The Works of Shakespeare, Volume 1J.M. Dent & Company, 1899 |
From inside the book
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... hear thy Buskin tread , And shake a Stage : Or , when thy Socks were on , Leave thee alone , for the comparison Of all , that insolent Greece , or haughty Rome sent forth , or since did from their ashes come . Triumph , my Britain ...
... hear thy Buskin tread , And shake a Stage : Or , when thy Socks were on , Leave thee alone , for the comparison Of all , that insolent Greece , or haughty Rome sent forth , or since did from their ashes come . Triumph , my Britain ...
... once invade . Nor shall I e'er believe , or think thee dead ( Though missed ) until our bankrupt Stage be sped ( Impossible ) with some new strain t'out - do Passions of Juliet , and her Romeo ; b Or till I hear a Scene more nobly take ,
... once invade . Nor shall I e'er believe , or think thee dead ( Though missed ) until our bankrupt Stage be sped ( Impossible ) with some new strain t'out - do Passions of Juliet , and her Romeo ; b Or till I hear a Scene more nobly take ,
William Shakespeare Israel Gollancz. Or till I hear a Scene more nobly take , Than when thy half - Sword parlying Romans spake . Till these , till any of thy Volumes rest Shall with more fire , more feeling be exprest , Be sure , our ...
William Shakespeare Israel Gollancz. Or till I hear a Scene more nobly take , Than when thy half - Sword parlying Romans spake . Till these , till any of thy Volumes rest Shall with more fire , more feeling be exprest , Be sure , our ...
... Boats . Do you not hear him ? You mar our labour : keep your cabins : you do assist the storm . Gon . Nay , good , be patient . Boats . When the sea is . Hence ! What cares these IO roarers for the name of king ? To cabin : IA.
... Boats . Do you not hear him ? You mar our labour : keep your cabins : you do assist the storm . Gon . Nay , good , be patient . Boats . When the sea is . Hence ! What cares these IO roarers for the name of king ? To cabin : IA.
... hear ? Your tale , sir , would cure deafness . Pros . To have no screen between this part he play'd And him he play'd it for , he needs will be Absolute Milan . Me , poor man , my library Was dukedom large enough : of temporal royalties ...
... hear ? Your tale , sir , would cure deafness . Pros . To have no screen between this part he play'd And him he play'd it for , he needs will be Absolute Milan . Me , poor man , my library Was dukedom large enough : of temporal royalties ...
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Abhorson Ariel brother Caliban Claud Claudio daughter death dost doth Duke Enter Escal Exeunt Exit eyes Falstaff father fault fear Folio friar gentle gentlemen Gentlemen of Verona give grace hang hath hear heart heaven Herne the hunter hither honour Host Hugh Evans husband Isab Julia king knave Launce letter look Lord Angelo Lucio Madam maid Marry Master Brook master doctor Measure for Measure Milan Mistress Anne Mistress Ford monster night oman pardon Pist play Pompey pray Pros Prospero Proteus Prov Provost Quarto quibblingly Quick Re-enter Scene servant Shakespeare Shal shalt Silvia Sir John Sir John Falstaff Slen speak Speed strange sweet Sycorax tell thank thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast Thurio Trin Trinculo Valentine What's wife Windsor woman word ΙΟ