Sal. This Edmond, in the reign of Bolingbroke, York. His eldest sister, Anne, By her I claim the kingdom; she was heir Succeed before the younger, I am King. 1 T War. What plain proceeding is more plain than this? Henry doth claim the crown from John of Gaunt, The fourth fon; York here claims it from the third.-Till Lionel's issue fail, his should not reign; It fails not yet, but flourisheth in thee, And in thy fons, fair flips of fuch a stock. Then, father Salisbury, kneel we together, And in this private plot be we the first, That shall falute our rightful Sovereign With honour of his birthright to the crown. Both. Long live our Sov'reign Richard, England's. King! York. We thank you, Lords: but I am not your King: Do you, as I do, in these dang'rous days, C3 Sal. Sal. My Lord, here break we off; we know your mind. War. My heart assures me, that the Earl of Warwick Shall one day make the Duke of York a king. York. And, Nevil, this I do affure myself: Richard shall live to make the Earl of Warwick The greatest man in England, but the King. [Exeunt. SCENE V. Changes to a house near to Smithfield. Sound trumpets. Enter King Henry, Queen, and Nobles; the Duchess, Mother Jordan, Southwel, Hume, and Bolingbrook, under guard. K. Henry. Stand forth, Dame Eleanor Cobham, In fight of God and us your guilt is great; Shall after three days open penance done, : : Elean. Welcome is exile, welcome were my death. Glo. The law, thou feett, hath judg`d thee, Eleanor; I cannot justify whom law condemns. [Exeunt Eleanor, and the others, guarded. Mine eyes are full of tears, my heart of grief. K. Henry. Stay, Humphry, Duke of Glo'ster; ere 2. Mar. 2. Mar. I fee no reason why a King of years Glo. My staff! here, Noble Henry is my staff: As willingly do I the same resign, [Exit Gloucester. 2. Mar. Why, now is Henry King, and Marg'ret Queen. And Humphry Duke of Glo'ster scarce himself, Suf. Thus droops this lofty pine, and hangs his sprays; Thus Eleanor's pride dies in her younger days. York. Lords, let him go. Please it your Majesty, This is the day appointed for the combat, And ready are the appellant and defendant, The armourer and his man, to enter the lists; So please your Highness to behold the fight. 2. Mar. Ay, good my Lord: for purposely therefore Left I the court, to see this quarrel try'd. 1. K. Henry. A' God's name, fee the lifts and all things Here let them end it, and God guard the right! [fir; York. I never faw a fellow worse bestead, Or more afraid to fight, than is th' appellant! The fervant of the armourer, my Lords. f SCENE Enter at one door the armourer and his neighbours, drinking to him so much, that he is drunk ; and he enters with a drum before him, and his staff, with a fand-bag fastened to it * ; and at the other door his man, with a drum and fand-bag, and prentices drinking to him. 1 Neigh. Here, neighbour Horner, I drink to you in a cup of fack; and fear not, neighbour, you shall do well enough. neco. 2 Neigh. And here, neighbour, here's a cup of char3 Neigh. And here's a pot of good double beer, neighbour; drink, and fear not your man. Arm. Let it come, i' faith, and I'll pledge you all; and a fig for Peter. 1 Pren. Here, Peter, I drink to thee, and be not afraid. 2. Pren. Be merry, Peter, and fear not thy master; fight for the credit of the prentices. Peter. I thank you all; drink and pray for me, I pray you; for I think I have taken my last draught in this world. Here, Robin, if I die, I give thee my apron; and, Will, thou shalt have my hammer; and here, Tom, take all the money that I have. O Lord, blefs me I pray God; for I am never able to deal with my master, he hath learn'd fo much to fence already. Sal. Come, leave your drinking, and fall to blows... Sirrah, what's thy name? Peter. Peter, forfooth. Sal. Peter? what more? Peter. Thump. Sal. Thump? Then fee thou thump thy master well. Arm. Masters, I am come hither, as it were upon my man's instigation, to prove him a knave, and myself an honest man: and touching the Duke of York, I will take my death I never meant him any ill, nor the King, nor the Queen; and therefore, Peter, have at thee with * As, according to the old laws of du is, Knights were to fight with the lance and sword; to those of infe or rank fought with an ebon staff or battoon, to the farther end of which was fixed a ba crammed hard with fand. a down a downright blow, as Bevis of Southampton fell upon Afcapart. York. Dispatch: this knave's tongue begins to double. Sound trumpets; alarum to the combatants. [They fight, and Peter Strikes bim down. Arm. Hold, Peter, hold; I confefs, I confefs treafon. [Dies. York. Take away his weapon: fellow, thank God, and the good wine in thy master's way. Peter. O God, have I overcome mine enemy in this O Peter, thou hast prevail'd in right. [prefence? K. Henry. Go, take hence that traitor from our fight, For by his death * we do perceive his guilt. And God in justice hath reveal'd to us The truth and innocence of this poor fellow, Which he had thought to murder wrongfully. Come, fellow, follow us for thy reward. SCENE VII. The street. [Exeunt. Enter Duke Humphry and his men, in mourning cloaks. Glo. Thus fometimes hath the brightest day a cloud; And, after summer, evermore fucceeds Serv. Ten, my Lord. Glo. Ten is the hour that was appointed me, With envious looks still laughing at thy shame, death, for defeat. Because by the laws of duals, he that was de feated, was executed in confequence of it. Enter |