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monarchies are fallen, and no-appoints his vain hopes; and the thing remains of them besides Christian ought to have his atten the name. tion and his regard excited to

"The judgments which God has wards men whom God preserves, exercised upon this people are for so great a length of time, un terrible, extending to the men, der calamities which would have the religion, and the very land in been the total ruin of any other which they dwelt. The ceremo-people."

nies essential to their religion can 5. Jews, number and dispersion of. no more be observed: the ritual-They are looked upon to be as law, which cast a splendour on the numerous at present as they were national worship, and struck the formerly in the land of Canaan. Pagans so much that they sent Some have rated them at three their presents and their victims to millions, and others more than Jerusalem, is absolutely fallen, for double that number. Their disthey have no temple, no altar, persion is a remarkable particular no sacrifices. Their land itself in this people. They swarm all seems to lie under a never-ceas-over the east, and are settled, it is ing curse. Pagans, Christians, said, in the remotest parts of Mohammedans, in a word, almost China. The Turkish empire all nations, have by turns seized abounds with them. There are and held Jerusalem. To the Jew more of them at Constantinople only hath God refused the pos- and Salonichi than in any other session of this small tract of place: they are spread through ground, so supremely necessary most of the nations of Europe and for him, since he ought to wor- Africa, and many families of them ship on this mountain. A Jewish are established in the West Indies, writer hath affirmed, that it is long not to mention whole nations borsince any Jew has been seen set-dering on Prestor John's country, tled near Jerusalem: scarcely can and some discovered in the inner they purchase their six feet of land parts of America, if we may give for a burying-place. any credit to their own writers.

"In all this there is no exagge-Their being always in rebellions ration: I am only pointing out (as Addison observes) while they known facts; and, far from hav-had the holy temple in view, has ing the least design to raise an excited most nations to banish odium against the nation from its them. Besides, the whole people miseries, I conclude that it ought are now a race of such merchants to be looked upon as one of those as are wanderers by profession; prodigies which we admire with-and at the same time are in most out comprehending; since, in spite if not all places incapable of either of evils so durable, and a patience lands or offices, that might engage so long exercised, it is preserved them to make any part of the by a particular Providence. The world their own. In addition to Jew ought to be weary of expect-this, we may consider what proviing a Messiah who so unkindly dis-dential reasons may be assigned

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for their numbers and dispersion. their civil liberty, nor ever try to Their firm adherence to their re-force their consciences. Josephus's ligion, and being dispersed allover Hist. of the Jews; Spect. No. 495, the earth has furnished every age vol. iv; Levi's Ceremonies of the and every nation with the strong-Jewish Religion; Buxtorf de Syest arguments for the Christian nagoga Judaica, Spencer de Legifaith; not only as these very par- bus Heb. Rit.; Newton on Proph. ; ticulars are foretold of them, but Warburton's Address to the Jews, as they themselves are the deposi- in the Dedication of the 2d vol. of taries of these and all other pro-his Legation; Sermons preached phecies which tend to their own to the Jews at Berry street, by Dr. confusion and the establishment of Hawies and others; Basnage's and christianity. Their number fur-Orckley's Hist. of the Jews; Shaw's nishes us with a sufficient cloud of Philosophy of Judaism; Hartley on witnesses that attest the truth of Man, vol. ii, prop. 8, vol. I, p. the Bible, and their dispersion 455, 487; Bicheno's Restoration of spreads these witnesses through all the Jews; Fortin's Rem. on Ecc. parts of the world. Hist. vol. iii, p. 427, 447; Dr. 6. Jews, restoration of.-From H. Jackson's works, vol. i, p. 153; the declarations of scripture we Neale's Hist. of the Jews; Pirie's have reason to suppose the Jews Posth. Works, vol. i. shall be called to a participation IGNORANCE, the want of of the blessings of the gospel, Rom. knowledge or instruction. It is ofxi. 2d Cor. iii, 16. Hos. i, 11. and ten used to denote illiteracy. Mr. some suppose shall return to their Locke observes, that the causes of own land, Hos. iii, 5. Is. lxv, 17, ignorance are chiefly three.—1. &c. Ezek. xxxvi. As to the time, Want of ideas.-2. Want of a some think about 1866 or 2016; discoverable connection between but this, perhaps, is not so easy to the ideas we have.-3. Want of determine altogether, though it is tracing and examining our ideas. probable it will not be before the As it respects religion, ignorance fall of Antichrist and the Ottoman has been distinguished into three empire. Let us, however, avoid sorts: 1. An invincible ignorance, putting stumbling-blocks in their in which the will has no part. It way. If we attempt any thing is an insult upon justice to suppose for their conversion, let it be with it will punish men because they peace and love. Let us, says were ignorant of things which one, propose christianity to them, they were physically incapaas Christ proposed it to them. ble of knowing.-2. There is Let us lay before them their own a wilful and obstinate ignorance; prophecies. Let us shew them such an ignorance, far from ex. their accomplishment in Jesus. culpating, aggravates a man's Let us applaud their hatred of crimes.-3. A sort of ignorance idolatry. Let us shew them the which is neither entirely wilful, morality of Jesus in our lives and nor entirely invincible; as when tempers. Let us never abridge a man has the means of know

ledge, and does not use them. See tors of the church knew any thing. KNOWLEDGE; and Locke on the of religion; that Paul and Peter Und. vol. ii, p. 178; Grove's were well-meaning men, but knew Mor. Phil. vol. ii, p. 26, 29, 64; nothing of devotion; that the Watts on the Mind. whole church lay in darkness and ILLUMINATI,a term ancient-unbelief; that every one was at ly applied to such as had received liberty to follow the suggestions of baptism. The name was occa-his conscience; that God regarded sioned by a ceremony in the bap-nothing but himself; and that tism of adults, which consisted in within ten years their doctrine putting a lighted taper in the hand would be received all over the of the person baptized, as a symbol world; then there would be no of the faith and grace he had receiv-more occasion for priests, monks, ed in the sacrament. and other such religious distinc

ILLUMINATI was also the tions. name of a sect which appeared in ILLUMINATI,a name assumed Spain about the year 1575. They by a secret society, founded on the were charged with maintaining that 1st of May, 1776, by Dr. Adam mental prayer and contemplation Weishaupt, professor of canon law had so intimately united them to in the university of Ingoldstadt. God, that they were arrived to The avowed object of this order such a state of perfection, as to was, "to diffuse from secret socie stand in no need of good works or ties, as from so many centres, the the sacraments of the church, and light of science over the world; to that they might commit the gross-propagate the purest principles of est crimes without sin. virtue; and to reinstate mankind in

After the suppression of the Il-the happiness which they enjoyed luminati in Spain, there appeared during the golden age fabled by a denomination in France which the poets." Such a philanthropic took the same name. They main-object was doubtless well adapted tained that one Anthony Buckuet to make a deep impression on the had a system of belief and practice minds of ingenuous young men ; revealed to him which exceeded and to such alone did Dr. Weishevery thing christianity had yet aupt at first address himself. But been acquainted with: that by this" the real object," we are assured method persons might in a short by professor Robison and Abbé Bartime arrive at the same degrees of ruel, "was, by clandestine arts, to perfection and glory to which overturn every government and evethe saints and the Blessed Virgin ry religion; to bring the sciences of have attained; and this improve- civil life into contempt; and to rement might be carried on till our duce mankind to that imaginary actions became divine, and our state of nature, when they lived inminds wholly given up to the in-dependent of each other on the sponfluence of the Almighty. Theytaneous productions of the earth." said further, that none of the doc-Free Masonry being in high repu̟

tation all over Europe when Wei-assumed by the order, and concedshaupt first formed the plan of his led by the Novices; of the dictionasociety, he availed himself of its se-ry, geography, kalendar,and cypher crecy, to introduce his new order of the order of the new names asof which he constituted himself sumed by the members, such as general, after initiating some of his Spartacus by Weishaupt,because he pupils, whom he stiled Areopa-pretended to wage war against opgites, in its mysteries. And when pressors; Cuto by Zwack; Ajax report spread the news throughout by Massenhausen, &c.; of the MiGermany of the institution of the neral Academy and Library; of the Order of Illuminées, it was gene-questions proposed to the candirally considered as a mere college dates for degrees, and the various lodge, which could interest the ceremonies of admission to each; students no longer than during the and of the pretended morality, real period of their studies. Weish-blasphemies, and absolute atheism, aupt's character, too, which at this of the founder and his tried friends. time was respectable for morality Such of our readers as wish to be as well as erudition, prevented all fully informed of these matters, suspicion of his harbouring any we must refer to the Abbé Barrusuch dark designs as have since el's works, and to Prof. Robison's come to light. But it would far ex-Proofs of a conspiracy against all the ceed the limits to which this work Religions and Governments of Euis restricted, to give even an outline rope. But while credit may be given of the nature and constitution of to the general facts related in these this extraordinary society; of its works, some doubts respecting the secrets and mysteries; of the deep ultimate object of Dr. Weishaupt dissimulation, consummate hypo- and his associates in this conspicrisy, and shocking impiety of its racy may be expressed, as: That founder and his associates; of their men of their principles should seJesuitical art in concealing their real cretly conspire to overthrow all the objects, and their incredible indus-religions and governments at pretry and astonishing exertions in sent in Europe, is by no means making converts; of the absolute incredible: that they should even despotism and complete system of prevail on many well-meaning espionnage established throughout philanthropists, who are no enethe order; of its different degrees mies to rational religion or good of Novices, Minervals, Minor and government, to join them, is also Major Illuminees; Epopts,or Priests, very credible. But that a set Regents, Magi, and Man-kings; of of men of learning and abilities, the Recruiters or Insinuators, with such as Weishaupt and his assotheir various subtle methods of ciates are allowed to be, should insinuating into all characters and form a conspiracy to overturn, companies; of the blind obedience and with more than Gothic rage exacted of the Novices, and the utterly abolish the arts and absolute power of life and deathsciences, and to restore the sup

posed original savage state of man, the name of Spartacus. The same appears to us a phenomenon in vanity which leads the doctor to the history of the human heart to- take this traditional method, while tally unaccountable. That "the secresy is deemed necessary, of seheart of man is deceitful above all curing to himself the honour of things, and desperately wicked," is having founded the society, would a melancholy truth, which not lead him, were the Illuminati acscripture alone, but the history of tually victorious over all religions mankind in all ages and nations, and governments, to wish to have affords full proof of, as well as his memory recorded in a more the shocking history of the Illumi-durable manner by writing or nati; but while pride and vanity printing. But if these and all have a place in the human heart, the other arts were to perish in a to say nothing of our other pas-mass, then the memory of the docsions, which are more or less in-tor, and the important services he terested in the preservation of the had done to the order and to discoveries and improvements in savagism, must, within a century arts, sciences, and their inseparable at the utmost, perish along with concomitant luxury, we are per-them. But if, in fact, the total suaded no man, or body of men, annihilation of the arts and who have enjoyed the sweets of sciences, as well as of all religion civilized life, ever formed a serious and government, be really the obwish for the total abolition of the ject of Weishaupt and his Illumiarts and sciences. In the fury and nees, then we may agree with the rage of war, Goths, Vandals, and celebrated Mandeville, that "huTurks, may burn and destroy man nature is the true Lybian demonuments of art and reposito-sert, daily producing new ries of science; but when the sters," and that of these monsters wars are over, instead of return-the doctor and his associates are ing to the savage state, the barba-beyond a doubt the most extraordirous conquerors mix and amalga-nary. Professor Robison informs mate with the conquered, and be- us, that "the order of Illuminati come themselves more or less ci- was abolished in 1786 by the vilized. Dr. Weishaupt is allow-elector of Bavaria, but revived ed to be influenced by a high de-immediately after, under another gree of vanity; as an evidence of name, and in a different form, all which he communicates as the last over Germany. It was again desecret to his most favoured adepts, tected, and seemingly broken up; that the mysteries of ILLUMINISM, but it had by this time taken so which, in going through the infe-deep root, that it still subsists withrior degrees, had been successive-out being detected, and has spread, ly attributed to the most ancient we are told, into all the countries patriarchs and philosophers, and of Europe,


even to Christ himself, owed its IMAGE, in a religious sense, is origin to no other than Ad-man artificial representation of some Weishaupt, known in the order by person or thing used as an object

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