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eminently but not exclusively:


that eminence which is ever to be ascribed to the FATHER in the Blessed Trinity, in consequence of which that which is common to the whole Three Persons may be sublimely attributed to the FATHER. S. Paul's words shew this distinction: "To us there is but one GOD, the FATHER, of whom are all things, and we in Him: and one LORD JESUS CHRIST, by whom are all things, and we by Him "." And our LORD said Himself, "the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He seeth the FATHER do *." GOD the FATHER created all things by GOD the SON, GOD the HOLY GHOST being united in that work, as it is written in the Psalms: "By the WORD of the LORD," i. e. the SON, "were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the Breath of His mouth," i. e. the SPIRIT; and again, "Thou sendest forth Thy SPIRIT, they are created "." Everything that has any existence, excepting only God Himself, was created, that is, was made out of nothing by Him: Angels and Archangels, and all the company of heaven, the stars and the earth, sun and moon, all things visible and invisible, had no being until God gave it to them; we ourselves,

u 1 Cor. viii. 6.
y Ps. xxxiii. 6.

x S. John v. 19.

2 Ps. civ. 30.

60 the SON and the SPIRIT united in that work.

you yourself, have received whatever you possess from Him; your body, wonderfully made, your soul by which the body lives, your spirit by which you think and reason, and choose between this and that. To those that are learning how to love God there is the hope of receiving hereafter most majestic illumination to their spirits, eternal life to their souls, perfection and radiance to their bodies: for there will be new heavens and a new earth, in which those shall enter and abide who have not made their home in this present earth, but have lived as men who know it will not last.

Let us now sum up what is chiefly intended by the first article of the Apostles' Creed, “I believe in God, the FATHER Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth."

1. We believe that there is but one GOD, the Eternal, Immortal, Invisible Being, of infinite power, and wisdom, and goodness, the source of all being, Whose nature and glory we can neither express nor imagine; so that to approach towards an expression of it we say that there is nothing imperfect in Him, nothing weak, nothing wanting.

2. We believe that in GOD there are Three Persons, of the same substance, and power, and


Summary of the first Article of the Creed. eternity, the FATHER of Himself, the Son of the FATHER, by eternal generation, the HOLY GHOST of the FATHER and of the Son, by eternal procession: not one Person only, but three Persons in one Substance. For that which we believe of the glory of the FATHER, the same we believe of the Son, and of the HOLY GHOST, without any difference or inequality a. And further, that there is a certain pre-eminence to be ascribed to the FATHER, because from Him the eternal Son and the eternal SPIRIT have their Godhead; which He hath from all eternity communicated to them, in an equal degree to that Godhead which He Himself possesses: so that in virtue of this He is the first Person of the Blessed Three, not as though He were more God, or more Almighty, or more Eternal than the Son and the SPIRIT.

3. We confess concerning GOD, and concerning the FATHER especially (though not concerning Him alone) that He is Almighty possessing absolute power to do what He will; having dominion over all without any limit; needing no help.

4. We ascribe in like manner to the FATHER,

a Proper Preface for Trinity Sunday in the Communion Office.

62 Summary of the first Article of the Creed.

especially, but not alone, the creation of all things; which He performed of His own mere mercy and goodness.

Remember; He has made you, do not spoil His work by any permitted sin of the body or of the mind.

Remember; He has made all the world: He makes all things work together for good to those who love Him.

Remember; there will be (and before long) new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness, into which nothing defiled shall enter b.

b 2 S. Pet. iii. 13; Rev. xxi.

Belief in GOD the SON.




S. JOHN i. 1. 14.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.

THE second great point of Christian faith, after a true belief in GOD the FATHER, Who hath made us and all the world, is a true belief in God the Son, Who hath redeemed us and all mankind. In the Apostles' Creed we confess our faith "in JESUS CHRIST, His only Son, our LORD," adding in the rest of that paragraph a statement of all the chief things which He did on earth, and is now doing in Heaven, and will do at the end of the world. Most of the heresies in the first ages of the Church were founded upon a misbelief concerning Him. The Arians taught that He was not truly GoD: the Apol

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