Let Somerset be Regent o'er the French, Glo. Sirrah, or you must fight, or elfe be hang'd. K. Henry. Away with them to prifon, and the day of combat shall be the last of the next month. Come, Somerset, we'll fee thee sent away. [Flourish. Exeunt. SCENE VIII. The witch's cave. Enter Mother Jordan, Hume, Southwel, and Bolingbrook. Hume Come, my masters? the Duchess, I tell you, expects performance of your promises. Boling. Master Hume, we are therefore provided. Will her Ladyship behold and hear our exorcifms? Hume. Ay, what else? fear not her courage. Boling. I have heard her reported to be a woman. of an invincible spirit, but it shall be convenient, Maffer Hume, that you be by her aloft, while we be bufy below; and fo I pray you, go in God's name, and leave us. [Exit Hume.] Mother Jordan, be prostrate and grovel on the earth; John Southwel, read you, and let us to our work. Elean. Well faid, my masters, and welcome to all! to this geer, the fooner the better. Boling Patience, good lady: wizards know their Deep night, dark night, the filent of the night*, [times, * The filent of the night, is a classical expreffion; and means an in terlunar night, The The time of night when Troy was fet on fire, [Here they perform the ceremonies, and make the circle: Bolingbrook or Southwel reads, Conjuro te, &c. It thunders and lightens terribly, then the spirit rifeth. Spirit. Adfum. C M. Ford. Afmuth, by the eternal God, whose name And power thou tremblest at, tell what I afk: For till thou speak, thou shalt not pass from hence. Spirit. Afk what thou wilt.-That I had said, and done! Boling. First, of the King: what shall of him become? Spirit. The Duke yet lives that Henry shall depose; But him outlive, and die a violent death. [As the spirit speaks, they write the answer. Boling. Tell me, what fates await the Duke of Suf folk? Spirit. By water shall he die, and take his end. Safer shall he be on the fandy plains,.. Boling. Descend to darkness, and the burning lakes False fiend, avoid! [Thunder and lightning. Spirit defcends. Enter the Duke of York, and the Duke of Buckingham, with their guard, and break in. York. Lay hands upon these traitors, and their trash: Beldame, I think, we watch'd you at an inch. What, Madam, are you there? the King and realm Are deep indebted for this piece of pains; My Lord Protector will, I doubt it not, See you well guerdon'd for these good deserts. Elean. Not half so bad as thine to England's King, Injurious Duke, that threat'st where is no cause. Buck. True, Madam, none at all. What call you this? Away Away with them, let them be clapp'd up close, We'll fee your trinkets here forthcoming all. [Exeunt Guard with Jordan, Southwel, &c. * York. The King is now in progress tow'rds St. Alban's; With him the husband of this lovely lady: Thither go these news, as fast as horse can carry them; A forry breakfast for my Lord Protector. Buck. Your Grace shall give me leave, my Lord of To be the post, in hope of his reward. York. At your pleasure, my good Lord. Who's within there, ho? Enter a Serving-man. Invite my Lords of Salisbury and Warwick, Southwel, etc. [York, [Exeunt. York. Lord Buckingham, methinks, you watch'd her well. A pretty plot, well chose to build upon. Now pray, my Lord, let's fee the devil's writ. What have we here? The Duke yet lives that Henry shall dépose; But bim outlive, and die a violent death. Why, this is just, Aio te, Æacida, Romanos vincere poffe. Well, to the rest: Tell me what fate awaits the Duke of Suffolk ? By water shall be die, and take bis end. What shall betide the Duke of Somerfet? 1 This repetition of the prophecies, which is altogether unneceffary, after what the spectators had heard in the scene immediately preceding, is not to be found in the first edition of this play. Mr. Pope. ACT. ACTII. SCENE I. At St. Alban's. Enter King Henry, Queen, Protector, Cardinal, and Suffolk, with Faulconers hallooing. 2. Mar. B Elieve me, Lords, for flying at the brook, Yet, by your leave, the wind was very high, Suf. No marvel, an' it like your Majesty, Car. I thought as much he'd be above the clouds. Suf. No malice, Sir, no more than well becomes So good a quarrel, and fo bad a Peer. Glo. As who, my Lord? Suf. Why, as yourself, my Lord; An't like your lordly Lord Protectorship. 2. Mar. And thy ambition, Glofter. K. Henry. I pray thee, peace, good Queen; For And whet not on these too too furious Peers, For blessed are the peace-makers on earth. to that. Car. Marry, when thou dar'st. Glo. Make up no factious numbers for the matter, In thine own person answer thy abuse. Car. Ay, where thou dar'st not peep: and if thou dar'st, This ev'ning on the east side of the grove. J Car. Believe me, coufin Glo'fter, [Afide. Had not your man put up the fowl-fo fuddenly, We'd had more sport fword. Glo. True, uncle. Come with thy two-hand [Afide to Gloucester. Car. Are you advis'd? -The east side of the grove? Glo. Cardinal, I am with you. K. Henry. Why, how now, uncle Glo'ster? [Afide. Glo. Talking of hawking: nothing else, my Lord. Now, by God's mother, Priest, I'll shave your crown for this, Or all my fence shall fail. Car, [Afide.] Medise, teipfum. Protector, see to't well, protect yourself. [Afide. K. Henry. The winds grow high, so do your stomachs, [Lords. How irksome is this music to my heart! SCENE II. Enter One, crying, A miracle! Glo. What means this noise? Fellow, what miracle dost thou proclaim. Suf. Come to the King, and tell him what miracle. Within this half-hour hath receiv'd his fight; K. Henry. Now God be prais'd, that to believing Gives light in darkness, comfort in despair! [fouls Enter |