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-a fairly common mistake in this particular play, cp. nightly-meadowfairies, v.v. 68, &c.

II. iii. 88. Cried I aim?' The Folios and Quartos read "cried game;" the ingenious emendation, due to Douce, was first adopted by Dyce. III. i. 17, etc. Sir Hugh oddly confuses Marlowe's famous ditty, Come live with me and be my love,' and the old version of the 137th Psalm, When we did sit in Babylon.'

III. i. 95. ، Gallia and Gaul'; so the Folios; the first and second Quartos read "Gawle and Gawlia;" Farmer's conjecture "Guallia and Gaul " was adopted by Malone and other editors. Gallia = Wales.

III. ii. 73. He shall not knit a knot in his fortunes' (which are now as it were unravelled).

III. iii. 42. Have I caught thee'; probably the reading of the Quarto which omits thee' is the more correct; Falstaff quotes from the second song in Sydney's Astrophel and Stella :

"Have I caught my heav'nly jewell,
Teaching sleep most faire to be?
Now will I teach her that she
When she wakes is too-too cruell."

III. iii. 6. Fortune thy foe were not, Nature thy friend,' so F2 F3 F4; "foe, were not Nature," F, Q3: perhaps better, foe were not. Nature is thy friend'; so Capell.

III. v. 4. The reading of the Quartos is seemingly preferable :-" Have I lived to be carried in a basket, and thrown into the Thames like a a barrow of butcher's offal."

III. v. 9. The rogues slighted me into the river, i.e. "Threw me in contemptuously;" the Quartos read " slided me in."

IV. i. 49. Hang-hog is Latin for bacon'; probably suggested by the famous story told of Sir Nicholas Bacon. A prisoner named Hog, who had been condemned to death, prayed for mercy on the score of kindred. " Ay but," replied the judge, " you and I cannot be of kindred unless you are hanged; for Hog is not Bacon till it be well hanged" (Bacon's Apophthegms).

IV. ii. 20. Old lunes'; the Folios and third Quarto read lines;' the first and second Quartos 'vaine; ' the correction is Theobald's; the same error occurs in Troilus and Cressida, II. iii. 139.

IV. ii. 97. The witch of Brentford'; an actual personage of the sixteenth century. A tract is extant entitled "Jyl of Breyntford's Testament," whence it appears that the witch kept a tavern at Brentford; in Dekker & Webster's Westward Ho the following allusion is found :-" I doubt that old hag Gillian of Brainford has bewitched me."


IV. ii. 185. Rag, so F1 F2; F3 F4 'hag,' adopted by Camb. Ed.

IV. iv. 43.

That Falstaff at that oak shall meet with us. After this line the following words from the Quartos have been added in many editions:

"We'll send him word to meet us in the field,

Disguised like Horne with huge horns on his head."

IV. iv. 58. To pinch'; probably the correct reading should be 'to-pinch,' where' to' is the intensitive prefix so common in old English, though it is possible to explain it as the ordinary infinitive prefix, omitted in the case of the former verb in the sentence.

IV. iv. 84. Send quickly to Sir John.' Theobald ingeniously suggested "Quickly" for "quickly."

IV. v. 78.

Cozen-germans'; the first Quarto reads :

"For there is three sorts of cosen garmombles,

Is cosen all the Host of Maidenhead and Readings,"

where 'garmombles' is very possibly a perversion of Mömpelgard; Count Frederick of Mömpelgard visited Windsor in 1592; free posthorses were granted him by a passport of Lord Howard.

The Count became a "Duke of Jamany" (Wirtemberg) in 1593; considerable interest must have been taken in the Duke about 1598. A letter to the Queen, dated August 14, 1598, is extant, in which the following passage occurs : - " I have heard with extreme regret that some of my enemies endeavour to calumniate me and prejudice your majesty against me. I have given them no occasion for this. I hope that when your majesty has discovered this report to be false, you will have greater reason to continue your affection towards me, and give neither faith nor credit to such vipers." In the year 1602 appeared "An Account of the Duke's Bathing Excursion to the far-famed Kingdom of England" (vide Rye's England as seen by Foreigners).

V. v. 26. Bribed buck, so the Folios; Theobald, " bribe bauk," adopted by Camb. Ed.: 'a bribed buck' was a buck cut up into portions (Old French bribes = 'portions of meat to be given away').

V. v. 42. Orphan heirs.' Theobald suggested "ouphen" (elvish) for "orphan," and he has been followed by many editors, but the change is unnecessary. Cp. "unfather'd heirs" II. Henry IV. IV. iv. 122.

V. v. 45, 47. 'Toyes': Ff. Camb. Ed., toys, evidently to be read "toyës," rhyming with "O-yes" in the previous line; similarly "unswept" should probably be "unswep," suggesting rhyme with "leap." V. v. 94-96. Cp. Song of the Fairies in Lyly's Endymion.

V. V. 111. These fair yokes'; the first Folio reads " yoakes," the second "okes." "Yokes" must refer to the resemblance of the buck's horns to a yoke; a sort of sense can be got out of oaks, the antlers resembling the branches of oaks, but the first Folio reading seems preferable.

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