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compared with those of the same female when fertilized immediately." A footnote from this passage gives the numbers of males and females from overripe eggs in one experiment as 13 males and 673 females; a reference to Hertwig's paper shows that the condition is exactly the reverse of that quoted, namely, over-ripe eggs give rise to this large excess of males.

In places there is a good deal of repetition which is probably unavoidable, owing to the method of treatment; for example, portions of the general history in the introduction are repeated in the special chapters. Several of the chapters show that they have grown by accretion rather than by intussusception, owing probably to the fact that new work had to be added to chapters already written. The terminology of cytology is relatively unfamiliar and complicated and it ought to be simplified as far as possible; it is unfortunate that in this standard work all superfluous synonyms were not suppressed and a single uniform system of terms adopted throughout the text. For example, about five hundred cytological terms are listed in the glossary, of which at least one hundred are synonyms and probably another hundred are of no real service. The invention of new names in cytology is akin to the introduction of new specific names in taxonomy; it is an easy road to immortality, if they stand. In a great work such as this it is highly desirable that synonyms and superfluous terms should be defined and authority for them cited in the historical sections and in the glossary, as has been done in this case, but elsewhere they should be excluded from the text, for they serve only to complicate and confuse.

There is a peculiar charm in all Professor Wilson's writing, which is especially noticeable in the more general and theoretical portions of this book; this is in part due to excellent diction and style, but chiefly to an artistic quality that can best be described as stimulating to the scientific imagination. Of the many excellences of the book, perhaps the most notable are its breadth of view, judicial temper and eclectic spirit. The views of different authors are presented fairly and judged impartially, and where evidence is conflicting conclusions are stated with scientific caution. Even in matters where Professor Wilson's own investigations have been most unambiguous, as, for example, on the determination of sex, he does not attempt to force all cases into a single mould. His is not "a single-track mind," but rather one of many tracks not always parallel, but all of which lead to certain general termini. Furthermore, he nowhere leaves the impression that final solutions of any problem have been found; even the most satisfactory solutions are incomplete and ten

tative, and back of the known is an infinity of the unknown.

In my review of the second edition of "The Cell" I called attention to the fact that the book-mark on the cover of the first edition had been changed from a mitotic figure in the metaphase to one in the anaphase, and expressed the hope that we might see "still other editions, telophases and yet other cycles of development in the future." This is the telophase of Wilson's "Cell"; if there should ever be another edition it is safe to predict that it will have divided into two. Probably no singe book can ever again deal so comprehensively and judicially with the whole field of cytology. Few other workers are left who were in at the birth of this science and who can speak of its development with the knowledge that comes from intimate contact with persons and problems. It is a monumental work, one of the most complete and perfect that American science has produced in any field, and biologists throughout the world will unite in extending thanks and congratulations to its author on the successful completion of a great work which will always stand as a golden milestone on the highway of biological progress.




LABORATORY METHODS COMPENSATING THE UNEMPLOYED EYE IN MONOCULAR INSTRUMENTS WHEN using a hand-lens, an ordinary single-tube microscope, or any other optical instrument made for one eye, three points at least may be considered with regard to balancing the two eyes: (1) The intensity and angle of the light passing through the two pupils may be made roughly equal, so that the two irises may not tend to be in conflict with regard to contraction or expansion; (2) an arrangement may be made to facilitate the axes of the two eyes converging to the same point, this point is best, in many or most cases, if situated at an indefinite distance; (3) the accommodation of the two eyes, which is more or less linked with their convergence, may be kept approximately the same.

The beginner with the microscope, as every one knows, has troubles because the unoccupied eye persists in seeing. If an opaque shade is placed in front of it, or if it is closed, matters are not better. The well-known rule is to keep the unemployed eye open, and to gradually learn to neglect everything it sees. More or less temporary diplopia often results. Also, in the course of years, the unemployed eye commonly sees less and less, and may in time

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become partially blind. The remedy is to change the eye at the tube; but this change is rarely made, because of initial difficulties.

If a translucent, but not transparent, screen is placed over the unemployed eye, and the requisite time allowed to get used to it, the following advantages may result: (1) The intensities of the light reaching the two eyes may be roughly balanced by putting a sheet of white paper on the table under the unemployed eye; (2) there is nothing to lead the unemployed eye astray, and prevent it from converging with the other, or to keep their axes from being parallel; (3) the accommodation of the two eyes. can change together, since the translucent screen prevents the unemployed eye from fixing on near objects; (4) if it is desired to change the observing eye, the screen may be arranged so that there is a constant reminder as to which eye is to be used. After observing with the right eye for years, it is possible to change to the left eye in a month or two, so that this eye gives images good enough for routine work.

At slight expense one can prepare a screen which affords, after a few weeks of practice, much of the comfort of the binocular, while retaining the simplicity of the monocular. In some of the periscopes used in the late war it was found advantageous to use a blank eyepiece for the unoccupied eye. This gives fair results with the monocular microscope, but it is needlessly elaborate. In half an hour a frame can be cut out of sheet aluminum, with a circular aperture into which the eyepiece of the monocular fits snugly, while a disc of ordinary paraffin waxed paper covers the other circular aperture at the right interocular distance. The upper surface of the metal can be blackened, or a sheet of dark cardboard cemented to it. If an extension is left to serve as a handle, a meniscus, deep sphere, achromatic meniscus, Verant or Steinheil triple lens can be fastened in one aperture, while the other is shielded by the translucent screen. This gives, after practice, an increase of comfort in the use of a hand-lens or reading glass. If such a frame is fitted to a monocular prism fieldglass, it gives a sense of ease. Firely ground glass may replace the waxed paper.





DISEASES OF THE RUFFED GROUSE SPORTSMEN and bird students are taking an everincreasing interest in the conservation of our game

birds. They have accomplished much through the passage and strict observance of good game laws and have replenished areas which have been depleted of game by numerous introductions of new stock. Until recently however sportsmen have not coordinated their efforts in conservation with a definite plan of ornithological investigation. A comprehensive study of the ruffed grouse has now been undertaken. The problem is not a simple one and there is needed the cooperation of every one who is interested in the welfare and the future of the grouse. It is probable that disease may kill as many or more birds than do the guns of all the sportsmen in the country, but we can not hope to combat disease until we know more about it and its intricate relations in the life of the birds. During the course of life history studies now being made at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, and work conducted in southeastern New York during 1924 for the Roosevelt Wild Life Forest Experiment Station of Syracuse, certain diseases of the ruffed grouse have come to my attention. It seems desirable to make a preliminary report of the diseases found, at this time, as they probably have an important bearing on the sudden fluctuations in the numbers of the ruffed grouse. The author also hopes that this report may stimulate the desire of all persons interested to examine birds found dead and all birds killed which present symptoms of disease.

Thus far I have received eighteen birds in the flesh, two from New York, five from Connecticut, one from Rhode Island, two from Massachusetts and eight from Maine. Of these eighteen birds eight were killed and ten were found dead; of the latter, three had met death by violent plunges into buildings and one by flying into telephone wires. Two of the birds found dead died as the result of injuries received in some unknown way and seemed to be normal as far as the presence of any disease was concerned. None of the ten birds found dead had been shot.

The cases of parasites and diseases among the eighteen birds are: Dispharynx seven, Ascaridia two, pulmonary mycosis two, tuberculosis three and one bird died apparently from the results of a large abnormal growth dorsal to the abdominal viscera. The 44 stomachs examined were free from parasites. Following is a brief statement of the diseases.

DISPHARYNX (DISPHARAGUS; ACUARIA) Dispharynx is a parasitic nematode worm which usually becomes established in the proventriculus, a glandular swelling at the base of the gullet, and in later stages spreads to the muscular walls of the stomach. The names Dispharagus and Acuaria have been used by various writers to designate this para

site, but Dr. B. H. Ransom, of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, the leading authority on this group, prefers to use the generic name Dispharynx. This parasite has been noted in the ruffed grouse by Dr. A. A. Allen in specimens which he examined at Cornell University, and according to Dr. Allen it has been the cause of death of some of his birds raised in captivity. Since it has a wide distribution from Michigan to Maine, Dr. Allen thinks it is the most important factor concerned with the present scarcity of the ruffed grouse. In nearly all the cases of Dispharynx examined at Bowdoin the infection was in its initial stages and I doubt if in any of the seven cases could the death of the bird be attributed solely to the presence of the worms. The seven cases represent five distinct localities and four different states, emphasizing the fact that the parasite is not local but spread over a very wide area. Two of the birds infested with Dispharynx had been shot. Two were found dead; in one Dispharynx was combined with pulmonary mycosis and in the other with tuberculosis. In the case of these two birds it is probable that the presence of Dispharynx so weakened their resistance that the diseases easily gained a foothoold. Three birds infested with this parasite killed themselves by flying violently against buildings. Every year the newspapers report numerous like cases of accidental death. It would be interesting to examine all birds which have killed themselves in this manner as some relation might be found to exist between the so-called "crazy flight" and the presence of the stomach worms. Others, including Dr. Allen, have examined similar cases. The parasites undoubtedly cause a severe irritation that may be the initial cause of this peculiar behavior.


This nematode worm is frequently found in the intestinal tract of grouse. It is a very common parasite of wild birds, but so far as I can ascertain has not been proved to be a serious menace to the host. Nevertheless, a thorough investigation should be made of these parasites, of which so little is known concerning their direct pathological effects and their possible bearing on various grouse diseases.


Mycosis is a general term applied to infections with Hyphomycetes, and in the cases under consideration it concerns the growth of Aspergillus in the lungs and air sacs of the birds. Mycosis is well known to breeders of poultry and ostriches under the name of brooder pneumonia. It also occurs among birds confined in zoological parks, but I know of no case

on record where it has occurred in the ruffed grouse in nature.

The author is indebted to Dr. E. E. Tyzzer, of the department of comparative pathology, Harvard Medical School, for the determination of this disease in two specimens of ruffed grouse, one found dead at Stratford, Connecticut, and the other found dead near Union, Maine. These birds found in so widely separated localities indicate that the disease may be common and widespread during certain years when conditions are favorable for infections and for its growth.


Avian tuberculosis, like mycosis, is a common disease in poultry and in birds confined in zoological parks and gardens but is seldom found in free wild birds. Dr. Morton Grinnell reports finding the disease in three ruffed grouse which were kept in captivity for a period of six weeks before death.

I am indebted to Mr. B. B. Burbank for making microscopical preparations of a large series of tissues and for making the preliminary examinations of my material; and I am further indebted to Dr. F. N. Whittier, late professor of bacteriology of Bowdoin College, for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Positive determinations were made on three speci-a mens, one from Jackman, Maine, one from Millerton, New York, and the third from Granby, Connecticut.

Tuberculosis from the standpoint of human welfare is a most important disease, and if it is common and widespread among wild birds it should receive the attention of all who are interested in the ruffed grouse.

The few examinations thus far made emphasize the importance of autopsies of the entire bird. Most of the eighteen specimens received at Bowdoin were sent because disease was suspected, but even so there is a surprising number of diseases in this small number of birds. In addition to the diseases mentioned we need to give some attention to external parasites which may be the secondary hosts of some of the internal parasites or may prove to be the carriers of disease which would tend to spread and multiply the number of cases. If this be true certain phases of the life history of these external parasites may be correlated with the periodic decrease in the numbers. of the ruffed grouse. It is very desirable to have an abundance of living material of both birds and parasites for extensive experimental work. It will be necessary to examine a large number of specimens, and a complete life history and ecological study extending over a period of several years must be con



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THROUGH the kindness of Mr. O. S. Finnie, director of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of the Interior, Canada, the writer was given the opportunity of examining bacteriologically a specimen of pemmican found in a cache on Beachy Island, District of Franklin, Canada, by members of the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1924. The cache was identified as having been established by one of the early Franklin Relief Expeditions, presumably that of 1848.

The pemmican was found hermetically sealed in a tin container, which bore no marks of origin, but in all likelihood was of English manufacture, as it had no resemblance to Canadian-made pemmican of that period. Upon removal from the tin, the pemmican block measured about eight-inch cube, was somewhat rust-incrusted and weighed almost ten pounds. This rusty incrustation being carefully pared off with a knife, the pemmican was found to be of a light brownish-yellow color and in an extremely dry condition. Currants were found embedded in the homogenous mass and were thoroughly desiccated, extremely friable and tasteless.

For bacteriological examination, a portion of the surface of the pemmican block was thoroughly seared with a hot iron, and with the aid of a sterile punch a portion about two and one half cm long was extracted and deposited in a sterile Petri dish. With a sterilized knife the outer four mm of this cylinder were carefully cut away and discarded. The remainder of the plug of pemmican was broken up with a knife into small fragments and the examination proceeded with.

Bacterioscopic examination: A small fragment of the pemmican was transferred to a slide and soaked with a small amount of sterile physiological salt solution. As soon as the material was thoroughly softened

it was crushed and smeared over the slide, dried and stained with gentian violet. Under the microscope, examination demonstrated the presence of a moderate number and variety of rod-shaped forms of bacteria, together with two different types of micrococci. These latter organisms were grouped usually, in pairs, with an occasional cluster of four or five. A gram stain showed large and small-sized positively staining rod forms, fairly well impregnated; diplococci, both large and small sizes, were found positive in fair numbers, although some of the larger type were negative. Although sought for, no acid-fast rods could be recognized.

An attempt was also made to demonstrate the presence of spores of bacteria, but on account of the presence of considerable fat in the material, spores could not be identified with any certainty.

Bacteriological examination: 0.2 gm of the pemmican was weighed out, suspended in 10 cc of sterile salt solution and distributed in large fermentation tubes of dextrose broth, containing the usual amount of Andrade's indicator, and of a pH of 7.4. These tubes were incubated at 37° C. anaerobically in an atmosphere of hydrogen for 48 hours and examined. At the end of this period, one tube showed about 50 per cent. of gas, and the surface of the liquid in the bulb was covered with a heavy wrinkled felt-like growth. The contents of both the bulb and closed arm of the tube were strongly acid in reaction. The other three tubes gave no gas, but showed growth in both bulb and closed arm and were slightly acid in reaction. The surface of the bulb and contents of two of the tubes showed a felt-like growth, as in the tube containing gas, whereas the fourth tube, although cloudy, did not show this peculiar surface growth.

Without going into further technical details, it can be stated that the following bacteria were successfully isolated: Bacterium welchii, Bacillus cereus (Frankland) and Bacillus subtilis (three varieties). It was calculated from special data that the viable spore content per gram of pemmican was about 25 spores of Bacterium welchii and 300 spores of the hay bacillus group. These results are in general accord with what might have been anticipated, namely, that if there were any surviving forms of bacterial life, these would in all probability consist of viable spores only. As a check, however, the contents of these fermentation tubes were tested out on Endo's medium in the hope that possibly some non-sporing bacteria of the coliaerogenes group might have survived, but none was found. The same endeavor was pursued by using a small portion of the pemmican made up into strong suspension in salt solution, but no growth appeared on any of the Endo plates.

Bearing in mind the possible existence of spores of

Bac. botulinus in the pemmican, 0.2 gm was incubated anaerobically for four days in dextrose broth at 37° C. and two mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 0.2 and 0.4 cc of the broth filtered through a Berkefeld "V" filter, with entirely negative results.

It is proposed to deposit sub-cultures of these organisms with the culture collection of the Society of American Bacteriologists, under the care of Dr. Ludvig Hektoen, of the McCormick Memorial Institute, Chicago.




THE thirtieth annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters was held at Ann Arbor, April 1 to 3, 1925. The presidential address, "American botany during the colonial period," was delivered by Professor H. H. Bartlett. Dr. Edward Francis, of the United States Public Health Service, addressed the Academy on "Tularaemia."

The following program was presented:


Williams James Beal, 1883–1924: ERNST A. BESSEY. Botanizing in the Himalayas: L. A. KENOYER. American astronomical expeditions to the Southern Hemisphere: W. J. HUSSEY.

The Tanager Expedition of 1923 to Johnston and Wake Islands in the north tropical Pacific and its botanical results: JAS. B. POLLOCK.


E. S. McCartney, chairman

The influence of tales of the marvelous on Spanish exploration in America: A. S. AITON.

The natural science of the Australian native: E. F. GREENMAN.

Recent advances in prehistoric anthropology and archeology: E. C. CASE.

The heredity of head form: H. H. BARTLETT. Religion at the Algonquian level: W. B. HINSDALE. The protective power of red: H. A. KENYON Notice of Dr. Hinsdale's "Primitive man in Mich. igan": E. F. GREENMAN.

Longevity and rejuvenation in Greek and Roman folklore: E. S. MCCARTNEY.

Joint Session

Variations and mutations in Pestalozzia guipina: CARL D. LA RUE.

The proportion of exceptions in the offspring of exceptional females from x-ray treatment of Drosophila: E. G. ANDERSON.

A dominant brown pericarp color in maize: E. G. ANDERSON.

A preliminary report on inheritance of fruit length in Capsicum: E. E. DALE.

Experiments concerning the coloration of pigeons: Read by title. JAN METZELAAR.

Genetics of color in Macrosiphum: A. FRANKLIN SHULL.

Some observations on the chondriosomes in the male germ-cells of Belostoma flumineum: A. M. CHICKERING. ▲ suggestion concerning the mode of inheritance of mental ability: H. R. HUNT.

Birth-rates in the families of the Michigan Agricultural College: C. V. GREEN and H. R. HUNT.


J. B. Pollock, chairman

The fungus flora of Mt. Hood, with some new species: C. H. KAUFFMAN.

Cultural life-histories of certain species of Eutypella, Diatrypella and Cryptovales: LEWIS E. WEHMEYER. The life-history of Dimerosporium collinsii: GEO. B. SARTORIS. (Presented by C. H. Kauffman.)

On the distribution of the water molds, with notes on the occurrence in Michigan of members of the Leptomitaceae and Blastocladiaceae: BESSIE B. KANOUSE.

The reactions of the bean rust grown on leaves in solutions: CHARLES W. WATERS.

Rhizoctonias in culture: J. E. Kotila.

Nutritive value of the Mung Bean: H. H. M. BOWMAN. Rate of respiration in successive leaves of corn and sorghum: J. H. HOVER.

Growth curves in fruit of cucumber, tomato, summer squash and musk melon: F. A. GUSTAFSON.

The action of nutrient ions on certain enzymes in the sugar beet: DR. G. DOBY (visiting professor from Hungary), introduced by E. A. Bessey and R. P. Hibbard.

Further studies on the yield of corn as influenced by the date of planting: R. P. HIBBARD.

Studies of seed viability through the aid of electrical conductivity measurements. Preliminary report. R. P. HIBBARD and GEO. L. FICK.

Jane Colden, a pioneer in American botany: Read by title. H. H. BARTLETT.

Algae of the Douglas Lake region: ALMA B. ACKLEY. The wild roses on and near the shore in the Mackinac region of Michigan: EILEEN W. ERLANSON.

The vegetation of the region of Douglas Lake, Michigan: I. Introduction, factors, general features and habits of the region: FRANK C. GATES. (Abstract presented by J. H. Ehlers.)

Meteorological data, Douglas Lake, Michigan, 1924: FRANK C. GATES. (Abstract by J. H. Ehlers.)

Enlarged bases in the black ash (Fraxinus nigra

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