ACTI. SCENEI. The palace. Flourish of trumpets: then hautboys. Enter King Henry, Duke Humphry, Salisbury, Warwick, and Beaufort, on the one fide: the Queen, Suffolk, York, Somerset, and Buckingham, on the other. Suf.* A S by your high imperial Majesty [France, So in the famous ancient city Tours, In fight of England and her lordly peers, - Deliver up my title in the Queen [presenting the Queen to the King. To your most gracious hand; that are the substance Of that great fhadow I did represent; The happiest gift that ever Marquis gave, K. Henry. Suffolk, arife. Welcome, Queen Margaret; 2. Mar. Great King of England, and my gracious The mutual conf'rence that my mind hath had, [Lord, By day, by night, waking, and in my dreams, In courtly company, or at my beads, With you mine alder-lieviest Sovereign; Makes me the bolder to falute my King With ruder terms; such as my wit affords, And over-joy of heart doth minister. * Vide Hall's Chronicle, fol. 66. year 23. init. Mr. Pepe. K. Henry. K. Henry. Her fight did ravish, but her grace in Her words y-clad with wisdom's majesty, [speech, Make me from wond'ring fall to weeping joys, Such is the fulness of my heart's content. Lords, with one chearful voice welcome my love. All kneel. Long live Queen Marg'ret, England's happiness! [Flourish. 2. Mar. We thank you all. Suf. My Lord Protector, so it please your Grace, Here are the articles of contracted peace, Between our Sovereign and the French King Charles, For eighteen months concluded by confent. Glo. [reads.] Imprimis, It is agreed between the French King, Charles, and William dela Pole Marquis of Suffolk, Ambassador for Henry Kingof England, that the faid Henry shall espouse the Lady Margaret, daughter unto Reignier King of Naples, Sicilia, and Jerufalem, and crown her Queen of England, ere the thirtieth of May'next enfuing. Item, That the duchy of Anjou, and the county of Maine, shall be released and delivered to the King her father. [Lets fall the paper. K. Henry. Uncle, how now? Glo. Pardon me, gracious Lord; K. Henry. Uncle of Winchester, I pray, read on. Win. Item, That the duchies of Anjou and Maine. Shall be released and delivered to the King her father, and she fent over of the King of England's own proper soft and charges, without having any dowry. K. Henry They please us well. Lord Marquis, kneel you down; We here create thee the first Duke of Suffolk, We thank you for all this great favour done, A 3 : Come Come let us in, and with all speed provide [Exeunt King, Queen, and Suffolk. SCENE II. Manent the rest. Glo. Brave Peers of England, pillars of the state, To you Duke Humphry muft unload his grief, Your grief, the common grief of all the land. What! did my brother Henry spend his youth, His valour, coin, and people, in the wars? Did he fo often lodge in open field, In winter's cold, and fummer's parching heat, To conquer France, his true inheritance? And did my brother Bedford toil his wits To keep by policy what Henry got? Have you yourselves, Somerset, Buckingham, Brave York, and Salisbury, victorious Warwick Receiv'd deep scars in France and Normandy? Or hath mine uncle Beaufort, and myself, With all the learned counsel of the realm, Studied fo long, fat in the council-house, Early and late, debating to and fro, How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe? And was his Highness in his infancy Crowned in Paris, in despight of foes? And shall these labours and these honours die! Shall Henry's conquest, Bedford's vigilance, Your deeds of war, and all our counsel, die? O Peers of England, shameful is this league, Fatal this marriage; cancelling your fame, Blotting your names from books of memory; Razing the characters of your renown, Defacing monuments of conquer'd France, Undoing all, as all had never been. Car. Nephew, what means this pafsionate discourse? This peroration with fuch circumstances ? For France, 'tis ours; and we will keep it still. Glo. Ay, uncle, we will keep it if we can : But now it is impossible we should. Agrees Agrees not with the leanness of his purse. York. France should have torn and rent my very heart, Before I would have yielded to this league. I never read, but England's Kings have had Large fums of gold, and dowries with their wives: And our King Henry gives away his own, To match with her that brings no vantages. Glo. A proper jest, and never heard before, That Suffolk should demand a whole fifteenth, For cost and charges in transporting her. She should have staid in France, and starv'd in France, Before : Car. My Lord of Glo'ster, now ye grow too hot: It was the pleasure of my Lord the King. Glo. My Lord of Winchester, I know your mind 'Tis not my speeches that you do mislike, But 'tis my prefence that doth trouble you. Rancour will out, proud prelate; in thy face, I see thy fury: if I longer stay, We shall begin our ancient bickerings. Lordings, farewel; and say, when I am gone, I prophesy'd, France will be loft ere long. Car. So, there goes our Protector in a rage. 'Tis known to you, he is mine enemy; And heir-apparent to the English crown. *-peaceful words? York. For Suffolk's Duke, may he be fuffocate, That dims the honour of this warlike isle! 1 : [Exit. 1 Had Henry got an empire by his marriage, Buck. Why should he then protect our fovereign, [Exit. Som. Coufin of Buckingham, though Humphry's And greatness of his place, be grief to us, Than all the princes in the land befide. [pride, [Exe. Buckingham and Somerset. Sal. Pride went before, ambition follows him. While these do labour for their own preferment, Behoves it us to labour for the realm. I never faw, but Humphry Duke of Glo'ster Did bear him like a noble gentleman. 1 Unlike the ruler of a common-weal. Warwick my fon, the comfort of my age! Excepting none but good Duke Humphry. And, |