C., Treatment for Smut of Oats, 47
Thompson Gold Medal of Nat. Acad. of Sciences, 535
Thomson, Elihu, Award of Franklin Medal to, E. W.
RICE, JR., 558

Tilting of the Continental Shelf of North America, E.
A. MOON and H. G. BRAY, 237
Timber Supply, R. H. COLLEY, 107

Tomato, Triploidy in, J. W. LESLEY and M. C. MANN,
208; Inoculation with Potato Mosaic Virus, P. K.

TOWNLEY, S. D., Seismological Soc. of Amer., 604

Traffic Signals, Confusing, H. A. AIKINS, 442

TREASHER, R. C., Loess of the Palouse Region, 469

Tree Trunks and Growth, D. T. MACDOUGAL, 370

TRELEASE, S. F., and B. E. LIVINGSTON, Attendance at

Council Meetings of Amer. Assoc., 313

TUCKER, C. M., Coconut Bud Rot, 186

WALCOTT, C. D., Science and Service, 1

WARBURG, O., Iron, the Oxygen-Carrier of Respiration

Ferment, 575

WASHBURN, E. W., Atmosphere and Physical Measure-

ments, 49; International Annual Tables, 279

Washington, Academy of Science, 323

WATERS, C. E., William Francis Hillebrand, 251

Watson, Thomas Leonard, A. W. GILES, 225, M. M.

Weather Conditions at Sumatra, C. BRAAK and C. G.
Аввот, 610

WELLS, B. W., and Z. P. METCALF, Evolution in N. C., 445

Wheat Production, World, 408

Whipple, George Chandler, 179

Whippoorwill Expedition, 111

WHITMORE, F. C., Amer. Chem. Soc., 493

WHITTEN, J. L., and D. P. SMITH, Unicrystalline Palla-
dium Wires, 316

WIELAND, G. R., A Historic Fossil, 541; Dinosaur Feed,

WIEMAN, H. L., Heteroplastic Grafts in Amblystoma
Embryos, 422

Wilder, Burt Green, J. H. COMSTOCK, 531

Wild Flower Preservation Soc., E. T. WHERRY, 268

WILLIS, B., A Fable, 567

WILSON, EDWIN B., Population of Canada, 87

WILSON, EDMUND B., Sex-Chromosomes of Sea-Urchins, 184

WINCHELL, A. N., Atoms and Isomorphism, 553

Wistar Institute, 439; M. J. GREENMAN, 473; H. H.

WOOD, R. W., Measuring Deep Sea Tides, 365
Woodward, Robert Simpson, 603

X-ray Diffraction Effects from Solid Fatty Acids, 613

WYLIE, C. C., Reform of the Calendar, 630; Daylight

Visibility of Stars, 657

X, Norwegian Identity Book, 470
X-Ray Diffraction Effects from Solid Fatty Acids, R. W.
G. WYCKOFF, F. L. HUNT and H. E. MERWIN, 613

Zirconium, Purification of, D. H. BROPHY, 372
Zoological, Soc., N. Y., Oceanographic Expedition, 59;
London, 483; Record, P. C. MITCHELL, 66, C. E. Mc-
CLUNG, 232, B. W. EVERMANN, 234, F. B. BROWNE, 234
Zoologists, Amer. Soc. of, W. C. ALLEE and H. W. RAND,
240, Genetic Sect., D. F. JONES, 293

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